Showing posts with label Face care. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Face care. Show all posts

Friday, November 6, 2020

Ways to Get Rid of Acne as Fast as Possible

Things To Try When Acne Won't Clear

     Acne is a common skin disease that affects an estimated 85% of people at some point in their lives. Symptoms include pesky pimples that can be frustrating and difficult to get rid of.  If this sounds like you, you’re not alone — acne isn’t strictly a teenaged plague. Adults can get it too, and women tend to have adult acne more than men, according to the American Academy of Dermatology.

Acne is a common skin disease that affects many people at some point in their lives . Symptoms include pesky pimples that can be frustrating and difficult to get rid of. While conventional treatments can get rid of pimples, they’re often associated with adverse effects, such as skin irritation and dryness. As such, a lot of people have turned to natural alternatives to get rid of pimples fast. However, while there are a lot of natural acne remedies out there, only a handful are scientifically proven to help.

Ways to Get Rid of Acne as Fast as Possible

Why do You get Acne?

Pimples is an inflammatory skin problem caused by one or more of these things:
Hormonal fluctuations that cause the body to secret excess oil
Plugging of hair follicles
Acne severity can range from blackheads and whiteheads to cysts.
Bacterial infection that causes inflammation
Nearly 85 percent of people between the ages of 12 and 24 experience acne. Why some people have severe breakouts while others barely have a pimple is not entirely clear. But genetics and environmental influences clearly play a role.

The Truth About Adult Acne 

With millions of people affected by acne every year, the American Academy of Dermatology reports acne is the most prevalent skin condition in the United States, with many sufferers who are well past puberty. For those battling regular breakouts, studies show that acne isn’t purely a cosmetic issue, but can also contribute to poor self-esteem or depression. As an adult, there is no such thing as mild acne. Every pimple is an insult and lasts too long. Fortunately, between classic methods and continually emerging dermatological technology, it is possible to achieve clear skin.

Tips from Dermatologists Can Help Your Acne Gone

Keep your hands off your face!
All dermatologists agree that you should never, ever pick at your acne.  It may seem tempting, but remember that once you've picked at an acne lesion, it will take longer to heal and is more likely to scar. Especially when trying to get rid of a pimple overnight. Whatever you do, don't pick your pimple before bed. When you are tired you will inevitably cause more harm than good." Trust dermatologist on this one.

Green Tea
Brew a bag of green tea and after a few minutes, remove from heat and let it cool. Once cold to touch, place on top of pimples. As an overnight remedy, dot brewed green tea over the pimple before sleeping. Its anti-inflammatory properties can reduce swelling and redness.

Black pepper: 
This is an old remedy from granny's treasure trove. Mix some black pepper with water and apply it on the acne. Leave it on till it dries but be careful to keep away from your eyes. This may burn a bit so you can even add some soothing yogurt or few drops of rose water to this mix.

This is the easiest remedy for forehead acne. Apply some lime juice directly on the acne and leave it on for 5 minutes. It might burn a bit but it is very effective in clearing the acne.

Give an acne treatment at least four weeks to work.
Using a new acne product every few days may seem useful, but that approach can worsen acne. Acne treatment needs time to work. Using a different product every few days can also irritate your skin, causing new breakouts.
If a treatment works for you, you should notice some improvement in 4 to 6 weeks. It can take two to three months or longer to see clearing. If you notice improvement, keep using the treatment. Even when you see clearing, you'll want to keep using the acne treatment. This helps to prevent new breakouts.

A dab of honey can do wonders for pimple-ridden skin. Its antibacterial properties can reduce inflammation and encourage healing. Apply a drop or two on the affected area through the night and wash it off the next morning.

Tweak your diet.
While it's advised to be wary of at-home treatments, there are ways to get rid of pimples without products. Since acne is caused by a combination of genetics and your environment, factors such as hormonal fluctuations, stress, and diet can cause breakouts. Stick to a low sugar diet and avoid cow's milk and whey protein, as they can be known to exacerbate acne, and try to "minimize stress however you can, such as practices like meditation or yoga.

Wash Your Face With Acne Soap
Washing your face with regular soap isn't enough to make your breakouts better. The best face wash for acne is effective at removing oil and dirt, but still gentle enough to use regularly without over drying your skin. Look for topical acne medication ingredients salicylic acid and/or benzoyl peroxide in your face wash and use gentle, nonabrasive cleansing techniques.

Do ice the pimple.
One of the most effective ways to get rid of acne fast is also the cheapest. If you’re dealing with a swollen zit on your face that’s causing pain, reach for an ice cube. Wrap it in a thin cloth and set it on the offending spot for three to four minutes. Repeat throughout the day to relieve pain and temporarily reduce swelling.

Use skin care products and cosmetics that don’t cause acne.
These products are labeled. On the package, you may see one of the following:
Won't clog pores, Non-acnegenic, Non-comedogenic,  Oil free
Because some of these skin care products may still cause pimples in a few people, you may need to try different products before you find ones that don't cause you to breakout.

Don't ignore your hair.
If you have oily hair, you may need to wash it more often than people who have dry hair. Keeping your hair clean and off of your face will help prevent breakouts on the forehead and face. Some hair products, including pomades and gels, may worsen pimples. So if you have acne on your forehead and tend to use a lot of hair product, consider avoiding it. Headbands that cover your forehead can encourage acne, too, by keeping sweat in place. 

Ask Your Doctor About Acne Medications
If you have persistent pimples, you may want to ask your doctor about available prescriptions and whether they might be a good fit for you. There are several FDA-approved oral and topical medications on the market that could help improve your skin, such as minocycline, spironolactone, and isotretinoin. We'll discuss these prescription medications and more later on. 

Prevent new pimples from forming 
There are several causes of acne, some genetic, some environmental. According to doctor, here are the ones you should look out for: The root causes of teenage-onset acne include excess oil production, clogged pores, bacteria, and inflammation. Teenagers also experience hormonal fluctuations that can trigger acne. Stress and lifestyle contribute to acne. 

Stress increases cortisol levels in the body, which increases inflammation in the skin and worsens acne. Clinical studies have shown that diet can exacerbate acne, especially high glycemic diets and dairy. If you notice a dietary trigger for your acne, I recommend avoiding these foods. Make sure to watch what you put on your face, as well as what you put into your body. Look for "oil-free" and "non-comedogenic  labels the next time you're taking a romantic stroll through Sephora. And never ever sleep in your makeup.

What NOT to do to Get Rid of a Pimple 

You can watch pimple popping videos on the internet to your heart’s content, but Dr. Khetarpal recommends against trying it in real life. “Any manipulation of a pimple can lead to more inflammation, which can increase the risk of scarring,” she explains. “And your hands are dirty, so you’re going to introduce more bacteria and potentially make it worse.” Your best bet is to spot treat the pimple with benzoyl peroxide and then leave it alone.

When to See a Dermatologist.
You should see a doctor when using OTC products isn’t improving your acne. Your doctor or a dermatologist can help with acne at any stage. Even mild acne can lead to scarring, and there’s no way to predict whether mild acne will progress to becoming more severe.

Acne are a common problem that can be frustrating to treat. Conventional treatments can cause redness,   irritation,  or dryness, and many natural alternatives just don’t seem to work. The home remedies listed in this blog are supported by some limited studies as the most effective, natural ways to reduce pimples.
Nevertheless, applying various essential oils, green tea, and aloe vera to the skin seems to be the quickest way to get rid of pimples, while supplements may require longer-term use according to some limited research. The remedies in this article might not work for everyone but could be worth a try.

Thursday, November 5, 2020

How to Make Your Face Look Younger Naturally

If You Do This, Your Face Will Look Younger Naturally

      Forget aging gracefully, here's how to age to stay young, or look younger at 40, 50, etc  Maintain a healthy glow, is your first step, and look great with tips from the experts.
Aging is a natural part of your life that cannot be avoided. How to look younger naturally is a question we all want to answer, at some point in our lives. Unfortunately, today there is no magic cure, or a single pill to get rid of those years instantly. reports that the global anti-aging market reached a value of US$ 58.5 Billion in 2020. Aging is caused by a cyclical biochemical process, which causes the body to deteriorate over a period of time, impacting the health, fitness and physical appearance of individuals. Anti-aging refers to the process of limiting, or slowing down these changes, through various products and services.

One of the common signs of aging is as clear as the nose on your face. This is the nose on your face. "Noses flatten and widen with age," says dermatologist Jody Comstock. "One of the quickest and easiest methods to look younger is to reform it with filler." Hyaluronic acid fillers (Perlane, Juvéderm, Restylane) injected right into the dorsum (bone line straight to the middle) slim the nose and even correct bumps and imperfections.

Doctors may also add a small dose of Botox under the tip for a more youthful profile. "Your nose becomes more crooked as you age, which drags across the face," says Brandt. "Botox lifts it up and takes it off years in about ten minutes."
However, health and beauty both start from within, and there are many things you can do on your own every day.

Secrets To Help You Look Younger

There are many natural ways to look younger than your age, which really work. This is not an overnight fix, so, the younger you start, the better. However, it can actually help at any age! So don't worry too old to give it a try.

Herbs and spices
Spices don't just add flavor to your food. They also contain various plant compounds, which may have beneficial effects on your health. Interestingly, research shows some spices can even help your skin look younger.

Cinnamon has been shown to increase collagen production, which can lead to increased skin firmness and elasticity. It can also reduce skin damage, which occurs as a result of advanced glycation end products (AGEs), which are formed when blood sugar levels are high. In addition, research shows that capsaicin, which is found in chili peppers, can reduce some of the age-related changes that occur in skin cells. Furthermore, ginger contains gingerols. These compounds have anti-inflammatory effects that can help prevent the appearance of age spots from sun exposure.

How to make Face look Younger instantly

Stay hydrated
Dehydration not only makes your skin look wrinkled and saggy, it also makes you look older. Make sure you drink plenty of water – at least 3 to 4 liters a day. Water flushes out harmful toxins from your body, and maintain your internal organs working optimally. Water also nourishes your skin, and adds that perfect glow that all women want. Apart from hydrating skin cells, water also improves blood circulation. Want to know how to look younger naturally at home? Drink more water.

Moisturize Your Skin
The one minute way to keep you looking young is to moisturize your dry skin! To achieve this effect, you don't have to spend a fortune on beauty products, which claim to boost your collagen, and turn back time. You want a product that guarantees improvement in skin tone and texture, preventing it from drying out. Skin that is well hydrated, will be more plump, and looks smooth and soft, there are fewer wrinkles and lines.

Prevent Dark Circles
Adequate sleep can help you avoid dark circles, under your eyes. Some people have skin pigmentation, which makes the skin under the eyes appear darker than the surrounding facial skin. If you have this problem, products containing hydroquinone, vitamin C, retinol, and green tea can make dark circles appear lighter. Apply undereye concealer on the delicate skin under the eyes to hide dark circles. The concealer ought to be slightly lighter than your actual skin tone. Choose a concealer with a yellowish tinge to hide dark circles.(

Remove Makeup Before Sleeping
It does more than just avoid clogged pores. It is very important to rid your skin of the environmental pollution you have been dealing with all day, and to scavenge free radicals to avoid damage to collagen and elastic tissue.

Eat More Fruits and Vegetables
While organic grass-fed meats are a must in your kitchen, for your nonvegetarian needs, you shouldn't skimp on fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables make your body alkaline, and give your liver a great detox.

In Chinese medicine, they say that the state of your heart and various internal organs, reflects your health on the outside. And what better way to detoxify than by eating clean and green? Foods to look younger include cocoa powder, olives, avocado, pomegranate, leafy greens, and wheatgrass powder. If you feel bloated, you can also drink juice quickly. This will give you a much-needed nutritional boost, and add months (or years) to your life. This is one of the most beneficial home remedies, to look younger and beautiful.

Eat Antioxidant-Rich Foods, or Dietary Supplements, to Look Younger
Free radicals are chemical compounds and unstable molecules, which the body produces in reaction to the environment and other stresses, as the body processes food and reacts to the environment. Therefore, it is very normal to have some free radicals in your body.

The proportion of free radicals in your body can increase significantly and, due to their high activity, will start attacking the body's own cells, damaging cells. The damaged cells, in turn, generate new free radicals. If the body is unable to process and eliminate free radicals efficiently, oxidative stress can occur, and this can harm cells, DNA, and body functions leading to overall aging of the body.

Antioxidants are a defense mechanism against free radicals. Each antioxidant has a different function, and are not interchangeable with one another. This is why it is so important to have a balanced and varied diet.

Antioxidant benefits:
Above all, antioxidants stimulate, and significantly increase the body's defenses against pathogens, and boost the immune system. In conclusion, They help remove harmful toxic substances, inhibit and prevent the onset and progression of many dangerous diseases, contribute to the treatment of almost all chronic diseases, and can help you look younger.

Slows down the aging process, Lowers cholesterol, Lowers the risk of atherosclerosis, Slows down Alzheimer's disease, Reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke, reduces the chance of developing tumors
Antioxidant-rich dietary supplement to fight free radicals: Vitamin E, Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Zinc, Dandelion Root Extract, Selenium, Curcumin

Get off the couch
Regular exercise not only helps you lose weight, build healthier bones, tone muscles, and improve your mood, but it also helps you think clearly. Studies show a link between physical exercise and better brain power. Walking just 10 minutes a day can lower the risk of Alzheimer's by 40 percent. Physical conditioning reduces stress and anxiety, which wipes out your memory bank.

Fat Pads Under The Face
Your face needs fat to look young. So while dieting can make you wear smaller jeans, it can make your face look haggard. Your fat pad provides volume, fullness, and contour. Lose them and you lose that plump young look. When you lose your fat pads, or they migrate down the chin, you start to get that droopy, double chin look. Healthy fats in your diet can help support the overall look of your face.

Change sleeping position
Sleeping on your stomach or the same side of your face every night pushes your face against the pillow for extended periods of time. Over the years, this can manifest as more lines and wrinkles. Sleeping on your back is the best way to avoid wrinkling your skin, but if that's uncomfortable, at least change which side of your face you sleep on at night.

Go to The Salon for Bangs.
Bangs are one way to experiment without going overboard. They commonly make people look younger. But do a road test before you commit: Place your hand over your forehead, when you look in the mirror, then release your hand — which look do you prefer? And make sure the bangs are full and reach the center of your brows, or they're longer and more to the side.

Transform Your Mindset About Aging.
Aging gracefully is a mentality—it admits there are things you can't change, but accepts that there are things you can do, to enhance the effects of intrinsic aging, and prevent extrinsic aging.

Lots of things cause your skin to age. Some things we can't do; other people we can influence. One thing we cannot change is the natural aging process. This plays a key role. Over time, we all get visible lines on our faces. It is natural for our faces to lose some of the fullness of their youth. We see our skin become thinner and drier. Our genes largely manage when these changes occur.

The medical term for this kind of aging is "intrinsic aging." We can affect other types of aging that affect our skin. Your environment and lifestyle choices can trigger your skin to age prematurely.  By taking some precautions, we can slow down the effects of this type of aging on our skin.

There are natural methods to make yourself look like a younger, without chemical procedures or enhancements. You can look younger by using natural skin care and taking supplements that contain vitamins. You can also adopt a healthy diet and lifestyle, so that you nourish your body from the inside out. With a few adjustments to your daily habits, you can look younger organically and holistically.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Is it Bad to Wear Magnetic Eyelashes?

What is Magnetic False Eyelashes?

      Magnetic eyelashes are false eyelashes that are attached with magnets (not glue) and are currently in the world of beauty. However, is this beauty product really that much easier to apply?
Eyeliner and magnetic eyelashes are the trendy beauty products for traditional false eyelashes. They contain tiny magnets to help the product "stick" to your upper lid without using glue.

Beauty Woman Wearing Magnetic Eyelashes

The explosion of eyelash growing serums, perming procedures, eyelash extensions and lengthening mascaras has to prove this point, the world is obsessed with the search for longer eyelashes.
But, despite all these beauty tools, applying false eyelashes is one that has been tried by many women, and has been used by many makeup artists and women for years. The waves of magnetic lash that hit the market prove that this option should not be overlooked.

How Does Magnetic False Eyelashes Work?

Once the old lash product is attached to your natural lashes with the adhesive glue, the magnetic lashes will be attached to your lash line with a small magnet. The most recent brand to roll out this type of technology is the popular brand, Ardell. They use an almost invisible magnetic technology, which is placed along the locking lash line, and secures the lashes along your natural lash line.

The brand's full strip lashes feature four magnets for an impressive hold, while the accent lashes feature three.
Basically, you clamp your natural lashes between two strips which are held together by magnetic force.

Important Eyelash Features for Your Consideration
Eyelash length: Most of the eyelashes tested were about three-eighths of an inch long. These are longer than most people will need, but you can always cut your magnetic lashes to a more manageable length.
Some testers preferred false lashes that were about a quarter inch in length, while others preferred full length lashes. This is a matter of personal preference, mostly affected by the length and thickness of your natural lashes.

How Safe Are Magnetic False Eyelashes

The FDA or Federal Drug Administration requires all false eyelashes, eyelash extensions, and adhesives to meet their safety requirements.
The FDA has warned users to check the ingredients before using adhesives. However, there are ophthalmologists who have no problem with using magnets near the eyes.

While this may not be the case for all magnetic eyelashes, several studies confirm that they have carried out extensive internal testing, and studied the effects of continuous use of magnetic eyelashes on healthy female subjects, so it can be said to be "safe to use".

Are There Any Negative Side Effects of Magnetic Lashes?

Regardless of the potential to cause traction alopecia and alter your natural lash growth pattern, magnetic lashes are a safe bet for longer lashes, as long as you commit to applying and removing them according to the brand's instructions, and be sure to do so, with clean hands.
Absolutely no negative side effects to the product. Facts reveal more issues with application conditions, product processing and ongoing care, as well as hand hygiene and product contact with the eye area.

How to Apply Magnetic False Eyelashes

The instructions for most magnetic lashes are fairly simple. However, if you give yourself about half an hour and follow these tips, you can tone down the technique.
There are lots of magnetic eyelash applicators on the market. One of the magnetic eyelashes samples tested is Rapid Vitality – False Eyelash Applicator to apply our eyelashes.

Also, many magnetic lashes come with a less expensive plastic version of this type of applicator. None of the testers found this applicator particularly helpful. Instead, they recommend using tweezers, or using the techniques described by many eyelash specialists.
This tactic will help prevent the lashes and magnet from moving too far from the lash line, ensuring a more natural look.
1: Apply black eyeliner before applying lashes for a smoother blend.
2: Align the lower lashes below your lash line.
3: Position the upper lashes to connect the magnets. Aligning your top and bottom lashes with your index finger and thumb took some getting used to, but the testers eventually got the hang of it.
4: Apply mascara to blend the eyelashes.
5: To remove magnetic eyelashes, place your eyelashes between your index finger and thumb, then rub your fingers to gently separate the magnets.

It is strongly recommended to invest in a triangular mirror. This mirror lets you view your lash line from multiple angles, helping to take the frustration out of applying magnetic lashes.
However, it's important to note that lashes that work for a natural daytime look still require mascara and curling, so they blend completely with your natural lashes.
Daytime visible lashes should also be comfortable enough to wear for eight straight hours.

You might still need mascara

While you may love false lashes, that doesn't mean you shouldn't tinker with your mascara, maybe you don't.
The One Two Lash falsies are meant "to be worn without mascara applied directly to them," but even they claim to use "mascara to blend product with real lashes (if necessary)." Generally women only need a small amount of mascara.

In fact, applying a layer of mascara prior to application will not only help with blending, but also "hold lashes." Since mascara can be quite a sticky product, you'll probably find it easier to apply.
The top set of magnetic eyelashes if you use at least a little cosmetics.

How To Remove Magnetic False Eyelashes

When you are about to remove your magnetic eyelashes, gently rub the top and bottom of your eyelashes, and the magnets will separate on their own, and the eyelashes will come off. Always wash your hands beforehand, as you are dealing with your eyes..

Having longer and fuller eyelashes is something that women desire.
Mascara can help, but sometimes you just want a dramatic effect. This is the perfect time to move on to false eyelashes, or even eyelash extensions, for the perfect amount of fluff and volume.
Overall, magnetic lashes and eyeliners are considered safe for most women, especially when compared to false eyelashes that require glue.
The magnetic version also tends to be easier to apply, so you can save time in your beauty routine. However, even magnetic liner and eyelashes are not completely risk free. You should always be careful when you use cosmetics around your eye area. Call your doctor if you have signs of an allergic reaction or infection after using magnetic eyelash products.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Is it OK for a Woman to Shave the Face?

Should A Woman Shave Her Face?

     Shaving facial hair completely is a choice for women. The most important thing is how you shave. For example, you shouldn't shave if you have active acne, sores, or rashes on your face, which can cause further irritation and infection. Keep in mind that the skin on your face is sensitive, which means there is a higher chance of shaving irritation. Here are the steps on how to shave your face and eyebrows to protect your skin from irritation, razors, and bumps.

woman shaving her face

Men are not the only ones who shave their face. A lot of women do it too. It is important to know how to properly shave facial hair to prevent skin irritation, and razor burns.
Shaving the facial hair is completely your choice. The most important thing is how you shave. You shouldn't shave if you have active pimples, rashes, or sores on your face, which could cause further irritation and infection. Keep in mind that the skin on your face is sensitive, which means it's more likely to cause irritation while shaving.

Women shaving their faces is not a new thing. But despite the fact that this technique has been around longer than you and I may have ever lived—combined—there is still a lot of confusion about how and why. And if you've ever heard talk of skin planning, you probably have more questions—one of which is, is there a difference between the two?

Unlike shaving, which can be done at home with a razor to remove surface hairs, derma planning involves a dermatologist or medical beautician, who carefully scrapes your face with a scalpel to remove hair, peach fluff, and dead skin cells. Basically, shaving is the easier and less expensive DIY option, and skin planning is a more thorough next-level option.

Many women have long touted facial shaving, a less intense version of skin planning at home. This is the practice of using a razor to shave peach hairs and hair from your face to remove hair and skin that is smoother and flaky.
There's no shortage of online resources that compliment facial shaving. But, of course, there are a lot of questions to be asked about the procedure.

Why Should You Shave?

First, you don't have to shave off the excess facial hair. A lot of women don't really care about it, and they live their lives looking just fine! But if you're thinking about shaving it off, there are several benefits that you can get beyond removing those fine hairs: Shaving also cleans the surface of your skin: That means you can apply makeup and skin creams more effectively.

Shaving removes dead skin cells: This makes caring for your skin a hundred times easier, because you don't have to exfoliate too much.
Shaving makes your skin smoother: What woman doesn't love that?
But be careful, the dangers of shaving are still there: accidentally cutting yourself, ingrown hairs, and so on. Luckily, there are plenty of aftercare products you can use to get rid of the burden! You can also look into advanced medical procedures like skin planning; which shave through your dermatologist.

Shaving is usually painless and can last a long time, or up to several days at a time, depending on the individual woman's hair growth rate. Also, shaving can exfoliate the skin to help keep your skin soft and glowing.

What To Know About Shaving Your Face

It's a myth that hair grows back darker and coarser.
Shaving has absolutely no effect on the rate of regrowth, thickness or color of hair. While it may feel a little rough, the hair is not actually thicker at all. So, why are we being taught from puberty that this is the case?
What you feel is the blunt end of the shaved hair instead of the thin, pointed ends that are the natural shape of a strand of hair. Other than chemical processes, such as when you dye your hair or perm, nothing can change the specific hair texture you were born with (other than sneaky hormones).

Try the men's razor.
They were developed specifically for the face. Men's razors are designed to tackle tougher hair, are extremely sharp and last longer. Which means you will reduce the chances of causing irritation and ingrown hairs. Be sure to shave in the direction your hair is growing, and limit the number of movements. Do it slowly and carefully and do not use a blunt razor.

Never use the same razor that you use on your feet.
Separating things, especially bacteria and dead skin, is a good way to avoid irritation and potential infection. If you use the same razor that you use on your body, you are putting yourself at risk for nicks and cuts, which can cause inflammation and irritation, and can lead to scarring and ingrown hairs.

Shaving at home is not the same as giving charity planning.
Skin planning, which many women talk about nowadays, is an in-office procedure that is more about exfoliating than shaving. This is not something you have to try at home. Derma Planning uses a special scalpel, held at a 45-degree angle to the face, to mechanically remove the superficial layer of dead skin cells.

You’ll be more prone to in grown. 
Yes, shaving your face can have the benefit of smoothing the skin. But the micro-damage it does to the skin can cause annoying ingrown hairs. Shaving in the same direction the hair grows can help prevent irritation. Experts recommend gentle washing with a washcloth, or regular use of your Clarisonic to prevent ingrown toenails. Don't use a product that was developed to create a bikini line for your face.

If you're looking for a simpler way to remove patches of facial hair without suffering through a painful weekly upper lip wax, with the benefit of smoothing the skin as a positive side effect, shaving your face might be worth a try. If the more intense skin rejuvenation benefits of a charity plan sound more like your goal, see a plastic surgeon who does a charity planning to see if the procedure is right for you.

How to Shave Facial Hair for Woman

Apply a warm compress to your face by wetting a towel with warm or hot water, and pressing it against the skin for at least 2 minutes. This will open pores and soften hair for a cleaner shave, and reduce the risk of ingrown hairs.

Pour a quarter measure of good quality shaving gel into hands. Rub the palms of your hands and then apply to your face. It's important to choose moisturizing shaving gel over soap. When you shave, you are also removing the top layer of skin; Shaving gel acts as a barrier to prevent razor cuts. Option for a more feminine scent so the shaving experience doesn't seem so masculine.

Use a new, sharp razor, and begin using short downward strokes to remove the hair. While you may be tempted to shave upwards for a closer shave, shaving in the same direction as the hair growth to reduce the risk of ingrown hairs, you must be very careful when shaving your face.

Rinse off the shaving cream after you're done shaving. If irritation is present, apply a 1% hydrocortisone solution.

Shaving frequently. After you shave, the new growth will appear as a blunt-edged stump, and may be very visible. Add shaving to your skincare regimen every day if necessary.

Use another method of shaving facial hair if you can't shave often; waxing and plucking both remove hair from the underside of the shaft, resulting in slower, smoother growth.

Is shaving good for the face of women?
Do you have to shave your face? Absolutely not. But just be realistic with the result. If you are looking for a deep exfoliation and smoother skin, visit your dermatologist for a skin planning treatment in the clinic. And if you want to get rid of the coarse full-grown hairs on your face.
Many doctors don't actually recommend shaving and instead recommend trying other facial hair removal options.
So when should you shave? If you want to get rid of any fine hairs that could get in the way of applying a fine foundation or make your skin look a little less bright. However, if you have sensitive skin, shaving your face can cause irritation and should be avoided.

The Disadvantages of Shaving Facial Hair
The downsides are the same as those you experience when shaving any other part of the body: potential irritation, redness, minor cuts, ingrown hairs, and possibly infection. Many women wonder, will shaving make hair come back thicker and rougher? Nope. Your hair follicles are programmed to grow at a certain rate and thickness (these can and do change with age, hormones, medications, and other factors), and shaving doesn't change that. However, when the razor cuts a strand of hair at an obtuse angle, the naturally soft, spiky ends of the hair may feel a little sharper as they grow back.

Here's the Easy Alternative
There are many options out there for removing hair and dead skin from your face, right? Removal, waxing, skin planning, threading… the list goes on! The advantage of shaving, however, is that you can do it quickly and cheaply in your own home. Plus it doesn't hurt, which is more than what you can say about waxing and depilating!

Monday, May 20, 2019

How To Stop Oily Face During The Day

How to Control Oily Skin

     Having oily skin isn’t all bad. Those natural oils protect and preserve the skin, meaning women with that natural glow typically have fewer wrinkles, according to the American Academy of Dermatology. But with those perks comes quite a few annoyances, like a super-shiny face, clogged pores, breakouts, and the horror of watching your makeup melt off by mid-afternoon.

There are many reasons for oily skin, including stress, humidity, genetics, and fluctuating hormones. To help reduce the oil, follow these do's and don'ts from dermatologists.

Do you walk out the door in the morning with perfect skin, and by that afternoon find yourself battling shininess, runny makeup, and blotching? Afternoon shininess requires a little extra attention to your skin care routine and makeup. Afternoon oily skin can be caused by a number of factors. Fortunately, there are solutions.
  Woman who have Oily Face
Shine on your face, however, can get tricky. There's a difference between having a gleaming, strategically placed highlight accentuating your cheekbones and having a greasy slickness coating every inch of your T-zone. That overabundance of oil in all the wrong places is created by the sebaceous glands in your skin, and "the activity of these glands can change depending on hormones, externally applied ingredients, and underlying conditions.
Luckily, there are a few things you can do to alleviate greasy skin. There are a few things you can do to alleviate greasy skin. Discover how to stop oily skin on face for good with this several tips.

     First off, know that you are not imagining things, the area around your nose is home to a high concentration of sebaceous glands, These are responsible for secreting sebum or oil and the area is prime real estate for a buildup of sweat. So, it’s not uncommon for your nose to be an oil hot spot, even on an otherwise non oily face.

The best way to combat that stuff is starting with the way you wash your face and how often you do it. A common misconception is that by washing the face more often or with harsher soaps, we will decrease oil at that time or later in the da. But over-washing your face (especially with harsh acne cleansers) strips the skin of natural oils, which it then replaces with even more oil and sweat later on.

What Causes Oily Skin?

'Our skin’s oil is called sebum. It’s produced by the sebaceous gland in the hair follicle,. Per cm2, the skin on our face has more hair follicles than on the rest of our body, which is why we experience oiliness mainly on the face.' The main function of sebum is to lubricate the skin, limit the growth of bacteria and prevent dryness and dehydration.' The amount of sebum we produce is determined by a host of internal and external factors, from the cleanser you’re using (more on that later), to the weather, your genetics and even your hormones. Other causes of oily skin are:

If your mother or father have oily skin, it’s likely you will have inherited the trait. Oily skin can be passed on through your genes, as having larger sebaceous glands that produce excess oil is a hereditary attribute that can be handed down the family tree.

While you don’t necessarily grow out of oily skin, your skin will indeed produce less sebum as you age. Aging skin loses protein, such as collagen, and the sebaceous glands slow down.
This is why many people who have aging skin also have dry skin. This is also the time when fine lines and wrinkles are more noticeable because of the lack of collagen and sebum.
You may have oily skin now, but you’ll need to evaluate your skin as you get older.

If your skin is looking shiny, the last thing you want to do is over wash your face using harsh products. Scrubbing too hard with washcloths, other abrasive tools or with coarse exfoliators will strip the skin of moisture, causing glands to overproduce oil – that’s why gentle cleansing is so important.

Humidity and hot weather tend to stimulate the secretion of sebum, leading to more oil on the skin. Conversely, in arid or cold climates, skin can dry out, causing oil glands to go into overdrive to compensate.

It’s important to always use skincare products that are appropriate for your skin type, are of a high quality and are labeled as either oil-free or noncomedogenic. If you use a product for combination skin or dry skin when your skin type is actually oily, you can either dry out your face, causing more oil production, or use a product that is too greasy. Poor-quality cosmetics tend to be harsher, damaging the skin and making the sebaceous glands pump out more oil.

Tips to Get Rid of Your Oily Skin

Wash Your Face Regularly
Washing with warm water and a gentle soap can reduce the amount of oil on the skin.
Washing your face regularly can reduce the amount of oil on the skin. The following methods are recommended for washing oily skin:
- Wash with a gentle soap and warm water.
- Avoid loofahs and rough washcloths, as added friction may stimulate the skin to make more oil.
If this is not effective, some medicated acne care products may help. These products contain acids that can tackle oily skin, such as:
- Avoid soaps with fragrances, added moisturizers, or harsh chemicals, which can irritate or dry out the skin, making it respond by creating more sebum.
- Choosing the right facial cleansers may work for some women. Mild facial cleanser made with sodium  alkyl carboxylates  effective for tackling moderate facial acne, although it increased sebum production in some areas of the face.

Be Wary Of Products Formulated For Oily Skin
A  products specially formulated for minimizing oiliness often exacerbate the situation, as so many contain harsh ingredients that sweep away every last drop of sebum from the skin.
The main culprits are products containing alcohols, astringents and sulphates, so check the back of your bottle before making a purchase.

'This means many old-school toners and foaming cleansers are off the table – and for good reason!', Whilst they’ll have a satisfying short-term effect of removing the excess oil on the surface of the skin, over time the lack of oil in your skin will trigger excess oil production to try and make up for the oil that’s stripped away.
Furthermore, these harsh products can interfere with your acid mantle: the skin's protective barrier. 'A disrupted skin barrier can lead to sensitivity, breakouts, inflammation and dehydration. So, the verdict is clear: if any products in your routine are making your skin feel dry and tight, give them the boot.

Address Your Diet
The root of your oily skin issues could actually lie in your gut.. If you suffer from oily skin, avoid sugar and dairy, as they feed and increase oil production. What’s more, a diet deficient in zinc, magnesium, vitamin B and omega 3 may contribute to oil production.
Zinc helps to regulate the oil-producing glands, so they behave better! Great sources include shellfish, legumes and nuts. And of course, it’s crucial to consider your intake of sugar. A high sugar intake can also increase oil production, as insulin creates the hormone IGF-1 which can increase the production of sebum.

Apply moisturizers
Moisturizers may benefit the skin if the right ones are used.
While women with oily skin steer clear of moisturizers for fear that their skin will look greasier, using the right moisturizers can benefit this type of skin.
For woman with very oily skin, an oil-free moisturizer could help keep the skin moist and protected, without it feeling greasy.

Aloe vera could be a good moisturizer for treating acne and oily skin.
Certain compounds in aloe vera can have a naturally soothing effect on the skin. The study noted that a product should have at least 10 percent aloe in it to be an effective moisturizer.
Many woman choose to use pure aloe gel for moisturizing, but they need to be aware of hidden ingredients, especially denatured alcohol, which could dry and irritate the skin.

DON’T touch your face throughout the day. 
Although it’s tempting to touch your face, doing so can spread dirt, oil and bacteria from your hands to your face. Only touch your face when you’re cleansing, moisturizing or applying sunscreen or makeup, and make sure your hands are clean first.

Consider Your Hormones
Internal hormone fluctuations are one of the main causes of imbalanced oil levels. Specific hormones called androgens put sebum production into overdrive, resulting in more oily skin, and sometimes breakouts as a result.
Androgens can be released in times of stress, or through hormonal changes such as the menstrual cycle, contraception, PCOS, puberty, pregnancy and postnatal, and the menopause. In particular, multiple studies have indicated a positive correlation between stress levels and sebum production in people with acne-prone skin. Of course, these aren’t exactly situations within your control, but you can attempt to maintain balance by paying attention to your sleep habits and stress levels.

Pat the face dry
When drying the face after washing and using toner, people should gently pat their skin dry with a soft towel.
This should be done with care, however. Pulling down on the skin with a towel, or using a rough washcloth, is not advised, as it may stimulate the skin to create more sebum.

Use a toner
Astringent toners that contain alcohol tend to dry out the skin. However, natural astringents, such as witch hazel, can have skin soothing properties.
Witch hazel has a high tannin content that makes it a natural astringent and anti-inflammatory. Many people with oily skin use witch hazel as their only toner.

In some people, natural astringent toners can make enlarged pores seem smaller and remove small bits of product or makeup that could clog pores.
However, these products may not work for everyone. Some may find that their face itches when using astringent toners. If this happens, it may be a sign of irritation that could lead to more sebum production.

Use blotting papers and medicated pads
Lot of companies make blotting papers, which are specially designed absorbent papers that pull oil from the skin. Blotting papers will not treat the sebum production in the skin, but they can be used to lift excess oil off the skin throughout the day to make it appear less shiny.
You could also try cloth pads that are medicated with familiar cleansing ingredients, such as glycolic acid or salicylic acid. These may help to remove excess oil through the day, while cleansing the pores and skin.

Be Wary Of Products Formulated For Oily 
Skin Believe it or not, products specially formulated for minimizing oiliness often exacerbate the situation, as so many contain harsh ingredients that sweep away every last drop of sebum from the skin (and we all know what that means). According to Pfeffer, the main culprits are products containing alcohols, astringents and sulphates, so check the back of your bottle before making a purchase.

Use a facial mask
Certain facial masks may be beneficial for treating oily skin. These may contain ingredients such as:
Honey. A 2011 study reports that natural raw honey has antibacterial and antiseptic qualities. A 10-minute honey face mask may reduce acne and oily skin while keeping the skin soft.
Clay. Masks containing minerals like smectite or bentonite can absorb oils and reduce skin shininess and sebum levels without irritating the skin. Use them only occasionally to prevent the skin drying out, and apply a gentle moisturizer afterward.
Oatmeal. Masks containing colloidal oatmeal may help to cleanse the skin, as suggested in a 2014 study. Oats contain gentle, cleansing saponins, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory compounds that could soothe irritated skin.

Don’t try to dry out your T-zone oily skin
Using a super-drying formula on this area will only backfire on skin. First step is to balance the skin without stripping it of its natural oils, which will only result in producing more oil. While it may be tempting to use an acne spot-treatment all over your T-zone, this could actually lead to even more greasiness when your skin tries to compensate for all that oil being zapped.

Oily skin is overproduction of sebum from sebaceous glands. These glands are located under the skin’s surface.
Sebum is an oily substance made of fats. Sebum isn’t all bad since it helps protect and moisturize your skin and keep your hair shiny and healthy.
Lot of  sebum may lead to oily skin, which can make clogged pores and acne. Genetics, hormone changes, or even stress may increase sebum production.
Oily skin  are challenging to manage. Still, home treatment often reduce symptoms without the use of prescription drugs or expensive skin care regimens.

Here are Treatments for Oily Skin You Can Try at Home

Egg whites and lemons
Egg whites and lemons are a folk remedy for oily skin. Both ingredients are thought to tighten pores. The acid in lemons and other citrus fruits may help absorb oil. According to a 2008 study, lemons also have antibacterial abilities. However, this remedy is not a good choice for people with egg allergies.
To make an egg white and lemon face mask:
Combine 1 egg white with 1 teaspoon freshly-squeezed lemon juice.
Apply it to your face, and leave it on until the mask dries.
Remove with warm water, and pat dry.

Tomatoes contain salicylic acid, a common acne home remedy. The acids in tomatoes may help absorb excess skin oils and unclog pores. To make an exfoliating tomato mask:
Combine 1 teaspoon sugar with the pulp of 1 tomato.
Apply to the skin in a circular motion.
Leave the mask on for 5 minutes.
Rinse thoroughly with warm water, and pat dry.
You can also apply just tomato pulp or tomato slices to your skin.

Oily skin is complex with many causes. It’s also possible to have more than one cause of oily skin.
Oily skin may run in your family, and you might also live in a humid climate. In such cases, you’ll need to address all the causes of excess oil to help achieve cleaner, clearer skin.
Once you’ve come up with your oily skin action plan, you’ll need to give it some time to work.
Sometimes it can take a month or two until you see any major improvements. If you’re still dealing with excess oil after this time, you may want to see your dermatologist.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Proven Ways to Prevent Wrinkles

How Can You Reduce Wrinkles Naturally?

      There’s no harm in having wrinkles. A few facial lines can be endearing and add character to your face. But it’s no secret that many of us would prefer to keep them in check. It’s not really a secret that with age comes wrinkles. The last century alone has introduced vast products, treatments and regimens said to prevent early signs of aging and women have always optimistically committed. For women of all ages, discovering what could potentially be a modern-day fountain of youth is a never-ending quest.

Woman Try to Reduce Her Wrinkles

There’s no harm in having wrinkles. A few facial lines can be endearing and add character to your face. But it’s no secret that many of us would prefer to keep them in check.
Without medical or surgical intervention, it can be challenging to reverse the appearance of wrinkles once you have them. But there are steps you can take and lifestyle changes you can make to slow down their appearance.

These wrinkles are those little parallel lines that disappear when your skin is stretched taut. They can occur on your face, or anywhere on your body (think of those little wrinkles you may have on your chest.) These lines are a result of a loss of collagen and elasticity which leads to skin sagging.
It’s not really a secret that with age comes wrinkles. The last century alone has introduced vast products, treatments and regimens said to prevent early signs of aging and women have always optimistically committed. For women of all ages, finding what could potentially be a modern-day fountain of youth is a never-ending quest.

But we should actually go easy on the anti-aging products. Now more than ever, woman are conscious about taking preventive measures for anti-aging. While that's a good thing, you can overdo it.  Many anti-aging products have potent active ingredients in them that increase the metabolism of the cells and may be too active for a younger complexion. Since skin in the 20s is already metabolically active, the stimulation of anti-aging products could possibly increase breakouts. Instead of slathering on products that are too mature, concentrate on the basics of washing, moisturizing, and protecting skin against the sun.

What Causes Wrinkles? 

Everyone’s skin ages, which is why the skin of a young child and the skin of a 90-year-old looks very different. Skin loses elasticity as we age because collagen production slows down over time. This process can be exacerbated by a variety of factors, including sun exposure, pollution, and certain lifestyle habits.
As you get older, your skin tends to become thinner and drier, too. When your skin doesn’t have as much moisture or volume as it used to, it can also make it more prone to wrinkles.

Steps to Keep Your Skin Looking Young

Use eye cream to prevent wrinkles
By starting immediately at a young age, we can  prevent the formation of wrinkles in the eye area, which is the first part of the face that shows signs of aging. If you are in your 20s and are starting to see fine lines appear around the eyes, you should use a well-formulated eye cream to keep the delicate area nourished and protected.

Food and Drink.
Eat foods rich in antioxidants. By minimizing cell damage, they fight aging from the inside, out, plus they're high in fiber, low in saturated fat, and a good source of vitamins. Look to leafy green veggies, fruits, anything with Omega-3 (wild salmon), avocados, nuts/seeds, and berries.

Use a wrinkle cream containing retinol.
We’re a little biased on this one, but there’s been decades of clinical studies that show retinol is a miracle ingredient when it comes to the skin.
In addition to stimulating the production of collagen and elastin, retinol also increases cell turnover, fades pigmentation, shrinks pores and retexturizes the skin. It’s simply one of the best products you can use for your face. So when should you start using a retinol cream?
Most dermatologists will tell you as soon as you start to see any signs of aging, which usually starts in the late 20s to early 30s.

Use sunscreen everyday and try to stay out of the sun 
Over the last few years, there’s been a  ton of studies done showing the damaging effects of sunlight on the skin. UV radiation penetrates deep into the skin and really breaks down collagen. For proof of this you can see yourself, take a look at anyone who’s spent too much time in the sun or tanning beds when they were young. These people tend to have extremely wrinkled and weathered skin. Keep in mind that this tip is far and away the most important thing you can do to protect your skin from premature aging and wrinkles. If you ask any dermatologist or doctor about this, they’ll tell you the exact same thing. It’s that important!

Try upping your Vitamin C levels
This one comes from a study published in the American Journal of Nutrition that discovered that women over the age of 40 with the highest amounts of vitamin C in their diets were less likely to develop wrinkles (than those with the lowest levels).
It’s now known that vitamin C is an important building block to creating and repairing collagen.
So if you want less wrinkles, try to eat more foods with vitamin C in them and consider the use of vitamin c supplements.

Prevent and reduce wrinkles using Botox.
By our forties, collagen may stop producing altogether, younger women are even more likely than older women (20 percent versus 11 percent) to say they would consider getting plastic surgery to fight off signs of aging. Though many people might think of Botox as an aggressive and over-exaggerated procedure, people are starting to get Botox injected in the glabella , forehead and crow’s feet at younger and younger ages.
Botox is used to reduce fine lines and wrinkles by paralyzing the underlying muscles. It is beneficial for those who are starting to see deeper horizontal lines or wrinkles on the forehead, 1’s or 11’s between the brows/glabella or deeper crows feet around the eyes.

Skip the intense facial exercises 
You may have heard that you can give your face a natural lift by firming up facial muscles with exaggerated expressions like puffing out cheeks, sticking out tongue, and puckering lips. Studies are inconclusive and warns that doing this may even deepen lines that naturally develop over time. Of course, this doesn’t mean you should keep your smiles in check, even if Kim Kardashian reportedly advised not smiling as a wrinkle-proofing tip. Simply activating the muscles involved in smiling can bring on actual feelings of happiness and make you seem more trustworthy, per a 2017 meta-analysis of 138 studies.

Sleep On Your Back
You’ll need to pay attention to how you sleep. Some sleep positions actually create wrinkles. So, unfortunately, wrinkles can appear just by sleeping...if you’re not careful.
Sleeping on your side or stomach increases the odds of sleep lines forming. Sleep lines are wrinkles that are etched into the surface of your skin and eventually become permanent. For example, sleeping on your side can cause wrinkles specifically on your cheeks. Be careful to sleep the right way.
Consider upgrading your pillow or pillowcase if sleeping on your back for an entire night just isn’t possible for you. Look for specific pillows that will prevent you from rolling on your side throughout the night. You can also use a silk pillowcase, which benefits your skin even while you sleep on your side.

Get facials.
Monthly deep pore cleansing facials are a must,. They're ideal for female in their 20s as they not only prevent premature aging, but destroy bacteria to prevent acne.. If you can't spring for monthly, try going 4 times a year to sync up with the seasons.

Drink plenty of water.
We've been trained to believe that 8 glasses a day is a one-size-fit-all number for how much water we should be drinking. But in reality, there is no magic number. Water needs are actually individual and can vary according to your body weight, activity level, health status, and temperature outside. One rule of thumb you can follow is 1oz per 30 kcal of calories consumed.

Another tips to prevent wrinkles.
- Drink a glass of water as soon as you wake up.
- Put a sticky note on your computer to remind you to drink up.
- Carry a water bottle with you in your bag.
- Keep water next to your bed when you go to sleep at night.
- Keep water at your desk at work.
- Drink before, during, and after exercise. If exercising for longer than 60 minutes, consider a sports drink.

Sun Protection
Sun protection is the best way to prevent aging for young skin. You must use sunscreen every single day of the year, not just when it's sunny. At the beach, people often focus on the SPF number, but it's really about applying sunscreen generously and reapplying often (at least every two hours),. If you have sensitive, oily, acne-prone skin and require a sunscreen that dries to a matte finish, use a formula with zinc oxide. For normal to dry skin, us a chemical-free, all-mineral formula,  If you err on the size of lazy, dusting on an SPF-infused mineral powder onto the face is a fast and easy way to instantly protect the skin from the sun

Sleep is the time when your body repairs the damage from the day, and interrupting that process will slow down cell turnover and interfere with proper blood flow to the skin making the complexion sallow.. Lack of sleep can also aggravate virtually all skin conditions including acne, eczema, and psoriasis. Beauty sleep is a real thing, guys.

Pack in that pastry.
Have a sweet tooth? Partial to pasta? Sugar and refined carbs will spike your blood sugar, triggering the release of insulin. Insulin causes inflammation in your skin and all over your body. Sugar binds to the elastic and collagen fibers that make skin look plump and youthful. Damage to these fibers means less support for your skin , and more wrinkles.

Add a retinol or tretinoin (Retin-A) to your anti-aging arsenal.
30 percent of women under 35 regularly use anti-wrinkle products, including 1 in 5 women under the age of 24. The main reason is to help slow down or make up for the loss of collagen in our skin. In addition to losing collagen production in our twenties, we lose moisture and elasticity in our thirties, leading to thinner skin, more susceptible to wrinkles. Tretinoin (Retin-A) a type of prescription retinoid, is an active form of vitamin A, and though it was originally used for acne (and still is), it works by stimulating the production of collagen, increasing cell turnover and regulating the cell cycle.

Never too late to benefit
Even people who already have signs of premature skin aging can benefit from making lifestyle changes. By protecting your skin from the sun, you give it a chance to repair some of the damage. Smokers who stop often notice that their skin looks healthier.

Wrinkles are an inevitable part of aging, but there are steps you can take to slow their progress and prevent new ones from forming. Lifestyle factors like drinking plenty of water, eating a vitamin-rich diet,  protecting your skin from the sun,  and managing your stress play a key role when it comes to keeping your skin healthy and youthful.

Using a retinoid and a moisturizer that contains hyaluronic acid and vitamin C can also be effective at preventing the onset of wrinkles.
If signs of aging skin bother you, you may want to see a dermatologist. New treatments and less-invasive procedures for smoothing wrinkles, tightening skin, and improving one’s complexion are giving many people younger-looking skin.
If you have questions or concerns about products that may help prevent wrinkles, be sure to consult with your doctor or dermatologist.
Many women as well as men believe that wrinkles skin is inevitable, but with the information and naturally treatment we do today, you really can look as young as you feel,

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Ways to Treat Oily Skin with Large Pores

Tips to Remove Large Pores and Oily Skin

      When you look in the mirror, do you feel that your pores and skin would look more attractive if you minimized those giant pores?
There are actually lots of things you can do to make your pores less noticeable, and you can do it yourself.

Oily skin and pores are usually the result of genetically occurring changes in your body's hormone concentrations.
The hormones responsible for oil production in the skin pores are androgens. When androgens create a balanced and healthy amount of sebum oil, it has great benefits for your skin. If too little oil is produced by the oil glands, it could be a problem. Likewise, if too much oil is produced, you will experience skin problems.

The pores on a woman's skin can be larger or smaller, depending on her skin type.
If a woman is concerned about the appearance of her pores, there are a number of remedies that can help.
There are pores that release the body's natural oil, which is known as sebum; this is different from letting go of sweat. Sometimes the pores that release oil can also appear enlarged.

It's impossible to get rid of large pores, but there are methods to reduce them.
In this article, we explain how to make large skin pores less visible. It also discusses how to improve skin health and what further treatments are available.

Beauty Woman Wash Her Oily Face for Treatment

What Makes Pores Become Enlarged?

When your sebaceous glands produce excessive sebum which mixes with the dead skin cells in your pores, your pores can become clogged. Sebum can't freely escape from your pores, so your pores become wider and more visible. This can also cause comedones.

Every woman's skin pores are protected by fine hairs, except on the fingers and toes. The hair follicle has a pore at the top.
Hair follicles have glands within them, which produce oil, which are referred to as sebaceous glands. As the sebaceous glands release oil, it rises to the top of the skin pores and collects in the pores. The leitmotifs of enlarged pores are:

Excessive sebum:
When your sebaceous glands produce a lot of oil, you have oily skin.

Decreased pore elasticity:
When skin pores become less supple, they appear enlarged.

Treating acne
Acne clogs your pores, which can make your skin pores appear larger.
Using cleansers with salicylic acid can help.
Studies show that salicylic acid can open clogged pores. Some cleansers containing salicylic acid are gentle enough to be used every day.
If salicylic acid dries or irritates your skin, try alternative cleansers. Use a mild, non-comedogenic cleanser when you wake up, and a salicylic acid cleanser before you go to sleep.

Increase in hair follicle volume:
When the pores at the ends of the hair follicles get clogged.
When oil collects in pores, and mixes with make-up or dirt, skin pores will become clogged. It stretches the pores, making them appear larger than they are. If the pores remain clogged, acne can also appear.

How active someone's sebaceous glands are, depends on their genes. This also depends on their pore size.
Having large pores is not a health issue. The pore dimension is simply an aesthetic consideration.
It also can no longer get rid of large pores, but most humans can reduce the appearance of them. The best way to do this is to make sure their skin pores are kept supple and unclogged.

Oily Skin with Large Pores: What You Should and Shouldn't do

Use only mild, water-soluble facial cleansers, and don't use strong bar soaps.
The elements used in making cleansing soap have a stable structure which can clog pores and throw the skin's defenses off balance.

Stop using skin care products that clog your pores, or your skin will produce excess sebum, such as oily lotions that are very creamy (on oily skin), or make-up products that contain dehydrating ingredients, such as alcohol and fragrances.

Absorbs more sebum.
The clay face mask absorbs sebum and has a first-class effect. Also try an oil-absorbing product to work it into your make-up. This will absorb the excess sebum throughout the day.

Increasing your skin cell rejuvenation will also make your skin pores function better.
Products – some of which require a prescription – contain retinoids or retinol (= vitamin A), can communicate with cells and work properly.
They are suitable for every skin type and can be used alone, or in combination with a BHA exfoliant.

Use an exfoliant with salicylic acid (BHA) in gel or liquid form, unless it's a traumatic agent. This allows you to remove more dead skin cells from the skin bed just like in the pores. Sebum then stops accumulating, and the skin pores return to their original size.

Protect your skin pores every day. UV rays during the day damage your skin cells, so they don't work as they should. This distorts the pores, making it more difficult for sebum to secrete, and they enlarge as a result.

Use skin care products that are rich in antioxidants, to help the skin defend itself from damaging external influences. For oily skin, choose gel or liquid products.

Controls Skin Shine All Day
When using makeup in the morning, use a primer or mattifying or oil-control base. This will absorb oil at some point throughout the day, keeping skin pores looking smooth and shine-free.
You can also powder your T-zone to absorb more sebum on the oiliest areas on your face: forehead and nose.
If your face starts looking greasy later on, then oil control papers are your friend. It is suitable for fast recovery in removing shine.
These papers are also less likely to dry out the skin and can be used over makeup. The translucent powder can be used two or three times a day.

Here are Numerous Excessive First-class Recommendations to Limit Large Pores

Wash your face twice a day
Clogged pores or oily skin can make them appear larger. Cleansing your skin twice a day can open clogged pores, and prevent them from getting clogged. When cleaning your face, you are advised to:
- Use hot water.
Hot water can irritate your skin, causing larger pores to appear.
- Gently wash your face.
Scrubbing can irritate your skin, leading to inflammation. When pores and skin are inflamed, they tend to be more noticeable.
- Find a non-comedogenic cleanser.
Again, you choose to do everything you can to stop bothering your skin and stop them from getting clogged.

Choose water-based Beauty Products
Moisturizers include various active ingredients, including oil. The American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) recommends using oil-free products, including water-based makeup.
People with oily skin will benefit from products that are high in humectants as an option over oil.
Honey and urea are examples of humectants in skin pore care products. Oil-based products include petrolatum, coconut oil, and specialty types of oil.
They effectively hydrate the skin and are not good for people with oily skin and large pores. Excess oil that collects in skin pores will make the pores appear larger.

Protect your face with daily sunscreen
The more the sun damages your skin, the less firm it becomes.
When the skin pores begin to lose their firmness, they appear larger.
Applying a water-resistant, broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or greater will help stop sun damage.
Apply sunblock every day, even when it's raining.
Every time the sun's rays hit your skin, they can harm your skin. These damages accumulate over time.

Spot Treatment
Dryer pores on the skin tend to be barely visible. Oily skin tends to have larger pores.
Some areas of your face may also be more oily and show more pores than others.
If you have large pores on your nose, cheeks or eyebrows, try treating them with a clay mask.
Smooth a thin layer on the skin, leave it on for a few minutes, and rinse with water.
Clay can quickly and gently remove the oil that is higher in clogged pores, leaving your skin looking smoother. You can use blotting paper on your greasy areas.

Treating sagging skin
As you get older, your skin loses its firmness and starts to sag. Pores appear large when the skin pores are sagging.
A dermatologist can check your skin pores, and tell you what can tighten your skin.
Many techniques can be performed in the workplace of a dermatologist. You can find out many options to improve your skin health.

You can't remove your pores, alternatively you can make them appear smaller.
That's how oil gets on your skin's surface. Many things can have an impact on the size of your pores.
Toners have historically been associated with shrinking pores, however none have been scientifically validated to limit pore size.
The feeling of tightness that a toner creates is of course related to the depletion of the skin's essential oils by using astringent factors such as alcohol.

Friday, March 1, 2019

Simple Ways to Lose Fat in Your Face

Things that cause You to Lose Face Fat

       Do you think you have chubby cheeks? Having excess weight or swelling on your cheeks can be frustrating. Although it is impossible to lose weight on one body part alone,
Many women of all ages are aware of their chubby faces and want to know how to reduce facial fat, so that their face is slimmer and looks beautiful.
Here's everything you need to know about facial fat, why you might have it, and how to lose it.

Beauty Woman with Slim Face

What Is Face Fat?

Facial fat is the accumulation of excess fatty tissue on the face, which makes it look rounder and fuller. Chubby cheeks look cute, but for those who crave sharp features such as a chiseled jawline, sharp nose, sculpted cheekbones, facial fat and double chin are annoying and need to be removed.
Reducing facial fat alone is quite difficult, so you may have to consider going on a total weight loss regimen, or opting for a healthy lifestyle to see noticeable changes, to achieve charming and sharp facial features.

When fat is deposited in certain areas of your face, leading to a rounder, fuller and puffier appearance, it is called facial fat. Your face has several layers, starting from the bones that make up the face, followed by muscles, then fat appears, and the last layer is the skin. This is the layer where the facial fat is located.

The face can get fatter because it follows the other body parts. There are several factors that can cause your face to look fat, such as:
Genetic factors
While facial fat is usually not genetically inherited, it could be the bone structure and framework of your face that make you look fatter. If you have a wide bone structure, it can give the illusion of a larger face.

Hormonal Factors
Right before your period, your body goes through a surge in the hormone progesterone, making facial swelling a common symptom of PMS.
Medical conditions such as hyperthyroidism (lack of thyroid hormone) result in rapid weight gain, resulting in a puffy face. In fact, this type of bloated face has a different handling from facial fat.

How to Make Your Face Appear Less Round? 

Despite the weight loss, some people don't notice any significant changes in their face shape. If it's happened to you, consider these 2 points:
1. You have a naturally round face. Muscle mass and fat that you can manipulate to a certain extent. Your facial bone structure will certainly not change. Becoming slimmer, or picking the right haircut for your face certainly helps. However, keep your expectations realistic. Having a naturally round face is not a bad thing. That's what makes you unique. Many people find this facial structure very interesting.

2. You may need to lose more weight. Some people store more facial fat than any other part of their body. Or perhaps you're dealing with stubborn fat. You just have to be persistent. Until finally you will lose fat from every body part.

How to Reduce Face Fat at Home? 

Chubby cheeks can make your face appear firmer and more defined. Your face looks bigger all day long. There are a number of tips you can use to reduce chubby cheeks. Change your diet and lifestyle. Then, try to do exercises to target your fat face.

Do facial gymnastics
Facial exercises can be performed to improve facial appearance, fight aging, and increase muscle strength. Adding facial exercises to your regular routine can also tone your facial muscles, giving your face a slimmer appearance.
Some of the most popular exercises involve puffing out the cheeks and pushing air from side to side, alternately pursing the lips on one side, and hold the smile while clenching your teeth for a while at a time.

Although the evidence is limited, facial exercises can build the tone of the muscles in your face. Doing facial muscle exercises twice daily for eight weeks can increase muscle thickness, and promote facial rejuvenation.
Note that research on the effectiveness of facial exercises for fat loss specifically is lacking.

Reducing body fat
Losing weight will make your face appear slimmer. Exercises to reduce fat points on the face
must be combined with a healthy diet and an active lifestyle. You can lose weight when consuming fewer calories
Many people tend to store fat in the neck, face, and jawline.
If you want to enjoy a slimmer face, you must first lose weight.

Chin Raise Exercise
Stand still, tilting your head back so that you are facing the ceiling. Now, pull your lips into a kiss shape to create pressure on the jawline. Hold for 15 seconds and repeat ten times. This exercise is effective in giving the jaw line and chin a defined shape.

Cut down on Refined Carbs
Refined carbohydrates like crackers, cakes and pasta are common causes of weight gain and increased fat storage. These carbs have been heavily processed, stripping them of their beneficial nutrients and fiber, and leaving behind little sugar and calories.
Because they contain very little fibre, they are digested quickly, leading to spikes and dips in blood sugar levels and a higher risk of overeating.

The study that looked at the diets of 42,696 adults over a five-year period showed that a higher intake of refined carbohydrates was associated with a higher amount of belly fat.

While no studies have looked directly at the effect of refined carbs on facial fat, swapping them for whole grains may help promote overall weight loss, and may also help lose facial fat.

Doing the Jaw Release Exercise
Get great cheekbones with this trick. This helps stretch the muscles around your cheeks, jaw and lips.
Do the exercise by standing or sitting up straight and moving your jaw like you're chewing something. Make sure to cover your lips while you're trying to chew, and take deep breaths while you hum. Next, open your mouth wide with your tongue pressed against your bottom teeth, and hold it for five seconds before inhaling and exhaling. All movements make one repetition.

Exercise and Healthy Eating
Eat healthy and get regular exercise. Your face will get slimmer as you lose weight. Many people have seen results after they have lost a few pounds. If you commit to a healthy and active lifestyle, those chubby cheeks will lessen.

Change Your Sleep Schedule
Catching sleep is another important weight loss strategy. It can help you get rid of facial fat.
Sleep deprivation can cause elevated levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, which comes with a long list of potential side effects, including weight gain.
High cortisol levels can increase your appetite and change your metabolism, thereby increasing fat storage. Plus, getting more sleep can help you lose weight.

Better quality sleep is often linked to increased successful weight loss. On the other hand, research shows that sleep deprivation can increase food intake, lead to weight gain and lower metabolism.
Ideally, try to get at least 8 hours of sleep per night to help control your weight and lose facial fat.

Try air blowing exercises.
This trick will help you get rid of your chubby cheeks by working almost every muscle in your neck and face.
In fact, it is one of the best facial exercises for reducing chubby cheeks and double chins.
This will give your face a natural lift and a slimmer appearance.
Simply grab a chair and sit back straight, then tilt your head back so you're facing the ceiling. The next step is to draw in your lips and try to exhale. Do it a seconds then relax.

Stretch That Facial Muscle.
Use your hands to stretch the facial muscles and tone them. Do this by lowering your chin down to your chest, then pulling your skin away from your face. Try to say "ah" as soon as you stretch your face, and maintain a static position for a few moments before repeating the process. It is recommended that you do the stretches three times a day.

Green Tea For Firming Face
Rich in antioxidants, green tea improves metabolism and helps remove toxins in your bloodstream, allowing for a freer flow of blood to your face and other parts of your body.
Drink 3 or 4 cups of green tea everyday. Don't worry about the caffeine content, as green tea has a very small amount.

The fact is that caffeine cannot be stored by the human body. It is excreted through the urine after up to six hours. This helps your body to reduce water retention as well.
No wonder why this drink is a favorite for anyone who is trying to lose weight. Add a little honey to it if you can't just drink it.

Smile more to make your cheeks beautiful
Smiling gives you the opportunity to work your facial muscles and trim cheek fat. These are the best exercises you can do for your cheeks.
You also brightened your day and everyone else's.

Go for plastic surgery if other tips don't help.
This is an extreme option for excess weight on your cheeks, but you can consider it if nothing else helps, and being overweight is bothering you. You can ask for a referral to a plastic surgeon from your primary care doctor, or find an experienced plastic surgeon yourself.
Warning: Plastic surgery is an expensive form of treatment to reduce your cheeks and insurance rarely covers the cost. It also comes with risks like other forms of surgery.

Most of you will have to dramatically change your physique just to see a moderate change in your face.
Many strategies can help you lose extra fat on your face. Fortunately, losing facial fat is simple. You don't need to do any special exercises or take any special supplements. Things you need to do is reduce your body fat levels.

As your entire body gets slimmer, your face will follow suit. Changing your diet, adding exercise to your routine, and adjusting some of your daily habits are all effective ways to promote fat loss, which can help slim your face. For the best results, make sure to pair these tips with a balanced diet and regular exercise to optimize your fat burning and overall health.
So, follow the simple strategies in this article, and you'll not only get the slim face you want, but also the body.