Thursday, September 19, 2019

10 Personal Finance Tips that will Make You Rich

Personal Finance Tips to Make You Wealthy

       Unless you are lucky enough to win the lottery or inherit wealth, getting rich doesn't happen overnight. In order for you to earn money and become rich, you need to develop some smart habits.
When you read a lot of finance books, you find many different personal finance tips and strategies. This can make personal finances seem like a big and complicated topic, but it's really not. Proper management of your money can build wealth.

Beautiful and Rich Women sitting Smiling

If you live by some of this personal finance advice, you will have more control over your money, and lead you to a much better life financially.
Just reading these personal finance tips and closing this page is not going to help you. You should try more.

Start Early
Carlos Slim is a Mexican businessman who has been ranked as the world's richest man for several years. Lean personal finance tips reflect common wisdom among wealth-generating experts, including this very basic tip: start early. If you're 45 years old and struggling, this may seem irrelevant, but in your case the advice should be changed to "start now".

The sooner you start managing, saving, and investing your money, no matter how limited, the better off your finances will be, as long as you avoid mistakes like throwing all the money you invested into one stock. Slim followed this advice, he bought a stake in a Mexican bank at the age of 12, and was making 200 pesos a week as a teenager working for his father's company.

Learn to Budget
You might be budget savvy, and a little concerned, but you shouldn't be. Budgeting isn't difficult, and it doesn't mean you have to stop doing the things you love.
Budgeting is about making a plan for your money, so you have a better idea of where your money is going each month. The 50/30/20 Rule is an effective way of budgeting

The way it works is that 50% of your income is used for necessities (food, bills, etc.), 20% of your income goes to savings, and the remaining 30% you can use for whatever you like.
This is a great and easy way to split your paycheck, but you may need to adjust it slightly to fit your lifestyle.

Spend Less than You Earn
Sounds pretty obvious, right? According to CNBC, 78% of Americans working full-time, live paycheck to paycheck. It's easy to find out that you have to spend less than you make, but it's a lot harder when you do.

However, if you want to escape the pay-to-pay lifestyle that many other people live, you have to spend less than you earn. This is one of the most important personal finance tips, but fundamental of all.
To do so, tracking your expenses needs to be done You can do this by writing down your purchases, or by using a free personal finance application.

Invest Your Money at a Young Age
One of the best tips on managing your personal finances to make you rich is investing. Once you've set a budget, cut back on unnecessary expenses, and started saving, it may be time to invest. Your first step is to consider Personal Finance to ensure that you are not financially overwhelmed. If you still have a healthy amount of money to invest, don't let it stop at low interest savings accounts. The more time your money grows if you invest earlier. This is why investing at an early age is so important.

In fact, if you only have an extra $20 per week to invest, you should. That small amount could turn into something big in 20 to 30 years.
Be a wise investor, not just a creative investor, of your new fortune.

You are probably good at what you do. But this success should not tempt you to believe that you are smarter at investing, or to make the financial decisions that you may otherwise have made. Stick to business investments and deals that align with your core skills, and consult professionals.

Have Your Financial Goals
If you want to achieve your financial goals, then you need to find out which goals are important to you first. Having clear goals can keep you motivated, and help you create a plan to achieve them faster.
Now, don't think you need to set too many goals. If this is the first time you have thought about personal finance goals, start small and work your way up from there.

Set different goals in each of these categories:
Your goal in the next 3 months
- In the next year
- In the next 5 years
This way of personal finance leaves you with some short-term goals to look forward to as well, and some long-term goals to work towards as well. Your short-term goals may even be small stepping stones into your bigger goals.

Several Examples of Great Financial Goals. 

Purchase a house, Begin to invest, and keep in mind to set short-term and long-term goals, and maintain track of them too! Write it down somewhere and set one day each month to track your progress.

Keep in mind! Credit Card Not Free Money
Credit cards are a useful financial tool in your financial toolkit, but they are not free money.
When you buy something with your credit card, you're actually borrowing money from a bank. If you don't return the money on time, the bank will start charging interest on your balance.
This debt can be a monster if you don't pay off your balance each month.

However, if you use your credit card responsibly, and pay off the balance each month, this is a good way to start building your credit score. Most credit cards also have other benefits like reward points, cash back or travel points.

If you are able to pay off the balance each month, then you should have no problem managing credit cards and avoiding debt.
If you are going to use a credit card, you will have to control your credit score.
Treat your credit card like a debit card. Pay in full every day, if necessary.

Review your investment advisor.
Do you really need a human finance advisor? Did you pay too much? Finance managers usually charge a significant percentage of assets or returns (1% or more annually) for their services, which can add up to hundreds of thousands of dollars over your lifetime. Worse still, some unscrupulous financial advisors can put your money in underperforming funds in order for them to receive commissions.

Stay away from bad debt
Debt means that you have an obligation to repay the money you borrowed. Of course you know, not all debt is bad debt.
Bad debt is any debt that is acquired through the purchase of something, and loses its value, and generates no income. Some examples of bad loans are car loans or credit card debt.

Good debt is the opposite of bad debt. Good debt is earned so that you can purchase something that will benefit you financially in the future. That means it will generate revenue or allow you to make more money in the future. Good debt usually has a lower interest rate too.

Here are Some Examples of Good Debt.

Student loan
Student loans have very low rates of interest. Student loans are classified as good debt. If you're going to university just because you don't know what else to do after high school, that might be the wrong move.
You can spend a lot of money learning a field that you don't even like. Then you'll be stuck doing the job you hate to pay off your student loans.

Mortgage right
Mortgages are generally regarded as good debt. Mortgages are usually long-term, low-interest loans, so you still have money freed up for investments and such. The mortgage interest is also tax deductible, so that's a bonus.

In the end, it's up to you to decide whether buying a home is the right move, because home values won't always go up as some people think. You'll also have to add up the cost of property taxes, utilities, and home insurance.

Limit your holiday gift spending.
This is the season for generosity, but buying a luxury vacation can ultimately affect whether you enter the New Year feeling good, or short on cash. Holiday gifts don't have to be expensive, in fact sincere gifts often mean more.

Pay Yourself First
This personal finance tip is another common tip that can have a huge impact on your financial situation. When you pay yourself first, you are investing in your financial future; You are investing in your future, and your future will thank you now because you did.

So, pay yourself at the end of the month. That's a lot easier, right?
The reason paying yourself first works so well is that once the money is sent to a savings account, you're less likely to spend it. If you wait until the end of the month to pay for it yourself, you may not have any more money! Create happy future by investing in yourself!

Set Specific Financial Goals
Use numbers and dates, not just words, to describe in detail what you are trying to accomplish with your money. How much debt would you like to pay off and when? How much would you like to save, and on what date?

Financial Vision Board Draft
You need some motivation to start adopting much better money habits, and if you build a vision board, it can help remind you to stay on track with your financial goals.

Learn How to Savor

Enjoying means appreciating what you have now, rather than trying to be happy by getting more.
Get rid of Toxic Money Thoughts
Hi self-fulfilling prophecy! If you're driving yourself crazy before you even begin ("I'll never pay off debt!"), then you're setting yourself up for failure. So don't be a fatalist, and switch to a more positive spell.

Make a Bite-sized Money Goal
One study showed that the farther away a goal seems, the more uncertain we are about when it will occur, the more likely we are to give up. So, in addition to focusing on a big goal (like buying a house), also set smaller short-term goals along the way, which will reap the rewards faster—like saving every week to travel in 6 months. .

Get Your Finances and Body Shape
One study showed that more exercise could lead to a higher salary, as you tend to be more productive after a sweat. So running can help step up your financial game. Plus, all of the habits and discipline associated with, say, running a marathon are also linked to good money management.

If one of your goals this year is to build wealth, then this personal finance habit will get you there. In the end, the steps that will be taken will be very simple, playing it will be a test of character.
However, making resolutions to improve your financial situation is a good thing to do at any time of year, many people find it easier at the start of the new year. Regardless of when you start, the basics are the same.

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