How to Get Rid of Greasy Oily Skin
Your oily skin is the ultimate result of excess sebum production from the sebaceous glands. These glands are located under your skin.
Sebum is an oily substance consisting of fat. Not all sebum is bad, as it helps to nourish and hydrate your skin, and keeps your hair bright and healthy.

However, too much sebum will cause your skin to become oily, leading to clogged pores and breakouts.
Genetics, hormonal changes, and stress can also increase sebum production.
Acne and oily skin are hard to manage. However, regular home care will minimize signs and symptoms without resorting to prescription medications, or expensive skin care regimens.
Oily skin happens when your skin's sebaceous glands make too much sebum. Sebum is an oily, waxy substance that protects and hydrates human skin.
Sebum is essential for maintaining healthy skin. However, too much sebum can lead to oily skin, clogged pores, and acne.
Caring for oily skin is often done by women so that the skin pores return to normal.
In this article, we will talk about home remedies to help reduce oily skin pores without chemical prescriptions.
Here are 14 home remedies and treatments for oily skin you can try at home.
Oily Skin Causes
Oily skin is a bit of a mystery. Your skin becomes oily when it produces too much sebum, which is an oily substance that is released by the sebaceous glands.
But why overproduction? Oily skin tends to run in families, so your parents likely gave you glowing skin.
Genetics – Oily skin is generally inherited. If your mother and father had a history of oily skin, chances are yours is oily too.
Climate – If the local weather is warm and humid where you live, your skin pores tend to produce excess oil. This is why your skin is oilier in the summer than in the winter.
Age – Teenagers and young adults are considered to have oilier skin than older people. However, this doesn't mean that your skin will be oil free as you age. Also, oily skin can efficiently help slow down the aging of your skin, as oily skin stays moisturized, unlike dry skin.
Using the Wrong Skin Care Products – Some men and women might also mistake their skin type for dry skin, and use a lot of heavy lotions. This can cause the skin to hold on to excess oil, which can lead to clogged pores and acne.
Today, many oily skin care products are suitable for your oily skin, so choose wisely.
Large Pores – Aging, acne, and weight fluctuations can cause your skin to enlarge. Enlarged pores can allow your skin to produce excess oil. Most men and women with oily skin have large pores.
Skipping Your Moisturizer - Skipping Moisturizer Can Make Your Skin Dry, Or Greasier Faster. If you have oily skin, use a light water-based moisturizer.
Incorrect skincare routine - Those with oily skin tend to wash their face more often. However, doing this will only provide temporary relief to your skin. It can prompt your skin to produce more oil to make up for the loss.
The overactive sebaceous glands will become part of your skin. Trust me, covering all that extra shine on your face with makeup is no longer the answer. However, the good news is that there are tons of things you can find in your kitchen that will help you actively fight your oily skin problem.
Wash Your face regularly.
Washing your face regularly reduces the amount of oil on your face. Here are some tips for washing oily skin:
1. Wash your oily skin with mild soap and rinse with warm water.
2. Avoid soaps with added fragrances, harsh chemicals, or moisturizers, which can irritate and dry out the skin, making it react by developing excess sebum.
3. Avoid rough washcloths, as the extra friction can stimulate the skin to produce more oil.
4. If this doesn't work, some oily skin care products may help.
These products contain acids that can take care of your oily skin, such as:
- glycolic acid
- benzoyl peroxide
- salicylic acid
- beta-hydroxy acid
This acid can irritate some types of skin. When starting a new product, first apply it to a small area of your skin, to see how it reacts.
Skin Care Routines that You Can Practice
It's all about achieving beauty and wellness. If you don't wash your face, excess sebum can trap dirt or dead skin in your skin's pores, causing pimples.
If you wash your face too frequently, your skin will produce more oil to compensate for the dryness on your face. So, it's good to set the right face wash routine to find a balance.
Wash your face twice a day with a cleanser specifically for oily skin, and be sure to use a moisturizer. Get rid of soaps or harsh chemical products that can dry out your skin.
Don't sleep in make-up
A face full of makeup overnight will clog your skin's pores. Even if you are the sleepiest person in the world, take five minutes to wash your face before going to bed. Your delicate skin will thank you first thing in the morning.
Massage Your Oily Face
The fine-grained powder can help absorb oil and remove dead skin cells that clog pores. Grind and strain two teaspoons of dry oats, then moisten them in witch hazel to form a paste. Then, using your fingertips, gently rub this paste into the oily areas of your skin and then rinse it off with lukewarm water.
A few times a week, rub your face with buttermilk after washing it thoroughly. The energetic culture in buttermilk contains acids that help clear dust and tighten pores. Leave it for some time, then rinse it off.
Cosmetic clay
Cosmetic clay, also known as healing clay, is used to help absorb skin oil and treat skin conditions.
Inexperienced French clay is a well-known remedy for oily skin and acne because it is very absorbent.
French clay is available as a powder. French spiced clay is a renowned therapy for oily and acne-prone skin, as it is highly absorbent. French clay is available as a powder.
To make an inexperienced, spa-worthy French clay mask:
Add the filtered water or rose water to about a teaspoon of the clay until it is a pudding-like consistency.
Apply the clay mixture to the face and allow it to dry.
Remove clay with hot water and dry.
Water-removable clay masks are much gentler on your pores and skin than peel-off masks.
Konjac sponge
Oily skin attracts dust and dead skin cells, so it's important to keep your skin clear of acne.
Konjac sponges are made with fiber from tubers such as sweet potatoes and are ideal for light exfoliants.
Sponges help clean skin pores, but they can damage the skin if used frequently.
Make sure you don't use the sponge every day, as over-exfoliation can cause dryness, which triggers sebum production, and the entire oil cycle will start to drain again.
Exfoliating about twice a week will keep skin clean, and sebum production in check.
Nectar is one of the most loved skincare products for oily skin. Because of its antibacterial and sterile properties. Nectar has humectant properties, so it helps keep your skin moist. Humectants draw moisture from the skin.
Egg white and lemon
Lemon and egg white is a folk remedy for oily skin. Both of these ingredients are considered able to tighten skin pores. The acids in lemons and citrus fruits can help absorb the oil in your skin. Lemon has antibacterial properties too. However, this medication is not a good choice for egg allergy sufferers.
How to make an egg-white face mask and lemon:
Mix one egg white with a teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Apply it on facial skin and leave it until the mask dries, then rinse your face with warm water.
Doodle paper
This thin and small paper won't burden your sebaceous organs but will allow you to remove excess oil from your face. It helps limit oily and shiny skin. Oily skin blotting papers are inexpensive and available over the counter. Use as necessary throughout the day.
Old witch
After you've washed your face, you may want to use a toner for a slightly deeper cleanse. Many toners are made with alcohol, which can dry out the skin and is not good for oily skin.
Instead use witch hazel's natural tannins in witch hazel which have an astringent effect, meaning it reduces oiliness and helps shrink pores.
Since witch hazel doesn't contain alcohol, it's safe to use and won't irritate your skin.
Aloe vera
Aloe vera is known to reduce inflammation and other skin issues. There is good logical evidence that it helps treat peeling skin caused by slippery patches.
Many people use aloe to keep their skin smooth. You can apply a thin layer on your face before bed, and leave it until the morning.
Aloe vera is known to cause an unfortunate susceptibility response in sensitive skin. If you've never used aloe vera before, try a small amount on your forearm. If no response within 24 to 48 hours, it's safe to use.
Honey can Get Rid of Oily Skin
2-3 tsp raw honey
1. Wash your hands thoroughly.
2. Use your fingertips and massage the raw honey into your face.
3. Leave it for 20-30 minutes before rinsing it off.
You may do this once per day.
Honey functions as a natural emollient. Honey naturally hydrates your skin and reduces oil secretion. The antimicrobial properties of honey can also prevent pimples from forming.
Jojoba oil
Although the concept of using oil on oily skin seems counterproductive, jojoba oil is one of the best treatments for oily skin, acne, and other skin problems.
Jojoba mimics the sebum in the skin pores to "trick" the sebaceous glands into producing less sebum and helps maintain a balance of oil levels. There is no scientific evidence for this theory, however.
Applying a mask made of restorative clay and jojoba oil two to three times a week can help heal skin lesions and minor acne.
A little jojoba oil can help too. Using too much jojoba oil can also aggravate oily skin. Try massaging a few drops into your skin a few days a week to see how it reacts. If you like the result, do it daily.
Use almonds for exfoliating skin
Almonds are a popular herbal exfoliator that absorbs excess oil too.
How to use:
1. Mix 3 teaspoons of almonds with two teaspoons of honey to make a paste.
2. Apply the mixture to your face, and gently scrub it in circular motions.
3. Rinse the mask off with hot water after 15 minutes.
If oily skin and large pores are the only things you notice when you look at your face, get those tomatoes out of your kitchen STAT. All you need to do is make juice by crushing the tomatoes and straining them.
Add some cucumber juice and rub it on your face. Repeat daily for satisfying results. Alternatively, cut a tomato in half and rub it on your face in circular motions. Leave it on for about 15 minutes before rinsing it off with cold water.
Oily Skin Natural Remedies: Which Work?
Many treatments for large pores and oily skin might make things worse. Many oily skin pores turn to wax paper for a "quick fix," but those pores actually increase oil production and can even cause breakouts.
Oil blotting sheets may also reduce oil briefly, but in the long run, they just push and drag dirt, oil, air pollution, and grime back onto your skin.
This creates an oxygen-free environment inside the inner pores where acne-causing microorganisms thrive, thereby developing pimples, blackheads, bumps, and skin congestion.
Your skin pores are responsible for oil production, so if you have genetically oily skin, you'll have large pores to accommodate more oil production.
Lemon juice:
The citric acid in lemon juice has antiseptic properties which can restore the pH balance of the skin. Lemon juice is used as an astringent. This helps lighten the discoloration of your skin.
You can apply a mixture of lemon juice and distilled water in a 1:1.5 ratio, then apply it on your face using a cotton pad. After 10 minutes, rinse your face with warm water. Also apply a moisturizer, as lemon juice can dry out your skin.
You can mix a little honey and milk in lemon juice to add to the cleansing and moisturizing effect of this facial pack. Make this a daily living practice and you will be surprised how effective it is at controlling excess oil on your skin.
Prevention for oily skin
Oily skin is linked to genetics, so it is sometimes difficult to prevent it. Even oily skin caused by hormonal changes is hard to control.
The best prevention for oily skin is to find a skincare routine that works and is consistent.
When oily skin sets in, it may be tempting to hide it with makeup. However, certain makeup products, particularly oil-based products, can worsen symptoms and clog skin pores.
Water-based makeup may be a better choice for some women, while others find no-makeup is best for their skin.
For many people, diet is the thing that keeps their skin from acting up. This can help you stay hydrated, avoid oily foods and trans fats, and eat healthy and nutritious foods.
Many home remedies for oily skin are not well-researched, although some provide scientific evidence that they are effective.
You have to find an oily skin care routine that suits you and stick to it.
A good way is to discuss with a dermatologist and work with them to find out what daily activities are, and what triggers oily skin.
Even though oily skin can feel uncomfortable at times, it's not all bad. Sebum is produced to keep your skin pores moisturized and healthy. However, there are times when you want your sebum production to be at a minimum, so make an appointment with a dermatologist to get the right skin care regimen for your skin.
Oil makes skin appear plump, and minimizes the appearance of wrinkles.
A woman with symptoms of acne and extremely oily skin should consult a dermatologist about the best way to take care of her skin and stop any serious problems or scarring.