Friday, March 1, 2019

Simple Ways to Lose Fat in Your Face

Things that cause You to Lose Face Fat

       Do you think you have chubby cheeks? Having excess weight or swelling on your cheeks can be frustrating. Although it is impossible to lose weight on one body part alone,
Many women of all ages are aware of their chubby faces and want to know how to reduce facial fat, so that their face is slimmer and looks beautiful.
Here's everything you need to know about facial fat, why you might have it, and how to lose it.

Beauty Woman with Slim Face

What Is Face Fat?

Facial fat is the accumulation of excess fatty tissue on the face, which makes it look rounder and fuller. Chubby cheeks look cute, but for those who crave sharp features such as a chiseled jawline, sharp nose, sculpted cheekbones, facial fat and double chin are annoying and need to be removed.
Reducing facial fat alone is quite difficult, so you may have to consider going on a total weight loss regimen, or opting for a healthy lifestyle to see noticeable changes, to achieve charming and sharp facial features.

When fat is deposited in certain areas of your face, leading to a rounder, fuller and puffier appearance, it is called facial fat. Your face has several layers, starting from the bones that make up the face, followed by muscles, then fat appears, and the last layer is the skin. This is the layer where the facial fat is located.

The face can get fatter because it follows the other body parts. There are several factors that can cause your face to look fat, such as:
Genetic factors
While facial fat is usually not genetically inherited, it could be the bone structure and framework of your face that make you look fatter. If you have a wide bone structure, it can give the illusion of a larger face.

Hormonal Factors
Right before your period, your body goes through a surge in the hormone progesterone, making facial swelling a common symptom of PMS.
Medical conditions such as hyperthyroidism (lack of thyroid hormone) result in rapid weight gain, resulting in a puffy face. In fact, this type of bloated face has a different handling from facial fat.

How to Make Your Face Appear Less Round? 

Despite the weight loss, some people don't notice any significant changes in their face shape. If it's happened to you, consider these 2 points:
1. You have a naturally round face. Muscle mass and fat that you can manipulate to a certain extent. Your facial bone structure will certainly not change. Becoming slimmer, or picking the right haircut for your face certainly helps. However, keep your expectations realistic. Having a naturally round face is not a bad thing. That's what makes you unique. Many people find this facial structure very interesting.

2. You may need to lose more weight. Some people store more facial fat than any other part of their body. Or perhaps you're dealing with stubborn fat. You just have to be persistent. Until finally you will lose fat from every body part.

How to Reduce Face Fat at Home? 

Chubby cheeks can make your face appear firmer and more defined. Your face looks bigger all day long. There are a number of tips you can use to reduce chubby cheeks. Change your diet and lifestyle. Then, try to do exercises to target your fat face.

Do facial gymnastics
Facial exercises can be performed to improve facial appearance, fight aging, and increase muscle strength. Adding facial exercises to your regular routine can also tone your facial muscles, giving your face a slimmer appearance.
Some of the most popular exercises involve puffing out the cheeks and pushing air from side to side, alternately pursing the lips on one side, and hold the smile while clenching your teeth for a while at a time.

Although the evidence is limited, facial exercises can build the tone of the muscles in your face. Doing facial muscle exercises twice daily for eight weeks can increase muscle thickness, and promote facial rejuvenation.
Note that research on the effectiveness of facial exercises for fat loss specifically is lacking.

Reducing body fat
Losing weight will make your face appear slimmer. Exercises to reduce fat points on the face
must be combined with a healthy diet and an active lifestyle. You can lose weight when consuming fewer calories
Many people tend to store fat in the neck, face, and jawline.
If you want to enjoy a slimmer face, you must first lose weight.

Chin Raise Exercise
Stand still, tilting your head back so that you are facing the ceiling. Now, pull your lips into a kiss shape to create pressure on the jawline. Hold for 15 seconds and repeat ten times. This exercise is effective in giving the jaw line and chin a defined shape.

Cut down on Refined Carbs
Refined carbohydrates like crackers, cakes and pasta are common causes of weight gain and increased fat storage. These carbs have been heavily processed, stripping them of their beneficial nutrients and fiber, and leaving behind little sugar and calories.
Because they contain very little fibre, they are digested quickly, leading to spikes and dips in blood sugar levels and a higher risk of overeating.

The study that looked at the diets of 42,696 adults over a five-year period showed that a higher intake of refined carbohydrates was associated with a higher amount of belly fat.

While no studies have looked directly at the effect of refined carbs on facial fat, swapping them for whole grains may help promote overall weight loss, and may also help lose facial fat.

Doing the Jaw Release Exercise
Get great cheekbones with this trick. This helps stretch the muscles around your cheeks, jaw and lips.
Do the exercise by standing or sitting up straight and moving your jaw like you're chewing something. Make sure to cover your lips while you're trying to chew, and take deep breaths while you hum. Next, open your mouth wide with your tongue pressed against your bottom teeth, and hold it for five seconds before inhaling and exhaling. All movements make one repetition.

Exercise and Healthy Eating
Eat healthy and get regular exercise. Your face will get slimmer as you lose weight. Many people have seen results after they have lost a few pounds. If you commit to a healthy and active lifestyle, those chubby cheeks will lessen.

Change Your Sleep Schedule
Catching sleep is another important weight loss strategy. It can help you get rid of facial fat.
Sleep deprivation can cause elevated levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, which comes with a long list of potential side effects, including weight gain.
High cortisol levels can increase your appetite and change your metabolism, thereby increasing fat storage. Plus, getting more sleep can help you lose weight.

Better quality sleep is often linked to increased successful weight loss. On the other hand, research shows that sleep deprivation can increase food intake, lead to weight gain and lower metabolism.
Ideally, try to get at least 8 hours of sleep per night to help control your weight and lose facial fat.

Try air blowing exercises.
This trick will help you get rid of your chubby cheeks by working almost every muscle in your neck and face.
In fact, it is one of the best facial exercises for reducing chubby cheeks and double chins.
This will give your face a natural lift and a slimmer appearance.
Simply grab a chair and sit back straight, then tilt your head back so you're facing the ceiling. The next step is to draw in your lips and try to exhale. Do it a seconds then relax.

Stretch That Facial Muscle.
Use your hands to stretch the facial muscles and tone them. Do this by lowering your chin down to your chest, then pulling your skin away from your face. Try to say "ah" as soon as you stretch your face, and maintain a static position for a few moments before repeating the process. It is recommended that you do the stretches three times a day.

Green Tea For Firming Face
Rich in antioxidants, green tea improves metabolism and helps remove toxins in your bloodstream, allowing for a freer flow of blood to your face and other parts of your body.
Drink 3 or 4 cups of green tea everyday. Don't worry about the caffeine content, as green tea has a very small amount.

The fact is that caffeine cannot be stored by the human body. It is excreted through the urine after up to six hours. This helps your body to reduce water retention as well.
No wonder why this drink is a favorite for anyone who is trying to lose weight. Add a little honey to it if you can't just drink it.

Smile more to make your cheeks beautiful
Smiling gives you the opportunity to work your facial muscles and trim cheek fat. These are the best exercises you can do for your cheeks.
You also brightened your day and everyone else's.

Go for plastic surgery if other tips don't help.
This is an extreme option for excess weight on your cheeks, but you can consider it if nothing else helps, and being overweight is bothering you. You can ask for a referral to a plastic surgeon from your primary care doctor, or find an experienced plastic surgeon yourself.
Warning: Plastic surgery is an expensive form of treatment to reduce your cheeks and insurance rarely covers the cost. It also comes with risks like other forms of surgery.

Most of you will have to dramatically change your physique just to see a moderate change in your face.
Many strategies can help you lose extra fat on your face. Fortunately, losing facial fat is simple. You don't need to do any special exercises or take any special supplements. Things you need to do is reduce your body fat levels.

As your entire body gets slimmer, your face will follow suit. Changing your diet, adding exercise to your routine, and adjusting some of your daily habits are all effective ways to promote fat loss, which can help slim your face. For the best results, make sure to pair these tips with a balanced diet and regular exercise to optimize your fat burning and overall health.
So, follow the simple strategies in this article, and you'll not only get the slim face you want, but also the body.