Friday, April 19, 2019

10 Ways to Get Rid of Brittle and Dry Hair

Tips for Dry Damaged Hair

       Dry hair is one of the most common hair problems for women, regardless of length or texture. The causes of dry hair are different, and the treatment for dry hair is also different for everyone, of course based on several factors.
Weather, genetics, medications, are all causes of dry hair. Whatever the reason, the solution is how to moisturize dry hair.
Here are some tips to deal with dry hair.

Beauty Woman Suffer from Dry and Brittle Hair

Dry hair does not absorb, or retain enough moisture to maintain its texture and shine, so it looks less shiny and brittle. Some causes of dry and brittle hair are:
– contact with chlorinated water
- use of products and styling tools
- malnutrition
- excessive sun exposure
- washing your hair too much
- use of harsh hair products

Dry hair is not a type of hair, but rather a treatable condition. If you have hair that looks brittle and dry, chances are that your hair isn't "just like that."
There are actually a number of reasons why your hair may look dry, and they may be the result of things that you are not even aware of.
Even though hair looks pretty fragile, it's not always just one thing that's causing the dryness. It's the result of habit or a combination of hair care mistakes, which causes your hair to look and feel like straw.

You can restore your hair's health, but it will take a little patience. But that's not to say that time and effort can't heal damaged strands.
After changing some of your unhealthy hair care habits, you may be surprised at how shiny and silky your hair will become.
To keep your hair hydrated and healthy (and looking that way too!), here are some reasons why your hair might be more brittle than it should be, and what to do about it.

What Causes Dry Hair?

Too Much Shampoo
Washing your hair if not done correctly can make your hair dry and brittle. Washing your hair strips it of its natural oils, which dries out your hair. So try not to wash your hair every day, or use shampoos with drying and irritating ingredients such as sulfates.

Too Much Heat
Even if you rarely use heat tools, the heat level you set can also dry and damage your hair. While many tools can reach temperatures as high as 450 degrees, the heat you select should depend on your hair type. Those with fine hair should be below 360 degrees, while medium and coarse hair should be below 380 degrees and 410 degrees respectively.

Save Moisture
Condition your hair to replace any lost moisture by washing it. However, if you don't leave the conditioner in your hair long enough, or if you don't use the right conditioner formula, your hair can lose much-needed nutrition.
Be sure to leave the conditioner in your hair for at least five minutes, so it has a chance to work its magic.
And if you need a serious boost of moisture, look for a thicker, richer conditioner. If you can pour it from a bottle, it may be too runny to be moisturizing. Look for deep conditioners that come in a tube or canister.

Hormonal Changes
Birth control pills, pregnancy and menopause are times of physiological movement in the body, which can have adverse effects on hair, including dryness and weakness. See your specialist to examine treatment options.

Easy and Simple Dry Hair Treatment at Home

Home remedies can be used to treat dry and brittle hair. Below are home remedies that you should try:

Repair your damage hair with avocado
Here's how to fix damaged hair, with common fruits you most likely have in your pantry. Mash a ripe avocado, (remove the seeds) with one egg, then apply this home remedy to wet hair. Avocados are rich in vitamins, fatty acids, essentials and minerals that will help restore shine to your hair. Leave it on for at least 20 minutes, then rinse it off. Do it once a week if you have damaged hair, and once a month for healthy hair.

Get an ordinary haircut.
A haircut is important, even if it's just to clean the ends of the hair, and freshen up the layers of hair. Most people actually only get their hair cut three to four times a year. Hair grows about a quarter to half an inch every month, so if you shave a quarter to half an inch every three months, you're removing the damage, but growing your hair.

Clean with potato starch shampoo.
Prepare a potato flour shampoo. You should use this concoction once, or twice a year, to restore dry and damaged hair. Potatoes are full of vitamins and minerals including vitamins B, C, and iron that help strengthen hair strands, and prevent hair loss and breakage.

For the Potempa recipe, you will need a cup of potato starch, 2 cups of water and 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar. Combine the flour and water in a saucepan, stir until smooth, and let the mixture warm over low heat for 15 minutes. Remove from heat, add vinegar to combine, and allow to cool before using. Once cool, pour it into a container, and use it instead of traditional shampoo, making sure it's evenly distributed on the scalp and the length of the hair.

Apply gelatin preparation
Plain gelatin is a good protein source for hair. It coats the hair strands, and moisturizes them, leaving the hair silky and shiny.
1. Mix a spoonful of gelatin with one cup of warm water.
2. Leave for 5 minutes to partially set the agar.
3. Add 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and 6 drops of an essential oil, such as jasmine, lavender, clary sage, or rosemary to the preparation and stir.
4. Apply this mixture on clean hair.
5. Finally, leave the preparation on the hair for 10 minutes and rinse it off with warm water.

Massage with butter
Try this home remedy: Treat dry, brittle hair with a little butter, for a lustrous shine. Massage it into your dry hair, then cover it with a shower cap for about half an hour. Wash as usual, and rinse off all the butter.

Rinse off with tea
You may know tea as a sore throat remedy, but you can also use it to give a natural shine to your dry hair.
Use a pint of hot, unsweetened tea (freshly brewed or instant) as a final rinse after your regular wash. Tea can enhance hair color, so make sure to use tea that matches your hair color. Blondes should use chamomile tea; Black tea can make your hair dark. Brunettes should use black tea to enhance their shine, and enrich their color.

Sleep on Silk
Your hair will thank you for sleeping on a silk pillowcase, as the soft fabric won't catch or snag strands on your hair. Keep static at bay, and avoid wrinkles by swapping out cotton sheets for soft silk.

Condition with Olive Oil
Restore the moisture to your dry hair by heating half a cup of olive oil (don't boil it), then rub it on your hair.
Cover your hair with a plastic bag, then wrap it all in a towel.
Let this home remedy work for 45 minutes, then wash it off and rinse it clean.

Use a banana mask
Bananas are rich in potassium, and have a high water content, which makes them perfect for treating dry hair.
Due to its benefits, bananas can prevent split ends, soften hair, and increase elasticity.
To use it, mash one banana and apply it thoroughly on your hair, from roots to ends. Leave it on your hair for 1 hour, and rinse it off with warm water.

Make a shampoo Omelet
Mix one egg with a small amount of shampoo, then apply it to your damaged hair for five minutes, and rinse thoroughly. This treatment helps increase protein in your hair.

Apple cider vinegar mask
Here is how to fix damaged hair with apple cider vinegar. Revive split ends or damage to your hair with these great home remedies:
Mix 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar with 2 tablespoons of olive oil and 3 egg whites and then rub the mixture into your dry hair.
Keep your hair covered for about half an hour, using plastic wrap or a shower cap, then wash and rinse.

Limit Hair Treatments Using Chemicals and Ditch Tools
Limiting your use of hot styling tools and chemical treatments can work wonders for your hair's health, and are a simple way to fix dry hair.
While hair extensions do offer an alternative way to add length, style, and color to your look, there are plenty of unheated hairstyles that can help too.
There are many ways to freshen up your look, and style the way you like without heat and chemicals.

My Hair is a Middle Split End. Does that mean I have to Cut it All Out?

The answer is yes. The only way to get rid of split ends is this: get them off your head. The split ends will keep on splitting. Those split ends will only continue to grow and destroy healthy hair. Hair should be cut every 3 to 6 months. People with finer, straighter hair textures may wish to do this every two months.

Worry not: when it comes to dry hair, with the right tips, you can save your hair. Sometimes, using too many hair products, or the wrong type of makeup, is the cause of dry hair.