Saturday, August 28, 2021

Factors That Influence Your Physical Health

What are the Factors of Physical Health?

     Human physical health basically refers to the state of the body, where a person can carry out his activities and lifestyle more easily, as well as remain immune to potential health problems and emergency situations. This can be determined with certainty by metrics as explained below.

Health is a state of complete human well-being, physically, spiritually, and socially, and not merely free from disease or disability.. (

Healthy Woman do Workout

Diet to stay healthy
Poor diet and physical activity have a cumulative effect and contribute to significant health challenges associated with nutrition and physical activity. About half of all American adults (117 million people) have one or more preventable chronic diseases, many of which are linked to a poor diet and lack of physical activity. This includes cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, certain types of cancer, and poor bone conditions. Nutrition is the most important thing for maintaining good health.

Body Composition
Basically, body composition refers to the relative levels of muscle, fat, bone and other important factors of the human body. Measurements using pore and skinfold measuring calipers, DEXA, etc., play a very important role in determining the energy-to-weight ratio for better levels of body performance in daily activities.

Environmental factor
Environmental issues such as pollution, heat, altitude, etc. may affect your exercise program. Exercising outdoors when air pollution levels are high, or temperatures are high, can affect your training situation. If you live in a location with air quality issues, or in a place with high temperatures, it's a good idea to stay indoors as much as possible.

To be able to follow a proper training program, your muscle tissue must have the ability. They will derive their energy from your diet. Certain nutrients will work better before exercise, some higher after, and some are more effective during recovery. Make sure you have a diet containing the following:
Vitamins and Minerals – functions in energy production and muscle contraction, helps ensure sufficient oxygen levels, maintains fluid balance in cells, helps prevent muscle cramps
- Protein – improves muscle recovery, allowing muscles to increase strength
- Carbohydrates - provide the strength you need for exercise and help maintain glycogen levels
- Water – helps to change your body temperature by keeping your heart rate from getting too high

Psychological and mental health factors
Lack of motivation, low energy levels, and a lack of interest in exercising (especially if you were previously active) can be symptoms of depression.
Social anxiety disorder, agarophobia, sleep disorders, or substance abuse can all affect your level of physical activity. Body image issues and self-efficacy can also present important psychological barriers that also require specialized counseling and expert intervention to promote a more active lifestyle.

Mental health is a necessary thing in your general well-being. Being in good mental condition can keep you healthy and help you prevent serious illness. One study found that positive psychological well-being reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes.
Poor mental health can lead to poor physical health or dangerous behavior.

Wealth isn't the key
Money is thought to be related to human well-being because having sufficient cash will improve your living conditions, and will increase your social status. Happiness can increase with high income, but only to a certain point.
Most people believe that riches are the right way to happiness. But that's not completely true. International studies have shown that it is the quality of our personal relationships, not the size of our bank balances, that has the greatest impact on our state of well-being.

Believing that cash is the key to happiness can actually damage one's well-being. For example, a man or woman who chooses to work a lot of overtime and miss out on a lot of time with family, friends and recreational activities.
Stress due to working extra long hours can also reduce one's life satisfaction. Research shows that people who pursue 'extrinsic' goals like money and reputation tend to be more anxious, depressed, and dissatisfied than people who value 'intrinsic' goals like close relationships with loved ones.

Last words
The best way to maintain health is to keep it through a healthy lifestyle. Instead of waiting until you are sick or weak, and you need to address health issues. People use health to describe this state of sustained improvement in well-being.

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