Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Artificial Intelligence and Women

Artificial Intelligence is Human's Future

       Artificial intelligence, computing device learning, and data science have transformed technology in unfathomable ways. It is revolutionizing every part and place, from education to healthcare, from government to automation, agriculture to security and surveillance, no sector is left untouched.
The world pandemic has had a different impact on certain technology sectors, however, for artificial intelligence, the demand for more professionals and experts in the industry is predicted to increase rapidly.

Artificial Intelligence and Women

What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?

Wikipedia explained that the definition of artificial intelligence, (or also known as AI), is the intelligence demonstrated through machines, as opposed to the natural intelligence demonstrated by animals and humans.
Artificial intelligence is the simulation of human intelligence processes performed by machines, especially computer systems. Typical applications of artificial intelligence include: natural language processing, expert systems, speech recognition and machine vision.

How does Artificial Intelligence Work?

As the hype around AI accelerated, companies have scrambled to promote how their goods and services use AI. Often what they refer to as AI is just one element of AI, such as machine learning.
Artificial intelligence requires a foundation of specialized software programs and hardware, to write and train machine learning algorithms. No single programming language is synonymous with artificial intelligence, but a few, including Python and Java, are extremely popular.

In general, the structure of an artificial intelligence enterprise works by using large amounts of labeled training data, analyzing the information for correlations and patterns, and using these patterns to make predictions about the future state of affairs. In this way, a chatbot provided with text chat examples can learn to generate real-life exchanges with humans, or an image recognition tool can learn to identify and describe objects in images by reviewing tens of millions of examples.

Artificial intelligence programming focuses on three cognitive skills: learning, reasoning, and self-correction.
The Learning Process.
This factor of artificial intelligence programming concentrates on acquiring data and establishing rules for how to turn data into actionable information. Rules, known as algorithms, provide computing units with step-by-step instructions on how to complete a particular task.

Artificial Intelligence and Women

Automation is rapidly revolutionizing the way humans work. Studies suggest that women may be disproportionately affected by these changes.
At Google, women make up 21% of technical roles, according to company figures released in June. Google's artificial intelligence research page has listed 641 humans who work on "machine intelligence", of which only 10% are women.

There are a lot of extraordinary minds on the forefront of Artificial Intelligence. But the subject of A.I. dominated by men, and the sad truth is that only 12% of A.I. researchers are women. Even though women act as role models, as researchers, educators, professors, entrepreneurs in a very great and inspiring way.

A Google spokesperson said the company's research page only lists people who have written research papers, not everyone who applies or researches AI technology, but declined to provide more information.

Facebook also refuses to provide details about the diversity of its AI team. Joelle Pineau, leader of Facebook's Montreal branch of AI lab, stated that counting the research team's publicly listed staff was something that made sense, but for a relatively small team for everyone at Facebook, who is involved in AI, and grows and changes through hiring.

There is no disputing the gender gap in AI. The 2020 World Economic Forum Global Gender Gap shows that only 26% of Data, and AI professionals are women. One of the main challenges is to encourage the interest of women who have already seen it as a “men only” profession.

To change this opinion, and attract more women into the AI industry, they need more female voices sharing their experiences in the AI industry, highlighting the opportunities and benefits of working in technology.
AI businesses can be highly profitable personally, and highly rewarding professionally, with opportunities to add real value to society.
Women are changing the AI industry, taking the lead in enhancing the experience for the next generation, and leading the way in new technological advances.

What function can artificial intelligence play especially in terms of women's work?
AI can help humans eliminate gender bias from the hiring process and address the gender pay gap. One way is to use the Natural Language Processing X engine, where candidates and companies are matched based on skills, years of experience in certain capacities, and number of projects completed.
In this case, gender and other elements will not be taken into consideration when the list of high quality candidates is established for further HR process. But artificial intelligence can't change everything – it can't address changes in behavior or cultural and social norms.

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