Saturday, November 20, 2021

How to Get Rid of Acne Scars Naturally

The Most Effective Acne Scar Treatments

      Acne on the face can be frustrating, and they can also leave scars on your face and other areas of the body. Some person discover that acne scars are an unwanted reminder of a painful and bothersome condition. However, acne scars on face don't have to be permanent, as several medical methods and treatments can help get rid of them.

How to Get Rid of Acne Scars, According to Dermatologist

What are Acne Scars?

Acne scars are commonly triggered by cystic bumps, or red inflamed whiteheads. When these breakouts happen, they cause a break in the follicle wall leading to a lesion. When the lesions are smaller and shallow, they usually heal fastly. But, if there is a deeper wound, it takes much extra time to heal. When the skin tries to heal these lesions, sometimes the repair is not as smooth as the original skin, which results in scarring. People that has severe acne, or cystic acne tends to suffer the most with scarring.

What  is Acne Scars Causes?

Acne scars are caused by a chain of events begins with pores that are filled with bacteria, oil and dead skin cells forming pustules, or papules causing the follicle wall to expand and burst, Your skin then goes into recover mode, and produces new collagen fibres that assist recover the compromised skin, frequently leaving hyperpigmentation and uneven texture.

But before deciding which treatment route to go through, it's necessary to understand the difference between a scar and a mark, so that you can treat the skin properly. The distinction between these can be surprisingly subtle. Acne scars will be white, the skin will be dented while acne scars that have not been scarred will be red and irritated.. A mark can also be light to dark brown which is a sign and symptoms  of Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation (PIH). It was just a scar after the skin turned pale.

What Types Of Scarring Do You Have?

There are 4 different kinds of acne scars, people can get: rolling,  ice pick, boxcar and hypertrophic. Once you realize what kind of acne scars you're dealing with, it's easier to choose the most effective treatment to getting rid of those scars.

Rolling scars 
It has a wave-like appearance, and is wide and shallow in depth. It develops when tissue develops between the epidermis and hypodermis, the deepest layers of the skin, and they come together to create this rolling look.

Ice pick acne scars
small, narrow, acne scars that penetrate deep into the skin. They develop when an infected cystic pimple comes to the surface and destroys skin tissue, leaving a columnar, cylindrical scar.

Hypertrophic scars 
is a raised scar. This is caused when the skin does not realize that the wound has healed, and produces excessive collagen.

Boxcar scars have angular,
well-defined edges. When an inflammatory breakout damages the collagen, it results in a loss of tissue and the skin is left with depressed areas.

How long does it take for acne scars to disappear?
Acne scars don't go away on their own. Depressed acne scars frequently become more noticeable with age as your skin losing the collagen. However, there are some skin treatments that can make your acne scars less visible.
Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation may lighten the "mark" on its own within a few months. However, it may take years for scars to go away without treatment for some people.

Keep on top of your cleansing
Another key tip is to make sure you're keeping a good skin cleansing routine – morning and night. A proper twice-a-day cleansing routine is paramount in acne control The various of product you use is key – you should use an amount equal to the size of a water bottle lid. Less than that can lead to breakouts, as dirt and makeup residue may still clog pores. Double cleansing can also be very beneficial for acne-prone skin, especially when you're removing makeup.

Use skin care products that don't clog your pores.
Like hair oil, many skin care products can cause your breakouts. If you apply a product that contains oil such as cocoa butter, or shea butter to the face, back, or chest, it can clog the pores. Clogged pores can cause acne.
To forestall the skin care products from causing acne or pimple, use only products labeled “non-comedogenic” or “won’t clog pores.” (

Retinoids work great in treating newer acne scars. They work to overcome of discoloration, and can repair skin texture. So, when a scar is in its early stages of development, retinoids work to clear pores, and reduce outbreaks that make scars less likely to develop.

Needling and Rolling
Another general procedure at many dermatology offices, needling or rolling uses a tools that has small needles on a rolling bar. While this may sound painful enough, it’s highly safe and your skin will be numbed before the procedure begins so the pain will be minimal.

Chemical peel
While a chemical peel, a chemical solution is applied to the skin. It removes the outer layer of the skin, resulting in a smoother, more even appearance. You may experience skin redness, and peeling for 3 to 7 days after this method, notes the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery.

Acne Scars Laser Treatment
Lasers can repair all kinds of acne scars; however, ice pick and boxcar scars are most difficult, For lighter skin tones, dermatologist suggest non-ablative laser resurfacing, which stimulates collagen production, with a laser such as Fraxel or PicoWay Resolve.

For darker skin tones, experrt recommends a laser like Laser Genesis, an infra-red Nd:YAG laser. I tried Clear + Brilliant twice, and even though it was a short 20 minute appointment, it was far more uncomfortable than my microneedling experience. Even with numbing cream, the heat of the laser was strong, and I left the treatment feeling like I’d had a trully bad sunburn. 

The skin peeled slightly in the days after the treatment. The result was radiant-looking skin that was more even in texture and tone. Like microneedling, the goal is to stimulate collagen production, and though you may see results after a treatment, a set of 3 to 6 sessions spaced 4 to 6 weeks apart will yield the best results, depending on the severity of your acne scars.

Last Words
Acne scars establish when your skin produces too little or too much collagen as it heals. There are many acne scars types. While acne scars won’t disappear entirely on their own, a number of treatments can improve their appearance. This includes in-office dermatological methods such as resurfacing with lasers or microdermabrasion, microneedling, skin tightening, fillers, and surgery. At-home chemical peels with ingredients like retinoids and salicylic acid can boost skin cell turnover to reduce scarring.
Discuss with a doctor to get recommendations for the acne scars best treatment plan for the type and severity of your acne scars.

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