Showing posts with label Being Woman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Being Woman. Show all posts

Saturday, May 21, 2022

Best Tips to Get Healthy Beauty Nails

Tips for Healthy Nails at Home

       Long, strong, healthy nails are possible. Strong and healthy nails can be an indicator of good health, but sometimes they are not as strong as you would like them to be.
The good news is you can change your lifestyle and habits to help strengthen your nails and get them where you want them to be. Here are some tips that you can use to help strengthen your nails quickly.

Beauty Healthy Nails

Here are dermatologist's tips to keep your nails healthy:
1. Avoid using gel or acrylic nails, if possible
While it's touted as an easy alternative for those who have difficulty growing their nails, overuse can cause the nails to peel, which weakens the nails. If you must get one, don't wear it all the time.
The ultraviolet light exposure required for gel paints has been identified as a cancer risk factor, although the exposure is much lower than what you would get with UV tanning equipment. Exposure also causes skin to age which supports healthy nails. 

Keep your nails clean and dry.
Too much water immersion can cause your nails to become brittle and break easily.. Wear gloves when washing dishes, and try not to get your hands in the water when bathing.
It's impossible to always avoid soaking your hands, but it's something to watch out for.

Cut the nails straight. 
Use sharp nail scissors. Round the nails a little at the ends for maximum strength.

Nail Polish
Wearing nail polish will not damage your healthy nails, although you may need to apply the polish regularly. As part of your at-home manicure treatment, make sure you choose an acetone-free nail polish remover when you decide to get started. Wear gloves for better nail care when working with your hands, such as when you garden or clean the house, to protect nail polish and keep dirt off your nails.

Cut toenails regularly.
The fashion trend is to have neat, more natural looking, shorter nails and not the long claws of the past. Trimming your nails regularly helps you keep your nails healthy and helps prevent snagging or breaking. How often you trim will depend on how quickly your nails grow. You can use a fine file to smooth out the edges of nails. As part of your manicure, you can also lightly scrub the surface of your nails, especially if you are prone to bumps. Keeping them short will minimize your risk of trauma and injury.

Avoid "digging" ingrown toenails, especially if they are infected and painful. If you have an ingrown toenail, see a dermatologist for treatment. (

Moisturizes nail bed and cuticles.
There is little medical data to show that moisturizing the nail bed will help your nails grow, it can make your cuticles look better and help protect your nails from breaking from a lack of moisture. If your nails are brittle, that could mean they need moisture, applying oil around the cuticles can help moisturize the entire nail, which will reduce the chance of chipping and cracking.

Remember the toenail count too!
Everything that applies to your nails applies to your toenails, which experts say may be more prone to problems due to a sloppy pedicure. Because the feet are in the shoes more often -- a dark, humid environment -- mold can grow more easily. If you're getting a regular pedicure, it's recommended that you bring your own instruments and don't allow the technician to dig under your nails or around your cuticles. Cutting toenails at an angle -- rather than straight across -- increases the risk of ingrown toenails, and they can be painful and sometimes develop into infection.

Keep your nails in shape and free from rips by filing them with an emery board.

Be patient with the growth of your nails
If you're a chronic nail-biter, you know the victory is ultimately growing your nails past your fingertips. Healthy habits and patience pay off in nail care. But the main focus is on finding ways to strengthen your nails, not looking for ways to grow nails fast. Stronger nails can lead to longer nails if you practice good nail care, but all of this takes time. If you're struggling with brittle nails that keep breaking and breaking, it's a good idea to trim your nails short until they're strong again; then they will have the foundation they need to grow for longer.

About the Manicure and Pedicure

If you're relying on a manicure or pedicure for healthy looking nails, keep a few things in mind. Stick to salons that feature current state licenses, and only work with professionals who are also licensed by state boards. Do not get your cuticles removed, because cuticles serve to close the skin to the nail plate, so removal can cause nail infections. Ensure that your nail technician properly sterilizes all tools used during the procedure, to prevent the spread of infection.

You may also ask how foot baths are cleaned. Ideally, a bleach solution is used between the client and the filters are cleaned regularly.
It's easy to neglect your nails — but taking a few basic steps can keep your nails healthy and strong.

Thursday, December 9, 2021

Why Women's Empowerment is Important for Development?

Women Empowerment and Gender Equality

      Over the last few years, there has been a steady increase in the empowerment of women. Women must have self-confidence, self-esteem, and freedom to choose their needs and life. Classifying people by gender is absurd and has no value. In reality, however, women are paid less, are required to cook, and their activities are restricted by family members. To overcome this situation and to have an independent role in society, empowerment of women is needed.

Women Empowerment

Empowering women is a fundamental right of every woman. They have the same right to participate in society, education, economy and politics. They were allowed to receive higher education and treated like men.

What Is Women's Empowerment All About?

What is women's empowerment? Empowerment of women or women's empowerment means the process of empowering women. This can be defined in a number of ways, including accepting women's viewpoints or seeking them, enhancing women's status through education, awareness, literacy and training.. (

Women's empowerment can be defined as a way to promote women's sense of self-worth, women's rights and abilities to make their own choices, and women's rights to bring about social change for themselves and others.
It is closely linked to women's empowerment – a fundamental human right, which is also the key to achieving a more peaceful and prosperous world.

In Western countries, women's empowerment has often been linked to certain phases of the women's rights movement in history. This movement tends to be divided into 3 waves, the first started in the 19th century and early 20th century where suffrage became its main characteristic. The second wave of the 1960s embraced the sexual revolution and the role of women in society. Third wave feminism has often been seen from the 1990s.

The empowerment of women and the promotion of women's rights have emerged as part of a major global movement, and have continued to pave new avenues in recent years. Days like International Women's Empowerment Day are gaining momentum as well.
However, despite much progress, women face discrimination and violence in every part of the world at times.

In some societies, women still suffer from gender discrimination. Women are not given the same rights as men. Women are still underpaid, their job is only cooking, cleaning, etc. Women are still rigid with their culture and family. Women can't go out at night or with men. Some Asian women's lives are decided by their parents or husband.

They still don't allow women to work or study away from their homes, as they believe that women are weaker than men, and some husbands are jealous. Moreover, some women in Asia marry at a young age, and some are forced into marriage by their parents. Women's empowerment is needed in society. This is very important to a woman's self-esteem and also to society.

Empowering women means providing women's rights. Women have the same right to participate in various fields. Women can be involved in society because they like to choose their religion, language, work and other activities. Women are allowed to get higher education like men. They can pursue higher education, finish school, learn skills, and study whatever they want. Women can also enter politics, because they have the right to vote and carry out several activities in the political field.

Women’s Empowerment Activities Are Essential to Global Progress

Women's empowerment and gender equality are "essential for global progress", UN Secretary-General António Guterres emphasized in his address for International Women's Day, to place "innovation by women and for women", at the heart of efforts to achieve gender equality.

"Last year, for the first time, we achieved gender equality in the United Nations Senior Management Group and among the United Nations' leading teams around the world", said the UN Secretary-General, adding that the Organization "works to achieve equality worldwide. United States. Unity. The state system in a decade."

The United Nations started celebrating International Day in 1975, which was designated as the International Year of Women. Over the decades it has gone from acknowledging women's achievements to being a focal point for building support for women's rights and participation, in the political and economic arena.
Gender equality is critical to women's work effectiveness, and women should not miss the contribution of half of the world's population.

Moreover, equal participation of women in the workforce would open up trillions of dollars to global development.
Humans cannot build the future that humanity wants and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) without the full participation of women,

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Things to Know About Cosmetic Surgery

Is Cosmetic Surgery Safe?

     Cosmetic surgery continues to grow in popularity, with 15.1 million cosmetic procedures performed in the US in 2013, an increase of 3% over the previous year.
Procedures are available for almost all parts of the human body, but the choice of having cosmetic surgery should not be taken lightly. The results are often permanent, so it is necessary to ensure the decision, use the right practitioner, and have the right motivation.

Woman take mirror after cosmetic surgery

The purpose of cosmetic surgery is to improve the appearance, self-confidence and self-esteem of humans. Cosmetic surgery can be done on any part of the face or body.. (

A surgeon may refer a patient for preoperative counseling if they believe there is an underlying problem that cannot be resolved with surgery, or if the patient is exhibiting signs and symptoms of Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD).
BDD can cause a woman to feel that there is something wrong with her appearance when objective evidence suggests otherwise.

Reconstructive surgery is another kind of plastic surgery. It aims to improve function, and give a normal appearance to a woman's body parts that are damaged, for example after a mastectomy.

Cosmetic Surgery Definition

What is cosmetic plastic surgery? Cosmetic plastic surgery is performed to change the appearance of human (mostly women). For some people, cosmetic surgery means redesigning the contours and shape of the body, smoothing wrinkles, or removing bald areas. Others may opt for varicose veins treatment or breast augmentation.

There are various cosmetic surgery procedures that women can choose from to build an image that makes them feel more confident and comfortable with their appearance.
Although insurance companies seldom cover the cost of cosmetic procedures, the number of women who decide to have cosmetic plastic surgery is increasing. The most popular and well-known cosmetic surgeries are nose reshaping, breast augmentation, tummy tuck, eyelid surgery and facelift.

The procedures, principles and methods of cosmetic surgery are completely focused on improving the appearance of women. Improving aesthetic appeal, symmetry and proportion is an important goal. Aesthetic surgeries can be performed on all areas of the neck, head, and body. Since cosmetic procedures treat well-functioning areas, cosmetic surgery was chosen as the option. Elective cosmetic procedures are performed by cosmetic doctors from a wide range of medical fields, including plastic surgeons.

At What Age Do Most Women Get Cosmetic Surgery?

The average age of women undergoing cosmetic surgery is 41 years. Treatments such as liposuction, breast augmentation, rhinoplasty and dermabrasion are common among younger women, while procedures including breast lift, blepharoplasty or eye lift, facelift and Botox are more often performed by older female patients.

Is Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery The Same Thing?

Cosmetic surgery is a unique medical discipline that focuses on enhancing human appearance through surgical and medical techniques. Cosmetic surgery can be performed on nearly any area of your head, neck, and body. Since the treated area works, but lacks aesthetic appeal, cosmetic surgery clinic is an option.

Focus on Cosmetic Surgery
- The aim of cosmetic surgeons is to enhance one's appearance aesthetically and hence the procedures, principles and techniques used focus entirely on this outcome. The goal is to improve the proportions, aesthetic appeal and symmetry of the body part, where the procedure is performed.
- Cosmetic surgery can be performed on all areas of your body, including your head and neck.
- It is a voluntary choice made by the patient to have cosmetic surgery.
- Cosmetic surgery can be performed by plastic surgeons and cosmetic doctors from different medical fields.

Cosmetic Surgical Procedures include:
- Breast Enlargement – Enlargement, Reduction and Lift
- Body contouring – Liposuction, Gynecomastia treatment, and Tummy Tuck
- Facial rejuvenation – Eyebrow lift, Face lift, Eyelid lift and Neck lift
- Facial contouring – including: Chin Lift, Rhinoplasty, and Cheeks,
- Skin rejuvenation – Filler treatment, Botox, Laser resurfacing.

Plastic surgery is defined as the surgical specialty dedicated to the reconstruction of facial and body defects caused by birth defects, burns, trauma, and disease. Plastic surgery is meant to correct the dysfunctional areas of your body and is reconstructive.

Focus on Plastic Surgery Procedures
- The main goal of plastic surgery is to correct defects so they can be reconstructed to give a natural appearance and restore normal function of the operated body part.
- It is defined as a surgical specialty that involves the reconstruction of facial and body defects resulting from burns, illness, birth, and trauma.
- The focus of plastic surgery is to reconstruct and allow the dysfunctional body part to function normally and naturally.

Some Plastic Surgery Procedures

- Burn Repair Surgery
- Reconstruction of Breasts (after a mastectomy; also involves reduction and enhancement)
- Hand Surgery
- Reconstruction of Lower Extremities

How Much Does Cosmetic Surgery Cost?

This is the national average doctor or surgeon cost for some of the more common cosmetic surgery methods, according to 2015 research from the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. Operating room and hospital costs, anesthetic costs, prescription drugs, medical tests, and post-operative clothing increase the total cost.

The price of this procedure rely on what body parts are treated. The average price for a treatment is about $3,400. 
Breast augmentation 
The average surgeon's cost for breasts enlargement is $3,800 - $4,100, depending in part on the kind of implant.
Eyelid surgery:
Surgeons cost an average of $3,300 for eyelid surgery. Expect to pay more, if you have had an eyebrow lift other than eyelid surgery.
Tummy tuck 
Charges vary widely for a tummy tuck. The average surgeon's price for a tummy tuck is about $6,200. Surgeons base their costs on their experience, and where in the state they work.  
Nose surgery 
The surgeon's average price for a rhinoplasty—referred to as a rhinoplasty—is about $5,300. Some insurance plans will pay for rhinoplasty if deemed medically necessary, such as to correct a structural defect that interferes with breathing.
A facelift is one of the most expensive cosmetic procedures. The average surgeon's price is about $7,800. 

Last Words
Are you considering cosmetic or surgical procedures? Get informed and make more secure choices.
No matter how simple it may seem, every cosmetic or surgical procedure has its risks. Even if you've had cosmetic surgery procedures before, you should always think about your decision carefully. If you decide that cosmetic surgery is for you – secure first. Understand which questions to ask, and what to look out for, so that you can make the right decision.

Sunday, November 14, 2021

Things You Should Know about Eyelash Extensions

Things You Need to Know before Getting Eyelash Extensions

      Now suddenly it looks like all your girlfriends have grown movie star-like lashes. Eyelash extensions might just be the solution for you, if all the amazing mascara formulas on lash lifts, market options and false eyelashes aren't giving you enough boost. Like any beauty treatment, you need to do your research before ordering an eyelash extensions product.

Beauty Woman Wearing Eyelash Extension

What Are an Eyelash Extensions?

Eyelash extensions are semi-permanent eyelashes that are glued by hand over natural eyelashes. Because eyelash extensions are self-adhesive, unlike strip lashes, they are customizable, and completely natural looking.
Eyelash extensions are mink, silk, or light synthetic eyelashes applied directly to natural lashes.

The extensions are applied using semi-permanent adhesive by an eyelash specialist.
Additionally, most extensions are applied to the upper lash line, and these products are applied either in "groups" or "fans" or individually.
When using eyelash extensions, especially if it's your first time, you may be afraid of getting an unnatural result, or of having an allergic reaction. This is why it is important to consider all aspects before going for eyelash extensions to achieve the look you want.

Does it Matter where You Apply Eyelash Extensions?

Yes! As eyelash extensions involve the eye which is a very sensitive area, it is recommended that women interested in this beauty product have it done at a reputable salon, and have a professionally trained eyelash artist.
If this procedure is not done properly, it can cause pain, redness of the eyes, loss of natural eyelashes, or in many cases, eye infection with pus secretion.

How Eyelash Extensions are Applied?

You'll want to put some time into this, as getting an eyelash extension application can take anywhere from one to two hours, depending on your desired final look.
As for the silver lining, you'll be lying down with your eyes closed, so, for most women, this is a really relaxing experience.

During the application process, synthetic fibers are carefully applied one at a time, typically 80 to 140 per eye, using a specially formulated semi-permanent glue, and directly onto the hair at the base of the lashes, not onto the skin.
For context, the average person has around 200-300 eyelashes on their upper eyelids.

Average Price of Eyelash Extensions

Eyelash extension fees are different for each style, for normal services it is charged separately.
So, on average, classic eyelash extensions cost around $150, Russian volume lashes are more expensive, and are generally around $230, while hybrid lashes usually cost around $190.

You can Wear Makeup with Them

If you can't stand the idea of ditching your smoky eye, that's okay, you may not do it. Only liquid-based eye products can damage your extensions, but you can avoid this with a bit of liquid liner, as long as you don't drag it along your lash line.
Make sure to carefully remove the shadows, or liner with an oil-free makeup remover, and Q-tips for precision. Most importantly, avoid mascara completely, as it makes extensions caked on and damaged. This is only acceptable if you are at the end of your cycle, and will have a new set in a few days.

Can I Take a Shower, Wear Mascara, and Wash The Face After Extensions?

It is very important to keep your new extensions out of water for at least the first 24 hours. This is to ensure that the eyelash glue that is used is completely dry because it is sensitive to water. Then, if you're wearing eye makeup, use a water-based make-up remover, and a cotton pad to clean the areas closer to your lash line.
It is advised not to use mascara, as it is hard to remove, and can cause eye irritation if left on unwashed lashes.
Clean your eyelashes with an eyelash foam cleanser to prevent bacteria buildup.

Eyelash Extensions Last Longer than You Think

How long does eyelash extension last? With the right care, you can make your eyelash extensions last up to one and a half months.
Most salons recommend that you return every 2-3 weeks for repairs, but if you're looking to save a little money, you can extend its lifespan.
Be careful not to get your lashes wet, and don't use any oily products near your eyes.

Do Eyelash Extensions Ruin Your Natural Lashes?

Not really, there isn't a lot of evidence to show whether eyelash extensions actually have an impact on natural lash length, or your long-term health. However, there is a small risk of developing traction alopecia, in which your natural eyelashes may fall out under the weight of the constant repeated eyelash extensions. But don't press—it's not normal.

It usually takes years of poor application, and improper care, resulting in long-term eyelash damage. So, you should only go to salons that are legitimate and reputable.
Make sure your professional washes their hands between clients, wears a mask, uses sanitary pillowcases, sterilizes tweezers, and uses disposable eyelash brushes. And don't feel awkward asking your esthetician to make sure that all these precautions have been taken.

Eyelash Extensions Aftercare

When using eyelash extensions, you will have to adjust your makeup and skincare routine a bit. Proper lash care is as important as the application itself, and a little care goes a long way. Keep your lashes dry during the first 24 hours after application.

And you can only use oil-free makeup removers and oil-free eye products, while eyelash extensions are on.
Adopt a keep your hands away from your eyes policy: The worst thing you can do is rub your eyes, which causes immediate damage. Another thing not to do is use eyelash curlers, and if you're going to use mascara (which you probably won't need), make sure it's specifically formulated for eyelash extensions. It should be a water-based, oil-free formula, as any oil can dissolve the adhesive that keeps the extensions together.

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Best Underwear for Women's Health

Which Underwear is Good for Your Health?

     When shopping for underwear, you tend to stick to one particular style, like bikinis, thongs, or panties, but you miss out on some of the different types of women's underwear that are available and on trend right now.
There are so many choices, and it can be overwhelming, if you're trying to make a change, just need, or want "another" style.

Women Wearing Underwear Lying Down in the Floor

The Good Housekeeping Institute Textiles Lab's fiber scientists have already discover the best and health underwear for female. Here is medical advice for you to choose the best underwear for your health.
When buying underwear, first of all it should fit you. If the style is too tight, it has the potential to cause rashes, blisters and irritation.

How does The Material of Underwear Affect Women's Health?

Be careful with the material of your trousers, because it can prevent you from various vaginal health problems, such as irritation and infection. That's because yeast and bacteria tend to thrive in moist, dark conditions.
Certain underwear materials can develop such a humid environment.

Sweat-wicking underwear is essential, synthetic materials like nylon and lycra can be restrictive, skin can't breathe, and can cause rashes, irritation, and infection, especially if you're already prone to them.
That doesn't mean you're bound to get an infection if you wear underwear made of these materials. But there are fabrics that are more roomy, and will make your vagina a lot happier, and reduce your risk.

Material of Women's Underwear

Undergarments for everyday use should fit the vagina snugly, be comfortable, and ideally be made of cotton. Cotton is one of the softest, strongest, most breathable and cost-effective fibers around. It absorbs moisture, and is easy to care for, all of which contributes to its status as the go-to ingredient for your everyday partner.
If you can use it, organic cotton is ideal, as it is free from chemicals, which can potentially cause irritation,
However, you will pay a lot more for this eco-friendly and skin-friendly option.

In fact, if you want pure cotton gusset above all else, you'll notice that most cotton underwear is blended with a low percentage of spandex. The stretchy fibers help your panties hold their shape, no matter how many times they're tossed in the dryer. However, if you want 100% pure cotton underpants, look for one with a closed elastic waist, so you get the advantage of bouncing off the synthetic material without touching the skin.

When it comes to sweating time, the reverse holds true (mostly). Yeast and bacteria like a dark, damp environment. So you may want to limit the amount of cotton in the overall piece (as it traps moisture) and choose a synthetic material that absorbs moisture. You can find options with a cotton crotch, so you get breathable fiber where it counts, but, if you're opting for a purely synthetic performance pair, look for one that's covered with an antimicrobial coating.

Choose Natural Fabrics Especially Cotton
You've probably heard of this before, but with all the different styles of beauty fabrics out there, it's worth saying one more thing: cotton is the best type of underwear fabric.
The vulva is a delicate and sensitive area, much like the lips on your face. You'll want to be super gentle with her.
What fabrics are the simplest and softest to touch your skin? Yup, cotton. It's also breathable and breathable, which can help avoid yeast infections.

Because vaginal discharge is unhealthy, like moisture in your mouth, your underwear should gently absorb the extra moisture.
Synthetic materials such as spandex and nylon do not allow the area to breathe. In fact, they trap heat and humidity, developing the perfect breeding ground for yeast infections.

Women Underwear Sizes, Knowing Your Proper Fit is a Key

Measure your hips and waist before you shop, so you can chart them correctly. Every brand has a different size, and the size changes, so this is necessary.
The cut of underwear that fits best your body can help prevent discomfort and irritation. Of course, you want to make sure the underwear fits and is comfortable on your labia.

Wearing undergarments that are too tight can cause friction, and lead to ingrown hairs. cysts, warts and other issues. It is important to choose underwear of the right size to avoid micro injuries or microtrauma, friction and irritation that can occur from the material or type of women's underwear (i.e. straps).
The solution isn't that complicated: Just buy a size and style that works for you.

You Should Get Intimate at Bedtime.

No, this isn't the way you think. Being a real commando is an overnight good thing. You would be better off sleeping without underwear to give their vulvar skin a break from the constant protection, this helps reduce chronic inflammation.
If you wear underwear to sleep, look for full-covering panties to avoid irritation overnight.

Wash Your Underwear Everyday

Undergarments should be delicate, and should be handled with more care than your other clothing. If you can, try to wash them separately, even if it's not really that important. However, because underwear sticks to sensitive skin areas for a long time, it is recommended to wash it separately, to avoid transferring bacteria from other clothes to it.
Always use a strong, mild detergent. After washing, leave it outside in direct sunlight to dry, as the sun acts as a natural cleanser. The sun's ultraviolet heat will help kill bacteria.

Saturday, October 23, 2021

Facts about Menstruation that You Never Know

Things You Need to Know about Menstruation

      Menstruation is a normal and healthy phase for women's life. Roughly half of the US female population, and about 26% of the global population are of reproductive age. Most women have menstruation every month for about 2 to 7 days. But, as always, menstruation is stigmatized around the world.

Beauty Woman Get Menstruation

So, you think you understand all there is to know about menstruation? Think again. No matter how intelligent you are, there's always something that's been off your radar, especially some unusual facts about periods.

The commonly menstruation cycle is 24 to 38 days ( The typical menstruation lasts 4 to 8 days. Monthly or regular menstruation is a sign of your normal menstrual cycle. Your physique is working to prepare for the possibility of pregnancy.
Apart from bleeding, 90% of menstruating women experience various signs and symptoms.
Food cravings are one of the most common symptoms. In fact, one study found that almost half of American women crave chocolate at the start of their period.

What Is the Meaning of Menstruation Cycle?

The menstrual cycle doesn't just refer to your period: It starts on the first day you get your period when your ovary releases an egg (ovulation), and your uterus makes a soft, spongy lining in case the egg is fertilized (pregnancy).
It's normal that your cycle is different than your friend's, or even your sister's, cycles that can last from 21 days to more than 35, although Planned Parenthood notes 25 to 30 is the sweet spot for most women, and it's not the same every month.

Interesting Period Facts You Should Know

Here are some interesting menstruation facts you never knew.

All Menstrual Cycles do not Last For 28 Days
Many menstrual facts state the average cycle is different. What's more, many menstrual myths state that your period lasts 28 days. However, a woman's menstrual cycle can range from 21 days to 35 days, depending on age, and various other health factors.
The average menstrual cycle is 28 days, but a shorter or longer cycle doesn't mean your health is at risk. Experts consider cycles that deviate from the 28-day average to be normal and healthy, as long as they're tidy, and predictable enough.

You Can Still Get Pregnant When You're Menstruating.
Many people say that a woman cannot get pregnant if she has intercourse during her period. But, this isn't true.

Even if it's unlikely that you will get pregnant, when you are on your period, it is not impossible at all.
This is because sperm can survive in the body for up to 5 or 6 days, so if you have relatively short cycles, have intercourse towards the end of your period, and ovulate right after your period is over, you have the potential to get pregnant.

The Average Age for Girls Starting Their First Menstruation Has Changed
Generally, the age at which girls start their periods is getting younger and younger.
A century ago, the common starting age for menstruation was 16 years, but now the average is 12 years, and it is not uncommon for girls as young as 8 to have started puberty too.
This is presumably due to several factors such as diet and better health. However, other things, such as being overweight, stress and climate, can all influence the age at which girls start puberty.

Sleeping with a night light can help regulate your cycle.
Light exposure impacts the secretion of the sleep hormone melatonin, which helps regulate the release of the female reproductive hormone, which determines when your menstrual cycle begins, and ends.
In a study published in the journal Psychiatry Research, in the early 90s, women with longer, or irregular, cycles who slept next to an ordinary 100-watt light bulb, for several days in the last 2 weeks of their menstrual cycle, had their periods. being 12 days shorter on average, meaning this targeted approach can help manage your periods.

Period Timing Depends on Ovulation
Your period usually occurs 14 days after ovulation. The first phase of the cycle can vary from 7 to 20 days, which can result in longer or shorter cycles, depending on when the woman ovulates. For example, if you ovulate on the 14th day, you might have your period on the 28th day. So if you ovulate on the 10th day, your period will arrive on the 24th day.

Your Period Can Affect Your Smell and Voice
According to vocalization researchers, women's voices may change slightly during their menstrual cycle, as a result of reproductive hormones affecting the vocal cords. This means women can sound different on their periods, and even be “less attractive” according to participants in their test.

The same female reproductive hormones also have an impact on your natural scent, meaning you smell different, when you're on your period. It's very subtle and totally consciously detectable. This is more of an animalistic thing, considering the caveman days, when men were more interested in women who were ovulating than menstruating.

Heavy Menstruation Can Mean You Have Hormonal Imbalance
Some women experience heavier periods than usual. If you suspect that your periods are very heavy, it is important to pay attention to your menstrual symptoms, as this can indicate that you have a hormonal imbalance.
In this case, heavy menstruation is often accompanied by painful cramps.

Last words
American women are less comfortable talking about their periods with men than women abroad.
Only 35% of U.S. women report no discomfort discussing their periods with male coworkers and classmates, according to a survey by women's health app Clue.
On the other hand, 50% of Spanish women say that they enjoy discussing their periods with their male colleagues and classmates. Almost 50% of women surveyed in Argentina and the Philippines said the same thing.

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Artificial Intelligence and Women

Artificial Intelligence is Human's Future

       Artificial intelligence, computing device learning, and data science have transformed technology in unfathomable ways. It is revolutionizing every part and place, from education to healthcare, from government to automation, agriculture to security and surveillance, no sector is left untouched.
The world pandemic has had a different impact on certain technology sectors, however, for artificial intelligence, the demand for more professionals and experts in the industry is predicted to increase rapidly.

Artificial Intelligence and Women

What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?

Wikipedia explained that the definition of artificial intelligence, (or also known as AI), is the intelligence demonstrated through machines, as opposed to the natural intelligence demonstrated by animals and humans.
Artificial intelligence is the simulation of human intelligence processes performed by machines, especially computer systems. Typical applications of artificial intelligence include: natural language processing, expert systems, speech recognition and machine vision.

How does Artificial Intelligence Work?

As the hype around AI accelerated, companies have scrambled to promote how their goods and services use AI. Often what they refer to as AI is just one element of AI, such as machine learning.
Artificial intelligence requires a foundation of specialized software programs and hardware, to write and train machine learning algorithms. No single programming language is synonymous with artificial intelligence, but a few, including Python and Java, are extremely popular.

In general, the structure of an artificial intelligence enterprise works by using large amounts of labeled training data, analyzing the information for correlations and patterns, and using these patterns to make predictions about the future state of affairs. In this way, a chatbot provided with text chat examples can learn to generate real-life exchanges with humans, or an image recognition tool can learn to identify and describe objects in images by reviewing tens of millions of examples.

Artificial intelligence programming focuses on three cognitive skills: learning, reasoning, and self-correction.
The Learning Process.
This factor of artificial intelligence programming concentrates on acquiring data and establishing rules for how to turn data into actionable information. Rules, known as algorithms, provide computing units with step-by-step instructions on how to complete a particular task.

Artificial Intelligence and Women

Automation is rapidly revolutionizing the way humans work. Studies suggest that women may be disproportionately affected by these changes.
At Google, women make up 21% of technical roles, according to company figures released in June. Google's artificial intelligence research page has listed 641 humans who work on "machine intelligence", of which only 10% are women.

There are a lot of extraordinary minds on the forefront of Artificial Intelligence. But the subject of A.I. dominated by men, and the sad truth is that only 12% of A.I. researchers are women. Even though women act as role models, as researchers, educators, professors, entrepreneurs in a very great and inspiring way.

A Google spokesperson said the company's research page only lists people who have written research papers, not everyone who applies or researches AI technology, but declined to provide more information.

Facebook also refuses to provide details about the diversity of its AI team. Joelle Pineau, leader of Facebook's Montreal branch of AI lab, stated that counting the research team's publicly listed staff was something that made sense, but for a relatively small team for everyone at Facebook, who is involved in AI, and grows and changes through hiring.

There is no disputing the gender gap in AI. The 2020 World Economic Forum Global Gender Gap shows that only 26% of Data, and AI professionals are women. One of the main challenges is to encourage the interest of women who have already seen it as a “men only” profession.

To change this opinion, and attract more women into the AI industry, they need more female voices sharing their experiences in the AI industry, highlighting the opportunities and benefits of working in technology.
AI businesses can be highly profitable personally, and highly rewarding professionally, with opportunities to add real value to society.
Women are changing the AI industry, taking the lead in enhancing the experience for the next generation, and leading the way in new technological advances.

What function can artificial intelligence play especially in terms of women's work?
AI can help humans eliminate gender bias from the hiring process and address the gender pay gap. One way is to use the Natural Language Processing X engine, where candidates and companies are matched based on skills, years of experience in certain capacities, and number of projects completed.
In this case, gender and other elements will not be taken into consideration when the list of high quality candidates is established for further HR process. But artificial intelligence can't change everything – it can't address changes in behavior or cultural and social norms.

Monday, September 13, 2021

Know Ovulation Signs – When You're most Fertile

Ovulate is a Sign of Fertility in Woman

     Are you thinking about a way to get pregnant? If the answer is yes, it means that it is time to get acquainted with ovulation. Just as the menstrual cycle is unique to every woman, so is ovulation. By learning to understand the symptoms of ovulation, you will be able to time your sexual intercourse with your partner appropriately, to increase your chances of getting pregnant.

Ovulate. Physical Signs That You Are Fertile

Do you understand lush windows? Those are the days in a woman's menstrual cycle that pregnancy can occur. The 'fertility window' depends on the size of the menstrual cycle which varies among women.
The fertile period is the day the egg is released from the ovary (ovulation) and the previous 5 days. Having sex during this time gives you a big chance to get pregnant.

What is an Ovulate?

Understanding when you are ovulating – and having regular sexual intercourse five days before and on the day of ovulation – can increase your chances of getting pregnant.

Ovulation is a natural process by which a mature egg is released from the ovary. it is an important six days, because the egg can be fertilized for about 12 to 24 hours after it is released. Moreover, sperm can survive in the female reproductive tract for up to five days after intercourse under the right conditions. Your chances of getting pregnant are perfect when the sperm is alive and in the fallopian tubes during ovulation.

In an average 28-day menstrual cycle, ovulation usually occurs about 14 days before the start of your next menstrual period. But in most women, ovulation occurs 4 days before or after the halfway point of the menstrual cycle. If, like many women, you don't have an ideal 28-day menstrual cycle, you can determine your cycle length and midpoint by maintaining a menstrual calendar.

Ovulation Calendar

There are apps that can help you predict when ovulation will occur, thereby increasing the chances of conception.
The ovulation calendar is designed to help a woman predict when she will be most fertile.
There are a number of websites and apps that can help with this process by asking questions such as:
- How long usually does your menstrual cycle last?
- When was your last menstrual cycle starting?
- How long is your luteal phase, or time from one day after ovulation to the end of your cycle?

It is usually very useful for women to archive or map their menstrual information for inclusion in the calendar. Keeping track of the menstrual cycle can be the key to highlighting any irregularity.

Chances of Pregnancy Before and After Ovulation

There has been a lot of research on great techniques to detect ovulation and how fertile a woman is before and after ovulation.
There are a number of problems with this type of study. First, there's no truly accurate technique for detecting the day you ovulated. At least at home.
Ovulation can be detected with an ultrasound or a blood test, but these will not help you to have sex with your partner on the right day. They can only tell you once you've ovulated. (Plus, this needs your doctor!)

Let's assume you know when you ovulate, and you know how many days before or after ovulation you have intercourse. What are your odds of getting pregnant?
Here's what the research says (This is primarily based on a mix of different studies.)
One day earlier than ovulation: 21% to 34%
Two days earlier than ovulation: thirteen to 29%
Three days earlier than ovulation: 8% to 23%
Four days earlier than ovulation: eight percent to 17%
Five days earlier than ovulation: 0.4% to 7% chance you could get pregnant
Day of ovulation: 8% to 33%
One day of ovulation before: 0.8% to 11%
The last two days: 3% to 9%

Predicting Ovulation
Ovulation usually occurs around the middle of your menstrual cycle, about 14 days before the first day of your next period, but the exact timing may vary. While the signs and symptoms that you may be ovulating may not be obvious, there are some things you can look out for and track over time to help you predict your fertile window.

Body temperature changes
When you have just ovulated, your body temperature may be slightly elevated, about half a degree Celsius. If you're using temperature as an ability to track when you're most fertile, you should use a special thermometer to take your temperature every morning before you get out of bed. If you report your daily readings using a chart or spreadsheet, your patterns can be learned over time. The time when you are most fertile is two to three days earlier than the temperature rise.

Changes in mucus
Noticing how your vaginal secretions change throughout your menstrual cycle is the foundation of the Billings ovulation method. Around the time of ovulation, you might notice that your secretions are clear, stretchy and slippery – similar to egg whites. After ovulation, when the chances of getting pregnant are reduced, the secretions tend to become cloudy and thick, or disappear completely.

Other Signs
There may be other symptoms that you are approaching ovulation time, such as mild stomach cramps, breast tenderness, or increased sex drive. However, using these symptoms to predict when you'll be fertile isn't the most reliable method.

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Reasons Why You Should Donate to Charity Now

Is Donating to Charity Worth It?

     Donating to things you care about is not only beneficial for the charity itself, but it is also very beneficial for you. Many people give to charity regularly to support causes they believe in, as well as for its positive effect on their own lives. So why is giving to charity so fulfilling? Let's take a closer look at the reasons for donating to a charity of your choice.

Donate Money to Charity

Almost everyone in the world values charity to some degree. Many popular religions have altruistic bases, such as the practice of tithing, i.e. giving 10% of a person's income, in Christianity and Judaism. Zakat (usually giving 2.5% of a person's total wealth) in Islam, and Dana in Buddhism, Hinduism and Sikhism.

Despite our universal tendency to donate to charities, or more generally, to do the right thing, why should we donate? What are some specific reasons why charity should be an essential part of our lives?

Just thinking that charity is important is one thing, but it is absolutely essential to bridge the gap between action and intention, if we are to help those in need. There are several key reasons why charity is an essential ingredient for making the world a better place:
- it can enhance our own well-being,
- it is effective in helping the needy, and
- it could make the world a much fairer place as a whole.

What are  Charity?

Charity is an organization founded to help people in many ways. Donations can be used to help a group of people somewhere in the world, promote products that can be recycled to save the world, or by supporting sports and the arts.

The purpose of charities has been divided into several categories that have been approved by law as charitable contributions. This could be related to poverty relief or prevention, or the promotion of culture, arts, science, technology and heritage.

The values of charity match, the public benefits and they have been set with certain conditions. The sole purpose of charity is to help other people and nothing else. Another purpose of zakat is to avoid donations that are not charitable in nature, and to stop people from trying to take advantage of a charity.

Organizations dealing with non-profit donations are not permitted to generate any profit. Every penny they collect should be donated to reach their goal. No shareholder or charity owner can benefit from such charitable donations.

Charities must be registered with the Charitable Commission and they must state the aims and objectives of their charity. They must explain how they will meet their challenges and present an annual report that is made public. It is important for the public to know how their charities are helping the poor.

What is The Purpose of a Charity?

1. To help others.
When you contribute to a cause, you are making the world a better place. Whether you donate your money, your time, or your expertise, there are recipients who benefit from it.
People may go to school because of the scholarships you fund, children may feel supported by the shelter or food they receive, animals can be saved because of the organizations you donate too, and society's carbon footprint may be reduced as a result of your research and efforts.

At the end of the day, donations show kindness, and those around you see it.
While there are sometimes questions about where the money is going in the public sector, the truth is, everyone in it is trying to do something bigger than any one of us could possibly do alone. When you donate to charity, you do good in the world.

2. Giving to charity can boost your self-esteem
Donating is a selfless act, so giving to charity will boost your self-esteem. By donating money to charity, you will achieve a greater sense of satisfaction and growth, because it feels good to be able to help others and provide them with an all-important resource.

Yemenis are a great example of people you can help and provide them with the resources they need. Saba Relief is a non-profit charitable organization that works very closely with individuals in Yemen who have nowhere to live, or anyone else to turn to. Displaced people, malnourished children, and families whose homes were torn down by the terrible war.

3.You have the financial resources to fight poverty.
Statistics on the number of people living in extreme poverty, the scale of suffering can seem huge. But the facts about help and aid distribution tell a very different story. While 767 million people living on less than $1.90 a day, those of us living in developed countries have significant collective resources at our disposal. Focusing solely on the U.S., it takes only $3 per American to generate a billion dollars in aid money.

How much money per year do we need to meet the most basic health and nutritional needs of the most needed people in the world?
There is sufficient money in the developed world to easily meet the most basic needs of the world's poorest people, many times over. It is possible to provide without diverting resources from education or health care programs in developed countries, and without making a significant impact on potential donors' quality of life.

4. You can reap the physical, social, mental and spiritual benefits.
By giving your money and time to charity, you get the opportunity to build your social circle in partnership with like-minded people. You may also be able to do something physical, giving you a chance to be healthier and happier. And the spiritual and mental benefits of knowing your contributions to your favorite cause are through the roof!

And there is a bonus - donating is tax-deductible!
When you donate to a charity, the amount you give is tax-deductible. It's not just money you give, but money spent on parking, travel, conventions, or charity-related events (as long as you're not reimbursed by a non-profit organization for these fees)!
In the end, giving back feels good and good to you.

5, Improve Your Health
The more you donate, the less stress you'll feel, according to a study conducted by the Queensland University of Technology. Generosity can lower your blood pressure too.
Studies conducted by the University of Oregon also found that donating activates the pleasure centers in your brain. Voluntary donations are great fun and increase your happiness, joy and satisfaction.

6. Cultivate Generous Children
Children who see their parents donate to charity tend to be more generous.
Encourage your children to hold a cake sale, lemonade stand, or other fundraiser to raise money, or encourage them to donate part of their allowance. You will raise generous children when you commit to making an annual charitable contribution.

7. Donating to charity can mean a lot of things.
You may not be in a position to donate money, but donations come in many forms, such as, donating clothes, footwear, or even toys that are not worn. You can also start by donating your time. For example, you can volunteer, and even share your goals with as many people as possible.
This way, you will guarantee that you will meet new, like-minded people who care about the same big cause, who will increase your knowledge of day-to-day affairs, and that you will feel good about giving back to charity.

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Tips to Travel Safely during Coronavirus

Precautions when Traveling during Coronavirus Outbreak

     In 2019, the COVID-19 pandemic has redefined holiday travel. People were forced to reconsider where to go, how to get there, and what safety precautions they needed to take.
Even though globetrotting might not be in the cards this summer, there are still plenty of ways to enjoy the holidays while protecting yourself from the coronavirus.
What can tourists do to reduce their risk of contracting the coronavirus? Check out these safety tips for flying, choosing a hotel or destination, low-risk activities, and how to protect yourself from COVID-19.

Is it Safe to Travel?

It depends on where you are planning to go. If they are in the middle of the first or second wave, then no! If they seem to have control, maybe.
The travel & leisure industry is brought to its knees. They need your support and your money. The more you can travel as soon as it's safe, the more choices you'll have in the future.
Before you leave home, make sure you understand the rules for your destination. Is it open? What's allowed & what's not allowed? Do you need to quarantine when you come back? Are masks necessary & if so where?

Female Traveler Wearing Mask Waiting in Airport Waiting Room

Considerations for Types of Travel

Car travel
Stopping along the way to gas, eat, or bathroom can bring you and your travel companions in close contact with other people, and frequently touched surfaces. Here are things to consider before you leave:
- Make sure to pack cloth masks, hand sanitizer, and disinfectant wipes in easy reach so you can use them during your trip as needed.
- Stop as little as possible, but stop driving if you get sleepy.
- If you choose to pick up your food on the street, choose a restaurant that offers drive-thru or curbside service.
- Prepare food and water to take with you on the journey.
- Consider bringing in non-perishable goods to help you out, if access to restaurants and grocery stores is limited.
- When you need to fill up with gas, use a disinfectant wipe on the handle or button before you touch it.
- After refueling, please use hand sanitizer. And when you arrive at your destination, use soap and water to wash your hands for at least 20 seconds.

Bus or train travel
Traveling on buses and trains for long periods of time can involve sitting or standing within 6 feet of other people, which can increase your risk of getting COVID-19. If you choose to travel by bus or train, learn what you can do to protect yourself on public transit.

Air travel
Air travel requires time in security lines and airport terminals, which can put you in close contact with other people and high-touch surfaces. Most viruses and other germs don't spread easily on flights because the air circulates and is filtered on the plane. However, social distancing is difficult on crowded flights, and sitting within 6 feet of other people, sometimes even for hours, can increase your risk of catching COVID-19.

The CDC and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) have issued guidelines to help airlines prevent the spread of the coronavirus. As a result, most major airlines in the US require that crew and passengers wear cloth face coverings.
To see what certain airports and airlines are doing to protect passengers, check their websites.

The Transportation Security Administration has stepped up cleaning and disinfection of equipment and surfaces at checkpoints.
If you haven't flown since the pandemic started, you'll notice some changes:
1. TSA personnel change gloves after each pat-down.
2. TSA personnel wear masks and gloves, and practice social distancing.
3. Plastic shields at the podium for document inspection, bag search and drop off locations.

Also consider how you get to and from the airport, since public transportation and ridesharing can increase your chances of exposure to the virus.

RV trip
You'll have to stop less frequently for food or bathroom breaks, but RV trips usually mean spending the night in the park, and getting gas and supplies in another public place.
These stops can bring you and the people who are in the RV in close touch.

Wash your hands often, and make sure to wash your hands thoroughly. Carry hand sanitizer with you all the time when a sink and soap are not available. If you can get hold of some disinfectant wipes, bring some with you for emergencies.

Entry Rules And Limits Will Likely Change
This is the biggest challenge of international travel at the moment, all the entry rules have changed due to the pandemic. You should check the entry rules of your destination before traveling, even destinations where you are sure you can travel without a visa.

IATA has produced a special COVID-19 Travel Regulations Map. You can check up-to-date country requirements at
Double check before your flight departs, as regulations change frequently, to avoid any unpleasant surprises at the airport or border.
Your government's hands may be tied when it comes to getting you and other stranded travelers back home. And depending on where you're returning from, your government may ask you to quarantine on arrival – perhaps at a state-run accommodation facility, and possibly at your own expense.

Check Travel Restrictions 
State, local, and territorial governments may have travel restrictions in place, including testing requirements, stay-at-home orders, and quarantine on arrival requirements.
For up-to-date information and travel guides, check with state and local health departments where you are, along your route, and where you're going.

Be prepared to be flexible during your trip, as limitations and policies may change during your trip. Follow all state, local and territory travel restrictions. If traveling by air, check to see if your airline requires health information, testing, or other documents.
Local policy at your destination may require you to undergo a COVID-19 test. If you test positive on arrival, you may be required to self-isolate for a period of time.

Tips for Planning Holiday Travels

Health and government officials are asking people to avoid non-essential travel during the holidays, but for many people that's not an option.
If you find yourself traveling during your vacation, there are steps you can take to keep yourself safe:
1. Don't buy flights with layovers – the CDC has determined that these flights carry a higher risk than non-stop flights.
2. Do not travel if you are sick or have been around someone who has contracted COVID in the past two weeks. Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds at a time, or use hand sanitizer.
3. Avoid touching your face
4. Maintain small gatherings and practice social distancing
5. Wear a mask and keep it on all the time
6. If you're driving, try to limit stops along the way for refueling, food, or bathrooms

For any trip, follow these steps and make sure you're not violating any safety guidelines. If you feel unwell, seek medical attention immediately, and keep yourself away from other people.
Keep in mind that while you see everyone as a threat, you also have the potential to qualify. Even if you don't have any associated symptoms, you are still at risk and can potentially be a carrier and a threat to others around you.

Monday, November 25, 2019

7 Top Destinations Place for Female Traveler

Which Countries is Safe for Solo Female Traveler?

       Are you an independent female who has been dreaming of exploring the world, as a traveler?
Empowering, exciting, challenging: Few things are extra lucrative than solo travel—and research suggests it is on the rise, specifically with women. From an uber energetic mega-metropolis in North America to the amazing jungles of Southeast Asia, Ladies, make sure to take a look at out these solo tour ideas and useful pieces of tour advice!

Top Destinations Place  For Female Traveler

Traveling  as female is a unique chance to discover out exactly who you are in completely new environment and without anybody round from your past to affect you. That can be a scary prospect, however there are plenty of locations out there that can make you experience safe and welcome. And when in the proper place, a solo day trip — regardless of how long it is — has the energy to benefit you for years or even a lifetime thereafter.
Travelling on your own is one of the most empowering, kick-ass methods of being your most authentic self, creating your independence and gaining knowledge of to believe your intestine – not to mention giving you complete freedom to do what you what and the risk to join with new, great friends.
Here, are several high-quality locations in the world for women to travel.

The Nusa Islands, Bali,  Indonesia

The Nusa Islands, Bali,  Indonesia

The Nusa islands off the coast of Bali in Indonesia are precisely what you’re searching for if you favor the splendor of Balinese way of life however desire it got here except the crowds. Made up of three islands, particularly Nusa Penida, Nusa Lembongan,  and Nusa Ceningan, They are what human beings say Bali used to be like 30 years ago.
Think remarkable seashores with half of the crowd of Bali’s, possibilities to swim with manta rays and staying in a actual treehouse, viewpoints that require some footwork however genuinely worthy, and the bluest water you can imagine. It’s a stunning vicinity to spend a few nights on and have a first-class style of how Bali used to be.

It's suitable for lady traveler. Most couples visiting in this location decide for Bali, so possibilities of you sitting awkwardly subsequent to a loving couple on a beautiful seaside is an awful lot lesser on the Nusa Islands. While some roads are in higher situation than the other, they are all high-quality for a full day of solo tour on a bike. You are in all likelihood to quit up in the identical spots with different solo travelers, so assembly others is additionally very easy. 

Rome, Italy 

Rome, Italy, famed for its inspiring fashion, stunning people, scrumptious meals and romance, is virtually a appropriate vacation spot that will indulge all your 5 senses. As a girl traveler, strolling round this shiny Italian metropolis will let you experience empowered and entirely present. Not to mention, you may additionally even get a marriage proposal, as you wander round Rome, as a solo traveler.

And, there are a lot of cool and interesting matters to do in Rome for woman solo travelers. Here, you can visualize the Roman Empire, in its full glory, by way of traveling the city’s awe-inspiring historical sites, such as the Pantheon, Roman Forum and Coliseum. Likewise, you can see the pope’s domestic at The Vatican City and Saint Peter’s Basilica. Then, you may also put on a pair of cozy footwear and explore the piazzas and cobble laneways, whilst ingesting sterile water from the city’s appealing fountains.

Even if it is your tenth time journeying the everlasting city, you may fall in love with its limitless beauty. If you are searching to head to Rome, get the fine price for your outing with the assets below.
Like any European destination, a solo outing to Rome entails a ton of walking. So, deal with your toes through carrying a satisfied pair of shoes. Check out these footwear and accessories, and pick out the proper pair for your subsequent trip. 

El Chaltén, Argentina

If you love nature, there’s nearly no higher spot in the world to experience it completely than in Patagonia. Much of the vicinity can be pretty remote, however El Chaltén is Argentina’s trekking capital, and as such there are masses of hostels there, and the total city is completely chilled out. It additionally attracts lots of solo vacationers who are open and completely satisfied to meet others to share the trails with, some of whom I met and hiked with when I was once there (albeit no longer solo myself), and we left as new friends.

Why it’s excellent for solo woman travelers: With its regular catcalls, South America can once in a while sense traumatic for solo woman travelers, however this trekking city is different. It’s full of nature-loving artists and hippies who are welcoming, as properly as hikes that are full ample of human beings that even if you exhibit up solo, you can without problems meet others on the trails. So, you may want to spend time in city simply chilling and relaxing, or you may want to be part of glacier hikes, analyze how to rock climb, or go on tenting excursions, all of which accommodate solo travelers.

New York City, United States

Looking for exceptional locations to tour by myself in America? Explore the Big Apple’s outer boroughs and the streets of Manhattan with no arguments over which iconic landmark, trendy gallery and world-famous museum to visit. If you are now not as daring as Carrie Bradshaw, and you don’t like to dine in a restaurant alone, there are lots of connoisseur meals markets to consume in NYC. You can also additionally go rollerblading in Central Park, take a sightseeing cruise on the Hudson, human beings watch in Times Square, or browse a Brooklyn flea market.

Reykjavik, Iceland

Reykjavik, Iceland is one of the most secure locations to tour on my own in the world, for women. As a count of fact, it is ranked numero uno on the Global Peace Index, which is a document launched via the Institute for Economics and Peace related to the peacefulness of areas and international locations round the world. But, make no mistake about it – Reykjavik’s safeness isn’t the solely purpose it has crawled its way on our listing of the great locations to tour on my own for women. It is, after all, the epicenter of existence and way of life of Icelandic human beings as properly as one of the country’s focal factors of tourism. Eclectic, laid-back and downright beautiful, Reykjavik is a extremely good base for day journeys that show Iceland’s postcard-perfect attractions, such as the Blue Lagoon and Northern Lights.

Sossusvlei, Namibia

Sossusvlei, Namibia

It may appear like a barren wilderness isn’t the vicinity to revel in via yourself, however I have discovered it to be pretty the opposite. That variety of area to suppose and sense can simply be splendid for private development. Plus, in Namibia, it’s heat and dry, so the sky is definitely notable for stargazing.
Climbing up and round Dune forty five at daybreak used to be a stunning trip for me. After anyone else descended, I stayed up pinnacle to discover a bit greater — and I had the total view to myself. Can you think about sitting in one of nature’s largest sandboxes and having it sense like it’s all yours? My internal six-year-old rejoiced.

Why it’s gorgeous for girl travelers: Namibia is adventurous and social besides feeling dangerous. All of the backpackers and tenting lodging have swimming pools and different frequent areas, which makes it effortless to meet others if you’re solo. It’s additionally a high-quality vacation spot in Africa that isn’t crowded and chaotic and is extra about the peace and area than some thing else. In a us of a of solely two million people, your largest fear is the scorpions (for real, even though — watch out for those!).You can additionally be a part of a tour or safari and meet lots of different solo travelers.

Melbourne, Australia

Headed to the “Land Down Under”? Praised for its stay music, award-winning meals and creative culture, Melbourne is by means of a ways one of the exceptional locations to tour on my own in Australia for females. Labeled as the cultural capital of Australia, Melbourne dazzles and appeases solo girl vacationers with verdant gardens, giant parks, theaters, galleries, museums, great purchasing and Victorian-era architecture. As an brought plus, Melbourne can serve as a base for exploring different terrific locations to go to in Australia as well, such as Philip Island, The Great Ocean Road and Grampians National Park.

​While the journey vacation spot you pick must be someplace you’ve constantly desired to go, being in a secure vicinity the place it’s convenient to navigate each the transportation and lifestyle alleviates fundamental concerns and lets you focal point on being present. And the extra , activities, and points of interest you’re capable to locate in a centralized, reachable area, the easier it is to mixture in, and enable your self to trip these unique journey moments that you’ll consider for a lifetime.

After months of uncertainty amid the international pandemic, optimism is once more on the rise. Countries are slowly reopening their borders and human beings are cautiously searching to tour again.

Stay Safe When You Travel 

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends following these steps to protect yourself and others when you travel: 
- Wear a cloth face mask. 
- Keep a distance of 6 feet (2 meters) between you and others as much as possible. 
- Cover coughs and sneezes. 
- Avoid contact with people who is sick 
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
- Limit contact with frequently touched surfaces, such as handrails, elevator buttons and kiosks. If you must touch these surfaces, use hand sanitizer or wash your hands afterward. 
- Clean your hands often. It's especially important after going to the bathroom, before eating, and after coughing, sneezing or blowing your nose.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Simple Ways to Look Beautiful and Attractive

How to Make Yourself Look Attractive

      What makes a woman attractive? Everyone, especially women, wants to look great, and you have the right to look and feel your best.
Woman is a beautiful and unique creation of God. But being attractive goes beyond physical appearance. Being an attractive woman takes more than a pretty face and a hot body.

Most people will admit that they don't feel 100% often. Even the most beautiful and successful women have their off days, but if you're feeling worse about yourself than you feel, then you may need to change your perspective.
Despite popular belief, feeling more attractive and desirable may not have much to do with how you look.

There was a beautiful woman who wasn't attractive at all. There were also plain looking women who always got attention wherever they went.
Everyone has their own definition of beautiful. Men have their own taste in assessing what is beautiful in a woman. However, it's important to note that wanting to look good is most effective when you're doing it for yourself, and not for anyone else. So keep on reading this article and you will know how to be an attractive woman in no time.

Attractive Woman Smiling

How to Look Instantly more Attractive

Here are some tips on how to become an attractive woman in no time:
Build your self confidence.
People are attracted to self-confidence, because it is a very attractive quality. It shows that you believe that you are important, and that you deserve your place in this world. If you believe it is true, then other people will believe it too.
Don't think badly of yourself. This doesn't mean that you give yourself the freedom to be rude or mean to others, but it does mean you stop controlling your every move. For example, instead of "I'm so stupid," you could say something like "I'm having a little trouble with directions." You can keep trying to get better.

Have a ready-to-wear smile to make you look cheerful and happy
Smile and the world smiles with you, or so the theory goes.
Apparently this trick works well for boys and girls on their first dates. Happiness is known to be the most attractive emotion, so why not make a warm, friendly face your secret weapon?
The trick is putting your nerves to one side. If you don't smile then you risk making your date nervous, which will have the same effect on you down the road.

Stay in shape
Men don't want a bag of bones, nor do they want a woman who looks like she's been smuggling beach balls. Women are recommended to do cardio activities 3-4 times a week. Regardless of your diet, you don't have to starve yourself; but you don't need those oily chips, either.

You have to realize that attraction occurs from the inside out.
Attraction sometimes has little to do with your outward appearance, and everything to do with how you feel about yourself.
People you find "naturally attractive" tend to spend less time trying to create looks that fit a certain aesthetic, and more time developing a connection with themselves.
They understand that attractiveness is not in what they wear, but in how they wear it; It's not what they do, but how they do it.

Some people don't take the time to get to know themselves. It's hard work, however, avoiding this journey will automatically create disconnection in your life—not only from yourself, but from other people as well.
To develop more of an inner connection, start with journaling practice, writing down your thoughts and feelings. Ask yourself: "What do I want?" "Who am I?" "What matters to me?" Then you have come to know yourself better.
By creating an inner connection with yourself, you will radiate a "connected" energy, which will invariably inspire others to want to connect with you too.

Show off Your Hips
Don't try to hide your hips—show it off. Wear pants that flatter your figure, and don't be afraid to rock a little while walking:
A study from Texas A&M University found that women's attractiveness increased by up to 50% when they walked with swaying hips. As lovely Shakira says: hips don't lie.

Dare to be different
You already know every woman is unique. If you want to be attractive, focus on what makes you different, and build on that.
Men are attracted to women like no other they have ever met. Be yourself. If you're not comfortable with flashy, sexy clothes, and prefer comfortable sneakers and jeans, then go ahead and wear them.

There's no need to follow the crowd, because a woman who follows the crowd will never go further than the crowd, but a woman who explores on her own finds herself in new and exciting places.
Accept your shortcomings and work on them. Emphasize your strengths and let the real you shine.

Have good posture
Good posture shows you are confident and comfortable with who you are.
To stand up straight, elongate your spine and roll your shoulders back slightly. Then, tilt your chin upwards and look straight ahead.
If you have bad posture, practice standing straight in front of a mirror. Over time, your muscles will learn to stand straight up, and it will become second nature.

Try relaxing to really connect with your date.
That's easier said than done when it comes to matters of the heart, but anxiety will usually only produce a tense atmosphere that is not conducive to romance.
Take a deep breath and forget about your worries – what's the worst that could happen?
Chilling out actually sends a strong signal to your date - you're telling them you're confident. So have fun and play around.

Put on Red
Did you know that color can make a huge difference in your attractiveness level? Men like when women wear red. It's not just clothes, other research has found red lipstick to have the same effect.

Step up your dating game
First impressions matter - not just physically. Do some research when you find a date, avoid loud places, and don't stare at your iPhone when he comes over.
Outside of the first date, make sure your textual chemistry is on point.

Take care of yourself
An attractive woman is a woman who can take care of herself. She's healthy and has a healthy routine and lifestyle. She goes out to exercise during her spare time.
An attractive woman keeps her hair and nails clean. She brushed her teeth regularly. She's neat and smells fresh and good. She sleeps well and treats her skin regularly.
Attractive women are hygienic, but not afraid to get dirty. When you're in shape, you feel good about yourself, and it radiates from within you. Getting in shape is sexy. Sexy is confidence, and confidence is really attractive.

Give some compliments.
Getting love from other people might seem like the easiest way to improve your self-image, but you may need to practice giving love first.
Talking about good qualities about other people will help you appear more attractive to them, and make you realize the good things about yourself too.

Researchers at the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China suggested in a 2016 study that men who use metaphors to praise women are actually more attractive.
Learning how to compliment properly can be key for a second date. Making the other person feel good about himself will increase your attractiveness. People try to get ready for a date, so take the time to compliment the other person appropriately.

Make better eye contact
Strong and solid eye contact is something that tends to create social tension. If you normally have slightly blurry eyes and have a hard time adjusting to making direct eye contact with someone then this will be an important advantage for you. You can avoid reducing eye contact while talking, but when listening to someone, you really want to give them your full attention (and more eye contact than usual). When it comes to the quality of your eye contact, the emotional tone is important.

Dive into your new experience to show people that you are interesting.
Taking risks and stepping outside your comfort zone will show people that you are a dynamic and interesting person. It makes you look more attractive.
Position yourself to try something different by visiting new places and inviting your friends to do things differently. For example, take dance classes, bungee jumping, audition for community theater, or rock climb.

Accept Your Weaknesses
When you love yourself, it's much easier to be yourself.
Sometimes women pretend to be someone else because she feels there is something that she can't have.
Attractive women are comfortable with themselves She valued his body and everything she had and cared for it. She is not very self-aware but he is aware of his shortcomings. She's not afraid to express herself, and has good self-confidence.
An attractive woman is happy for whoever she is, and she is not easily swayed by other people's standards and definitions of what is good and what is bad. She knew who she was and he was proud of it.

Highlight Left Side of Your Face
You may not see one side of your face as more attractive than the other, In general, people prefer the left side of their face to the right side.
Whether you're taking a photo or chatting with someone, turn your head slightly to the right to reveal the left, and you'll immediately look a little better.

Learn how to have fun and celebrate life
Attractive women know when to be serious and when to have fun. It's very interesting when she celebrates life and enjoys it with other people. When a woman appreciates her life, she is happy no matter what.
Attractive women also bring joy to other people in their circle. She inspired people to live life to the fullest, for it was his own way of life. A woman who knows how to enjoy the little things in life is never dull. Men are definitely captivated by her.

Fill in Your Brows
Thin eyebrows were once described as the most flattering style, but the 90s are over. After analyzing pictures of the 763 women in the 2017 study, researchers found that women with thick eyebrows looked younger and more attractive. Learn how to fill in your brows for a thicker (but natural!) look.

An attractive woman is a woman who is always smiling and has a positive outlook in life. A woman looks most beautiful when she smiles. That's enough to melt a man's heart.
If a woman is kind and approachable, she becomes attractive in the eyes of everyone. On the other hand, however beautiful a woman is, if she is rough and unapproachable, she becomes unattractive.
It is very important to smile and be kind to everyone. However, don't be too nice and let others walk all over you.

Learn to defend yourself when needed
Don't make fun of anyone. Don't bully anyone and don't be violent. If there's something you don't agree with, or if there's something you don't like, learn to say it in a cool, friendly way.
People will be attracted to your cool and kind attitude in no time. Don't fake your smile either. It is rude and often appears sarcastic.

Every woman wants to feel good, and you have every right to look and feel your best. There are many ways for women to be attractive to men, so that anyone can become an attractive woman.
The best way to make a woman more attractive is to radiate confidence, and to create the perfect look for yourself.
Make yourself look more dynamic and interesting by showing off your personality. Finally, take care of your body and mind.