Showing posts with label Face care. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Face care. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Does Microneedling at Home Really Work?

What Does Microneedling Do?

     The cost of microneedling may be less than laser treatment, which can cost about four times as much. Microneedling works better for people with darker skin tones, because it doesn't involve heat like laser treatments do, which can affect your skin tone. Consult your dermatologist what is the best for your skin. (which fits your budget of course)

Woman Do Micro-needling

What is Microneedling?

The micro-needling device looks like a paint roller covered in nails. Tiny needles pierce the skin as you apply it to your face. Piercing the skin with a small hole stimulates the production of collagen and basically starts the skin's natural healing process. This makes micro-needling a practical method to minimize wrinkles, fine lines, and acne scars.

Using a derma roller may also help your skin care products work better. These tiny punctures allow skin care ingredients to penetrate faster than they would on their own, thus making changes to your skin faster.

How To Do Micro-Needling at Home

Cleanse and prepare your skin.
The first thing is to plug in your micro-needling roller, which has a built-in red LED light to further combat wrinkles and scars, and leave it on for an hour. It is recommended to use it after cleansing and wiping your skin with a cleansing wipe. Make it a part of your nightly routine: Clean, prepare, roll, maintain and finish.

Make sure all of your face and eye makeup is removed, then prep by swiping the Prep Pad across the targeted treatment area. These pads, some of which come with a microneedling roller, are alcohol-free and contain an antibacterial complex to kill any germs that cling to your skin.

Divide your face into four quadrants and roll each side for 15 seconds.
Unlike devices that work with a timer, the micro needle roller turns on and off the old-fashioned way—with a button. So you might not know how long you have rolled it around a certain part of your face. You are supposed to roll each area for 15 seconds. Start with your chin, move up one cheek, and end with your forehead. You are supposed to roll each area in a pattern. Up and down, side to side, the top left diagonal to the right, and the top right diagonal to the left.

Apply The Serum to Your Face.
The micro-needling itself was actually fine. You can feel the prickling, but it's not painful. Experts recommend avoiding any kind of chemical peels such as glycolic and lactic acids, and lightening ingredients like vitamin C, due to the fact that they can increase your chances of irritation. Retinol can be harsh on your skin too.

Don't worry, the tingling subsides quickly, and you can follow it up with your usual antioxidant serum and light moisturizer.
Other ingredients that dermatologists say are good for post-derma rolling include EGF (epidermal growth factor, which helps regenerate cells), peptides (helps build collagen and elastin), and hyaluronic acid (may increase hydration).

Clean Up Your Derma roller.
Micro-needling devices have several risks. Microneedling kits at home are difficult to clean, and they wear out quickly. There's a higher risk of infection, discoloration, and injury to your skin. Piercing your skin in any way creates an open channel, thereby increasing your chances of getting an infection. As with all procedures, be sure to use sterile equipment if you are doing it at home.

The Skin of Woman after Microneedling

The Benefits of Microneedling at Home

Placing needles in your skin sounds like a daunting thing that only a professional should handle, so when it comes to microneedling, why opt for the at-home version? Of course, the cost.
It's safe to assume each session will cost anywhere from $200 to $700 — an unaffordable price for most people, especially when you need follow-up care. Online rollers are available for a median price of $20.

Home treatments are rarely deep enough to provide dramatic results [for more affected skin] but can promote exfoliation and product absorption. Patients who are consistent with home care over a period of four to six months can certainly see improvement.

Warning from The Dermatologist

Dermatologists can do micro-needling. A beautician can do this too. If you're trying it somewhere other than the doctor's office, first check the person's experience and credentials, and make sure all equipment is sterilized. There are do-it-yourself versions of micro-needling devices. But dermatologists warn against using them because you might accidentally injure your skin, and you might not have a good way to sterilize needles. ( But if you feel you can clean it properly, you can try at home with your own risk.

The Final Word
Don't worry if your face turns red afterward; it is completely normal. Most recommend starting with just once a week — and avoid applying retinol the same night, as using both could be too much for your skin to handle.
The most important thing is that you need to take your disinfection and cleaning of your tools very seriously. Spray isopropyl alcohol on it before and after use, and rinse it off with warm water. This is done so you avoid the risk of infection on your entire face, with whatever dirt is there.

Monday, May 23, 2022

Is a Facelift Right for You?

Does a Face Lift can Make You Look Younger?

     If you're a middle-aged woman, you've been there: That face in the mirror -- it's not young you anymore. Like any good house in an older neighborhood, it's time for a renovation.
People have different motivations for plastic surgery, and sometimes they are realistic, sometimes not.
Of course, cosmetic surgery -- especially facial plastic surgery -- is a serious step.

A facelift is one of the most drastic ways to make you look younger. Technically referred to as a rhytidectomy, a facelift is performed on those of you who are concerned about the signs of aging by dealing with a drooping jaw, deep wrinkles, and a saggy neck.

Is Facelift Right for You?

The success of this cosmetic procedure rests in the hands of both the surgeon and the patient. The best specialists in the world may not get the most satisfactory results if patients do not follow proper postoperative care.

What is Facelift?

A facelift, also known as meloplasty or rhytidectomy, is a cosmetic surgery to remove excess skin and reduce signs of aging on the face and neck.

Things to Consider Before Deciding to Have a Facelift

Before you choose to do a facelift, some important things to remember include:

1. While a facelift is supposed to make you look younger, it won't raise sagging eyebrows, remove deep forehead lines, change the upper or lower eyelids, or remove wrinkles around the mouth.

2. Smokers are at an increased risk for complications. To reduce the risk of these complications, and for your health and general well-being, try to quit smoking before having surgery.

3. A suture facelift, or thread lift, is best suited for younger and middle-aged patients whose tissues have sag with time, or have sun damage. It is not recommended for people with extremely thin or dry skin. Your medical practitioner will need to assess your individual suitability for this type of care.

4. Think about the financial cost. Cosmetic surgeons are seldom eligible for discounts from Medicare or private health insurance companies. Find out more:

5. Consider seeking a second opinion from another medical practitioner. It is important to have as much information as possible, before deciding to perform an otoplasty.

6. Check with your medical practitioner about any additional costs you will pay, and whether you qualify for the discount.

Finding qualified medical practitioners
Ask your GP for advice about a reputable medical practitioner or hospital where facelift is performed.
At your first consultation, check with medical practitioners about their training and experience.
This procedure should be carried out by a medical practitioner who is specially trained to perform facelift surgery and has a lot of experience in performing this type of surgery. Ask to see a medical practitioner's certificate showing that they are qualified to perform this particular operation.

Facelift Before and After: What to Expect

The method your plastic surgeon will use during a facelift will depend on your individual goals and the structure of your face. Often, people combine facelifts with eyelid lifts, eyebrow lifts or facial esthetic procedures, but this is not always the case. Consulting your surgeon will help you determine what is right for you.

The surgery itself can be performed on an outpatient or inpatient basis, depending on your needs and condition. Your surgeon will make an incision based on how your facial structure can help hide the scars from the procedure. The incision usually starts above the hairline near the temples, extends to the crease in front of the ear, and continues to the hairline behind the ear. From there, your surgeon separates the skin from the underlying fat and muscle, trimming or vacuuming the fat to correct the contours of your face.

Prior to surgery, your treatment team will give you specific instructions on how to prepare for your facelift, including any foods, drinks, and medications to avoid. Your treatment team will also share individual aftercare instructions to help speed your recovery.

After the operation, you will wear a bandage to treat swelling and bruising, and your care team will advise you to sleep with your head elevated. Your surgeon will also prescribe a pain reliever to relieve discomfort. Recovery times vary widely, and your care team will advise you when you can resume activities of daily living.

Most patients start walking and doing light household activities within a week, returning to work and other normal routines after two weeks. Keep in mind that because the healing process takes time, your appearance will continue to change over the course of weeks or even months. Finally, your renewed and refreshed face appears, giving you a renewed sense of confidence.

How Much Does a Facelift Cost?

The median cost of a facelift is $8.005, according to 2020 statistics from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. These average costs are only a part of the total price – not including anesthesia, operating room facilities or other related costs. Please consult with your plastic surgeon's office to determine your final costs.

The surgeon's fee for a facelift will be based on his experience, the type of procedure used and the geographic location of the office.
Most health insurance plans don't cover a facelift or its complications, but many plastic surgeons offer patient financing plans, so be sure to ask.

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Eye Bags Treatment at Home

Can You Really Get Rid of Eye Bags?

     Honestly, even if you’ve spent your life zealously treating the skin as good as you possibly can, we’re all going to show signs of aging later, and that includes under-eye bags, or maybe dark circles.
Over time, your skin will loses collagen naturally, and grows thinner, so regardless of what type of skin you have or what great habits you maintain, veins will inevitably begin to show through the thin skin around the eyes. As you already understand, exposure to the sun's heat accelerates the process of breaking down collagen, so the great shield toward under-eye circles is discipline and a consistent habit of applying sunscreen from a young age.

Eye Bags Treatment at Home

The best habits, however, can’t change the genes! Genetics are the biggest determinant of what type of skin you will have and what you’ll look like as you age. Those of you with fair or thin skin tend to be more visible under circles than others due to the fact that when your blood collects in the capillaries under your eyes, it is only more visible through lighter skin.

What is under eye puffiness?

Puffiness and darkening of the skin under your eyes, or dark circles are general and develop cosmetic concerns. It happens on both sides. If these features are only seen on one side, it needs immediate medical attention because it might be due to trauma or a serious underlying condition associated to the eye or structures around your eye. Dark circles and puffiness show up in male and female. They are more general in adults and rarely seen in kid.

Why Do Under Eye Bags Form As You Get Older

The most general eye bags causes or puffiness is natural aging. Older skin becomes too lax and tends to wrinkle. The muscles and tissues around your eye can also weaken and contribute to the baggy look. This weakening permits the fat arround your eye to bulge out, develop that bubble-like appearance.

Ways to Get Rid of Eye Bags

There are distinction approaches to decrease under-eye puffiness, relying on the cause. Eye bags best treatments can temporarily shrink your lower eyelids, which are sometimes swollen, due to fluid buildup in the under-eye area.
However, over-the-counter home remedies and cosmetic products can only do so much. To treat your under eye bags effectively which is permanent, and prominent medical treatment is often very important..

Cold tea bags
If you don’t have a cold compress or mask to use, you can replace with tea bags. Many teas like green tea have the added advantage of antioxidants, which have anti-inflammatory properties that help soothe strained capillaries in under eye area.
To apply cold tea bags as a compress, soak a tea bag in water and then place in the refrigerator for half an hour. And, place your tea bags on your eyes. Leave it on for ten minutes or so twice daily before rinsing the field with warm water.

Cool compress
A washrag that has been wet with cold water, an ice compress, or a particular designed cold compress can be applied to your closed eyes, underline the area underneath. Keep the compress over there for 1 to 2 minutes. Then, detach it to let the skin rest.
Cold compresses decrease swelling. If the trigger of the bags under your eyes is inflammation from irritation, such high stress or lack of sleep, these compresses can help.

Consume extra collagen-rich foods
As you get older, the muscles and tissues that support the eyelids weaken. This means that your skin may start to sag, including the fat that’s commonly around the eyes.
Upping the intake of vitamin C can help the body absorb extra hyaluronic acid. This essential acid is naturally discover in your body, but the amount stored reduces with age.
Meals rich in vitamin C and amino acids can also help with collagen production through improving your stages of hyaluronic acid, building healthier skin. Good sources of vitamin C include: red peppers, 
oranges, strawberries, broccoli, kale, Brussels sprouts. (healthline)

Potatoes are a surprising source of lots of vitamin C, which among other things is great for collagen synthesis for healthier, younger-looking skin.
To harness the strength of vitamin C to treat under eye bags, grate some potatoes. Extract the juice from the potatoes and soak some makeup remover cotton pads in the juice. Place the pads on the eyes for about ten minutes and then wash with warm water.

Stay hydrated
About 60% of your body weight consists of water. Given this, it may come as no surprise that dehydration can be an eye bags causes. Upping the water intake should help.
How much is enough? Eye bags dermatologist suggest drinking around 13 cups of fluids daily for male, and about 9 cups of fluids for female daily.
Are you don’t like water? Fortunately, is that all fluids count toward your everyday total. Still, water is a low-calorie choice. Try sparkling water, flavored water, or water with fruit. Hot or cold decaffeinated herbal teas are another great option.

Caffeine is a vasoconstrictor, which means it can frown your blood vessels.. Many cosmetics companies sell eye creams with caffeine to eliminate under-eye puffiness. You can also attemp resting chilled tea bags (caffeinated black tea) on closed eyes.

Thursday, December 23, 2021

How to Make Under Eye Wrinkles Go Away

 Can Under Eye Wrinkles Go Away?

      With age, human skin loses some of its elasticity. Environmental factors, such as sunburn and genetics, play a role in the premature appearance of wrinkles and fine lines on your face.
The skin around the eyes is an area that tends to show signs of premature aging, because the area under the eyeball (the periorbital hollow) has thin skin with blood vessels.
Having lines under the eyes is a common part of getting older. However, if you wish, you can treat it through a number of methods and preventive medicine.

Woman with Under Eye Wrinkles

Under Eye Wrinkles Causes

How are the wrinkles and fine lines around your eyes formed? It is the result and effect of your lifestyle factors and genetic predisposition. Basically: stop frowning, don't smoke, don't go out too long in the sun, and avoid grinning, and you'll be fine. You can relax your muscles in those who are overzealous with Botox; You can hydrate your facial lines with the best skin care regimen; resurface with retinol and prevent sun damage with SPF. The laser can also support this plane resurfacing.

At What Age Do Under Eye Wrinkles Appear?

There are two major types of facial wrinkles - dynamic and static. The latter is noticeable when you move your facial muscles -- such as when you smile and laugh.
Static wrinkles are visible wrinkles when the face is motionless and there is no muscle movement.
Dynamic wrinkles under the eyes start appearing when you are in your late 20s or early 30s. In some cases, they have been known to appear even in your early 20s, particularly if you spend a lot of time outdoors. When you're in your mid-30s, the static lines usually start to appear.

Under Eye Wrinkles How To Get Rid Of?

There are several methods you can choose from to remove wrinkles and lines under your eyes. Cosmetic procedures and home remedies are known to be potent and effective, along with the normal use of under-eye wrinkle creams and gels.

Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera has a lot of healing properties. Use aloe vera gel on the wrinkles and massage for 5 minutes, then rinse with cold water. Research recommends that applying aloe vera gel will get rid of wrinkles and increase collagen in the skin while keeping it hydrated.

Tea Bags
Soak 2 tea bags in warm water and then chill them in the freezer for 10 to 15 minutes. Take the tea bag out of the freezer and place it over each of your eyes. Leave it on for 5 minutes then take a tea bag and rinse with cold water.

Take thick or grated cucumber slices and let them cool in the freezer for about 45-50 minutes. Then place this cold cucumber on the affected area for at least ten minutes. Do this the best for under eye wrinkles treatment twice a day.

Skin Care Techniques
How to remove lines under your eyes? The answer may be related to your current skin care routine.
Wearers of make-up should be careful with removing all make-up and rinsing the face every night. Because when you sleep, your skin will renew itself. Therefore, any damage that had been done throughout the day could be recovered. However, if you continue to apply make-up, its effectiveness will decrease as the skin regenerates.

When washing your face, you should use a high-quality facial cream or serum. These products are best at helping hydrate the skin and offer the essential vitamins and antioxidants the skin needs.
To help treat eye wrinkles, a dermatologist-approved product to use is retinol. These products absorb quickly and focus on increasing the metabolic rate of your skin cells. Along with increasing collagen volume. Both of these aspects work in harmony to reduce the appearance of wrinkles.
Women interested in this method should be careful while doing it. These ingredients can cause the skin around the eyes to become dry and irritated if used excessively. Therefore, it is recommended that retinol be applied only 2 to 3 times a week.

Coenzyme Q10
Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is another powerful ingredient that can help you get rid of fine lines and wrinkles under the eyes.
In a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled 2020 study, 34 healthy women aged 40 to 65 received a test product consisting of CoQ10 and collagen or a placebo for 12 weeks. Women who used the test product showed improvements in skin density, overall reduction of eye and facial wrinkles, and improved skin smoothness. (

How to Prevent Under Eye Wrinkles Naturally

If you want to prevent the appearance of under-eye wrinkles, it is very important to take precautions. A good way to keep under-eye wrinkles from appearing is to apply sunscreen every day. Sunscreen is necessary, as the skin on the eyelids is thinner and more susceptible to UV damage that degrades the skin's collagen. Dermatologists recommend taking the extra step of wearing sun protective clothing for your full body protection when you know you'll be in the hot sun for a long time.

Protecting your skin from the heat of the sun with a daily SPF moisturizer, sunglasses, and a wide hat can limit the impact of UV radiation on your skin that contributes to the formation of wrinkles, fine lines, and dark spots.
Vitamin C is another skin care ingredient that helps with collagen production and protects you from the harmful aspects around it, which can damage the body's structure, preventing the formation of wrinkles. Vitamin C skincare products help reduce your eye wrinkles by neutralizing free oxygen radicals, which are unstable oxygen molecules that can be generated from the sun's heat. Free oxygen molecules can damage your skin's structures such as lipids, proteins and cellular DNA.

Always use eye cream. There is always some debate about whether an eye cream is necessary if you are already using a facial moisturizer, Dermatologists recommend choosing an eye cream that is neither too oily nor too heavy.
You want to make sure that the eye cream doesn't have too much oil on it to make it feel greasy. These heavy oils can weigh on the delicate tissue in your eye area and, over time, weaken the elastin fibers that create premature wrinkles.

Look for an eye cream with a peptide. Many women prefer eye creams that use peptides, which are either short or long chain amino acids. It penetrates easily through your skin barrier and the support sends signals to the skin to build more collagen, checking all the boxes when looking for an anti-aging eye cream.

Last Words
A lot of you have wrinkles under your eyes. As you age, your skin loses its ability to renew itself, and wrinkles develop.
The two main types of creases are dynamic wrinkles and static wrinkles. They're nothing to worry about, but some women don't like the way they look.
There is not much evidence to help with natural anti-wrinkle treatments, but there are many anti-aging creams and lotions in stores and markets. Keep in mind that this can only provide the best simple fixes.

Some women select cosmetic procedures to fix under eye wrinkles. These are more potent and  effective than beauty products but can sometimes trigger side effects.
There are plenty of things that you can do to try to prevent wrinkles from thriving under your eyes. These consist of avoiding exposure to the sun heat, quit smoking, and moisturizing your skin daily.

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Read These Things Before Getting Lip Injections

How Long to Recover After Lip Injections?

     Are you a lip filler beginner considering getting injections for the first time? American Society of Plastic Surgeons reveal a 2020 statistics report, 13.2 million cosmetic minimally-invasive procedures were done in the United States last year, with 3.4 million of them being soft-tissue fillers.

You Should Know These Before Getting Lip Injections

If you decide to undergo surgery in favor of plumper lips, you need to find a doctor you can trust. Ordering a discussion before the actual procedure will help you determine what appearance and type of filler is best to get the results you want. Experts suggest choosing an experienced and certified dermatologist or plastic surgeon who is knowledgeable about facial anatomy and muscle structure.

What are Lip Injections?

Lip Injections are cosmetic procedures that help add volume and enhance the lips with injectable fillers (the most common being hyaluronic acid-based solutions, such as Restylane or Juvéderm.

Lip fillers are good for adding volume to make them look natural, a little fuller, and/or removing lip shapes that you think are less than beautiful. And while you might consider the lips of social media influencers when you hear the words “lip injection,” understand that fillers are completely customizable—a dermatologist will work closely with you to build the best look and vibe for you. .

Types of Injections

Botox, which has been one of the best-known cosmetic dermal fillers since its invention, is a common choice for women seeking injections. It is usually used to define the upper lip, offering volume and a fine line. Juvederm is a dermal filler based on hyaluronic acid, which is naturally found in the body. It is used to create plump lips and is often mixed with injections on other parts of the face for a more youthful appearance.

Another common choice for lip injections is Restylane Silk, which uses micro-hyaluronic acid molecules to give lips a natural-looking volume. It can even tackle fine lines around the mouth. There are a lot more options for lip fillers available today. It's important to talk about your expectations with your doctor so they can suggest treatments that will help you achieve your lip goals.

Lip Injections Treatment

On the day of the appointment, clean your lips and avoid wearing any cosmetic products before you go to the doctor's office. You can do a lip injection without painkillers, but most patients choose to have their doctor apply a numbing cream about half an hour before the injection.

After the lips are cleansed and numb, the doctor will start injecting the filler, following the shape you want during the consultation. With numb lips, all you have to do is feel a small pinch, if any, and the entire appointment will be nearly pain free.

The injection portion of the appointment usually takes between 15-30 minutes, but sometimes it can take longer if you treat other areas of your face. Really, the entire appointment will take less than an hour. Once the doctor is done, you will be able to see your reflection and will see an instant improvement in the appearance of your lips. They may appear larger than you'd like, but this is due to the swelling which should subside in the next few days.

Are lip injections painful? Some patients experience slight discomfort and/or slight pinching, but pain is usually brief and manageable.

How Long Does Lip Filler Last?

Is the lip injection permanent? Lip filler is not permanent. Each type of lip injection offers different longevity. Ultimately, each human body metabolizes it differently. But there are specific benchmarks you can expect—usually between 6 months and a year, depending on the filler material used.

However, some of the filler will be left on your body, which means the lips will last a bit each time, so the more often you get lip injections, the longer you can wait between appointments. The way doctors explain to patients is that they don't want to wait to fill up on gas until the gas tank is completely empty, Instead, you leave when you're almost out or when there's a convenient gas station there when you know you're always out of gas, so you don't will never be at the starting point again. Therefore, as time goes on, you will theoretically need the charger less frequently.

Do Lip Injections Bruise?

I'm bruised! What do I have to do? First of all, don't panic. That happens to most people. The specialist recommends a hot compress several times a day starting the next day. This can bring circulation to the field, which promotes healing and helps bruises go away quickly. Also, continue to take Arnica Montana 3 times a day or apply it in the form of a cream topically until the bruising goes away. Topical vitamin K creams can also help bruises heal more quickly. So have patience, it will pass.

Potential Side Effects of Lip Injections

As with any in-clinic procedure that involves a needle, there is a risk of bruising and swelling. Although your lips may feel lumpy at first, mainly due to the bruising and swelling, which usually heals within one to two weeks.
There is also the risk of late-onset inflammatory nodules, which may occur months or years after the injection treatment. It is mostly associated with dental cleanings, vaccinations, and severe viral injections, but most have no identifiable cause.

The most serious complications occur when fillers block important blood vessels, which can lead to ulceration, scarring, and even blindness. Although there will always be risks, the chances of a more severe side effect occurring are extremely small. It is, however, important to go to a qualified provider and understand what they do to reduce the risk of any complications.

How Much Do Lip Injections Cost?

Lip injections cost anywhere from $550 to $2,000—and you may need to have lip fillers filled every 6 to 9 months. Why is the range of costs so large? Prices depend on the type of filler, the amount of filler you get, the area you live in, and the doctor you see. Don't look cheesy for your lip injection by going to a discount spa. It's not worth the very, very great risk (infection, distortion, rejection, etc.

Saturday, November 20, 2021

How to Get Rid of Acne Scars Naturally

The Most Effective Acne Scar Treatments

      Acne on the face can be frustrating, and they can also leave scars on your face and other areas of the body. Some person discover that acne scars are an unwanted reminder of a painful and bothersome condition. However, acne scars on face don't have to be permanent, as several medical methods and treatments can help get rid of them.

How to Get Rid of Acne Scars, According to Dermatologist

What are Acne Scars?

Acne scars are commonly triggered by cystic bumps, or red inflamed whiteheads. When these breakouts happen, they cause a break in the follicle wall leading to a lesion. When the lesions are smaller and shallow, they usually heal fastly. But, if there is a deeper wound, it takes much extra time to heal. When the skin tries to heal these lesions, sometimes the repair is not as smooth as the original skin, which results in scarring. People that has severe acne, or cystic acne tends to suffer the most with scarring.

What  is Acne Scars Causes?

Acne scars are caused by a chain of events begins with pores that are filled with bacteria, oil and dead skin cells forming pustules, or papules causing the follicle wall to expand and burst, Your skin then goes into recover mode, and produces new collagen fibres that assist recover the compromised skin, frequently leaving hyperpigmentation and uneven texture.

But before deciding which treatment route to go through, it's necessary to understand the difference between a scar and a mark, so that you can treat the skin properly. The distinction between these can be surprisingly subtle. Acne scars will be white, the skin will be dented while acne scars that have not been scarred will be red and irritated.. A mark can also be light to dark brown which is a sign and symptoms  of Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation (PIH). It was just a scar after the skin turned pale.

What Types Of Scarring Do You Have?

There are 4 different kinds of acne scars, people can get: rolling,  ice pick, boxcar and hypertrophic. Once you realize what kind of acne scars you're dealing with, it's easier to choose the most effective treatment to getting rid of those scars.

Rolling scars 
It has a wave-like appearance, and is wide and shallow in depth. It develops when tissue develops between the epidermis and hypodermis, the deepest layers of the skin, and they come together to create this rolling look.

Ice pick acne scars
small, narrow, acne scars that penetrate deep into the skin. They develop when an infected cystic pimple comes to the surface and destroys skin tissue, leaving a columnar, cylindrical scar.

Hypertrophic scars 
is a raised scar. This is caused when the skin does not realize that the wound has healed, and produces excessive collagen.

Boxcar scars have angular,
well-defined edges. When an inflammatory breakout damages the collagen, it results in a loss of tissue and the skin is left with depressed areas.

How long does it take for acne scars to disappear?
Acne scars don't go away on their own. Depressed acne scars frequently become more noticeable with age as your skin losing the collagen. However, there are some skin treatments that can make your acne scars less visible.
Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation may lighten the "mark" on its own within a few months. However, it may take years for scars to go away without treatment for some people.

Keep on top of your cleansing
Another key tip is to make sure you're keeping a good skin cleansing routine – morning and night. A proper twice-a-day cleansing routine is paramount in acne control The various of product you use is key – you should use an amount equal to the size of a water bottle lid. Less than that can lead to breakouts, as dirt and makeup residue may still clog pores. Double cleansing can also be very beneficial for acne-prone skin, especially when you're removing makeup.

Use skin care products that don't clog your pores.
Like hair oil, many skin care products can cause your breakouts. If you apply a product that contains oil such as cocoa butter, or shea butter to the face, back, or chest, it can clog the pores. Clogged pores can cause acne.
To forestall the skin care products from causing acne or pimple, use only products labeled “non-comedogenic” or “won’t clog pores.” (

Retinoids work great in treating newer acne scars. They work to overcome of discoloration, and can repair skin texture. So, when a scar is in its early stages of development, retinoids work to clear pores, and reduce outbreaks that make scars less likely to develop.

Needling and Rolling
Another general procedure at many dermatology offices, needling or rolling uses a tools that has small needles on a rolling bar. While this may sound painful enough, it’s highly safe and your skin will be numbed before the procedure begins so the pain will be minimal.

Chemical peel
While a chemical peel, a chemical solution is applied to the skin. It removes the outer layer of the skin, resulting in a smoother, more even appearance. You may experience skin redness, and peeling for 3 to 7 days after this method, notes the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery.

Acne Scars Laser Treatment
Lasers can repair all kinds of acne scars; however, ice pick and boxcar scars are most difficult, For lighter skin tones, dermatologist suggest non-ablative laser resurfacing, which stimulates collagen production, with a laser such as Fraxel or PicoWay Resolve.

For darker skin tones, experrt recommends a laser like Laser Genesis, an infra-red Nd:YAG laser. I tried Clear + Brilliant twice, and even though it was a short 20 minute appointment, it was far more uncomfortable than my microneedling experience. Even with numbing cream, the heat of the laser was strong, and I left the treatment feeling like I’d had a trully bad sunburn. 

The skin peeled slightly in the days after the treatment. The result was radiant-looking skin that was more even in texture and tone. Like microneedling, the goal is to stimulate collagen production, and though you may see results after a treatment, a set of 3 to 6 sessions spaced 4 to 6 weeks apart will yield the best results, depending on the severity of your acne scars.

Last Words
Acne scars establish when your skin produces too little or too much collagen as it heals. There are many acne scars types. While acne scars won’t disappear entirely on their own, a number of treatments can improve their appearance. This includes in-office dermatological methods such as resurfacing with lasers or microdermabrasion, microneedling, skin tightening, fillers, and surgery. At-home chemical peels with ingredients like retinoids and salicylic acid can boost skin cell turnover to reduce scarring.
Discuss with a doctor to get recommendations for the acne scars best treatment plan for the type and severity of your acne scars.

Thursday, November 18, 2021

How to Get Rid of Dry Skin on Face Naturally

How to Cure Dry Face and Flaky Skin

      How do u get rid of dry skin on your face? Dry, flaky, and scaly facial skin is not something you can sketchily cover up with only makeup. In fact, powder and foundation will only show dry skin as well as fine lines and wrinkles, making it more obvious to others. 

How to Get Rid of Dry and Flaky Skin on Face Naturally

The only way to overcome your dry skin on face is to treat the cause. If you're having dry skin, and want to know how to treat it fast, keep reading! Firstly, in order to heal the dry skin on your face, you have to decide whether it is actually dry, or just dehydrated.

Dry Skin on Face Causes

You can moisturize daily as a main treat for your dry skin on face remedies. Your skin naturally produces an oil known as sebum. When the skin produces excessive oil, this can lead toacne or pimples. However, having some sebum on the skin is necessary for maintain it hydrated, and protecting the cells from infection.

Skin that is not developing or replenishing enough sebum can become dry.
Dry skin can be itchy, and it may look flaky and surging, or have red patches. Skin that is dehydrated or lacks water will look dull or rough.
Some possible causes of dry or dehydrated skin on your face include::
- dry air
- cold weather
- washing the skin excessively
- exposure to harsh chemicals in your soaps or skincare products
- skin conditions, such as atopic dermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis, and psoriasis
- hypothyroidism
- unbalanced skin pH
- diabetes
- smoking
- spending too much time under the sun heat
People can handle dry skin using many different methods. The best treatment option will rely on the cause of someone’s dry skin, and its severity. Treatments also vary depending on different skin types, can be normal, dry, oily, or mixed.

Ways to Treat Dry Flaky Skin

To heal your dry skin, it's important to pay attention to the ingredients list, to swap out skincare products to those more fit for your dry and flaky skin if needed,and maybe to change some of your  ingrained behavior, but your newly soft, plumper-looking, smoother-feeling skin will be well worth the effort:

Rinse Your Face Less Frequently
Do you know that squeaky clean feeling you get after giving the face a good thorough cleansing? Well, if you've been chasing after that feeling while washing your face each day, you'll perhaps want to stop. That sensation is trully harmful to your skin, and represents post-wash dryness. This can lead to dryness, redness, and flaking of your skin. So if you think you've been over-washing, he recommends sticking to a more gentle cleanser that won’t compromise the integrity of the skin barrier.

Apply your moisturizer immediately after you washing. 
Ointments, creams, and lotions (moisturizers) work by trapping existing moisture in the skin. To trap this much-needed moisture, you require to apply a moisturizer within few minutes of:
- Drying off after a bath or shower.
- Washing your face (

Don’t apply bar soap or bar cleansers on your face
Even on your body. Instead, switch to a moisturizing cream, or an oil cleanser. The ingredients that keep soaps and bar cleansers in bar form can create a residue on skin that keeps the moisturizers from doing their job.

Whip Up an Olive Oil Cleanser to Soothe Your Dry Skin
A best natural oil to use is olive oil, which works as a natural cleanser and moisturizer, Just rub the oil into the skin and drape a warm, damp cloth over the face until it cools, then wipe away the excess oil. Olive oil is a best choice as a cleanser, because it won't strip the skin’s natural oils, but it will clean the skin.

Don’t use abrasive scrubs to exfoliate
Rather, use a gentle leave-on skincare products that invisibly, effortlessly sloughs dead skin. This will permit your moisturizing products to absorb more fully and work more effectively.

Cover Up
Sun damage is one of the primary causes behind your dry skin, wrinkles, and roughness. You can help forestall that damage by wearing a broad-spectrum SPF 30 sunscreen year-round, and dressing right.
In cool weather, be sure to dress in layers to avoid overheating and perspiring excessively; both can irritate the skin.

To forestall dry, chapped lips in winter, apply a lip balm with SPF 15 sunscreen, and cover your lips with a scarf or a hat with a mask.
In summer, wear light, loose, long-sleeved shirts when out under the sun, and wear a 2-inch wide-brimmed hat to shade your neck, ears, and eyes.

Don’t use very hot water
You know, a hot bath or shower feels great in winter, but cooling the temperature a bit will help forestall uncomfortable dryness and flaking. Post-shower, just apply a layer of soothing, emollient lotion. If your skin is extra dry or even scaly, attemp a luxuriously thick body butter loaded with non-fragrant, plant-based oils and butters.

Check your skincare products
You may get dry patches on the face, because you’re sensitive, or allergic to fragrances, dyes, or a chemical in the skincare or cosmetic product. Stop using those products to see if they make a difference. When you’re buying for cosmetics, choose products labeled hypoallergenic and fragrance-free. Products that consist of retinoids or alcohol are especially drying, so keep away them in the winter.

Do it Yourself a Rich and Creamy Avocado Mask 
Making a homemade mask of avocado is another natural method to soothe your dry skin. Puree half an avocado and mix it with 1 teaspoon (tsp) of olive oil; you can also add 1 tablespoon (tbsp) of honey for your dry skin. Apply the mask to the face, leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes, and then rinse it off. Skin should feel moisturized, but you can double the hydrating effect by applying a regular moisturizer too.

When to see a doctor 
If your face is peeling because of a sunburn or an allergic reaction, the peeling should stop within 3 to 7 days. If the skin is peeling often, or if it doesn’t stop peeling after it’s been triggered by environmental exposure, you have to discuss with the dermatologist.
Call a doctor immediately if you notice:
- fever or chills that happen alongside a sunburn or allergic reaction
- blistering over big portions of the body
- nausea, dizziness, or confusion that sets in around the same time the face start peeling
skin that oozes a yellow liquid, smells foul, or cracks and does not stop bleeding

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Is it OK to Wax Your Eyebrows?

Eyebrows Waxing Good or Bad?

     You as a woman certainly know about eyebrow waxing. A quick way to shape your eyebrows is to pull them out. But every candle session is different, there are lots of different brow shapes to choose from. So, which one is for you? This article will help you find out how to shape the eyebrows that are right for you.

Woman Get Her Eyebrows Waxed

How did you start to find your best eyebrow shape? Don't just type "where to get eyebrow wax near me" into a google search.
There are six basic face shapes: oval, round, long (or rectangular), heart, square, and diamond. So how are these connected? Different shapes of eyebrows are flatter for different face shapes. With the right shape of the eyebrows, you can bring out your best appearance.

Waxing Eyebrows What Does It Mean?

Eyebrow waxing is a method of removing unwanted hair above the eyes, either with hot or cold wax.
Cold wax strips are pre-waxed strips, and ready-to-use muslin cloth, or cellulose strips that are pre-cut into various sizes, according to the area to be used. This method is called "cold wax" because it doesn't need to be heated, unlike hot wax. (

Most cold wax strips should be slightly warmed between the palms of your hands. Each strip of wax has 2 sides: one side has been pre-waxed, and the other has a clear coating, which needs to be removed to reveal the wax.

Hot wax is the most well-known method of removing body hair, and is also used on facial hair. The hot wax is applied to small areas of skin, to unwanted hair, and in the direction of hair growth.
As the wax cools, it melts into the top layer of skin, gripping each hair strand. Once the wax is applied, a piece of cloth is placed over the wax, and pressed firmly. After 2 to 3 seconds, the strip of cloth is quickly pulled in the opposite direction of hair growth.

Eyebrow Wax Steps

Unlike threading, waxing gives you a faster and easier method of removing eyebrow hair. It works by applying cold or warm wax to the hair you wish to remove, and pressing a piece of cloth or paper against the area.
It only takes a few seconds to wax, as the expert will tear the strips apart. The pain is minimal, with little or no bleeding. The wax-covered bristles detach in a single strip, leaving enough room for the specialist to achieve the perfect brow wax shape.

The Difference of Brow Wax and Brow Shaping

The brow waxing procession is when the technician applies wax to your stray hairs, pulls it out, and then sends you off after paying. This is usually a service you'll find at a nail salon, where you get your eyebrows waxed before you walk out the door.
While there's nothing wrong with this, it's a very different type of service than you'd get at a brow bar, salon, or spa providing brow contouring.

Shaping the eyebrows is a completely customizable experience, which is different for every woman. Instead of just plucking your eyebrow hairs, the esthetician will take the time to discuss with you first, and advise you on the type of eyebrow that best suits your eye shape, face shape, and skin tone.

Is Threading or Waxing Better?

Waxing is widely available, and is generally recommended for those of you who find threading to be less painful. It's fast, and gives the best results.
Most women find that, over time and through repeated wax treatments, their eyebrows tend to feel smoother and softer. Waxing is also useful for women with thick eyebrows, as it removes a lot of hair at one time.

However, it is a little more difficult to achieve a very precise finish with waxing. It also may not be suitable for some women, including those undergoing chemical peels, those with sensitive skin, or those using retinol (an ingredient in some anti-aging creams).

Brow threading, on the other hand, is generally considered better for women who have sensitive skin, skin allergies, or if you've had the unwanted effects of waxing in the past.
Threading is more precise, especially with experts who are able to wind fine hairs into waxed threads, along with the threads that are clearer. Less preparation and cleaning compared to waxing.

However, many women find threading more painful than waxing. It is also a more complicated procedure, and, without studying the skin of the brow, can result in small, accidental shedding. However, the real reason why threading can be so painful is most likely because it takes repeated effort. Whereas with waxing, it's one swift motion when the wax strip is removed.

Brow waxing is a great method of grooming and keeping your eyebrows in shape and appearance flawless, and well managed. With regular grooming, you can keep your eyebrows in shape for longer than before.

In order for you to feel more confident, you must first appear confident. The shape of your eyebrows can change your overall appearance, so it's important to be careful how you shape them.
There are a number of professional ways to shape your eyebrows, but waxing your eyebrows is considered the most effective. The main advantage of choosing an eyebrow wax is that it removes hair from the root and gives you a long lasting result.

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

How to Decrease Large Pores on Your Face

Is It Possible to Shrink Your Pores?

     Your skin is covered in pores. These tiny holes are everywhere, covering the skin of the face, arms, hands and other parts of the body.

Woman with smooth skin smiling

The function of the skin pores is indispensable. They may expel sweat and oil through your skin, cool you down, and keep your skin healthy while removing toxins. The skin pores are also the openings for hair follicles. Although skin pores are very important, some women don't like the way they look, especially in more visible areas of the body, such as the forehead and nose.

There is no way to completely close the pores of the skin. But there are ways to make them appear less prominent on your skin. Keep reading to find safe and effective ways to treat your skin pores, so your skin looks beautiful and healthy.

What Is Skin Pores Meaning?

You must be quite familiar with the definition of skin pores, what is a pore. Every human being, at one time or another, will face the annoyance of clogged pores which can lead to acne, but did you know that pores are not exclusive to humans?

The term 'pore' is simply a general reference to any tiny hole in your skin, or the surface of an organism or structure, meaning that almost all objects have some form of pore. Humans, animals, plants, even rocks have pores, but not all of them have the same function.

Two Types of Skin Pores

The term "pore" is used to describe the tiny openings in your skin, through which sweat and oil reach the surface of each of the glands underneath. Humans usually have 2 distinct types of pores: sweat pores and oil pores.
Sweat pores
Humans have sweat pores throughout the skin. The sweat pores are really tiny. Normally, you can't see these skin pores with the naked eye. If too active, these pores will cause excessive sweating or hyperhidrosis.

Oil pores
Pores of this kind are associated with oil glands. You have it all over your skin, except for the skin on your palms and soles of your feet. It's the oil pores that get your attention a lot, because they're big enough to look at. When people talk about large pores or clogged pores, they usually mean oily pores.

Large Pores Treatment Will Help You

Enlarged pores are not as unsightly as they usually are. The good news is that you can reduce large pores naturally at home with this easy trick. The following are effective tips for shrinking large pores:

Aloe Vera Gel
The zinc in aloe Vera gel is known to help tighten the pores of your skin. Helps shrink large skin pores, and refines your skin's texture. The aloe Vera gel will also cleanse your skin, and help wash away oil and dirt from your skin pores.

Ice cubes
Applying ice cubes to the skin is one of the most common ways to remove large pores. Ice has a firming effect on your skin, and it is what helps shrink your large skin pores. The remedy is very simple, and it is a great way to apply ice to your face before putting on makeup. It also improves the health of the skin by increasing the blood circulation in your face. All you have to do is put a few ice cubes in a washcloth, and apply it to your skin for a few seconds. You can wash your face with cold water too.

Tomato scrub
Thanks to its astringent properties, tomatoes reduce excess oil, tighten skin, and shrink large pores. Tomatoes are rich in antioxidants and lycopene, and they can actually slow down the aging process of the skin.
Mix 1 tablespoon of tomato juice with 3 to 4 drops of lemon juice, that's all you need to make this mask. Apply it on your skin and leave it on for about 20 minutes, then rinse with cold water.

Choosing water-based products
Moisturizing products contain various active ingredients, including oils. The American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) recommend people to apply oil-free cosmetics products, including water-based makeup.
Women with oily skin will benefit from products that are high in humectants instead of oils. Honey and urea are examples of humectants in general skin care products.

Oil-based products consist of coconut oil, petrolatum and other types of oil. It effectively hydrates the skin, but may not be suitable for women with oily skin and large pores. Excess oil that accumulates on the skin can make the skin pores appear larger.

Can You Reduce The Appearance of Pores?

Having large pores is not a serious problem, especially since oil secretion is very good for your skin, providing a layer of natural protection and moisture. Even so, good looking skin doesn't emphasize the skin follicles, but minimizes them.
You can't actually reduce the size of the pores, as the oil glands will remain genetically identical to the original.

But there's a lot you can do to make it appear smaller, and prevent it from expanding. Take care of your skin by exfoliating regularly, always wear sunscreen, don't smoke, stay healthy, and stay hydrated. Washing your face with warm water and then rinsing it with cold water to tighten the pores can make a big difference.

There are also different methods and products that can help shrink pores. Try charcoal and clay skin care products, which remove dirt, or other pore-reducing serums and face masks.

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Read These First Before Getting Botox Treatment

Facts You Need to Know About Botox

     Botox is the most popular cosmetic procedure in the United States, and certainly one of the most well-known skincare methods worldwide.
The debate about getting cosmetic injections or Botox vs natural beauty will go on and on. On either side of your options, there are procedures that have their pros and cons.

Beauty Woman Getting Botox Treatment

What is The History of Botox?

Botox was invented in the 1800s. Although it only became a mainstream skin treatment in the 1990s, Botox made a comeback in 1885.
Botulinum bacteria from these injections were discovered by Belgian bacteriologist Emile Van Ermengem that year.
In 1953, a physiologist by the name of Dr. Edward J. Schantz discovered that purified type A botulinum toxin in crystal form (known as BTX-A) could be used to temporarily relax muscles. It was this discovery that would lead to the Botox injections you know and are using today.

Botox Definition

Botox is a drug made from a toxin produced by the Clostridium botulinum bacterium. It is a poison that can cause a type of food poisoning, and can be life-threatening, called botulism. After the Botox injection, you should not lie down for 2-4 hours, and avoid taking ibuprofen, aspirin or naproxen to avoid bruising. Doctors use it in small doses to treat health problems. (

What is Botox Used for?

For the most part, Botox is used to reduce the appearance of lines, and wrinkles on your face, by numbing the muscles underneath. But it can also be used as a therapy for migraines and excessive sweating.

How does a Botox Work?

The molecules attach to your nerves, ending up in your muscles to block impulses, from nerves that make muscles contract. When the muscles move, they pull on the skin, which leads to wrinkles.
The most common sites for Botox injections are the forehead, frown lines, and around the eyes. Some will apply it on the lower face to soften lines as well.

What You should Know Before Getting Botox Treatment

Speaking specifically about Botox treatments, there are some facts and myths circulating on the internet that you should avoid. The following are some interesting facts about Botox Treatment.

Consultation is Important
Before getting Botox, the Botox clinic must offer a consultation.
A skin doctor will ask you to frown, smile, and raise your eyebrows. This expression shows them how your face moves naturally, so they can inject correctly.
A therapist must also incorporate a comprehensive health assessment. The specialist giving the injections will need to know if you are taking any medications that may interact with Botox.

Botox Injections Only Take Less Than 15 Minutes.
With such a short treatment time, and no need for recovery, Botox b injections can fit right into your busiest schedule.
Stop by on your way to work, during your lunch break, or while waiting for your child to finish math class. The scheduling possibilities are unlimited.

Botox Can Treat Depression
Preliminary testing suggests that a single injection of Botox can help humans overcome depression.
Sounds weird? Not when you think about it. Your emotions go hand in hand with the expressions on our faces. Relaxation of the facial muscles disrupts the connection. Studies show that Botox can interfere with the feedback from the facial muscles to the brain, which in turn reduces negativity.

Botox Minimizing New Wrinkles
Sun exposure and the natural aging process all contribute to wrinkle formation.
As collagen production declines, the skin loses its elasticity, making fine lines and wrinkles more visible. Botox not only smoothes existing facial lines, but also prevents the appearance of new wrinkles.
Perform treatments with Botox every few months, on the targeted areas of the face, preventing the muscles that cause wrinkles from moving, thus preventing new wrinkles from forming.
Practicing Botox preventively is also economical, because deep wrinkles are more difficult, and more expensive to treat.

It Takes Longer than Filler to See Results
The filler, once injected, works immediately. However, Botox takes about 72 days to take full effect. Results vary from person to person, and you'll usually need another treatment within about 5 months. However, that's not Botox's downfall at all, when you consider the advantages discussed above.

Botox doesn't Last Forever
It can be a great thing or a terrible thing, depending on your results. If you don't like the result, don't panic. The results will slowly fade away, and you will return to normal. However, if you like the results, you will have to do it again in 3-6 months to freshen up your face.

Differences in Botox Costs
Botox is administered by the unit or by the treatment area. The cost can also vary, depending on the quality of the Botox you use, whether it is administered by a dermatologist, and where the practice is. Bigger cities tend to be more expensive, and certified injectors charge more for their service.

More men are getting Botox these days.
Botox used to be aimed primarily at women, but men are increasingly interested in taking advantage of its benefits for a smoother, more youthful-looking face. Since 2000, the number of men receiving Botox injections has increased by over 300%.
Many people think that competition in the workplace is a motivating factor to improve appearance. Others say their partners urge them to get Botox shots.

There's No Right or Wrong Time to Get Botox Treatment
While it appears that humans are choosing to get Botox and similar treatments at an earlier age, there is no wrong or right time to start treatment.
No one needs Botox (or any Botox cosmetic procedure). However, if you're interested, and ready to get started early, injections of neurotoxins have the potential to have a preventive effect.

Patients in their twenties and thirties require less product than older ones, but everyone will see results.
People who already have wrinkles need more units to reduce movement, and often require additional procedures, such as exfoliation, fillers, and micro-needling to remove etched lines.
A person in their twenties might use a fraction of the unit amount to maintain youthful skin.

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Tips to Reduce and Prevent Forehead Wrinkles

Ways to Get Rid of Forehead Wrinkles

      Wrinkles on the forehead frustrates women. If you look in the mirror and frown and notice a fine line on your forehead, know that you're not alone.
Wrinkles on the forehead are one of the most popular skin problems among women all over the world.

Woman Checking Her Forehead Wrinkles

If you are increasingly worried about the wrinkles on your forehead, you may want to make an appointment with your dermatologist or esthetician.
This blog article will look at the causes of forehead wrinkles, whether you can really get rid of them, and some tips to make them less noticeable.

Why do Forehead Wrinkles Appear?

Wrinkles on the forehead are due to the action of the frontalis muscle on the forehead. This muscle contracts when you lift your eyebrows. Lifting the frontalis muscle pulls the skin of your forehead upwards, and causes forehead wrinkles that look like lines down your forehead.
Some people are more expressive by nature, and raise their eyebrows many times throughout the day.
When you're young, your skin bounces back when you stop raising your eyebrows, but as you get older, your skin tends to form more permanent lines on your forehead.

Tips on How to Remove a Forehead Wrinkles

Wear sunscreen daily.
When you go outside, ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun wreaks havoc on your skin - accelerating the breakdown of collagen, and amplifying the signs of aging.
Research has consistently shown the benefits of using sunscreen in reducing not only [the risk of] skin cancer, but also skin aging.
Sunscreen should be applied daily, regardless of season, and should be reapplied every two hours throughout the day when outside.

According to the American Academy of Dermatology, you should choose a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF 30 or higher, to have necessary protection toward the sun's harmful rays. It is best to use a physical sunscreen with 9% zinc oxide or higher.

Minimize and limit the time you spend in the sun.
There's nothing wrong with spending a good amount of time in direct sunlight. However, it is important to limit the amount of time you spend in intense direct sunlight, to protect your skin from UV damage.
During the summer, try to avoid excessive exposure to the sun from 10am to 4pm, especially if it's a hot, sunny day.
Try to spend time outside, during the off-peak hours, when the sun is less intense, so you can avoid the hot sun.

Exfoliating is a good way to get rid of deep forehead wrinkles.
Exfoliation is the process of removing dead and dull skin cells, which are regularly exfoliated from your body. By using an exfoliating cleanser, you can help gently scrub away skin cells your body no longer needs, exposing brighter, newer skin underneath. This process softens your skin, and also helps prevent the forehead lines from deepening.

Quit smoking.
In addition to harming heart health and increasing your risk of developing cancer, smoking can also significantly increase the rate at which your skin ages, potentially causing your face to wrinkle prematurely. If you smoke, try to quit.

Retinol products
Retinol products are a good solution for getting rid of deep forehead wrinkles.
Renowned for its anti-aging properties, Retinol is an ingredient derived from Vitamin A. Due to its small molecular structure, retinol can penetrate deep into the skin, stimulate collagen production, and speed up skin cell repair.
You can find a variety of moisturizers and other skin rejuvenation products that contain retinol as an ingredient.

For people who experience deep forehead wrinkles, doctors recommend getting Botox treatment. The main benefits of Botulinum toxin are that it is safe, easy, fast, and has no downtime.
Overall, there are actually things you can do to reduce and prevent forehead wrinkles. However, you are human! Your body naturally ages, and there is no way to completely erase the marks.
All humans will get forehead wrinkles. It's inevitable. So maybe let's try to love them as well.

Do Botox Injections Work as Forehead Wrinkles Treatment?
If you can stand needles, Botox and other neurotoxin-based injections are extremely effective at smoothing out your forehead wrinkles.
Injectable wrinkle reducers work by relaxing the muscles beneath the skin. The point is, if you can't make facial expressions anymore, then your face can't make wrinkles anymore.

The results usually last between three to four months, but if your lines aren't too deep, injections can smooth them out completely. Much like hanging bed sheets on a clothesline and letting them open in the wind, the neurotoxin allows the skin to fill in the lines on its own, preventing the repetitive facial expressions that cause wrinkles to appear.

The battle against aging is unlikely to end anytime soon. Even so, there is not much scientific research and research on products that can minimize wrinkles on the forehead. Most evidence is based on individual opinion and experience, so it may not be reliable and applicable to all skin types.

It can be difficult to get rid of your forehead wrinkles completely, but there are steps you can take that might make them less noticeable.
The best way to slow down aging and prevent wrinkles is by living a healthy lifestyle. Eating a healthy diet, avoiding prolonged exposure to the sun, exercising regularly, and managing stress, are the most effective ways to keep your skin and your whole body healthy.

Monday, October 18, 2021

Facial Skincare to Make You Look Attractive

What is a Good Daily Facial Routine?

      Wouldn't it be nice if your skin pores took care of themselves? You don't have to worry about wrinkles or other skin problems! You will show up looking perfect every time! Unfortunately, no one especially women in the world who have that luxury. Each skin type has specific requirements, and you need to create a daily skincare routine, especially based on your skin type.

Woman with beauty face care routine

Here are The Steps for A Proper Skincare Regimen

Wash Your Face.
Cleansing is the first step in any good skincare routine. Morning and night, rinse your face with water, and rub a small amount of a mild cleanser between clean palms. Massage your face and wash it all over your face using light pressure. Rinse your hands, and massage your face with water, to wash your face until you've removed the cleanser and grime. Gently pat your face and pat dry with a soft towel. If you wear makeup, you may need to wash it off twice in the evening.

First, wash off your makeup with cleansing oil, or micellar water (water containing a mild soap that forms large micelles (aggregations of molecules), used as a cleanser for the skin). Try leaving the special eye makeup remover on for a few minutes, to make it easier to remove makeup, and avoid rubbing your eyes. Follow up with a light full face cleansing.

Avoid toners containing alcohol. These products are not only very harsh on your skin, they dry it out and cause dryness. Instead, use toners with natural ingredients, such as rose water and other moisturizing ingredients, such as hyaluronic acid.

This move is one of the biggest growth in the US beauty market, women will spend over $45 on this correction product. Serums are typically used for those who want to go the extra mile, to repair and protect, to achieve a younger and healthier looking skin.
Serums are known for their ability to penetrate deeper into pores and skin layers. Adds to your skincare routine the capacity to supply powerful ingredients directly to the skin. This makes serums an excellent tool for treating certain skin problems.

See product descriptions for guidance as they may differ from product to product. Serums are usually applied after toner, before moisturizer or SPF.
Serum applications may vary by product, see product manual for details. The serum can be applied with your fingers, pat and smooth. Make sure to cover your entire face, while allowing the serum to absorb into your skin.

Moisturizing twice a day
Immediately after you shower, you should apply a suitable moisturizer all over your body. This helps capture the moisture spike benefits you get from showering, and locks in this extra moisture. If you have very dry skin, you may prefer to apply moisturizer at night and use a cream-based moisturizer rather than a lotion.

Your skin loses its hydration during the day, the hydration that keeps your skin plump, and youthful. Apply moisturizer to the skin twice daily, once in the morning, and at night. This routine ensures you're cleansing your skin, helping it move through the life cycle of your skin cells, to be healthier, hydrate and, most importantly, protect it.

Some moisturizers contain SPF, but it can't hurt to double that with sunscreen too, especially if your moisturizer has an SPF under 30. Now, you have to understand the lines well: Apply sunscreen every day, even when it's gray or dark, even when you're covered. When you are exposed, reapply it each two hours. Make sure your sunscreen protects from UVA and UVB rays. If sun damage and skin cancer  aren’t enough to convince you, UV exposure is additionally the primary cause of wrinkles, uneven skin tone, loss of firmness and aging signs.

Mask & Exfoliation
Try these tips a couple of times a week
We know, this is not a good phase of daily skincare routine, but these few steps are great if you have extra time, your skin will love it! A deep cleansing clay mask is best if your skin is a little oily, as it will help shrink the appearance of pores and absorb dirt and dead skin cells.

An exfoliator? Scrub that uses tiny particles (like rice powder) can help gently remove dead skin cells from your skin, and reveal a brighter complexion underneath (remember to do a patch test before you start!). When exfoliating, we like to pay attention to the hairline, especially around the neck and ears, because sometimes skin care and makeup products can accumulate here.
The trick? Keep up this skincare step once or twice a week, and start slowly first, so as not to irritate your skin. This will help keep skin calm (as well as smooth and clean!).

Routine Facial Treatment Before Bed
Double cleansing: After a day of wearing make-up need to be cleaned twice, once to remove make-up and dirt, and second, to make sure it is clean, before applying moisturizer. During the day we build up sebum, make-up and pollutants on our skin, which can cause problems if not removed. Make-up left on the skin can also trigger acne breakouts, so a good facial cleanser is a must.

To help with further cleaning, use a warm flannel, or an exfoliating brush.
Treatment: Depending on your skin type, now is the best time to use a serum (for dry skin), or medication (for enlarged or blocked pores).
Moisturizer: Lastly, opt for a heavier moisturizer for the night, so that it works best while you sleep. Use a thicker eye cream to help with dry skin or the appearance of wrinkles. Gently dab by tapping with your finger.
Lip balm: nourish your lips with a soothing balm before going to bed to prevent peeling.

Almond Oil Facial Massage
Apply 4 to 5 drops of almond oil on your face, just enough to form a film. Now using the rock roller, move it from the inside out, and from the bottom up, on different areas of the face. Use short movements without moving in the opposite direction, and do them gently with your hands, and lightly with pressure. Continue for ten minutes, then rinse with lukewarm water and cleanser. Almond oil is a very nourishing astringent for the face, which is further enhanced by massage that improves circulation and lymphatic drainage.

Just remember, your skincare routine consists of three main steps:
- Cleansing - Wash your face.
- Toning — Balances the skin.
- Moisturizer - Moisturizes and softens the skin.
Moisturizes and softens the skin.

Friday, July 30, 2021

Make Your Lips Glossy Naturally without Lip Gloss

Here's How to Make Your Lips Beautiful

      Lustrous looking lips may look beautiful, but keeping them hydrated and healthy is of the utmost importance. However, if you're like most people, your lips aren't going to look soft, pink, and plump, regardless of the skin in your mouth.
Learn about some of the home remedies for hydrated and healthy lips.

Woman with Shiny Lips without Lip Gloss

Smearing your lips is a tried-and-true method that might make them look shiny, but you can achieve the same look on your own.

Many lip glosses fall short because they contain ingredients that can dry and irritate sensitive skin, such as oxybenzone, which is a carcinogenic chemical and synthetic dyes, which can cause allergic reactions.
Instead, try a natural lip gloss made with herbal oils, which are not only a healthier choice with less risk, but also have a glossy finish. Glossy lips are flirty, feminine, and overall pretty.

Lip scrubs
Gentle exfoliation can help remove dry skin, which can make your lips appear dull and rough. It can also stimulate circulation and result in temporary pink lips.
There are lots of lip scrubs available in offline or online stores. People can make their own by mixing sugar or salt with an oil like sweet almond or coconut oil.
1. Gently massage the lip scrub onto dry lips.
2. Rinse and dry lips.
3. Apply a lip balm.
The skin on the lips is very delicate, so don't scrub too hard. Avoid using lip scrubs more than once or twice a week, and don't use scrubs designed for the face or body, they are too harsh.

Prime First
Polishing your lips is an essential step in the glossing process. You can easily plump up your lips by dabbing on a light layer of lip balm, and then extra kissing it on a paper towel.
This primer step helps to nourish your lips and add moisture and hydration to ensure a smooth, glossy finish.

Sugar And Lemon Scrub For Pink Lips

The skin on the lips is thin and sensitive which is prone to being affected by climatic conditions or dehydration. This will make your lips lose their natural pink hue.
The skin on your lips needs to be exfoliated to remove dead skin layers and dry patches.
A great "do it yourself" natural scrub to gently exfoliate your lips is lemon and sugar. The rounded edges of the soft sugar granules melt when you apply it on your lips, including a protective film on your lips while exfoliating dead skin cells. Lemon helps in minimizing pigmentation.

what you need:
1 tablespoon lemon juice
½ teaspoon sugar (smaller and more rounded)
Mix the lemon juice and sugar.
Apply the mixture on your lips.
Rub your lips very gently in small circular motions until the sugar granules have dissolved.
Rinse off the scrub and apply lip balm to your lips.
Do this once a week.

Unlike the rest of the skin, lips tend to be dry and easily cracked, because they do not contain oil glands.
Drink lots of water to keep your lips from drying out, and avoid licking your lips which can wick moisture away.

Protect and moisturise.
Lips receive a lot of exposure to the sun – especially the lower lip. That means they are common places for skin cancer. So it is very important that your daytime lip product consists of a sunscreen with SPF 15 or higher. You still need to take care of your lips and other skin parts, even if you wear a mask!

Stay Smooth
Lip gloss isn't something that requires six layers on top of one another. When applying your lips, try to keep your coverage as minimal as possible to avoid a cakey and too cakey look. Apply only one to two thin layers until you get an even, glossy finish.

Do not smoke
Studies have linked smoking with premature skin aging. Smoking accelerates the breakdown of skin cells and the loss of collagen, which causes wrinkles. So skip the smoking and apply some lip balm.

Several cosmetic treatments can help women achieve lasting changes to their lips. For example, laser treatment can treat hyperpigmentation. However, the effects of this treatment might not last forever. Side effects may include swelling, irritation and scarring.
People who prefer to find methods of treating hyperpigmentation can discuss their options with a dermatologist.
Women can achieve naturally pink lips through simple treatments, such as scrubs, lip balms or masks. However, the effect is temporary. Many home remedies for pink lips work by increasing blood flow to the area, which eventually returns to normal.