Showing posts with label Mental Health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mental Health. Show all posts

Monday, June 27, 2022

How to Get Through Your Hard Day at Work

Things to do After Your Tough Day at Workplace

      It's not every day in your office that there will be rainbows and sunshine. It's common to go through a tough time in your career, where you feel complacent, disconnected, or detached. Perhaps you are stuck in a rut, tired, and uninspired.

Woman tired after hard day at work

Stressful meetings, situations that make you irritable, anxiety -- at one point or another, you're about to have one day at work where you're counting down the hours and minutes until you get home from work. But even though tough times at work will come, you don't have to sit still and accept misery.

These tough working days are unavoidable. But you don't have to be their victim. Here are several tips you can do to get through even the toughest days at work.

Leave Your Work at Work

The worst thing that can happen when suffering from a bad work situation is the effect it has on every other aspect of your life. When you leave the office, try to stay away from gossip and complain about it. This is a hard thing to do, but it's important. If you don't think this is possible, set aside a specific time each week to bring work home, and the rest of the time, leave it at the office.

Evaluate Your Hard Day

Finding the root cause of a difficult day can help you prevent it from happening in the future. Also, finding the reasons behind your stress can help you find a proactive solution to your situation. Combining a proactive approach can also increase your control over certain situations.

Use positive affirmations.

Overcome your negative thoughts and self-sabotage by saying positive statements to yourself all day long. Positive affirmations can help you build self-confidence by creating a positive mindset. An example is, "I have the right skills to handle whatever is given to me. I have the resources and tools needed to be successful. I do a good job and can always learn."

Feel free to vent.

You don't have to keep it all to yourself. Consider journaling your experiences to relieve stress. You can even be completely honest with coworkers or bosses about the challenges you face. (toughnickel.comDon't complain, but be specific about what makes you feel stressed. Ventilation can lead to a real-world solution.

Each job position has its difficulties. As you face what's happening to you, consider finding ways to be more motivated and inspired at work. What creative solutions you can bring to the table? What drives you to succeed? Even when you feel like you're being buried by work, find ways to grow.

Connect with other people.

Loneliness increases stress and decreases your productivity. So don't be afraid to be vulnerable with your colleagues; tell at least one person what happened to you. That will help them understand why you may be a little less reliable or excited than usual.

Your best source of support during difficult times is often not the people who are closest to you. Your loose connection sometimes really does improve if given the chance. And even small gestures of support from those weak bonds can be helpful because they are often unexpected.

Throw away your fear of negative emotions.

There's no need to worry that tough emotions will destroy your productivity. Work can be a shelter when you are hit by turmoil. Sad emotions can boost creativity and productivity. Anger (especially at being belittled) tends to make people feel more determined. Anxiety does have more diverse effects.

So, while no one has to act like a robot that can survive any situation, don't assume that tough emotions will negatively affect your work. The key is to use that feeling to push you.

Take a break

Sometimes, taking a short break can make it easier for you to solve a problem. This can help you reduce stress quickly. Some of the breaks you may incorporate into your workday include:

1. Do light exercise

2. Take a walk

3. Engage in the conversation

4. Breathing practice

5. Meditate for a couple of minutes

Why is it Important to Cope With a Tough Day at Work?

Coping with a tough day at work can help you improve your productivity and quality of work. Beating a tough day can improve your work-life balance too. It helps you keep your professional and personal life separate, thereby increasing the quality of time for each part of your day.

Monday, June 13, 2022

Mood Booster to Feel Good Every Day

Mood Booster to Help You Feel Better Instantly

      Are you feeling sad after receiving bad news? Or trying to beat the fear of Monday? Having a terrible day, or a very bad one?
Minor disappointments and slight frustrations can derail your day-to-day activities and even make you grumpy, miserable, and completely uninterested in the things you enjoy or would like to take care of. You know you need a bit of a pick-me-up to get through the day smoothly, but you're not sure what to do to feel better.

Listening music for mood booster

That's normal - the emotional stress doesn't have to be so extreme that it makes the solution difficult. But a bad mood that's allowed to simmer often overflows, and makes you feel even worse.
Ignoring the source of a bad mood won't get rid of it, but there's nothing wrong with setting it aside temporarily to focus on something that actually makes you feel good.
Below, you'll find a few ways to try when you want to boost your mood a little.

Best Natural Mood Booster

Take Three Deep Breaths
Controlled and very powerful deep breathing, very easy to do. The best thing is you can do this wherever you are, when you need it the most. So, before you take on any of the other suggestions below, let's calm your nerves and prepare yourself for a better day.
1. Inhale through the nose, as deep as possible.
2. Fill your stomach with the breath first — feel the belly expand — then your chest.
3. Finally with the last breath, feel your collarbone lift.
4. Hold it for a moment, then exhale everything through the nose.
5, Now use your belly to push the last one out of your mouth.
Repeat twice (or go for a longer session for complete relaxation).
You've just increased the levels of oxygen and feel-good chemicals in your blood, it's good for your brain and body.

Get Out in Nature
Find a place where you can step outside, breathe in the fresh air and enjoy the natural scenery. It doesn't have to be anything special, but there's something about just seeing the rustling leaves, hearing the wind blow, calming the mind, and making you feel like you're part of something bigger. And suddenly, the worry feels a little less, and your mood lifts. Mother Earth, she is so miraculous!

Keep Family Ties
People from all over the world will definitely tell you that family is the number one thing that fulfills them. And surveys show that full-time workers experience more happiness when they spend time with family and friends (which often are family to many of you). So, set aside time every day or day off to reconnect to relieve stress and boost your mood.

Brighten Your Day With a Smile
Sure, you smile when you're happy — but did you know that smiling can actually make you happy? According to Alex K, PhD, (neurologist and author of UCLA), mimicking emotions with the body, such as smiling, can trick the brain into feeling them too. This is called "facial feedback" - and it's contagious, elevating the moods of those around you, too. That's something worth sharing.

Use Music
Music is known to have the ability to change the mood of a person. Music is a very good stress reliever. In fact, music has been used therapeutically in the hospital for pain management and emotional well-being. Research has also linked music to happiness, particularly certain types of music.
Researchers at Japan's Osaka University studied salivary cortisol levels and other physiological responses and found that music, especially music with major (not minor) notes, was correlated with reduced stress and feelings of happiness. So, for a quick hit of bliss, why not play your favorite upbeat music?

Pamper Yourself with Flowers
It's widely known that having plants in your room reduces stress levels, and serves as one of the best mood boosters.
So, head to your favorite florist or grocery store, and pick out some flowers that make you smile. Back in your home or office, take some time to trim your flowers (this process in itself has a therapeutic effect!), divide into several small vases and display them where you see them often. Flowers are the winners—no buyer's regrets here.

Visit Your Doctor
Be sure to discuss stress, feelings of unhappiness, or anxiety with your doctor. Some people may require certain medications or other therapies to stabilize their mood. Just remember to stay positive. Reflecting on positive feelings, thoughts, and experiences can lift your mood and help you stay balanced.
Improving the mood and helping yourself to feel more positive is a good things to do, no matter how difficult life is.

Sunday, January 2, 2022

Ways to Overcome Your Negative Thoughts

 Negative Thinking Affects Your Health

      When you're upset about something, you'll find that forgetting about it is easier said than done. Studies show that when humans are told not to think about a particular topic, it becomes even more difficult to get that topic off their mind. But repeating negative thoughts in your head, which is also known as ruminating, can be unpleasant and counterproductive, and in some cases, even lead to chronic depression.

Woman Remove Negative Thinking from Her Mind

This is like a needle in a groove. As the groove gets deeper, the needle is difficult to get out of the groove. What's more, rumination can actually make you more upset than at first, because the problem gets bigger in your mind.
The good news is, there are a number of ways that can help you get out of your negative thoughts, and refocus your thoughts on something positive, all it takes is a small dose of healthy willpower.

What is Negative Thinking Definition?

Negative thoughts refer to patterns of negative thinking about yourself and your surroundings. While some people experience repeated negative thoughts, negative thoughts can seriously affect the way you think about yourself and the world, and can even interfere with your work and daily functioning, and can be a sign of mental illness such as: anxiety disorder, depression , personality disorder, and even schizophrenia

The Impact of Negative Thoughts

The consequences of this cloud of negative thoughts can be catastrophic. Obsessing with negative thoughts can become so focused that it's hard to engage with what's going on in life. It can cause you to pull away from who you are with, and from what you do. And not to mention, pushing the other person away from you. It can be difficult to enjoy all of them, because you pay more attention to what could go wrong; it can create friction with others, and cause more depression.

How Can I Reduce My Negative Thoughts?

Trying to find other patterns of automatic negative thinking
Behind these “should” statements, there may be a form of cognitive distortion known as automatic negative thinking (Ant).
ANT is the first thought when you have a strong feeling or reaction to something, like a reflex rather than free thinking.
For individuals with anxiety, ANTS finds this theme surprising, turning thoughts into panic attacks that can be disabling.
But, recognizing ants is not that simple. However, you may have it for the rest of your life.

Exercise can calm your mood. Smart sports enthusiasts have done this a number of times by following the revolutionary mind body exercise, where you train your mind to speak positive thoughts and apply positive intentions to your daily life. One of my favorite statements that is often said in class is, "All negative thoughts stop right now!"

Pay attention to the mind itself.
The more you try not to think about a certain thing, the more you'll think about it. When you try to eliminate negative emotions, they will inadvertently grow stronger.
Research shows that being mindful of respecting and accepting thoughts and trying to solve them in a constructive way can help you resolve the underlying problem.

Practice paying attention to your thoughts without jumping to judgment. Try to figure out why this type of thinking is problematic. Say something like, "Is this thinking correct? Is this thought worthwhile?” Applying a cognitive perspective can support humans to develop methods of thinking and feeling that are more accurate and useful.

Build a New Habit
Instead of thinking about it in terms of "getting rid of" negative thought patterns, think in terms of creating a new habit. You do this by directing your attention to a subject where there is nothing to "conquer": Think positively. It could be a pet, your painted toenail, being outside like the beach. Start with something simple. (

Use Good Manners
Have some fun with this one. When negative thoughts arise, react with fun or stupid actions. Stick your tongue out, slap your wrist, or show your smile. Find a body response that will make you lose your mind, and refocus on the present.
There you have it – a method for removing negative thoughts from your mind. I hope that you can apply some of them in your daily practice. Thoughts may be a powerful thing, but are not always heard.

Have a Cup of Tea
Negative thinking can occur for many reasons, but if you pay more attention to feelings of loneliness, you may find pleasure in foreplay, literally. Yale researchers in 2012 found that people recalled fewer negative feelings about past experiences of loneliness when they were holding a hot pack. They also found that lonely people tended to spend longer in hot showers. Replacing physical warmth with emotional warmth can be a quick fix, the researchers said, but don't let it replace actual human interaction in the long run.

Last words
Pessimism is a habit that you can overcome through deep knowledge, proper behavior, and determination. To cultivate more positive thoughts, find out the causes of the negatives and change the way you look at life.

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Why Mental Health is so Important to You

Mental Health vs Physical Health

     Mental health is very important because it is an integral part of human life so that they have a healthy and balanced life. The National Alliance of Mental Illness states, 1 in 5 Americans experience a mental health problem which means more than 40 million adults over the course of a year.
Your mental health is made up of your psychological, emotional and social well-being. This means that it will affect how you feel, think, and behave on a daily basis. It also plays a role in your decision making process, how you deal with stress and relate to other people in your life.

Why Mental Health is Important For You

Mental Health Definition

Mental health is a "state of well-being" in which you are aware of your own abilities, are able to work productively, are able to cope well with the stresses of life, and can make a contribution to the community around you.
Mental health is "more than the absence of a mental disorder." Peak mental health is not just about avoiding active states, but also maintaining ongoing health and happiness.
They also stressed that restoring and maintaining mental health in a humane manner is indispensable, as well as in communities and societies around the world.

Why Is Mental Health Important?

"Mental health" refers to how you think, feel, and act when you are dealing with life situations. Your mental health affects how you deal with stress, relate to other people, and make decisions. And mental health affects the way you view yourself, your life, and the other people in your life. Like physical health, mental health is essential at every stage of your life.

All aspects of your life are affected by your mental health, and protecting the mental health of your children is a normal part of your parenting duties. Caring for your children—emotionally as well as physically—is very important to their daily life and independence.
Studies show that 1 in 5 adults in America - 43.8 million humans - suffers from mental illness, which is 18.5% of the total population. This means that mental health problems occur frequently in the population and affect everything people do.

Neuropsychiatric disorders are a major cause of disability in USA. If not treated, mental illness develops widespread disability. This stops you from showing up every day, hampers your abilities, and slows your pace.
Suicide rates rise when mental health is ignored. Mental health is needed as it affects everything.

Mental health is a stigmatized topic, so often in your society. If someone has a mental health disorder, it is less likely to get help from mental health services, because of the stigma and shame.
But there's nothing to be sorry for. The wiring of the brain is not your fault. However, you act as if it was your fault and ignore the important one
Mental illness is also sometimes misinterpreted by those who have never experienced it. It is up to you to advocate for your needs and educate others about your issues. You become the "life experience" specialist.
There is a spectrum of how you experience something. Sometimes you may lose control, but regain it completely. Or you may be experiencing extreme highs and lows of emotions, and just can't deal with them. You might fall somewhere between the two. Things unravel when left untreated. But that doesn't mean it's late. nothing is impossible When you remember that, you give yourself another fighting chance.

Why is Mental Health Important for Overall Health?

Both mental and physical health are important factors for overall health. For example, depression can increase the risk of developing a variety of physical health problems. especially in the long run such as diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. Likewise, the presence of a chronic condition may increase the risk of mental illness. (CDC)

How Can You Improve Your Emotional Health day-to-day?

There are tips you can take to improve your mental health everyday. Small things like workout, consuming a balanced and healthy foods, opening up to other human in your life, taking a break when you need to, keep in mind something you're grateful, and getting a good night's rest can help improve your emotional health.

Why Seeking Treatment Is Important?

Treating and managing mental illness will improve the quality of your life. People living with mental illness can be a struggle, but getting the right treatment will make it easier to control, and allow you to enjoy all that life has to offer without the distractions of your condition.

Apart from improving your mental health, seeking treatment can have other benefits as well. Good mental health can also improve physical health by improving sleep habits, the immune system, and decreasing pain levels. Having the treatment of a mental health counselor can also increase productivity, allow you to concentrate on daily tasks, and give you the motivation to get things done on time.

Improving mental health can even prolong life. In 2012, a study carried out by the British Medical Journal showed that even mild mental health problems can lead to lower life expectancy.
Seeking treatment for a mental health condition is very important, regardless of your preferred form of treatment. From medication to therapy to one of your clinical trials, there is an answer out there for every individual and you encourage you to find one, so that you can live your life happier, and have better mental health.

Last Words
Sometimes humans—especially young people—battling with mental health problems develop habits, and behaviors that increase the risk of mental illness. Or they can intensify existing mental illnesses. These habits and behaviors can be signs and symptoms of a mental health problem itself.

Activities such as compulsive sex, obsessive use of the internet, excessive spending, or irregular patterns of exercise can all be behaviors that can interfere with people's mental health and possibly lead them down the path to crisis.

May is Mental Health Awareness Month; Psychotherapy's Choice is Raising Awareness of a Risky Business This campaign is meant to educate individuals to get rid of mental health problems, knowing that some traits and habits can undermine recovery—or even mask deeper problems—but seeking help in a mental health clinic is nothing to be ashamed of.

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Tips to Get Rid of Stress And Anxiety Naturally

Get Rid of Stress and Anxiety Forever

      Some of you have anxiety and chronic stress. You face signs and symptoms like tension, nervousness, agitation, and chest pain. Some worry is a common part of life. It is a by-product of the often chaotic human life.

Beauty Woman Felling Stress and Anxiety

Not all of that anxiety is actually bad. Anxiety can make you aware of danger, motivate you to stay organized and prepared, and help you quantify risk. When anxiety becomes an everyday struggle, it's time to act before the snow falls. Uncontrolled anxiety can seriously affect the quality of your life. Take control by following the tips below.

How To Stop Stress And Anxiety Symptoms

Natural remedies for anxiety are those that don't involve conventional anxiety medications (medicines you get from your doctor). They include such things as aromatherapy, herbs, and performing certain actions that promote relaxation. Some people with depression use natural remedies in addition to conventional drugs to relieve stress and anxiety.

Practice deep breathing
Shallow and rapid breathing is common in anxiety. This can cause a fast heart rate, headache, or dizziness, or even an anxiety attack. Deep breathing - taking deep, slow and even breaths - this will help you restore normal breathing patterns and reduce anxiety.

Aromatherapy is the act of using essential oils to promote tranquility and overall human health. Many aroma therapies can help elevate your mood, help you relax, and reduce the causes of stress and anxiety.
There are a number of tips for using essential oils. You can use a diffuser, place a few drops on a lava bead bracelet, or incorporate your favorite scent in a carrier oil to place on your wrist or neck.
Aromas used for anxiety include: Ylang ylang, Lavender, Clary sage, Grapefruit, Bergamont.

Have a laugh.
Cultivate a good sense of humor and laughter. Even if you fake a laugh, you get instant dopamine. Dopamine is a brain chemical that regulates how you feel about appreciation and pleasure.
If you're too tense to laugh alone, try using technology. For example, find a laughter tracking phone app. Just search the google mobile app for a laugh.

In a study presented at a medical meeting, Loma Linda University researchers found that a pleasant laugh can reduce your stress hormone cortisol, which increases when you are feeling anxious and stressed.

Finding ways to express your stress and anxieties can make them feel more manageable.
Several studies have recommended that journals and other forms of writing can help humans better cope with anxiety.
A 2016 study, for example, discover that creative writing may help kids and teens to control anxiety.

Spend Time with Emotional Support Pets
Pets provide companionship, love and support. A study published in 2018 confirmed that pets can benefit humans with mental health problems, including stress and anxiety.
While many humans prefer dogs, cats, and other small mammals, those with allergies will be pleased to know that pets must be furry to provide support.

A 2015 study found that caring for crickets can improve your psychological health in the elderly.
Spending time with animals can also reduce stress-related trauma. The results of a 2015 systematic review recommend that spending time with horses can reduce some of these effects.

Reduce intake of sugar and processed foods
The refined sugars and carbohydrates found in processed foods can make your blood sugar rise and fall during the day, which can cause signs and symptoms of anxiety. These ingredients can also cause mood swings and altered energy levels, making it potentially more difficult to cope with stress anxiety symptoms. Foods like cookies, pastries, soda, fast food, processed meats, and refined grains should be avoided to reduce anxiety.

Meditation is widely considered to be the practice of focusing your attention on your current environment, or sensations around you such as your breath or the sound of pink, white, brown, or black, with the aim of developing your mental calm and clarity.
Used in many cultures for 1000 years, meditation is a well-known and effective method to reduce stress and relieve your anxiety.
You can do the meditation yourself or use a guide, which can be very helpful for beginners.
There are various types of meditation. Some of the best and effective ways to calm anxiety are: visualization, body scan, attention, reflection

Magnesium has many important roles to play in keeping your body healthy, including calming the nervous system. It is also essential for GABA function. Interestingly, magnesium deficiency is common in adults, so consider this supplement when suggesting treatment options for stress and anxiety.
Magnesium in the form of citrate, chelate or chloride is most beneficial, because it is best absorbed by your body. It is worth remembering to be careful with the dosage, as too much magnesium can cause diarrhea. Start with a low dose and increase as needed based on symptoms of anxiety.

Stop Smoking and Alcohol
The smoke and alcohol may seem calming your nerves at first. However, after drinking, your anxiety may get worse. A cycle may be established, indicating alcohol dependence.
Some studies have also shown that smoking can worsen symptoms of anxiety. Therefore, it's a good idea to try to stay away from alcohol or smoking to reduce your anxiety.

Professional Anxiety Stress Relief
Every person is different. What reduces stress for one person, can cause anxiety in another.
So check with your doctor first to make sure that the alternative medicine won't interact with any medications you may be taking.

If your healthcare has no qualms, trying natural remedies, and experimenting with the best times to use them is the only way to learn which method works best for you.
There are lots of natural remedies for anxiety. Panic, anxiety and stress manifest in many ways for everyone, so not every method will work for everyone. Make changes to your daily routine and see what remedies make you feel calmer and more in control.

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Anger Management Tips to Help You Calm Down

Anger Management Solutions At Home

     Failure to control your anger can lead to all sorts of problems, such as saying things you will regret, yelling at your partner, causing health problems, or even using physical violence. However, not all anger issues are dangerous. In addition, your anger will have effects such as wasting your time thinking about upsetting events, stressing out in traffic, or taking a job.
According, Anger is an emotion characterized by antagonism towards something, or someone that you feel has intentionally wronged you.

Woman Perform Anger Management Strategies to Help Her Stay Calm

Controlling your anger doesn't mean you can't be angry. It involves learning how to recognize, deal with, and vent your anger healthily and productively. Anger management is a skill you can learn and practice. Even if you feel your anger is under control, there is always room for improvement.

Why Manage Your Anger?

Anger is an emotion that can range from mild irritation to intense anger. Many people categorize anger as a "bad emotion," but it can be a positive thing as well. Feelings of anger can spur you on to defend someone, or it may lead you to develop social change.
However, if left unchecked, feelings of anger can lead to aggressive behavior, such as breaking things up or yelling at someone.

Feelings of anger can also cause you to withdraw from many social communities, and turn your anger inward, which can have an impact on your mental and physical health.
Anger becomes a problem, when you feel it too often, or too intensely, or when expressed in an unhealthy way, so that it can have mental, physical, and social effects. For this reason, anger management methods can come in handy, they help you find healthy and appropriate ways to vent your angry emotions.

Anger Management in Simple Words

Anger management is a process. This can help you identify the stressor. People learn steps to help them stay calm and manage their anger. They can then deal with stressful situations constructively and positively.

The goal of anger management therapy is, to help individuals reduce anger. This reduces emotional and physical arousal, which can cause anger. Usually, it's impossible to avoid all the people or situations that trigger anger. But you may learn to manage your reactions and respond in a socially appropriate manner. The help of a mental health counselor can help in this process.

Anger Management Self-Help Guide

Many of you think that anger management is all about learning how to suppress your anger. But never being angry is not a healthy life. Anger comes out no matter how hard you try to suppress it.

The real goal of anger management is not to suppress your anger but to identify the message behind the emotion and express it healthily and appropriately, without losing control. When you do, you will not only feel good, you will also be more likely to meet your needs, better able to manage conflicts in your life and strengthen your relationships.

Mastering the art of anger management requires hard work, the more you practice, the easier it will be to succeed. And the rewards are good. Practicing controlling your anger and venting it the right way will help you create better relationships, achieve goals, and lead a healthy and fulfilling life.

Never hold a grudge

Forgiveness is an incredibly powerful tool. If you allow anger, and other bad feelings to take away all the positive feelings, you will find yourself sinking into your bitterness, or sense of injustice. But if you can forgive the person who angered you, you can learn from the situation. and strengthen your relationship.


Sometimes, your anger and depression are fueled by real and inevitable problems in life. Not all anger is misplaced, sometimes, it's a healthy natural reaction to adversity. There's also the belief that every problem must have a solution, and that adds to your frustration, knowing that this isn't always the case. So the best way to deal with this situation is not to focus on finding the answer, but rather on how you react to and deal with the problem.

Plan, and evaluate your progress. Decide to give your best, but also not punish yourself if a solution doesn't come right away. If you can approach it, with your best intentions and efforts, and make a serious effort to confront it head-on, you won't lose your temper and fall into all-or-nothing thinking, even if that's not the case. get it over with right away.

Notice the Physical Signs and Symptoms of Your Anger

Like any intense emotion, anger develops a physical reaction in your body. These signs may give you a clue about your anger problem, or you may still be completely unaware of it. Paying attention to the physical signs of impending anger, as well as how you feel during, and after your anger, can help you stop the anger in its tracks, or recover from the outburst as quickly as possible.

Although the relationship between mind and body is different for everyone, there are some common warning signs of increased anger: feeling hot, fast heart rate, shaking, and clenching fists. Training yourself to pay attention to your body's physical response to trigger situations can help you consciously change course when you find yourself on a destructive path.

Practice your Relaxation Skills

As your anger flares, use relaxation skills. Practice deep breathing methods, imagine a calming scene, or repeat a calming word or phrase, such as "Relax." You may also listen to music, write in a journal or do some yoga poses - whatever is necessary to encourage relaxation.

When to Seek Professional Help

It is normal for you to feel angry once in a while. But perhaps the problem that needs help is most of the time young people:

- feel so angry that they may feel like hurting themselves or someone else.

- feeling angry at yourself

- easily offended or in a bad mood

- have angry feelings that won't stop, either about the past or the present

- get involved in many arguments or fights

Anger can also be a symptom of something else, like anxiety or depression, or of being bullied. These signs need to be taken seriously. Talking to an anger management specialist, parents, friends, family, mental health doctor, or other trusted person can be helpful.

Some of the roots of anger are very complex, and deep-rooted; take some time, and ask for professional advice to figure it out and solve it.

Monday, October 25, 2021

Tips for Finding Your Best Mental Health Counselor

Finding Mental Health Counselors Near Me

     Therapy can be one of the right solutions to a number of mental health issues. Only discussing your thoughts and feelings with people who care about and support you can make you feel better. It can relieve, or even heal on its own, voice your concerns, or talk about something that's weighing on your mind. And it's good to know—that the other person cares about you.

Beauty Woman with Mental Health Counselor

While it can be helpful to talk about your concerns with friends, relatives, and family members, sometimes you may need help that those around you can't provide. Seeing a mental health counselor can help, when you need more support, outside perspective, or professional advice. While the support of your family and friends is still needed, it will make a difference. A mental health counselor is a trained professional, and can help you get to the bottom of your problem, overcome your emotional blockages, and make your life better.

What Does Mental Health Definition?

According, mental health consist of your emotional, psychological, and social well-being. This will have an impact on the way you think, feel, and act. It also helps determine, how you deal with your stress, relate to others, and make decisions. Awareness of mental health is needed in every phase of human life, from childhood, adolescence, to adulthood.

Over the course of your life, if you have mental health problems, your mood, thinking and behavior can be affected. Many aspects come into play in mental health issues, including:
- A bad life experience such as trauma or abuse.
- Biological aspects, like brain chemistry.
- Family history of mental health issues.

What Is a Mental Health Counselor?

Mental health counselors are always available to assist and counsel their patients in any situation.
According to Mental Health America, a mental health professional counselor is someone who has received education and training to conduct individual or group counseling sessions. These counselors can diagnose your mental health condition, but they can't prescribe medications.
To qualify, mental health counselors must hold a master's degree in psychology, and have completed several years of clinical work experience. They also have to pass a licensing exam in their state.

Once they have met these requirements, their full tenure may be one of the following:
- A Licensed Mental Health Counselor
- Licensed Professional Clinical Counselors
- Licensed Professional Counselors
Professional mental health counselors can build their careers in a variety of fields, such as hospitals, prisons or the workplace.

What Makes a Mental Health Important?

Mental health is very important for all humans on earth, to lead a healthier and happier life. It consists of social, emotional and psychological factors, which have an impact on the way you think, act and feel. Mental health also regulates how you make choices, or how you deal with stress. How you deal with most of your emotions, both positive and negative, depends on your mental health. This is something that is needed from childhood, through to adulthood.

Mental health issues are common, help available. In fact, many people who are struggling with mental health issues are able to make a full recovery, and continue their happy and healthy lives, once they seek help.

Mental Health Counselor What Do They Do?

Today, many people are facing mental health problems. In fact, 26% of American adults are diagnosed with a mental health disorder every year, making conditions such as anxiety and depression far from common. However, even though it is considered mild, mental illness impacts a person's quality of life, which is why it is important to seek quality care and support. And a mental health counselor can help you.

Mental health counselors can diagnose and treat people with mental and emotional health disorders, find solutions to relationship issues, and life challenges. Through several psychotherapeutic methods, counselors work with patients to create significant behavioral changes. They also provide tips and strategies for surviving in overcoming life struggles.

Mental health counselors can provide professional support and guidance for their patients, and help identify problem triggers, deal with negative emotions, and reduce symptoms to improve the patient's quality of life as a person.
A variety of professional mental health care professionals can help you achieve your recovery goals. You can meet these experts in a variety of facilities, such as public hospitals, psychiatric clinics, and outpatient facilities, such as community mental health clinics, or private practice.

Mental Health Counselors Licensure & Certification

These masters-level health care professionals are trained to diagnose human mental health, and use therapeutic techniques based on specialized training programs. They operate under a variety of roles, including counselor, doctor, therapist or otherwise, based on the field of care. Working with a mental health professional not only relieves symptoms, but also directs how you feel, think, and live better.

Degree requirements: master degree such as: M.S. or M.A. in fields related to mental health terms such as: counseling psychology, marital or family therapy, among others.
Licenses & Certifications: Varies by state and specialty. Examples of licenses include:
Licensed Family and Marriage Therapist (LMFT)
Licensed Professional Counselors (LPCs)
LCADAC or Clinical Drug & Alcohol Abuse Counselor Licensed,

Choose Your Mental Health Counselor

     It is important to review the specialization and background of each candidate. It's important to make sure that your counselor is a licensed professional, so you know that these professionals are properly trained, and trusted. Professional mental health counselors are subject to regulation and supervision to protect the public. It's okay to ask specific questions about a potential counselor who's good for you. The approximate salary for mental health counselors is $69,410 per year in the US.

This will ensure that you choose a mental health counselor who can meet your personal needs. All mental health counselors are required to have extensive education and training on diversity, and the multi-cultural implications of therapy, if you don't find someone with the right background, don't despair. Good counselors will go out of their way to understand where you are coming from.

Is Now the Time for Help?
Life is boring without any challenges. However, there are some who can be so overbearing, that it seems impossible to continue.
Whether it's the death of a loved one, or feelings of stress and anxiety, it's important for you to understand that help is definitely available for any problems that occur in your life.

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Emotional Support Animals Can Help People with Depression

What Are The Emotional Support Animals?

      The appointment of an emotional support animal is a must – animals no longer serve only as pets but are integral tools for your overall emotional health. With so many humans facing isolation, loneliness, and loss in the aftermath of the international pandemic, emotional support animals are more important than ever. When you have an emotional support animal, you have a lifelong partner.

Beauty Woman with Emotional Support Animal

Emotional support animals can provide you with comfort when you need it most, they understand your mood and can lift your spirits, and they can help you change your central nervous system after a shocking event. Their hugs, their love, and their care make the heaviness of your hard days feel lighter.

Emotional Support Animal Definition

While all dogs provide an emotional connection with their owners, legally considered emotional support dogs, also known as emotional support animals (ESA), pets need to be prescribed by a licensed mental health professional for a man or woman for mental illness therapy. A therapist, psychiatrist, or psychologist must determine that a support animal is necessary for the mental health of the patient. For example, having a pet can ease a person's anxiety, or make him or her the center of attention in life. Dogs can be of all types and ages.(

Emotional Support Animal Benefits

Why would someone choose to use an emotional support animal? Studies have long supported the concept that animals can provide significant mental health benefits. One review of research found that owning a pet has positive outcomes on mental health through the development of emotional connectivity, and helping people to control themselves in times of crisis.

Some other benefits that emotional support animals can also provide include.
- Reduces anxiety. Petting an animal can create a relaxation response and improve mood.

- Reduce loneliness. Animals can provide companionship, which is especially needed for humans living alone and experiencing symptoms of depression and anxiety.

- Increase physical health. Studies have found that emotional support animals help lower blood pressure, reduce respiratory rates, and improve the ability to cope with pain.

- Trauma support. Pets can provide relief to humans facing difficult situations, such as those who have experienced some kind of trauma.

- Caring and love for each other. Caring for emotional support animals can also help give people a sense of belonging and purpose in life. Not only do animals give unconditional love and friendship, but they also need attention and love in return, which can be emotionally rewarding.

Service Animal and Emotional Support Animals

Service animals and emotional support animals play a vital role for humans with physical and/or mental disabilities.

Emotional Support Animals

An emotional support animal – from time to time known as an “ESA” or “companion animal” – can be any animal, that experiences an event, or helps relieve signs and symptoms of a disability. ESAs usually help people who experience anxiety, depression, and many other disabilities.

Service Animals

Service animals are mostly dogs or cats -- or, in rare cases, miniature horses -- specially trained to perform specific tasks for disabled men or women. A service animal can guide a person with visual impairment, detect seizures, or keep people calm during a panic attack.

How do I Figure out if an ESA is Proper for Me?

There are no hard rules about who will and won't benefit from an ESA. The main advantage is often the simple companionship, which comes from spending time with animals. Animals can be great entertainers at some stage, especially in times of difficulty, and much-needed high-quality presence on a rough day.

Depending on the type of animal, caring for the animal can be a chore. For some people, this kind of responsibility can be a useful motivation to do things related to routine, for example: feeding your pet at the same time every day, or getting out and exercising often (for example: walking the dog).

If you think that an ESA may be right for you, start a conversation with your mental health professional about it. Tell them why you think having an ESA would be of great use to you. Your experts will of course also know about ESAs, and can tell you whether they would recommend it for you, or you may need to learn more about ESAs collectively before they make a recommendation.

How do You Getting an Emotional Support Animal

To take advantage of an ESA, you need a "prescription" from a mental health professional. It's just a signed letter, stating that you have a mental health condition, and that your pet is helping you cope. Some landlords and airlines will accept letters from doctors, but usually, they should be from a therapist or psychiatrist.

Of course, you also need to have a pet. But, no special training is needed. That means if you already own a pet, you might be able to get certified as an ESA. Otherwise, getting an ESA is almost the same as getting any other pet! You should figure out what kind of pet is best for you, and find a local place for adoption. Be sure to talk to a mental health professional and your homeowner about it before you go for an adoption.

Emotional Support Animals are usually animals that are chosen to play an integral part in one's mental treatment methods and not pets. Animals must show good temperament and reliable, predictable behavior. An emotional support animal is recommended or prescribed for individuals with disabilities by mental health professionals. ESAs can be included in the treatment process to help reduce individual signs and symptoms of disability.

Friday, October 1, 2021

How to Improve Your Emotional Resilience Now

What Does It Mean To Be Emotionally Resilient

       Emotional resilience in the workplace and fortitude are essential elements of success. Resilience is something that is learned, through setbacks, and the use of those moments as opportunities for growth. You build steadfastness with takeaways, and you develop emotional strength and resilience with each learning. This is exactly how you step into greatness.

Woman Boost Emotional Resilience

Biological and social influences make some people seem naturally more resilient than others, but the good news is that anyone can take steps to promote greater personal emotional resilience.
Emotional resilience is necessary for all those who work towards a goal – big or small. The key to building resilience and emotional fortitude is patience. The positive momentum that's being built will help you get through those difficult times, with this tool you need.

What Is Emotional Resilience Definition

Emotional resilience isn't about winning the battle. This is the strength to weather the storm, and keep the screen steady.
Emotional resilience is the art of living, interwoven with confidence, self-compassion and better cognition. This is a method, where you empower yourself to see adversity as something 'temporary', and to keep growing, even through pain and suffering.

In general, emotional resilience means getting back up from the things that let you down, and not letting it affect your internal motivation. This is not a "twisted but not broken" character, on the contrary, the resilience of accepting the fact that 'I am broken' but continues to grow as the pieces come together.

Calm Your Mind

If you're a person who likes to move at the speed of light, you run the risk of letting your feelings take over. Mindfulness is a good way to calm your mind, and become more aware of your thoughts.
If you make this ritual a daily practice, over time, you'll be less likely to get carried away by worry.

It's important to realize that the goal of meditation is not to manage your thoughts. Instead, it was to start observing them, and noticing that they were just thoughts that came and went.
When you can find peace in the midst of life's chaos, you'll be in a better position to control difficult feelings when they arise.

Develop Your Connections

Prioritize your relationship. Connecting empathy and human knowledge can remind you that you are not alone in the midst of adversity. Concentrate on finding reliable and loving people who validate your feelings, which will help increase your resilience.

The pain of a traumatic event can cause some people to isolate themselves, but it is necessary to receive help and support from those who care about you. Whether you're going out on weekly date nights with your partner, or planning lunch with a friend, try to prioritize relationships with people who really care about you.

Make Self-Care As A Priority

It's very useful to get caught up in the responsibilities of everyday life, and forget about yourself. When it comes to developing emotional resilience, self care is essential.
Self-care isn't just about taking a bubble bath, or grooming yourself in new clothes. Instead, it is a lifestyle that consists of loving yourself every day. Over time, this habit is non-negotiable.

Your emotional and physical health are linked. Did you know that your body physically responds to how you think, feel and act? This is why it is very important that you take care of your mind and body.
When you're committed to taking care of yourself, you'll be better off facing life's challenges with a proactive and healthy attitude.

Take The Time to Vent

No, you don't have to pick up your smartphone, and talk about your whereabouts with your friends, but it's important to find a way to vent that's healthy for you, whenever you feel the need. Whether it's taking notes on your cell phone, journaling in a book, or talking to a therapist, you all want an open, neutral area to put your ideas and feelings on a personal level. Just think of it as a simple exercise for your emotional life.

A great way to start is to keep a journal (you can do this on your phone, laptop or writing in a book) for 5 minutes at the end of each day. It helps you think consciously, and keeps track of your thoughts, day by day, and can even help understand how you would feel if you seemed lost.


Exercising has more than just physical benefits. The mind and the physical are very connected. Being physically active keeps you engaged with life, and stimulates all of the essential chemicals, hormones, and neurotransmitters you need for emotional well-being. After a high-stress experience, good practice can give you the release you need. If you've ever worked out after having had a disruptive day, you know the feelings we're talking about.

Get yourself moving, and you'll notice, your mood improves after the session. As many therapists have often said, inspired in part through the classics in the field, the body keeps the score. The better you take care of your body, and adapt to your somatic needs, the more you will be able to take care of yourself holistically.

Last Words
If you are struggling with a traumatic event or setback, talk with your doctor or mental health professional. A therapist can help you learn and practice coping strategies that can cultivate greater resilience to life's challenges.(

Thursday, September 30, 2021

Mind Blowing Psychological Facts About Yourself

Psychology Facts That Will Blow Your Mind

     Psychology is a source of fascination for many human beings. By learning the basics of human behavior and thought patterns, you can gain a better understanding of yourself and others. Psychologists also play an important role in caring for human health by treating people with mental health problems, conducting psychotherapy, investigating treatment options, and educating patients on how to control their signs and symptoms effectively.

Psychology Definition

Psychology is the scientific study of the mind, and how it dictates and affects our behavior, from speech and memory to thoughts and emotions.
It is a perception of what moves people and how this understanding can help you to overcome many problems and issues in today's society.

Psychology serves as a thriving academic discipline, and an important expert practice, dedicated to the research of human behavior – and the thoughts, feelings, and motivations behind it – through observation, measurement, and testing, to form conclusions based on sound scientific methodology.

Woman have Mind-Blowing Psychological Facts

Mind Blowing Psychological Facts

       Your brain helps you interpret your environment, tries to make sense of everyone and everything, learns new knowledge, and you don't understand how hard your brain is working.

However, modern neuroscience and neuropsychology have made progress in explaining the influence the human mind has on everyday tasks. Here's why Psychology sounds interesting and thought-provoking! Here are some psychological facts that might be of interest to you.

If You have a Plan B, Your Plan A will most Likely not Succeed.

Sometimes, the preparations are confusing. In a series of experiments conducted by the University of Pennsylvania, they found that when volunteers thought of a backup plan before starting a task, they performed worse than those who didn't think of a plan B. In addition, they realized they had options., and their motivation to succeed would drop. Researchers stress that thinking ahead is a good idea, but you may have more success if you stick to this plan. (

Multitasking Woman

They say women are better at multitasking, when women are multitasking, a woman's attention is still focused on one task, and switching between specific things she's trying to do. Studies show that women are more productive when they focus on only one task.

Humans Care More About a Single Individual than a Major Tragedy.

In several other University of Pennsylvania studies, one group studied a little girl dying of starvation, while another studied a large number of deaths from hunger, and a third studied both situations. People contributed more than twice as much cash when listening to little girls than when listening to statistics — and even the group who had heard stories in the context of the larger tragedies contributed less. Psychologists assume that humans are hardwired to help those around them, but when the problem seems too big, a small part of the human mind will think that they can't do much.

Human Attention Span is Shorter than Goldfish

Research shows that the average human attention span has decreased by an average of 12 minutes over the last 10 years. Currently, humans' attention spans are shorter than goldfish. Studies have even proven some links between device multitasking — for example, if you scroll through social media while staring at the TV — and decreased attention span.

Falling in Love is the Biochemical Equivalent of Severe Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.

It is often said that when you are in love, you are a little crazy. That may be true. The initial phase of falling in love regularly appears like an obsession, which makes people think about the possibility that they are also neurochemically similar.

Neurologists have linked the serotonin 5-HT transporter to neuroticism and sexual behavior as well as obsessive-compulsive disease (OCD). A study was conducted with 20 subjects who had fallen in love within the last 6 months and untreated OCD patients, and the study found that both groups had significantly lower 5-HT transporter densities. This means that your brain handles love and obsession very similarly.

Parent-child Relationship

According to contemporary psychology, children of strict mothers and fathers are more likely to be cunning, liars, and rebels. Unable to do what they want, these young people use rebellious strategies to get out of the house when punished and lie to their fathers and mothers to avoid harsh punishment.

The Brain Itself can't Feel Pain

Although pain is processed in the brain, the brain itself cannot perceive pain. This is why brain surgery procedures can be done while the patient is awake, without any discomfort.

As more research is done, and more and more experts analyze the capabilities of the human brain, you will also learn how to keep your mind sharp. Find out how you recall memories, and how your brain changes as you learn.

No matter how well the brain transforms temporary memories into long-term memories, they still need to be preserved for future generations.

Psychology is More than Mental Health

When you are asked about psychology, do you imagine a therapist taking notes as a client recounts a childhood experience?

While medication therapy is a big part of psychology, it's not the only factor that psychologists do. Many psychologists don't work on mental health at all. Psychology covers a wide range of fields such as teaching, research, and consulting.

Mental health is a major area of interest in psychology, but psychologists also do things like help athletes hone their mental motivation and focus, help create useful and safe products, and help business firms know how to influence their consumers.

From the way you eat and drink, to your social behavior, some psychological facts can make a world of difference and help you get to know yourself better. Some surprising stunts can also be explained by this seemingly easy but beautiful fact.