Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Beware of These Toxic Relationship Signs!

Are You in a Toxic Relationship?

      No relationship is perfect, both in the personal and business spheres. But for the most part, good relationships make you feel safe, happy, respected, and free to be yourself.
On the other side, there are toxic relationships, which leave you feeling drained, and sometimes even hopeless.

Toxic relationships can exist in your relationship. Whether it's between friends, family members, romantic partners, or colleagues. It's equally important to be aware of how your relationships affect your emotional, mental, and physical well-being, as well as how you can impact the relationships around you.

Couple with Toxic Relationship

We've put together some warning signs that you may be in a toxic relationship. Some of them are more hidden to identify with, which often means many of you don't realize your unhealthy relationship until later. Are you in a relationship that includes any of these signs?

What is a Toxic Relationship?

A toxic relationship is often a term that people use to identify a relationship that is very unhealthy, where there is no mutual understanding or support for each other, communication between partners is poor and there is no compromise.

Often a toxic relationship is accompanied by manipulation and disrespect from one partner, or even both. Toxic relationships leave you feeling sad and miserable; You feel trapped in a fog only you see, and you refuse to admit it.

If you are in a toxic relationship, one thing is for sure, you are unhappy and you know it, because of the relationship you are in. At the same time, you don't want the relationship to end. You still believe that you have a great future with him, but only when you finally understand each other.

Types Of Toxic Relationships

Not all toxic relationships are the same type. These come in various forms and varying degrees of toxicity. Some common types of toxicity in relationships include:
- Possessive
Toxic relationships like these are characterized by jealousy, lack of trust, and constant probing and interrogation

- Reproached
In this type of relationship, the toxic partner will constantly belittle or belittle the partner. Abandonment is a common example of this unhealthy form of relationship

- Passive
A toxic boyfriend or partner may exercise control by depending too much on you. They can get very sticky. The responsibility for making all decisions – big and small – rests with you. When you decide, they make sure to tell you that your decision is 'wrong' through passive-aggressive behavior

- Guilty feeling
In this case, a loved one gains control over you by invoking guilt for your actions. Control of this type of poison is not only limited to romantic relationships but can be seen between friends, parents and children, and siblings

- Temperamental
In most toxic relationship stories, one partner's anger or temperament problems become a crippling force for the partner. People are afraid to express their views, argue, or disagree with the opinion of their partner because they are afraid of an outburst of anger from their partner. Here control is exercised through intimidation, and it's an absolute warning sign of a toxic relationship

- Separated
In this toxic relationship, one partner controls the other by never being available. Their absence then starts to occupy your mind space. To further confuse you, they will be available at their will and desire. Makes you unsure about what they want.

How to Recognize a Toxic Relationship?

The following are signs to help you recognize a toxic relationship:
1. Selecting something for you without consulting you.
If your friend or partner is most of the time ordering for you, talking for you, deciding what movie to watch or activity you and him to do together. This is a sign of controlling behavior, and it often increases over time, leaving you feeling less and less independent.

2. Fast-tempered.
You all have your moments when you're short-tempered, irritable, or just plain angry, but toxic and/or abusive people often go from calm to rage in a flash and get irritated easily over the smallest detail. You will see this a lot when they interact with other people before they become this way with you.

3. Not respecting you or others
Being disrespectful can include many things, from not listening to what you have to say, annoying you a lot, making fun of you, or not caring about any boundaries you may have. It can even come off as laughing at any hopes or dreams you may have for yourself.

4. Dishonest
Lying creates distrust and hurt between spouses; if they make a habit of lying to you or hiding things from you, be careful as these behaviors are unlikely to change.

5. Negative energy
In a toxic relationship, you always feel tense, angry, and furious when you are around your partner, it builds up negative energy in your body, which can eventually lead to hatred for one another.
Negativity can eat you up in all aspects of your life. Negativity is draining you mentally, physically, and emotionally.

6. You're not talking about moving forward in the relationship
Partners need to talk about a lot of important things in the relationship, not just whether to get sushi or pizza to take home or what clothes to wear.
Suppose your partner refuses to talk about important relationship topics, such as when to have a baby or buy a house, or even when to get married. In that case, you're in a toxic relationship.
If the only thing your partner is talking about is incentives that won't encourage relationship growth, then your partner is holding you back, which indicates you're in a toxic relationship.

7. You start losing friends
Toxic relationships are polluting you. While you're still trying to figure out and fix what went wrong with your toxic relationship, your friends are busy wondering what's wrong with you.
If your relationship changes you, it should only make you become a better version of yourself.
If you feel like you're losing yourself and your friends, or you don't recognize who you are anymore, that's a warning sign of a toxic relationship.
If you observe any of the above signs in your relationship then you are living in a toxic relationship, and it can harm you emotionally, mentally, and physically.

8. Lack of reliability
Reliability is the backbone of the stability of the relationship. Being late for appointments, not responding to phone calls and Whatsapp are just some of the annoying behavior patterns. Other behaviors can give rise to the sensation of not being able to rely on a partner at all.
An unreliable partner will yell at you, refuse to talk, and walk out of the room, leaving you to deal with the feeling of being abandoned.
Unreliability can also manifest itself in the form of unpredictability. Not knowing how your partner will react under different circumstances will make you want to withdraw and protect yourself.

9. Lie
This isn't about the little white lies that everyone seems guilty of telling. No, not that one. What it means is that you say one thing but the reality is completely different! You really can't stand it anymore. This is a nightmare that you feel no need to relive. Lying is a very toxic trait and you deserve even more. If a partner lies once, he will lie again and again.

10. You have a very jealous partner.
Would you like to have a partner who is very jealous of you? Rather, no. Jealousy is a normal, normal human emotion and it's understandable if someone gets a little jealous from time to time.
But really, if your partner is constantly annoyed every time you call, text, talk, or hang out with other people. Such a pair is extremely toxic.
The worst part is that such people often engage in some kind of crazy behavior like trying to gain access to their partner's e-mail, social media, reading their partner's text messages, and all other bad habits that reek of distrust and doubt.

How to get out of a Toxic Relationship

If you feel that your life will not be in danger if you leave, then pack your things and leave. If you recognize these warning signs of a toxic relationship, then you already know you need to leave, that is, if counseling is not possible.
Don't stay in a relationship where you are not respected, loved, and appreciated 100%. You deserve much more than that.
If you feel like your life is in danger if you try to walk away from a toxic relationship, contact family or professionals to help you leave safely.

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