Saturday, August 7, 2021

How to Completely Remove Your Body Odor

Can You Remove Your Body Odor Permanently?

       Smelly underarms can make you feel inferior, but this is a problem that many people have faced before. Commonly known as body odor (BO) and technically called bromhidrosis, unpleasant underarm odor is usually nothing to worry about.
You can follow these tips to help minimize and prevent underarm odor, which can reduce your anxiety due to the condition.

Get Rid From Your Body Odor Permanently

What is Body Odor?

Body odor occurs when your sweat meets bacteria on the surface of your skin, creating an unpleasant odor.
Sweating is the human body's way of regulating body temperature. While sweat itself is actually odorless, bacteria use it as a breeding ground and multiply rapidly. What you smell is the result associated with the keratin protein-degrading bacteria on the surface of your skin.
Other definition of body odor is bromhidrosis.

How Does Body Odor Start?

While body odor is usually associated with the armpits, bacteria can also cause odor in the groin, anal area, upper thighs, and legs, or elsewhere. Washing the skin thoroughly with a washcloth and wet soap, especially in areas prone to sweating, can help prevent body odor.
Smelly feet can also cause smelly shoes. Treating your shoes with over-the-counter deodorizers can help. Wear thick, breathable socks if you can.

Causes of Body Odor 

Human skin contains eccrine and apocrine sweat glands. Apocrine glands begin to function during the pubertal phase and are associated with hair follicles in the armpits and groin. These glands produce thick, protein-rich sweat that is initially odorless. When bacteria break down a lot of protein, they will produce odor molecules in greater concentrations, causing body odor.
In contrast, eccrine sweat glands predominately regulate human body temperature through sweating and are not particularly linked to body odor.

How to Prevent Smelly Armpits

There are several things you can do to prevent body odor.
- Wear loose, breathable fabrics like cotton, linen, and moisture-wicking blends — especially if you sweat a lot. This will keep your body cooler than constricting clothes made of non-breathable fabrics.
- Bathing every day with soap, and showering after strenuous activities such as exercising will remove odor-causing bacteria and sweat.

A 2016 study found that shaving or waxing the armpits can significantly reduce underarm odor. This is because the cleansing that occurs is more effective on shaved or waxed skin.
Stress reactions can cause sweat glands to produce excessive sweating, stress management and anxiety reduction techniques can help you modulate stress reactions and minimize your physiological sweat response. Here are some additional DIY life hacks you can try at home. Find what suits you best, especially during different seasons.

Tips to Get Rid of Body Odor Naturally and Permanently.

Use Homemade or Natural Deodorant
Natural deodorant is a gentle and healthy home remedy for underarm odor. This is a great alternative to standard deodorant options that contain potentially harmful chemicals.
Most natural deodorants are gentle on the skin and free of aluminum, parabens, and phthalates. If regular deodorants make your skin itchy or burn, using a natural deodorant might be your best bet for fighting underarm odor.

Bathing With Natural Antibacterial Bath Soap
When the bacteria on your skin mixes with sweat, it produces a striking odor to the nose, which you know as body odour. The easiest way to get rid of body odor is to hit the source, which is bacteria.
To get rid of body odor, take a shower with antibacterial soap to keep it clean and fresh. (webmd) Some soaps may contain potentially harmful chemicals such as triclosan. If you're concerned about chemicals in consumer body products, use soaps and bath cleansers with natural ingredients.
Pro-tip: Look for ingredients like oregano, peppermint, tea tree oil, and eucalyptus. This natural substance has odor-fighting properties and bacteria to help you fight body odor.

Use Lemon Juice, Apple Cider Vinegar, or Witch Hazel.
Getting rid of body odor naturally can be done by washing the smelly area with apple cider vinegar, lemon juice or witch hazel. This home remedy in the kitchen and medicine cabinet contains antiseptic properties that kill bacteria and balance the pH level of your skin.
Using a cotton ball, apply apple cider vinegar or witch hazel to odor-prone areas, then rinse with cold water.

Alternatively, rub half a lemon on your armpits, or other odor-prone areas and rinse. If you have sensitive skin, you can mix lemon juice and water in equal proportions. Soak a cotton ball in the solution and apply it on your skin.
Apply this treatment only on clean, dry skin and avoid it if you have cuts, scrapes, or burns.

Lifestyle and home remedies
You can do some self-care to reduce sweating and body odor. The following suggestions may help:
- Choose clothes that suit your activity. For everyday wear, choose natural materials such as cotton, wool, and silk. This allows your skin to breathe. For sportswear, you may prefer synthetic fabrics that were developed to wick moisture away from your skin.
- Take a shower every day. Shower regularly, especially with antibacterial soap, this will reduce the growth of bacteria on your skin.
- Change your diet. Caffeinated drinks and spicy or strong-smelling foods can make you sweat more or have a stronger body odor than usual. Eliminating these foods can help.
- Try relaxation techniques. Consider relaxation techniques, such as yoga, meditation, or biofeedback. These exercises can teach you to control the stress that triggers sweating.

When should you see a doctor for body odor?
Most causes of body odor are not serious and home remedies can solve the problem. However, there are times when seeing a healthcare provider is the safest option to determine if a more serious cause is to blame.
See a doctor immediately for:
Fruity body odor
Bleach-like body odor
Sudden changes in body odor

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