Showing posts with label Body Care. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Body Care. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

How to Gain Weight But Not Fat for Women

How to Gain Weight Fast For Females

      Doctors often recommend weight gain to people who are consistently underweight, as it can lead to a variety of health problems. Bodybuilders and other sports enthusiasts may also hope to gain weight quickly by building their muscles.

underweight skinny woman

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the USA, reveal the amount of underweight adults aged 20 to 39 yo in the country sink from 3% to 1.9% between 1988 and 2008.
The following tips and methods can assist you to gain weight easily effectively and safely.

What Does Underweight Really Mean?

Weight gain means having a body mass index (BMI) below 18.5. This is estimated to be less than the body mass required to maintain good health.
On the other hand, more than 25 is considered overweight and over 30 is known as obese.

However, keep in mind that there are many problems with the BMI scale, which looks only at weight and height. That doesn't include muscle mass in the calculation.
Some humans are naturally too skinny but stay fit and healthy. Being thin according to this scale does not mean you have a health problem.
Being thin is about 2-3 times more common among teenagers and women, compared to men. In the United States, 1% of men and 2.4% of women aged 20 years and over are underweight

How Does Being Underweight Impact My Health?

First, your weight will naturally fluctuate throughout your life. This is perfectly normal and depending on a number of causes such as: stress, sleep, hormones and health conditions, all of which will play their own role. However, being underweight significantly as a woman can have serious consequences on your overall health and well-being.
Usually measured by BMI (Body Mass Index – something you can calculate using the handy BMI calculator from the NHS), you should order to see a doctor if you suspect you may be underweight. A BMI of less than 18.5 is considered underweight.

The main health risks of underweight are nutritional deficiencies and vitamin and mineral deficiencies. In severe cases, nutritional deficiencies and vitamin and mineral deficiencies can lead to electrolyte imbalances that can lead to very serious heart and kidney problems due to disturbances in the salt levels in your blood.

Ways to Gain Weight for Women When You're Underweight

Increase Your Calorie Intake
Gaining weight requires a calorie surplus, and that means taking in more calories than you burn each day. Nutritionists also recommend increasing lean body mass which usually requires a minimum protein intake of 1.5 grams to 2.2 grams per kilogram of body weight each day.

Because each underweight person has different nutritional needs, nutritionists also recommend going to a doctor who can evaluate your complete blood count results to check for B vitamins or iron deficiency.
People who are thin often have B vitamin deficiencies such as low levels of thiamine, folate and cyanocobalamin. They also have low levels of iron and can lead to anemia.
If you find that you do have a nutritional deficiency, you and your doctor can talk about whether it might be worthwhile to start taking supplements.

Larger plate size
Call it the placebo effect, but it's a known fact that when you eat on a larger plate, in an attempt to make it look filled, you usually fill it a little more. It creates increased appetite and supports weight gain.

Calorie Density and Nutrition for Weight Gain
You may be tempted to gain weight fast by eating junk food, but these unhealthy choices will only cost you in the long run. While weight-gain meal plans like ice cream, pastries, pastries, French fries, and hot dogs are all calorie-dense and will actually help you gain weight, they are low in nutrients, and may consist of sugar, fat, or sugar. additives which may pose a health risk. Your physique needs a nutrient-rich weight gain diet to recuperate if you are sick, or if you are malnourished due to an eating disorder.

Instead of consuming junk food, you can add 500 calories per day through calorie-dense and nutrient-dense foods. It offers important calories in a single serving as well as nutrients that you might be cutting out for. Foods that fit this bill include nuts and nut butters, whole grains, dried fruit, avocados, olives and olive oil, whole grains, and some fresh fruit, lean protein foods, and dairy products.

Eat snacks.
If you are struggling with a poor appetite because of a medical or emotional problem, eating large amounts of food may not seem appealing. Consider eating small meals during the day to increase calorie intake.

Try smoothies and weight gain shakes
Don't load up on diet sodas, coffee, and other weight-gain drinks with few calories and little nutritional value. Instead, have healthy smoothies or shakes made with fresh or frozen milk and fruit, and sprinkle some flaxseed. In some cases, a liquid food substitute may be recommended. (

Combining body weight and weight training to achieve healthy muscle mass. It is one of the best ways to increase your appetite. In addition, by doing activities like these or even Yoga Asanas, you can improve your overall health.

Sleep and Yoga
This is not a contemporary saying, but an old adage, that the secret to great health lies not only in healthy and delicious food, but also in getting plenty of sleep. Sleep has an important role not only in mental health during the day, but it has also been scientifically proven to be a contributing aspect in aiding digestion and overall metabolic processes.

Similarly, incorporating yoga into your daily routine also supports stress as well as stabilizes sleep patterns and improves mental and emotional health. All of these aspects ultimately lead to a calmer and more relaxed mind and prevent unnecessary weight loss, increase appetite and indirectly contribute to weight gain.

Sunday, November 28, 2021

Things to Know Before Getting Laser Hair Removal

Things to Know About Laser Hair Removal 

       Laser hair removal isn't one of those treatments for women you look forward to. You're not soaking in a salt bath, massaging your body into submission, or enjoying the dewy glow of your post-facial skin.
No, you undress in front of strangers, get electrocuted parts of your body, and leave with some angry red hair follicles.. But it's one of those self-care treatments that pays benefit in the long run:

Things to Know Before You Get Laser Hair Removal

You can slash time in the shower, forget about waxing appointments, and never worry about lifting your arms to overhead press only to see you forgot to shave for the umpteenth day in a row. (You don't need to shave anymore, mostly).

If you like to maintain the body hair natural and ungroomed, that's allright. But if you want to part with mounds of unwanted hair-for-good-nixing razors, shaving nicks, and ingrown hairs, here's the things you have to know about laser hair removal, according to board-certified dermatologists.

What Is Laser Hair Removal?

Laser hair removal is one of the most effective method to eliminate unwanted hair from your body and face. Laser hair removal works by sending light at a specific wavelength that targets melanin, the pigment that colors hair, at a depth sufficient to act on your hair bulb. The intended outcome, hair removal, results from thermal injury to the hair bulb produced when the power in the light is absorbed by the pigment located there.

It is necessary to have a pre-treatment discuss with a professional to determine what kind of wavelength will be used based on the patient's skin color and type. If the skin tone and laser settings are not calculated accurately (i.e. sufficiently targeted), the skin can burn.

The Laser Hair Removal Procedure

While we’d love to think it’s magic, the truth is laser hair removal is a science! Briefly, laser hair removal works like this: With lighter skin kinds, cosmetic medical grade laser transmits a concentrated beam of light directly to the hair follicle pigment. With darker skin, the laser is attracted to the blood supply to your hair follicle. 

The laser then crush and stunts the hair growth with both modalities. Laser hair removal is well-thought-of a cosmetic procedure, and therefore is governed by strict regulations. Before having the treatment, always ask if the technicians are qualified and that the equipment is TGA approved.

Think Seriously About The Sun

Your dermatologist will advise what is best for you, but you may need to avoid sun exposure as much as possible, before and after treatment. Also if you have tan skin (due to sun exposure). You have to wait for it to fade before you can start your treatment. Again, your dermatologist will contact you about your upcoming vacation, to make sure you don't have any holidays that will affect the time of your next appointment.

Laser Hair Removal Works Well On All Skin Tones

The hair just require to be dark enough to drawn the laser. skin use long pulsed ND:YAG lasers – which are safer for treating pigmented or darker skin tones.
Older laser hair removal technology was previously not recommended for person of darker skin tones, in specific those with Black or Asian skin. The power from the laser aim the pigment in your hair, with the pigment of your skin being shallower, this could lead the laser to be attracted to your skin rather than the pigment in the hair. Puts the darker skin tones at risk of laser hair removal burns.

Preparing Your Session

You have done your research, Confirm that you are eligible, and have booked the first appointment. Before you step into that place, take stock of what's going on with the body. Are you menstruating? Putting off the treatment until after the period or before the next one. 

The body can be more sensitive to pain throughtout this time. Keep away caffeine before your appointment for the same reason. Attemp to drink a lot of water [the day of the session] and taking an over-the-counter pain reliever about 45 minutes before to help reduce any sensitivity.

Notice what you wear today. If you are getting treated in an area that's usually covered by clothing, wear or bring very loose clothing to the session to evade any irritation triggered by garments rubbing the skin. And keep in mind to ask your provider for some cortisone cream for some topical relief.

Laser Hair Removal Cost

Laser hair removal is not only a financial investment, but if done right, it is an investment of time. Due to the hair growth cycle, the optimal frequency of laser hair removal is monthly [approximately 4 weeks apart], requiring an average of 4 to 6 sessions.

Costs may vary from city to city. But usually small areas, like the armpits, can cost $150–250 per session, whereas a large area, like the legs, can run upwards of $500 per session. And be careful with Groupon, Depending on what state you're in, the person permited to operate the laser varies. In  Jersey, you must be a doctor (M.D. or D.O.), whereas in New York it is not true. This allows for spas to provide laser hair removal at a reduced price with minimal physician oversight.

Laser Hair Removal How Long Does It Last

People’s results may vary, but most patients’ results last years, with many patients experiencing permanent hair loss.
The hair will not fall out immediately. You will shed them over the course of a couple days or weeks. You can speed up that process by exfoliating the area, or using a loofah, scrub, or washcloth.
Now, after the first treatment, it may look like nothing has occured, but it has. Hair loss and growth naturally happen in cycles, so laser hair removal in particular targets follicles in the new-growth stage. This is why you need repetitive treatments: to continually target new hair.

Last Words
Laser hair removal can be harmful in inexperienced hands. Burns, permanent changes to the skin color, and scars can happen. You can greatly lower the risk of the laser hair removal side effects by having the treatment performed by a laser hair removal dermatologist who is extremely skilled in using lasers, and has in-depth knowledge of the skin. The AAD suggests that you select a board-certified dermatologist to do laser treatments (AAD)

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Tips to Get Rid of Bad Breath from Your Mouth

Tips to Eliminate Your Bad Breath Permanently

      Many people believe that they have bad breath, even though their breathing is normal. While others have bad breath and don't even notice it. Smelling your own breath is difficult, let alone assessing its smell. Ask someone you trust for an honest opinion, sometimes in the middle of the day, but definitely not right after you've finished your tuna and onion sandwich.
If your suspicions are proven and you have bad breath, don't worry. There are many home remedies that can get rid of your bad breath.

Woman have Bad Breath From Mouth

Bad breath, known medically as halitosis (usually considered a sign of poor oral hygiene).
In order to understand if you can get rid of bad breath permanently, you and your dentist must first look at the possible causes.

What Causes Bad Breath Even After Brushing?

Dental problems are the most common and leading cause of bad breath, but they can be treated by your dentist.
If dental issues are not the cause, bad breath may be a sign of another condition, such as:
- Ketoacidosis
Diabetics who have very low insulin levels can develop ketoacidosis, which is a serious medical condition. When the human body cannot use sugar, they start using fat, which causes a buildup of ketones.
In high quantities, ketones can cause bad breath and a characteristic odor.
– Bronchiectasis
With this condition, the airways are wider than normal, and the resulting mucus accumulation can cause bad breath.
- Acid Reflux
Acid backing up into your esophagus from undigested food, or stomach bile causes erosion of the teeth which leads to bad breath.

How to Get Rid of Bad Breath Permanently

If the cause is simple, like poor oral hygiene, treating bad breath is easy.
Identifying the cause of bad breath is essential. If the cause is unknown, you can try following a few things and see if they work for you in eliminating or preventing bad breath.

1. Brush and floss teeth frequently.
Plaque, the sticky buildup on your teeth, collects the bacteria that causes bad breath. Food stuck in the mouth also adds to the problem.
Brush your teeth at least twice a day, and use dental floss at least once. If you are concerned about your breath, brush your teeth and floss more often. However, don't overdo it.
If you brush too hard, you can damage your teeth or gums, making them vulnerable to decay.

2. Avoid dry mouth.
To keep your mouth moist, avoid tobacco and drink lots of water instead of soft drinks, coffee or alcohol, which can dry out your mouth even more.
Chew gum or suck on gum to stimulate salivation. For chronic dry mouth, the dentist will prescribe artificial saliva preparations, or oral medication that stimulates your saliva.

3. Avoid foods that make your breath acidic.
Onions and garlic are the cause of bad breath. Even brushing your teeth after a meal doesn't help.
The substances that cause bad smell enter your bloodstream and travel to your lungs, where you inhale them.
The best way to stop bad breath is to avoid eating them, or at least avoid them before you go to work or meet friends.

4. Brush your tongue.
Your tongue harbors bacteria, so gentle and careful brushing can reduce odor. People whose tongues are coated with an overgrowth of bacteria (from smoking or dry mouth, for example) may benefit from using a tongue scraper. Or you can use a toothbrush with a tongue cleaner.

5. Eat More Yogurt
Studies have found that a daily dose of unsweetened plain yogurt prevents bad breath. Consuming yogurt lowers levels of hydrogen sulfide, a compound that causes bad breath on the tongue.

6. Rinse in salt water
A natural way to freshen your breath instantly is to use salt water to gargle. Just add a pinch of salt to a glass of warm water, stir well, swish the solution around your mouth and teeth for 30 seconds and repeat. Bad breath is gone!

7. Eat fruits and vegetables.
Another natural and easy way to freshen your breath is to eat a crunchy snack, such as an apple, celery or carrot. These fruits and vegetables act as a natural toothbrush and help remove the odors that cause bacteria to stick to your teeth. They also stimulate the production of saliva, which also helps to fight bad breath

8. Use mouthwash
Mouthwash can help, but don't replace the need to brush, floss, and scrape your tongue. It's a nice finishing touch. Avoid alcohol-based mouthwashes, as they dry out the mouth and irritate the tissues.

9. Parsley
This is a great choice for anyone who likes to eat out. Just a sprig of parsley can neutralize your bad breath in a matter of minutes. Chewing on a sprig of parsley after dinner with friends is a great way to minimize your risk of bad breath.
Parsley has chlorophyll in it, which neutralizes bacteria in your mouth.
If you want to make sure your bad breath is gone, dip the parsley in table vinegar before chewing.

10. Fruit or orange juice:
For dry mouth, eat citrus fruits such as lemons and grapefruit which can stimulate saliva production.
The acidity in lemons inhibits the growth of bacteria, and the strong aroma hides unpleasant odors.
Prepare a mixture of one tablespoon of lemon juice and salt with water, and rinse your mouth every day or after eating.

Bad breath is a health embarrassment and can be an important social problem; it can cause friends and social contacts to avoid meeting you.
If not handled properly, this condition can threaten your professional relationship.
If the steps above fail to provide adequate relief from bad breath, consult your dentist who can identify the root cause through a physical exam, and by asking you a few questions.
Your dentist will treat bad breath depending on the cause, and can help you to get rid of it permanently. For example, conditions such as xerostomia which require artificial saliva preparations or prescription medications to increase your salivation.

Saturday, August 7, 2021

How to Completely Remove Your Body Odor

Can You Remove Your Body Odor Permanently?

       Smelly underarms can make you feel inferior, but this is a problem that many people have faced before. Commonly known as body odor (BO) and technically called bromhidrosis, unpleasant underarm odor is usually nothing to worry about.
You can follow these tips to help minimize and prevent underarm odor, which can reduce your anxiety due to the condition.

Get Rid From Your Body Odor Permanently

What is Body Odor?

Body odor occurs when your sweat meets bacteria on the surface of your skin, creating an unpleasant odor.
Sweating is the human body's way of regulating body temperature. While sweat itself is actually odorless, bacteria use it as a breeding ground and multiply rapidly. What you smell is the result associated with the keratin protein-degrading bacteria on the surface of your skin.
Other definition of body odor is bromhidrosis.

How Does Body Odor Start?

While body odor is usually associated with the armpits, bacteria can also cause odor in the groin, anal area, upper thighs, and legs, or elsewhere. Washing the skin thoroughly with a washcloth and wet soap, especially in areas prone to sweating, can help prevent body odor.
Smelly feet can also cause smelly shoes. Treating your shoes with over-the-counter deodorizers can help. Wear thick, breathable socks if you can.

Causes of Body Odor 

Human skin contains eccrine and apocrine sweat glands. Apocrine glands begin to function during the pubertal phase and are associated with hair follicles in the armpits and groin. These glands produce thick, protein-rich sweat that is initially odorless. When bacteria break down a lot of protein, they will produce odor molecules in greater concentrations, causing body odor.
In contrast, eccrine sweat glands predominately regulate human body temperature through sweating and are not particularly linked to body odor.

How to Prevent Smelly Armpits

There are several things you can do to prevent body odor.
- Wear loose, breathable fabrics like cotton, linen, and moisture-wicking blends — especially if you sweat a lot. This will keep your body cooler than constricting clothes made of non-breathable fabrics.
- Bathing every day with soap, and showering after strenuous activities such as exercising will remove odor-causing bacteria and sweat.

A 2016 study found that shaving or waxing the armpits can significantly reduce underarm odor. This is because the cleansing that occurs is more effective on shaved or waxed skin.
Stress reactions can cause sweat glands to produce excessive sweating, stress management and anxiety reduction techniques can help you modulate stress reactions and minimize your physiological sweat response. Here are some additional DIY life hacks you can try at home. Find what suits you best, especially during different seasons.

Tips to Get Rid of Body Odor Naturally and Permanently.

Use Homemade or Natural Deodorant
Natural deodorant is a gentle and healthy home remedy for underarm odor. This is a great alternative to standard deodorant options that contain potentially harmful chemicals.
Most natural deodorants are gentle on the skin and free of aluminum, parabens, and phthalates. If regular deodorants make your skin itchy or burn, using a natural deodorant might be your best bet for fighting underarm odor.

Bathing With Natural Antibacterial Bath Soap
When the bacteria on your skin mixes with sweat, it produces a striking odor to the nose, which you know as body odour. The easiest way to get rid of body odor is to hit the source, which is bacteria.
To get rid of body odor, take a shower with antibacterial soap to keep it clean and fresh. (webmd) Some soaps may contain potentially harmful chemicals such as triclosan. If you're concerned about chemicals in consumer body products, use soaps and bath cleansers with natural ingredients.
Pro-tip: Look for ingredients like oregano, peppermint, tea tree oil, and eucalyptus. This natural substance has odor-fighting properties and bacteria to help you fight body odor.

Use Lemon Juice, Apple Cider Vinegar, or Witch Hazel.
Getting rid of body odor naturally can be done by washing the smelly area with apple cider vinegar, lemon juice or witch hazel. This home remedy in the kitchen and medicine cabinet contains antiseptic properties that kill bacteria and balance the pH level of your skin.
Using a cotton ball, apply apple cider vinegar or witch hazel to odor-prone areas, then rinse with cold water.

Alternatively, rub half a lemon on your armpits, or other odor-prone areas and rinse. If you have sensitive skin, you can mix lemon juice and water in equal proportions. Soak a cotton ball in the solution and apply it on your skin.
Apply this treatment only on clean, dry skin and avoid it if you have cuts, scrapes, or burns.

Lifestyle and home remedies
You can do some self-care to reduce sweating and body odor. The following suggestions may help:
- Choose clothes that suit your activity. For everyday wear, choose natural materials such as cotton, wool, and silk. This allows your skin to breathe. For sportswear, you may prefer synthetic fabrics that were developed to wick moisture away from your skin.
- Take a shower every day. Shower regularly, especially with antibacterial soap, this will reduce the growth of bacteria on your skin.
- Change your diet. Caffeinated drinks and spicy or strong-smelling foods can make you sweat more or have a stronger body odor than usual. Eliminating these foods can help.
- Try relaxation techniques. Consider relaxation techniques, such as yoga, meditation, or biofeedback. These exercises can teach you to control the stress that triggers sweating.

When should you see a doctor for body odor?
Most causes of body odor are not serious and home remedies can solve the problem. However, there are times when seeing a healthcare provider is the safest option to determine if a more serious cause is to blame.
See a doctor immediately for:
Fruity body odor
Bleach-like body odor
Sudden changes in body odor

Saturday, November 7, 2020

How to Reduce Fat Around Your Neck and Chin

 How to Lose Fat Near Neck (that aren’t surgery)

       Besides your stomach or thighs, fat can accumulate in other areas of your body, including your neck, and this accumulation of fat can lead to a double chin.
A fatty neck, loose skin under your neck, or a "double chin" when you take a selfie can look less than pretty, and make you look years older than your actual age. Neck fat can negatively impact a woman's self-esteem.

Many women automatically think of turning to the surgical option to get rid of neck fat, but there are many non-surgical strategies to get rid of it, if you're willing to make some basic mid-term health improvements.

Woman have Double Chin

Women often think wrongly when they think about losing weight in a short amount of time: for the summer holidays, or for the upcoming wedding.
This short term approach will not work. However, with a little commitment, you can reduce excess flab around your neck and boost your self-esteem at the same time.

Why Should You Get Rid of Fat From Your Face and Neck?
If you lose fat from your face and neck, it can increase your self-confidence.
It purifies your face and removes the salty stuff, making you look younger. Fat face is a sign of obesity and weight gain.
Lose fat from your face and neck to make your face thinner.
You will be motivated to burn off the excess weight too.
Losing fat from the targeted area can help with overall weight loss.
When you are trying to burn fat on your face and neck in a healthy way, it will improve your beauty and appearance.

What Causes Fat On Your Neck? 

A double chin is simply an excess of fat in the submental space. This submental fat can build up for a number of reasons. Those with a family history of loose skin or stubborn fat are more likely to experience a double chin.
Fluctuations in body weight can also produce a double chin as the skin expands and contracts.
Age is another factor in developing a double chin, as skin becomes less elastic over the years. It may be difficult to prevent a double chin, but at least it is possible to reduce it.

Excess Neck Fat Causes
A slightly doubled chin can also be caused by a jaw muscle that is not tight. However, tightening the jaw will not immediately reduce fat.
Healthy eating and exercise are long-term solutions to reduce fat from your body, including your chin. You can get rid of a small double chin or reduce the size before it becomes a bigger double chin.

Some of the main causes of excess neck fat are:
1. Obesity
Those who are overweight or obese are susceptible to neck fat.
2. Age
Older people appear to have more neck fat compared to younger people.
3. Cardiovascular Conditions
Those with heart problems are more prone to developing neck fat.
4. Medical Problems
Medical conditions, such as Cushing's syndrome (hormonal disorder) or thyroid problems, can lead to obesity. Therefore, people with this condition tend to have excess neck fat.

Wrinkles and Folds 
Both are very common as people get older. However, they may make your neck look bigger and "fatter" than it actually is. How do you know if you have skin folds or fat on your neck?
Using your thumb and forefinger, gently pull the skin off the neck.
Chances are, if you pull your skin and fingers together, you have loose skin around your neck. However, if you are tugging at your skin and feeling a large lump or sack, it may indicate that you actually have fat deposits. However, one thing to keep in mind is that a lump around the neck can actually indicate an underlying medical problem.

Exercises Targeting Double Chin
While there's no scientific evidence that certain exercises can successfully get rid of your double chin, there is anecdotal evidence.
The following are exercises that can help strengthen and tone the muscles and skin in your double chin area. Unless otherwise stated, repeat each exercise daily 10 to 15 times.
1. Ball training
Place the ball 9 to 10 inches under your chin.
Press your chin down into the ball. Repeat 25 times daily.
2. Neck stretch
Tilt the head back and look up Press your tongue to the roof of the mouth. Hold for 5 to 10 seconds and let go.

Don't Eat Too Much Sugar
You're probably eating too much sugar. A cup of low-fat yogurt can have as much sugar as a can of soda! Check labels for sugar. Excessive consumption of sugar can increase the risk of storing more fat in the body, and increase the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes.

Sugar also has many names. These include cane sugar, rice syrup, high-fructose corn syrup, sucrose, corn syrup, evaporated cane juice, barley malt, agave, and fructose. Eating a lot of sugar also increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, and being overweight is another risk factor for this disease.
Sugar can also make you look older and have wrinkled skin which contributes to the appearance of neck fat.

Pay attention to your weight
Many people experience neck fat embarrassment, being overweight and your neck is a result of your excess weight. If you're overweight, or perhaps in better shape, dropping a few pounds will go a long way in helping you lose neck fat.

Fight facial fat and a double chin with cheek exercises.
Oftentimes big cheeks make your neck look shorter and thicker.
Perform these simple exercises to fight fat deposits on your face. Place your thumb and index finger on your cheek. Now hold your cheek with two fingers, and pull it outward. Now put your thumb under your chin. Pull the fat under your chin out with your thumbs. Repeat these two facial exercises 15 times a day to get a thinner face and eliminate double chin.

Eliminate Excess Calories
Eliminating excess calories from your diet can have a major impact on your overall body fat reduction. Eliminating soda and other sweets can reduce your intake by 250+ calories.
When you reduce the overall calories you consume, you will see the fat around your chin and neck begin to decrease.

Wash and Exfoliate Your Neck
Many people pay more attention to their faces, but the neck is often overlooked. You're cleaning and moisturizing your face, but you're missing out on doing the same for your neck.
Wash once daily and exfoliate at least once a week. This will help get rid of dirt and dead skin cells, which will help your body make new cells to improve the appearance of your neck while you lose weight and eat healthier.

Sometimes the neck can look unattractive due to loose skin. Sunscreen can help you prevent it, and it can also tone your skin. This can also help prevent age spots and wrinkles.
You should choose a sunscreen with an SPF of 30. If you are going to be spending time in direct sunlight, you can use a higher SPF. It is important to apply it every 2 hours too.

Applicators, Straps, and Mouthpieces
You can also use several devices to reduce your double chin. Chin applicators that rest on the skin and are infused with substances like collagen, caffeine, and vitamins can help restore skin elasticity.
Facial straps can gently tighten the skin in the submental area. And the mouthpiece helps in doing jaw exercises which stimulate muscle growth and burn fat.

Green tea.
Caffeine-containing drinks cause fluid retention in the body and neck afterward. So, it is advisable to stop drinking tea and coffee and replace them with green tea which helps to increase the rate of fat burning to get rid of excess weight, because it contains antioxidants.

Lipolysis Treatments
If you want quicker results, you can seek lipolysis treatment to get rid of a double chin. There are two kinds of lipolysis treatments for double chin reduction: injections and lasers. Injectable lipolysis uses injection of a solution that digests fat cells, to reduce double chin.

Patients should receive this treatment several times at intervals of 4-6 weeks for best results. Laser lipolysis also targets fat cells, but is non-invasive, melting fat through the heat energy from the laser light. Both of these procedures are relatively painless, although side effects such as swelling, bruising and pain can occur.

Cool sculpting 
Another option for reducing a double chin is through Cool Sculpting®.
Cool Sculpting works like laser lipolysis, but instead of melting fat cells, it freezes them instead. These dead fat cells are eventually removed by the body, giving you a tighter chin.

Cool Sculpting is also used to get rid of stubborn fat in other areas of the body, especially near the stomach, thighs and back.
If you are fed up with fat deposits on your chin, any of these treatments, or a combination of them, can restore your chin to singular status.
Certain methods may be more or less effective for your specific case, so speak with your doctor or dermatologist to find the best treatment for you.

Double chins are a sad reality for many women, especially as they get older, but it's not all bad news. Getting rid of your double chin is possible, albeit with a little bit of hard work and a lot of motivation.

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Causes of Sagging Breasts and It's not What You Think

When did Your Breasts Start to Sag?

       Saggy breasts are part of the changes in the appearance of the breasts that most women experience, as they age. This tends to be a completely natural cosmetic makeover. However, some women may not desire saggy breasts. The treatment term for saggy breasts is ptosis of the breast. There is a wealth of information about what really contributes to saggy breasts. Some are true, others are myths.

Sagging breasts is one of the many natural body changes women go through as they age. Women's breasts are composed of fat and ligaments, but lack muscle tissue, so no amount or type of exercise will strengthen your breasts.

Woman Recover from Sagging Breast

      As a woman goes through different phases of life, it's natural for the shape of her breasts to change: They grow larger during pregnancy and breastfeeding, and the skin and surrounding muscles stretch and loosen as body weight fluctuates. And, these breasts constantly defy gravity—and the bigger they get, the bigger they get
they will likely be pulled down over time. They also become softer and less dense after menopause, because the production of estrogen in the ovaries is reduced.     

For many women, sagging breasts mean aging. They not only hate this change in breast appearance, because of aesthetic factors, but also hate it, because it shows that they are getting old. Toned and beautiful breasts are something that women can be proud of. But the fact is, the cause of sagging breasts is not only associated with old age. There are other causes.
Breast changes occur naturally as you age. But, many other factors can cause sagging breasts.

Sagging breasts, also known as Fallen breasts, have become a trending topic for many women around the world. While there are many misconceptions about the triggers and treatment of breast ptosis. Every woman has to deal with it in the end. Some are luckier than others because they have firm breasts. And firmer for longer after learning tips to prevent sagging breasts.

Breast Anatomy and Variation

Before going into the causes of saggy breasts, you must first know the anatomy and normal breast conditions. Your breasts are primarily made up of milk-producing glands, milk ducts that carry milk to the nipples, fatty tissue, supporting ligaments and other related tissues and the overlying skin. In young girls, the nipples are usually pointed straight ahead.
The shape and size of your breasts depends on the genes you inherit from your parents, as well as your weight, hormone levels, pregnancy history, age and other factors. Thus, normal breast shape and size is different for every woman.

What is Breast Sagging?
Sagging breasts or ptosis is the removal of the mammary glands, which occurs as a result of stretching of the skin tissue of the breast, along with the ligaments and lack of elasticity of the skin. Ptosis causes disruption of the shape and contour of the beautiful breast.

Age When Your Breasts Begin To Sag
There is no specific age at which you can feel your breasts starting to sag. A woman in her twenties can have sagging breasts, while a woman in her forties can still have tight breasts. Due to the many factors that cause sagging breasts, women experience it at various times.

Of course, age is indeed a factor for all women. If you've managed to avoid a decline in your 30s and 40s, you'll likely start to notice a loss of elasticity and fullness in your breasts as you go through the hormonal changes of menopause.

What Causes Breast Sagging?

You may think that the most common cause of saggy breasts is age. Strangely, this didn't happen. In fact, the elasticity of the skin decreases due to the decreased level of collagen production as women age. This causes your breasts to sag in old age. But, two of the most common causes of sagging breasts are breastfeeding and rapid weight loss. Thus, loss of skin elasticity with age is the most common cause of saggy breasts. Another factor is smoking, which speeds up aging, thereby contributing to sagging breasts, which sometimes occurs earlier in life. (healthline) Here are  some reasons that contribute to changing  your breast form and appearance for the worse.

Age is always chasing every woman. Breast sagging is a normal part of the aging process, especially after menopause, when hormones change and affect the structure and volume of your breast tissue.

Size and Shape of Your Bust
Smaller breasts with a more rounded bottom tend to retain their shape better than larger or narrower breasts. Larger breasts are also more likely to yield to gravity than smaller breasts.

Genetic Factors.
Genetics and sagging boobs. Where is the connection in your opinion? In fact, it's a tie, because your genes not only determine your breast size, they also play an important role in determining the strength of your ligaments, skin elasticity and breast tissue density. While there aren't any muscles to hold your breasts up high and tight, ligaments are something that's left to you.

Exercise Without Support:
Exercises that involve lots of breast movement can put extra stress on the breast ligaments. If your breasts, especially large ones, don't have proper support, this can lead to stretched ligaments and sagging breasts.

Losing or Gaining Weight:
Gaining or losing weight, especially quickly, can change the shape of your breasts, and stretch or shrink the skin around them.
Weight fluctuations are another major cause of breast drooping, as the skin stretches and loses its elasticity, which in turn affects the breasts.
Now that you know some of the main causes of saggy breasts, you will see how you can prevent them from sagging.

Breast Involution and Weaning Fast
It may be that you are not going to sacrifice the appearance of your breasts by breastfeeding. Although, there are risk factors for sagging breasts, if your breasts become two-three times larger, with pregnancy and breastfeeding, which means Cooper's ligaments - the connective tissue in your breasts that help keep their shape - will stretch dramatically. .

It shouldn't be a problem until you start weaning. When you stop breastfeeding, the breast tissue that is responsible for milk production will bounce back, but the skin around the breast may not! While it doesn't happen very often, there's a chance that your breasts will deflate after weaning. It all depends on how choppy your breasts are once weaned.

It's really in your genes! Also, in the case of rapid weaning, stretched ligaments may not shrink to their pre-pregnancy position, making your breasts look flat, saggy, and drooping.

Natural Remedies For Sagging Breasts

What you can do to treat sagging breasts?
Saggy breasts can take a toll on your self-confidence, but you can do certain exercises and use some techniques to increase breast size and make them firmer.

Wear a nice sports bra 24/7
One tip for avoiding stretched ligaments is to wear a supportive bra, preferably cordless, the whole time from the time you find out about your pregnancy. This will give proper relief to your ligaments and breasts, and can help prevent sagging breasts.

Grapeseed oil
Essential oils are one of the best ways to rejuvenate your skin and increase the size of your breasts. Use grapeseed oil regularly to prevent sagging breasts. Massage in grapeseed oil in circular motions for at least 10-15 minutes. Rinse off with cold water.

Poor posture, such as a hunched back can cause the breasts to hang down under their own weight, putting more pressure and tension on the breast tissue and making sagging worse.
Keep your back straight and shoulders back. Good posture serves to evenly distribute the load on your body, and helps protect against sagging breasts.

The proper Bra
Perhaps more important than bra style is bra size. The best designed and most supportive bra can make your breasts droop if they are the wrong size.

This bra is responsible for most of the support. So it is very important that the bra is the right size. Your breasts will naturally hang down due to gravity, and the loose band allows them to do just that. Instead, the band should be tight enough to stay in place, and prevent your breasts from being dragged down. You'll know you're using the right band size when the bra is comfortable and lies horizontally around your ribs.

Ice massage
An ice massage is great for treating saggy breasts. It increases blood circulation and also maintains firmness and rejuvenates your skin too. Take a few ice cubes and massage in circular motions for half an hour. This will give you the perfect size you desire.

Your Pre-Pregnancy Breast Size
The bigger your natural breasts were before you got pregnant, the saggy they will be. Here comes the harsh reality of having a beautiful, full, and vibrant C-cup in your early twenties. Breast size before pregnancy is important when it comes to sagging breasts. Although breasts can retain their shape after breastfeeding, they tend to shrink over time and there's not much you can do about it. Because this battle with gravity is a game of desperation.

Eat well
Do healthy eating habits influence sagging breasts? At least there is some evidence that eating lots of antioxidant-rich foods like fruits and vegetables, and staying hydrated will make your breasts and skin plump and elastic. So it may make a difference.

Wean very slowly.
Do the weaning in stages. It will take 2-3 months, not 2-3 days or weeks. Begin by cutting out the day's feedings, one at a time. Give your body (and brain!) time to understand that your baby doesn't need to be fed that much, so your milk supply will be reduced. The last feeding you want to stop is bedtime feeding and morning feeding.

Smoking Causes Sagging Breasts
This bad habit is harmful not only to your lungs but to your skin as well. Smoking breaks down a protein in the skin called elastin, which makes your skin look youthful, elastic and supports breasts.
However, if you are a stubborn smoker, be sure to supplement yourself with plenty of vitamin C, because smoking depletes this vitamin in your body. People who smoke decrease the amount of vitamin C in their bodies.

Vitamin B and C deficiency
This essential vitamin, which is also a strong antioxidant, is needed to make collagen. Human skin fibroblasts are fully dependent on vitamin C for the synthesis of collagen, and for the regulation of the collagen/elastin balance in the dermis.

Collagen is needed for the growth and repair of cells. It produces almost everything in your body from the skin to the ligaments and blood vessels. The less vitamin C you get, the less collagen and elastin that is produced to support the beauty of your skin, the higher the chance of your breasts drooping. But, believe me, sagging breasts are your least of all problems when your body is severely deficient in this essential vitamin.

High levels of homocysteine act as a blocking enzyme that is essential for the normal coordination of collagen and elastin in our body.
Since the B vitamins are easily accessible from different food sources, the best option is to eat a healthy, balanced diet. Consumption of fruits and vegetables is the healthiest and safest way to maintain a balanced diet and make skin look younger.

Does Breastfeeding Cause Breast Sagging? 

It was previously thought that breastfeeding can cause your breasts to sag, but research shows that only changes in a woman's breast size during pregnancy cause sagging.. For women who are concerned about these changes, experts advise that they lose the baby's extra weight as soon as possible after delivery, in an attempt to return to a 'normal' weight and size. Women need to be able to look beyond the social pressures of body image and focus more on maintaining an overall healthy body. This will greatly affect the health of your breasts.

Saggy breasts occur for a variety of reasons. Breastfeeding, wearing a bra, or not wearing a bra are not factors to be concerned about. Aging, pregnancy, smoking, and hormones are the main factors causing sagging breasts. There are many ways to manage this in your own life to increase the firmness of the breasts.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Can Yoga Help With Weight Loss?

Yoga For Weight Loss For Women

       Losing weight via yoga seems too good, to be true. On the surface, yoga looks like the opposite of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) circuits, which are fast-paced, or weightlifting, two types of exercise that are usually recommended for weight loss. Yoga classes make your body feel different: refreshed, less tight and flexible. It's even good for mental health, helping you cope with stress.

You know, yoga can make you feel very relaxed when you're tense, and incredibly energized, even on the worst of days. But can you lose weight doing yoga, or would you be better off trying something else? Yoga can certainly help you lose weight, if that is your goal.

Yoga burns calories, can help you get the right mental space to make decisions, and will help you lose weight.
From limiting eating, and emotional control, to getting the most out of exercise, to ability, to fully being present and experiencing the power, and full potential of your mind, and body working collectively, are the main reasons yoga supports weight loss.

The practice of yoga helps with physical, mental, and spiritual improvement which allows you to create the best version of yourself.

Many experts agree that yoga works in a unique way, to result in a healthy weight.
The practice of yoga helps improve mental, physical and non-secular health, thereby enabling you to create a high-quality model of yourself.
Yoga is also a tool to help you lose weight, particularly the more active types of yoga. And you may also find that the awareness received through the gentle and relaxing practice of yoga helps you lose weight, too. Yoga works in many ways, to result in a healthy weight.

Can You Lose Weight Doing Yoga

Can You Lose Weight Doing Yoga?

Yoga requires you to use your body weight to do difficult poses, which can help strengthen and tone the muscles of the body.
If all you do is weight training and cardio, adding yoga once, or twice a week, will pose a whole new challenge for your body to adapt. It is these adaptations that will lead you to a better normal form.
Of course, "good shape" for women can imply something completely different from the rest. For many women, yoga may simply be a major pillar of mobility. But some forms encompass all three.

In order to achieve these different pillars, you may think about mixing up your routine from day to day. The United States Department of Health recommends that adults get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise, for fitness benefits, such as: improved cardiorespiratory health, muscle strength, and reduced depressive symptoms.

Calories will be Burned When Doing Yoga

Certain kinds of yoga are more physical. An extreme, active style of yoga can help you burn the most calories. This also helps to prevent weight gain. Vinyasa, Ashtanga, and energy yoga are examples of more physical types of yoga.
Vinyasa and energy yoga are typically offered in yoga studios. This kind of yoga keeps you moving, which helps you burn calories

While restorative yoga isn't a specific type of physical yoga, it can still help you lose weight. Restorative yoga is great in helping overweight women lose weight, including belly fat.
The findings are particularly promising for people whose physical weight can make stronger types of yoga difficult.

Yoga is a promising way to help with weight loss, behavior change, and maintenance by burning calories, mindfulness, increasing and reducing stress. These elements can help you to reduce your food intake, and seem to realize the effects of overeating.

How Much Weight can You Lose After Doing Yoga?

This depends on many factors, which include sleeping habits, and lifestyle, and of course what foods you put in your body.
When practicing yoga for weight loss, it is very important to be aware of what you eat. You should stress the importance of a diet, which is rich in fresh and whole foods. There is no cure, or magic thing for fast weight loss.
Regardless of the type of exercise you do, or the diet you follow, people who are steadily losing weight will find it easier to keep it off.

How Many Times You Do Yoga to Lose Weight?

Do yoga as often as possible for weight loss. You can do this extra active and intense exercise a minimum of three to five times per week, for at least an hour.
Balance your yoga practice with an extra class, relaxing and gentle. Yin, Hatha and restorative yoga classes are excellent options.

If you've never done yoga, start slowly and gradually increase your practice. This allows you to build energy and flexibility, and prevents injuries. If you don't have time for a full class on certain days, do at least 20 minutes of independent practice. Let yourself relax all day each week. Combine yoga practice with to-do things like cycling, walking, or swimming for additional cardiovascular benefits.

Yoga Shapes Your Stomach.

Certain yoga poses, particularly those focused on the core, can help create abdominal strength. There are positive poses that can be tried to help the process of weight loss. This is one of many people's favorite,: the anantasana pose. This pose tightens the abdominal muscles, focusing on each side of the abdomen, as you stretch.

Yoga poses work by improving blood circulation, and digestion to tone up your fat. To perform this pose, lie down on your right side. Support your head with your arms. Hug your left knee through your left armpit, and hold the top of your foot with your left hand. Engage your core and press the tops of your legs into your hands, as you slowly straighten your legs.

Avoid weighing yourself immediately after a yoga class, especially if it's a hot yoga class, because you can also lose water weight at some point in the class. Instead, weigh yourself at about the same time each day.

Regular practice of yoga can have an impact on weight loss, but not in the "traditional" feeling about how we associate physical activity with weight loss. Usually, weight loss occurs when a person's calorie consumption is less than calorie expenditure.
Most people would like to trade their energy intake and energy expenditure for weight loss.

Yoga Puts You in a Healthy Mindset,

One of the most recommended approaches to losing weight with yoga is to get into a healthy mindset. Yoga is geared towards instructing your body and mind to lead a healthy lifestyle. People who do yoga often find that they treat their bodies differently after doing yoga, which consists of making better food choices, maximizing sleep, and practicing self-love—all of which can contribute to weight loss.

So how can you be sure that you will lose weight, when trying to lose weight with yoga?

For starters, choose a class that includes as many moves as possible, such as vinyasa, Ashtanga, or power flow. The moves are usually more dynamic, and the flow is a bit more athletically challenging. So the posture and flow sequence will contain energy, and in some cases cardiovascular endurance

Many yoga exercises burn fewer calories than common exercises, such as walking, and brisk walking. however, yoga can expand your awareness, and the way you connect with your body. So, you will become more aware of what you are eating, and make better food choices.

Individuals may abstain from foods that make them feel tired and sluggish. On the other hand, individuals will seek healthier foods, which in turn can lead to weight loss as well.
In addition, many people eat more when they are stressed, and yoga can help fight stress that can impact a person's energy intake.

Monday, March 25, 2019

Ideal Percentage Body Fat for Women

What is My Ideal Body Fat Percentage?

      High body fat can increase the risk of diseases like diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
Having too little body fat can also be dangerous, as it has the potential to affect fertility, immunity, and heart health.
Body fat percentage is the portion of your body weight that consists of fat. It consists of body fat storage and essential body fat.
There are several ways to calculate your body fat percentage, including bioelectrical impedance analysis, the skinfolding method, other anthropometric methods, and methods that involve circumference of various parts of the body.

Several factors play a role in shaping the composition of a woman's body fat, including: diet, genetics, fitness level, and activity level.
When evaluating ideal body fat, it's important to remember that it's not just high levels of fat that are a risk, but also levels that are too low.
The optimal level of body fat is not always lowest, and it varies among different women.

Woman with ideal body fat doing workout

What is a Healthy Body Fat Percentage? 

Of course it all depends on factors such as: height, gender, and genetics, which all play a role.
There is no uniform standard for measuring body fat: The NHS has preferred to focus on BMI.
The body fat percentage tables below for men and women from the American Council on Exercise are a solid, often-cited reference.

You can expect to move to higher areas of your reach as you age. In the end, though, you shouldn't rely solely on body fat percentage to gauge your health. Combine these with your BMI score and waist-to-height ratio, both described below, to see if you are a healthy weight.
                        Men                             Women
Essential Fat 2%-5%                           10%-13%
Athletes         6%-13%                           14%-20%
Fitness        14%-17%                           21%-24%
Average        18%-24%                           25%-31%
Obese        25% and higher           32% and higher

Rating 20-39 Years 40-59 Years 60-79 Years
Low < 8%            < 11%             < 13%
Healthy 8-20%           11-22%            13-25%
Raised 20-25%           22-28%            25-30%
High > 25%           > 28%            > 30%

Why do Female have a Higher Percentage of Body Fat?

Women need a higher fat percentage than men for a healthy body, as you can see in the table above.
The reasons women need more fat are the following:
Women need fat for ovulation and for protection of the uterus. Breast tissue is made up mostly of fat. In men, the primary fat is stored in the abdomen. Belly fat is the bad fat and therefore the lower fat percentage for men applies.

Body fat is consist of storage fat and essential body fat. Essential body fat is found in the bone marrow, nervous tissue, and organs, and you cannot get rid of this fat without compromising physiological function.
Fat storage is an energy reserve that accumulates when excess energy is digested and diminishes when more energy is expended than consumed.
Essential body fat is approximately 12% of body mass for women. Women are believed to have more essential body fat than men, due to hormonal functioning and childbearing.
In general, the total body fat (essential plus storage fat) percentage is between 25% and 28% for young women.

How to Calculate Ideal Body Fat

You should note down your neck, hip and waist measurements. Measure every area of your body at its widest point.
To calculate your body fat percentage, add up your waist and hip measurements, then subtract your neck measurement to determine your circumference. For example, if your waist is 30, your hips are 36, and your neck is 13, your circumference value will be 53.

BMI calculations are based solely on your height and weight, being a woman or a boy does not take into account how the number is calculated. In terms of body fat percentage range, there is a difference between women and men.
Body fat percentage for women falls into a few different categories. Some charts will break down percentages by category, such as athlete and acceptable range, while others will break down ranges by age.

What is the Ideal Body Fat Percentage for a Woman?

Most women who exercise regularly and are in good shape fall within the “healthy” range of body fat.
Women ages 19 to 29 whose body fat is between 19 and 22% are in the healthy range. This includes women ages 30 to 39 with between 20 and 24% body fat.

Women in their 40s with body fat between 23% and 27%, and women age 50 and over with 27 to 31% body fat are in the healthy range of body fat.
When the tape is placed on the skin, the tape should touch but not press against the skin in any way.
Take all the measurements twice and average them. Then notice the nearest half inch.

There is plenty of room for error when measuring yourself. Things like clothing, what you eat, and how tightly you pull on the measuring tape can also affect your results.
Classification of Body Fat Percentage for Women
Under 15%: Low Body Fat Risk.
15%-18%: Ultra Lean.
18%-22%: Lean.
22%-30%: Moderately Lean.30%-40%: Excess Fat.
Above 40%: High Body Fat Risk

Body fat percentage table for Women

What is the Ideal Weight Range for Women?

The ideal body weight is when a person is in the most fit and healthy condition in terms of body weight.
There are different ways to calculate the ideal weight range:
BMI is the most commonly used system to calculate the ideal weight range, because it is relatively easy to work with. Someone can find out their BMI by applying their height and weight to the following formula:
- Your body weight in kilograms divided by your height in meters.
- Dividing answers by height again.
For people who are more used to using imperial measurements, there are a variety of calculators online for calculating BMI scores.

BMI is calculated the same for men and women, and BMI appears to correlate fairly well with a person's body fat percentage.
One study also criticized BMI for underestimating the prevalence of obesity in both sexes, becoming less accurate as women age.

According to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, BMI ranges are as follows:
Overweight          25–29.9
Obesity                30 or greater
Normal weight    18.5–24.9
Underweight        Less than 18.5

It’s All Relative 
Healthy body fat percentage is relative; a percentage that's healthy for a 20 year old might be very dangerous for a 60 year old. Factors such as gender, physical activity, body type, heredity and age all play a role in determining an appropriate body fat percentage. For example, women have a higher percentage of body fat than men because women need more body fat.

It's a common mistake to think that body fat is bad by nature.
If your goal is to lose body fat, then you need to rethink your end game! Some body fat is necessary to promote proper body functions such as storing energy and regulating temperature. Draw a line between what is necessary and what is not to be done carefully.

When to See a Doctor
Tracking your body fat percentage is one way to measure your progress when trying to lose weight, or increase lean muscle mass. But that isn't the story of your overall health. Healthy eating and being active is the time you need to focus your energies.
If you have questions or concerns about your BMI or body fat percentage, consider talking with your doctor, a registered dietitian. or a certified personal coach. They can help you understand your personal results, and work with you to design a plan that works for your needs.

Eating healthy and eating within your calorie limit is important when trying to maintain a certain body fat percentage. Apart from that, resistance training and cardiovascular exercise are also important in maintaining or achieving a good and ideal body fat percentage.

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Health and Beauty Woman Eat This Foods Everyday

Best Foods for Beauty and Health

     Do you know which foods have the most vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants? They are no ordinary food. It is not always easy to eat the right things. So, when you fill your plate with healthy foods, make sure you choose the most nutritious. Romaine lettuce is fine for you, but swapping it out for one of the more nutritious dark leafy vegetables, like spinach or kale, is even better. After all, some foods are true sources of nutrients, with more vitamins, minerals and disease-fighting antioxidants than others.

Woman eat healthy foods

Some people like to eat, but they also love to feel great. we can taste both if we choose the foods that make us smarter, leaner, stronger and then use them in new, delicious ways.
We make it easy to do with the best superfoods that are healthy for women. They are chosen for their immense benefits, from bone formation and skin beauty, to fat loss and disease fighting.

At various ages and stages, women need to focus on certain nutrients to keep their bodies healthy and energetic. In addition to genetics, there are many things a woman can do to promote a healthy body, including not smoking, drinking moderately, maintaining a healthy weight, exercising moderately several times a week, and eating a balanced diet. Here are the top foods that women should watch out for to get more of in their diets to combat the most common female health and beauty issues:

Everything you eat can be a tool in maintaining your health, and choosing the best weapon is of utmost importance. These healthy foods claim great bragging rights by protecting your future from various women's health problems: They can get rid of diseases like breast cancer, diabetes, heart disease; strengthen the bones; strengthen immune system; protect and make the skin glow; or even taking care of your growing baby.

Happy Woman Eating Healthy Food

As women, many of you often neglect your own food needs. You may feel too busy to eat well, or you may be used to putting the needs of your family before your own. Or maybe you're trying to follow an extreme diet that leaves you deficient in essential nutrients and feeling cranky, hungry, and low on energy.

Nutrient-rich foods provide energy to women's lives and help reduce the risk of disease. A healthy eating plan on a regular basis includes:
- At least three ounces of the equivalent of whole grains such as whole wheat bread, whole grain cereal flakes, whole wheat pasta, brown rice or whole wheat.
- Five to five and a half ounces of protein equivalents such as lean meats, poultry, seafood, eggs, beans, lentils, tofu, beans and whole grains.
- Three servings of low fat or fat free dairy products including milk, yogurt or cheese; or plant-based alternatives fortified with calcium.
- Two and a half cups of vegetables that colorful  — frozen, fresh, or canned with no added salt.
- Two cups fruit - fresh, frozen or canned with no added sugar.

Women’s nutritional needs differ from men’s

As children, the nutritional needs of girls and boys are probably the same. But as puberty begins, women begin to develop unique nutritional requirements. And as we age and the body, humans experience more physical and hormonal changes. Your nutritional needs are constantly evolving, so it's important for your diet to evolve to meet these changing needs.

Women tend to need fewer calories than men, your requirements for certain vitamins and minerals are much higher. Hormonal changes associated with menstruation, childbearing, and menopause mean that women have a higher risk of developing anemia, weakened bones, and osteoporosis, requiring higher intakes of nutrients such as calcium, iron, magnesium, vitamin B9, and vitamin D.

Most of these healthy foods may already be in your kitchen. Since there are so many nutritious candidates on supermarket shelves, you've been looking through the sciences to figure out which foods give women that extra edge.

One in four American women die of heart disease every year, and 90% of women have risk factors for developing cardiovascular disease. Protecting your most vital organs is as simple as adding a few walnuts to your diet. These heart-shaped nuts are packed with antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids, which can help keep you safe. Chewing two ounces a day will significantly improve blood flow to and from the heart in just 8 weeks.

Another study found that the same amount could help delay breast cancer progression and slow tumor growth in mice. The speculation is that antioxidants called phytosterols, which are well-known cancer fighters, could be the culprit.

One of the best foods that women should consume is apples. Metabolic syndrome—a syndrome that refers to a cluster of conditions such as insulin resistance, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol—is a major contributor to heart disease, the leading killer of American women. While women who eat a diet rich in refined carbohydrates that raise blood sugar or those who are overweight are most prone to metabolic syndrome, even healthy postmenopausal women are at risk.

Apples are one of the most effective foods for reducing the risk of death from coronary heart disease and cardiovascular disease among women, as these women have less belly fat and lower blood pressure than their apple-free peers.

One of the most underestimated cancer fighting foods, peanuts are a great source of cancer fighting choline. Women who consumed the highest amounts of choline would have the lowest risk of breast cancer compared to those who consumed the least. And other studies have linked choline and deficiency to a higher risk of liver cancer, as well as other adverse health effects, such as fatty liver disease.

Portabella Mushroom
Mushrooms are not only extremely low in calories, but are also a good source of potassium, a nutrient that can help lower blood pressure and offset the negative effects of excess sodium. Another reason to add vegetables to your shopping list: There was an immune boost in people who ate 4 ounces of cooked mushrooms daily for four weeks. Experts attribute the increase to the mushroom's high vitamin D levels, and the portabella mushrooms have the greatest concentrations.

Fresh and tasty, the treasure trove of cherry tomatoes is a simple treat to cherish. Observational studies suggest lycopene-rich foods such as tomatoes may play a role in warding off breast and cervical tumors. Since no clinical preliminaries have attempted the theory, it is not positive verification.

Folate During The Reproductive Year
When women reach reproductive age, they need to eat enough folate to help reduce the risk of birth defects. The need for women who are not pregnant is 400 micrograms per day. Incorporating sufficient amounts of foods that naturally contain folate, such as citrus fruits, green leafy vegetables, beans and peas, will help increase your intake of this B vitamin. Many foods are also rich in folic acid, such as rice, cereals, and breads.

Humans eat a variety of foods to help meet nutritional requirements, but dietary supplementation with folic acid may also be necessary. This is especially true for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding, as their daily requirements for folate are higher, at 600 mcg and 500 mcg per day, respectively. Be sure to check with your doctor or registered nutritionist before taking any supplements.

While the omega 3 fats in salmon are beneficial for everyone, it has tremendous benefits for pregnant women as well. Studies have found that the oils in oily fish like salmon can help you overcome the baby blues, especially if you tighten your intake during the third trimester. Building a barrier for the brain and sensory system, omega 3 fats are also important for the formation of babies.

In your forties, Remember, heart disease is still a woman's main enemy. When estrogen levels start to drop, eating oily fish can help keep your heart rate solid. Correct servings: Two servings (about 4 ounces) of salmon, or other oily fish, weekly.

Women are known to be beautiful beings. And because of this, women need a different nutritional balance than men. For starters, your protein and calorie requirements are very different from men. But what you eat can not only affect your energy and appearance, it can also greatly affect your beauty, health, and fertility. Those are all some of the best foods for making women's health.

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Simple Ways to Gain Weight for Women

How to Successfully Gain Your Weight

       If you are a skinny person, it means you are not getting enough calories to fuel your body. Also because you are deficient in nutrition. You don't get enough vitamins and minerals from your diet. If you are underweight, you may be at risk for the following health problems:

Skinny Woman eat for Gain Weight

Women who are very thin, or have a body mass index (BMI) below 18.5 may also consider weight gain to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Being underweight can cause many health problems for women, such as reduced muscle mass, a weak immune system, unhealthy hair, skin, and nails, weakened bones, and a lack of ability to menstruate.
Gaining weight, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle can reduce the chances of these health problems occurring.
Women need to look for healthy ways to gain weight, rather than gaining weight through the growth of fat on their bodies.

Main Causes of Underweight

There are clinical prerequisites that can cause unhealthy weight loss, including:
- Thyroid problems:
Having an overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism) can increase metabolism and cause unhealthy weight loss.
- Eating disorders:
These include anorexia nervosa, a serious intellectual disability.
- Eliac's Disease:
Extreme structures of gluten intolerance. Most people with celiac disease don't realize they have it.
- Diabetes:
Having uncontrolled diabetes can lead to extreme weight loss.
- Infection:
Certain infections can make a person very emaciated. It consists of parasites, TB and HIV/AIDS.
- Cancer:
Cancerous tumors often burn large amounts of energy and can cause anyone to lose a great deal of weight.
If you are underweight, you may also choose to see your doctor for a serious medical condition.

What's the Fastest Way to Gain Weight for Women?

Eat 3 to 5 times daily
Eating at least three times a day can make it easier to increase your calorie intake. Snacking between meals can also help increase the number of calories in food.

Eat More Calories
What you can do to gain weight is to create a calorie surplus, i.e. you consume more calories than your body needs.
Determine your caloric requirements using the calorie calculator.

If you prefer to gain weight slowly and steadily, aim for 300-500 more calories than you burn each day, the calculator says.
If you choose to gain weight quickly, aim for 700–1,000 energy levels above your maintenance level.
Calorie calculator only helps estimate. Your requirements may range from several hundred calories per day.

Weight training
Weight training at least three times a week will assist in gaining and maintaining lean muscle mass.
It's important to have an ideal and healthy body weight. This will help you gain and maintain lean muscle mass.
To continue gaining lean body mass, men and women need to vary and increase their workouts, by increasing the weight they lift, or the number of reps or sets.

Compound movement is one of the ways men or women, it can build muscles effectively. It consists of lifting weights that engage multiple muscle groups, such as the deadlift, squat and bench press.
People who exercise frequently should pay attention to their calorie consumption, to ensure that they are providing their bodies with sufficient fuel.

Fill up on lots of carbohydrates and fats, and eat at least three times a day.
Many people try to limit the good fats, when trying to lose weight.
If your goal is to gain weight, this is a bad idea, as it makes it more difficult to get enough calories.
Eat lots of high-carb, high-fat foods if weight gain is a priority for you. It's great to eat lots of protein, fat, and carbs at each meal.

Intermittent fasting is not appropriate either. This is useful for weight loss and improving health, but it can make it harder to eat enough calories and gain weight.
Make sure to eat at least three meals a day, and try to add energy-packed snacks at each opportunity.

Focus on Quality, and not Quantity
When you're trying to gain weight, burgers, chips, and milkshakes all day long aren't good for your body. Instead, choose nutrient dense foods from all of the different food groups.
Good choices include whole grains, such as whole wheat pasta, fruits and vegetables, nuts, and lean proteins.

Customize Your Workout Routine
Focus more on strength training than on activities that will increase your heart rate.
Moderate intensity cardio is fine, but avoid some that are too heavy, as you will stop burning more calories.
Remember to eat protein (good sources include poultry, eggs, tofu, beans, lentils or peanut butter) within 45 minutes of your workout to speed up recovery.

Low vegetable diet
Lots of vegetables are filling, but low in calories. It's important not to cut it out of food, for the sake of gaining weight.
Vegetables are a source of necessary vitamins and minerals, and not eating enough vegetables can lead to malnutrition.

Some people stop doing cardiovascular exercise when they are trying to gain weight, but it is very important for keeping their heart, lungs and brain healthy.
Running, swimming and biking are great ways to get a cardiovascular workout.
If you're looking to gain weight, you can try limiting cardiovascular exercise to 20 minutes three times a week, instead of avoiding it altogether.

Don't give up too soon
Safe weight gain takes patience and determination. It's impossible to see results right away. Everyone is unique, and it may take longer for some people than others.

Maintain Profit
Maintenance is an important part of any weight gain program. If you start training yourself, and fall out of the routine, you will quickly lose what you have gained.
It took only two months of inactivity, to destroy years of training. Make a wish and meet them Find methods to trade your moves for days, when you get bored. Stay on it.

Variety makes life easier, so tweaking the flavors of your food, and getting regular exercise, are integral to keeping you from sitting still.
Keep bringing energy to keep your interior gadgets working regularly. Stay tuned for its care and pursuit, and it will get you through anything.
Most importantly, see your healthcare practitioner, in most cases, to proactively diagnose adverse symptoms, rather than finding out later.

Whatever your reason for being thin, sometimes you ignore your health problems in order to gain weight.
There is a stereotype that there are no naturally thin people. So it's only natural that thin people often experience some sort of discrimination. However, thin women have the same risk of health problems as women who are obese or overweight.
Substantial weight loss can be associated with adverse health effects, including lack of energy, malnutrition, weakened immune system, osteoporosis, and, in women, loss of menstrual function and complications of pregnancy.

Most importantly, if you are suffering from unexplained weight loss, or can't seem to gain weight, despite an increase in your calorie intake, see your doctor.
Some medical conditions can lead to unhealthy weight loss. Your medical doctor can help rule out serious health issues.