Thursday, September 9, 2021

Sleep-Care Is the New Self-Care

Definition of Sleep Care as Self Care

      Consider the benefits of sleep - improved mood, energy, performance, recovery, etc. the list goes on. The advantages are clear, however, our society still regards sleep as a luxury!
According to the CDC, more than a third of adults don't get enough sleep, not to mention the poor sleep quality that 60% of Americans report.

Woman Perform Sleep-Care Is the New Self-Care

Sleep is an important part of your health and wellness. You may not realize it, but the quantity and quality of sleep you get each night can impact your immune system function, mood, and more.
Self-care is defined as the process of treating yourself with health-promoting behaviors, and the active management of disease when it occurs. (

Getting stable, high-quality sleep can improve all the factors in your health. If you continue to have trouble sleeping, you should contact your doctor.
People are quick to throw away the term "self-care," but are you really listening to your own advice?
When you think of self-care, the images that come to mind are of face masks and spa days, but real self-care is anything that benefits the mind and body. And it begins with one thing: sleep.

How Much Sleep do You Need Every Night?

The National Sleep Foundation recommends 7 to 9 hours of sleep a night for young adults and adults, and 7 to 8 hours a night for the elderly.
To determine whether you are on the longer or shorter end of the spectrum, look at how long you sleep when you don't set an alarm. (Tip: Make sure you don't sleep less while doing this, or you may end up sleeping all day).
If you wake up after seven hours of sleep, this may be enough for a portion of your sleep. If you wake up closer to 9 hours later, then you may need to sleep a little more than the average adult.

Sleep and Immunity

Increasing your sleep can increase your immunity. Boosting your immune system can be considered the last act of self-care, as it promotes many healthy lifestyle habits: Taking vitamins daily, prioritizing immune-boosting foods, and limiting stress.
But, do not forget to pay more attention to healthy sleep habits.
Recent studies have shown that sleep and immunity are directly related, which is why sleep treatment as self-care is so important.
Increased sleep has been shown to minimize the threat of infection and improve signs and symptoms after infection, while lack of sleep has the opposite effect.

Adjust Your Daily Routine As Needed

Depending on school, work, family, and a variety of other factors, everyone has specific daily commitments and schedules.
Some start work at 5 am and stop in the afternoon, while others don't start the work day until late at night.
The most important thing is to make time for the things that are important, or that you choose to prioritize entirely based on your schedule.

I try to work out at least 5 days a week, and since I work a lot in the morning, lately I've started going to the gym after work, so I can still get it done without sacrificing sleep.
If you're one of those people who only have a little time to exercise before work, it's a good idea to start relaxing earlier in the evening, so you can rest and wake up early enough to exercise. It's all about doing what works best for you.

At the end of the day, sleep schedules can be very complex or ideal, and can quickly change just like life naturally does.
However, with a little effort, you too can regulate your energy levels and improve your overall health with just a few small adjustments.

Self-care is a broad idea that covers a wide range of fitness subjects, consisting of life balance, stress reduction, better sleep, weight loss, nutrition, healthy relationships, spirituality, and more.
It's hard to choose just one element of your life to improve in order to be happier and healthier. But it's true, and it can help your self-care path run more smoothly.

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