Sunday, December 26, 2021

Tooth Pain Remedies That Actually Work

Simple Remedies For Tooth Pain That Actually Work

      If you've ever had a toothache, you have one goal – get relief. Whether the tooth pain is sharp and intermittent, or dull and persistent, a toothache can be more than just an unforgiving nuisance; it can ruin your whole day or keep you from getting to sleep at night.

Toothache Remedies That Actually Work

Since you want this pain to go away as quickly as possible, you may be amazed at the home remedies you can try. Of course, you want to take care of your oral health, so whenever you have a problem with your teeth or gums, it's a must to talk to your dentist!

What is a Toothache?

Toothache is pain that you feel in or around the tooth for some reason. Mild toothache, can come from gum irritation and you can treat it temporarily at home. Toothache that is more severe is triggered by dental problems that will not heal on their own and need to be treated by a dentist.

Causes of Tooth Pain
Common causes of tooth pain include:
- Gum disease
- Teeth cracked due to oral trauma
- Tooth decay
- Bruxism, which is when a person grinds his teeth when he wakes up and/or sleeps
- Sensitive teeth
Tooth abscess, which is an infection that occurs in the middle of the tooth
- Inflammation of the dental pulp, also known as pulpitis, can cause pain in the center of the tooth

Can Toothache Go Away By Itself?

Some toothaches that come from pain around (rather than inside) the tooth can go away without visiting your dentist. Pain from temporary irritation of the gums that heals within a few days. Throughout this time try not to chew around the affected area. Eat soft foods, such as eggs and yogurt, and stay away from sugary and too hot or too cold foods if your teeth are sensitive.

Way to Stop a Toothache At Home

Toothache usually manifests as a stinging or stabbing pain, which may be so severe that it is difficult for you to eat, sleep, or rest. Here are some common toothache home remedies:

Rinse salty water
Until you can go to the dentist, one of the best things you can do is rinse your mouth with warm salt water. A good mixture is a half teaspoon of table salt to eight ounces of water. Spit, don't swallow. You can also use light dental floss around the sore tooth to remove any food debris that might be stuck.

Keep Your Head High
While it may be difficult to rest when you have a toothache, lying down can relieve pain because the blood pressure to your head increases when you are in a flat position. When going to sleep, try to prop your head up with a pillow or sleep upright in a chair, if possible.

They are understood to be highly effective against toothaches. Just cut a slice of onion and place it between your teeth, then chew gently. The antimicrobial properties in onions will work immediately. It also helps reduce the swelling around your teeth.

Cold compress
Using cold compresses can help reduce the pain of your toothache.
Using a bag of ice wrapped in a towel, then applying it to the side of your face, or the affected jaw, will help constrict the blood vessels in your area, reducing pain and helping you fall asleep.
Applying cold compresses to the area for 15-20 minutes every few hours at night can also help prevent pain while you sleep.

The antibacterial effect of garlic can help eliminate bacteria in your mouth.
Garlic is a common household ingredient that is widely used by humans to reduce the pain of toothache.
Allicin, which is the main compound in garlic, has a strong antibacterial effect, so it can help you get rid of bacteria that cause cavities and toothaches.
Chewing a clove of garlic and allowing it to sit near your teeth can help reduce the pain. That said, the taste of raw garlic can be too strong for some, so it may not be the right solution for everyone.

Propolis capsules support warding off the common cold, and they can also be used to help reduce your toothache. Open the capsules to release the powder and mix them in warm water and use them as your mouthwash. People know propolis to be antibacterial and it can also help heal gum problems that might be causing toothaches.

Peppermint tea bag
You can use peppermint tea bags for pain relief and soothing sensitive gums.
Allow the used tea bag to cool a bit before using it on the affected area. It should still be slightly warm.
This method you can use, to cool the area, not warm. To do this, place the used tea bag in the freezer for a few minutes to cool it and then apply the bag to your teeth. Learn more about health benefits of peppermint. (

When to See a Dentist

You can see a dentist if:
you have the pain. Even a short-lived toothache could mean a dental problem that requires your attention. You have jaw pain with a pop or click; this could indicate a temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder.

The last words
Toothache can cause significant discomfort. While you will need to visit your dentist to find out the root cause of the pain, there are some home remedies, such as cold compresses and saltwater rinses, that can help temporarily.

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