Showing posts with label Hair Care. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hair Care. Show all posts

Saturday, April 20, 2019

The Main Cause of Your Dandruff

What is Dandruff Caused by?

      Dandruff is a chronic scalp condition marked by itching and an excessive flaking of the scalp. While not serious, it can be an embarrassing and nagging cosmetic problem that affects your self-esteem. With the proper anti-dandruff treatment, the condition can be controlled and managed effectively. For mild cases of dandruff, daily shampooing with a gentle cleanser is all that is needed. For stubborn dandruff, stronger medicated shampoos can be used. In more serious cases, prescription shampoos may be necessary.

Main Causes of Dandruff

Dandruff affects a lot of people, especially women. When it comes to dandruff, most people focus on the flakes. Itching  may be the most uncomfortable side effect. So what exactly is your scratchy scalp trying to tell you? An itchy scalp and flakiness are the hallmark signs of this condition, but it may also cause other symptoms like greasy patches on the scalp and tingling skin.

Underlying causes of dandruff include dry skin, seborrheic dermatitis, sensitivity to hair products and the growth of a specific type of fungus that lives on the scalp.
While there are plenty of over-the-counter products designed to treat dandruff, natural treatments can be just effective. Find out on the most common symptoms of dandruff and ways to get your scalp healthy again.

Facts about Dandruff

Dandruff can affect any hair-bearing area or an area with even very small hair follicles.
Dandruff typically looks like dry, fine flaky skin on the scalp, sometimes with areas of pink or red inflamed skin.
Dandruff is seen in all ages from babies to the elderly. In infancy, scalp dandruff is commonly known as "cradle cap." In the teen years, it has been called "druff" for short.
Dandruff is a very common skin condition that nearly all people experience at some point in their lives regardless of age or ethnicity. It affects not just the scalp, but also the ears, eyebrows, sides of the nose, beard, and less commonly, the central (often hair-bearing) part of the chest.
Severe dandruff may be a very difficult and frustrating condition. An ongoing combination treatment of shampoos, washes, and creams and lotions may be required to treat resistant cases. Overall, dandruff treatments are very safe and effective.
Other names for dandruff are seborrheic dermatitis and seborrhea.

Several Causes of Dandruff

The exact cause is unknown, but various factors increase the risk. It is not related to poor hygiene, but it may be more visible if a person does not wash or brush their hair often.
Irritated, oily skin or seborrheic dermatitis. One of the most frequent causes of dandruff, is marked by red, greasy skin covered with flaky white or yellow scales. Seborrheic dermatitis may affect your scalp and other areas rich in oil glands, such as your eyebrows, the sides of your nose and the backs of your ears,  groin area, breastbone (sternum), and sometimes your armpits.

Irritated and oily skin. 
This can be caused by conditions such as seborrheic dermatitis. It is marked by red and greasy skin that is covered in flaky white or yellow scales.
The condition can affect your scalp and other areas of the body which are rich in oil glands, such as the creases around your nostrils, the backs of your ears, the groin and armpits.

Medical conditions.
 Adults with Parkinson’s disease and some other neurological illnesses are more prone to dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis. Between 30 and 83 percent of people with HIV have seborrheic dermatitis, compared with 3 to 5 percent in the general population.
Patients who are recovering from a heart attack or a stroke and those with a weak immune system may be more prone to dandruff.

The extra skin cells die and fall off, making them appear white and flaky in your hair or on your clothes. Why malassezia irritates some scalps isn't known.

Shampooing and skin care products. 
Certain hair care products can trigger a red, itchy, scaling scalp. Frequent shampooing may cause dandruff, as it can irritate the scalp.
Not shampooing enough can cause a buildup of oil and dead skin cells, leading to dandruff, but evidence is lacking that this is true.

Stress can worsen any skin condition and impair your immune system. Although the microbe malassezia is already present on everyone’s scalp, it can thrive once the immune system becomes compromised or impaired leading to the development of dandruff.
Stress can cause an itch-scratch cycle where the more you scratch the itchier your scalp becomes.
Therefore it is important to incorporate some relaxation methods into your daily routine to reduce stress levels and improve scalp health.

Neurologic and Psychiatric Conditions 
Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, epilepsy, traumatic brain injury, and spinal cord injury are among the conditions that elevate one's risk of SD, including dandruff. right up arrow Those with Parkinson's disease, for example, have an impaired autonomic nervous system that helps to control things like oil gland secretions, which can lead to an overproduction that leads to dandruff, according to the American Parkinson’s Disease Association.

A yeastlike fungus (malassezia). 
Malassezia lives on the scalps of most adults. But, for some, it irritates the scalp and can cause more skin cells to grow.

Dry skin. 
Flakes from dry skin are generally smaller and less oily than those from other causes of dandruff. And, redness or inflammation is unlikely. You'll probably have dry skin on other parts of the body, such arms and legs, too.

Sensitivity to hair care products (contact dermatitis). 
Sometimes sensitivities to certain ingredients in hair care products or hair dyes can cause a red, itchy, scaly scalp.

Dandruff Symptoms

For most women dandruff symptoms are easy to spot: white, oily-looking flakes of dead skin that dot your hair and shoulders, and a possibly itchy, scaly scalp. The condition may worsen during the fall and winter, when indoor heating can contribute to dry skin, and improve during the summer.
A type of dandruff called cradle cap can affect babies. This disorder, which causes a scaly, crusty scalp, is most common in newborns, but it can occur anytime during infancy.

Dandruff doesn't Always Comes from Having a Dry Scalp.

If your skin is dry or you’re dealing with a contact dermatitis reaction that results in dry skin, it can definitely cause flaking, itchiness, and even skin peeling. But having an oily scalp can be a major factor too. That’s because Malassezia yeast—those that are linked to seborrheic dermatitis—feed on the oil on your skin and scalp. They thrive when there’s more of it present, making this condition more likely when you have an oilier scalp. To appropriately treat your dandruff, it’s important to know whether your scalp tends to be oily (or have a lot of product buildup on it) or on the dry side

Simple Treatments to Get Rid of Dandruff Naturally

Use Coconut Oil Coconut oil have multiple health benefits, it is often used as a natural remedy for dandruff. Coconut oil may help improve skin hydration and prevent dryness, which can worsen dandruff.
A small research of 34 people showed that coconut oil was as effective as mineral oil in improving skin hydration.

Coconut oil could aid in the treatment of eczema, a skin condition that may contribute to dandruff.
One study compared the effects of coconut oil and mineral oil on atopic dermatitis, a type of eczema characterized by itching and inflammation.

Applying coconut oil to the skin for eight weeks reduced symptoms by 68%, compared to just 38% in the mineral oil group.
The potential antimicrobial properties of coconut oil may improve skin hydration and reduce symptoms of eczema and dandruff.

Minimize Stress Levels
Stress can impact many aspects of health and well-being. It can influence everything from mental health to chronic condition.
Stress itself doesn’t cause dandruff, it can aggravate symptoms like dryness and itching
Sustaining high levels of stress long-term may suppress the activity of the immune system.

A weakened immune system can reduce your body’s ability to fight off some of the fungal infections and skin conditions that contribute to dandruff.
One of the most common causes of dandruff, showed that the majority of dermatitis episodes were preceded by a stressful life event.

To keep stress levels under control, try some stress reduction techniques, such as yoga, meditation,  deep breathing or aromatherapy.
Stress can weaken the immune system and decrease the body’s ability to fight off infections that cause dandruff. Stress also often precedes episodes of seborrheic dermatitis, one of the most common causes of dandruff.

Try Tea Tree Oil
Ttea tree oil has been used to treat ailments ranging from psoriasis. to acne.
It is also proven to have powerful anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties, which may help alleviate symptoms of dandruff.
In fact,  tea tree oil is effective at fighting the specific strain of fungus that can cause both seborrheic dermatitis and dandruff.

Another 4-week study examined the effects of tea tree oil on dandruff by treating 126 people daily with a shampoo containing either 5% tea tree oil or a placebo.
At the end of the research, tea tree oil reduced the severity of symptoms by 41% and improved greasiness and itchiness.

Tea tree oil can cause irritation in those with sensitive skin. It’s best to dilute it by adding a few drops to a carrier oil like coconut oil before applying it directly to the skin.
Tea tree oil has anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties that may help reduce the severity and symptoms of dandruff.

Apply Aloe Vera
Aloe vera is a type of succulent that is frequently added to skin cosmetics, ointments, and lotions.
When applied to the skin, aloe vera is believed to help treat skin conditions like burns, psoriasis and cold sores. .It may also be beneficial in the treatment of dandruff.
The antibacterial and antifungal properties of aloe vera could help protect against dandruff.
Similarly, a test-tube research found that aloe vera was effective against several species of fungi and may help control fungal infections that cause hair loss from the scalp.
Test-tube studies have also found that aloe vera can reduce inflammation, which may relieve symptoms. Despite these promising results, additional test are needed to look at how aloe vera may directly affect dandruff.
Aloe vera has antibacterial and antifungal properties. As a result, aloe vera may help reduce inflammation and decrease dandruff symptoms.

Antidandruff shampoos
Antidandruff shampoos can be helpful. Some anti-dandruff shampoos instruct daily use and are mild enough to be used on a daily whereas others may be recommended for use once or twice a week only.
These types of shampoos contain active ingredients which are indicated on the back of the packaging. Anti-dandruff shampoos should be used for at least one month so that results are visible, unless there is an adverse reaction, as the scalp requires time to replenish the normal cells.

Try Aspirin
Salicylic acid is one of the primary compounds found in aspirin that is responsible for its anti-inflammatory properties.
In addition to being found in aspirin, salicylic acid is also found in many anti-dandruff shampoos.
Salicylic acid works by helping get rid of scaly skin and loosening flakes so that they can be removed.

Research found, 19 people with dandruff used two shampoos containing either piroctone olamine combined with salicylic acid or zinc pyrithione.
Both shampoos were able to decrease dandruff after 4 weeks, but the shampoo containing salicylic acid was more effective in reducing the severity of scaling.
Another study showed that a shampoo containing salicylic acid was similarly effective as a prescription medication in treating seborrhoeic dermatitis and dandruff.

For an easy dandruff treatment, try crushing two tablets of aspirin and adding the powder to your shampoo before washing your hair.
Aspirin contains salicylic acid, an ingredient found in many anti-dandruff shampoos. Salicylic acid has been shown to be effective in the treatment of seborrhoeic dermatitis and dandruff.

Add Apple Cider Vinegar to Your Routine
Apple cider vinegar has been associated with a variety of health benefits. These include improving insulin sensitivity and increasing weight loss.
Apple cider vinegar is also often used as a natural remedy to get rid of dandruff.
The acidity of the vinegar is stimulate the shedding of dead skin cells on the scalp.
Apple cider vinegar is also  balance the pH of the skin to reduce the growth of fungus and thus fight dandruff.

Many of the benefits of apple cider vinegar for dandruff are based on anecdotal evidence.
Apple cider vinegar and its compounds can prevent the growth of certain types of fungus.
If you’d like to give apple cider vinegar a try, add a few tablespoons to your shampoo or combine it with other essential oils and spray directly onto hair.
Apple cider vinegar is said to help remove dead skin cells and balance the pH of the scalp. It may prevent the growth of certain types of fungus.

When to See Your Specialist

If your scalp becomes red or swollen, or your itch isn’t letting up, make an appointment with your specialist. Check in as well if shampoos don’t help, redness and flaking spreads to your face or other areas on the body, you see lice or nits in your hair, or the itching starts to interfere with your everyday life.

Many cases of dandruff can be treated effectively with over-the-counter shampoos and other lifestyle measures. That being said, dandruff isn’t the only reason you may have an itchy scalp. If your dandruff is particularly stubborn or itchy, you may have psoriasis, eczema, or a true fungal infection. Your specialist can help.

Finding flakes in your hair is an incredibly common issue, but many people don’t realize what causes dandruff in their hair or on their scalp—or the best way to deal with it.
While dandruff can be annoying and embarrassing at times, it usually doesn’t indicate a more serious health issue. The itching and flaking often respond well to OTC shampoos and treatments. Keep trying different brands and types until you find something that works for you.

Friday, April 19, 2019

10 Ways to Get Rid of Brittle and Dry Hair

Tips for Dry Damaged Hair

       Dry hair is one of the most common hair problems for women, regardless of length or texture. The causes of dry hair are different, and the treatment for dry hair is also different for everyone, of course based on several factors.
Weather, genetics, medications, are all causes of dry hair. Whatever the reason, the solution is how to moisturize dry hair.
Here are some tips to deal with dry hair.

Beauty Woman Suffer from Dry and Brittle Hair

Dry hair does not absorb, or retain enough moisture to maintain its texture and shine, so it looks less shiny and brittle. Some causes of dry and brittle hair are:
– contact with chlorinated water
- use of products and styling tools
- malnutrition
- excessive sun exposure
- washing your hair too much
- use of harsh hair products

Dry hair is not a type of hair, but rather a treatable condition. If you have hair that looks brittle and dry, chances are that your hair isn't "just like that."
There are actually a number of reasons why your hair may look dry, and they may be the result of things that you are not even aware of.
Even though hair looks pretty fragile, it's not always just one thing that's causing the dryness. It's the result of habit or a combination of hair care mistakes, which causes your hair to look and feel like straw.

You can restore your hair's health, but it will take a little patience. But that's not to say that time and effort can't heal damaged strands.
After changing some of your unhealthy hair care habits, you may be surprised at how shiny and silky your hair will become.
To keep your hair hydrated and healthy (and looking that way too!), here are some reasons why your hair might be more brittle than it should be, and what to do about it.

What Causes Dry Hair?

Too Much Shampoo
Washing your hair if not done correctly can make your hair dry and brittle. Washing your hair strips it of its natural oils, which dries out your hair. So try not to wash your hair every day, or use shampoos with drying and irritating ingredients such as sulfates.

Too Much Heat
Even if you rarely use heat tools, the heat level you set can also dry and damage your hair. While many tools can reach temperatures as high as 450 degrees, the heat you select should depend on your hair type. Those with fine hair should be below 360 degrees, while medium and coarse hair should be below 380 degrees and 410 degrees respectively.

Save Moisture
Condition your hair to replace any lost moisture by washing it. However, if you don't leave the conditioner in your hair long enough, or if you don't use the right conditioner formula, your hair can lose much-needed nutrition.
Be sure to leave the conditioner in your hair for at least five minutes, so it has a chance to work its magic.
And if you need a serious boost of moisture, look for a thicker, richer conditioner. If you can pour it from a bottle, it may be too runny to be moisturizing. Look for deep conditioners that come in a tube or canister.

Hormonal Changes
Birth control pills, pregnancy and menopause are times of physiological movement in the body, which can have adverse effects on hair, including dryness and weakness. See your specialist to examine treatment options.

Easy and Simple Dry Hair Treatment at Home

Home remedies can be used to treat dry and brittle hair. Below are home remedies that you should try:

Repair your damage hair with avocado
Here's how to fix damaged hair, with common fruits you most likely have in your pantry. Mash a ripe avocado, (remove the seeds) with one egg, then apply this home remedy to wet hair. Avocados are rich in vitamins, fatty acids, essentials and minerals that will help restore shine to your hair. Leave it on for at least 20 minutes, then rinse it off. Do it once a week if you have damaged hair, and once a month for healthy hair.

Get an ordinary haircut.
A haircut is important, even if it's just to clean the ends of the hair, and freshen up the layers of hair. Most people actually only get their hair cut three to four times a year. Hair grows about a quarter to half an inch every month, so if you shave a quarter to half an inch every three months, you're removing the damage, but growing your hair.

Clean with potato starch shampoo.
Prepare a potato flour shampoo. You should use this concoction once, or twice a year, to restore dry and damaged hair. Potatoes are full of vitamins and minerals including vitamins B, C, and iron that help strengthen hair strands, and prevent hair loss and breakage.

For the Potempa recipe, you will need a cup of potato starch, 2 cups of water and 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar. Combine the flour and water in a saucepan, stir until smooth, and let the mixture warm over low heat for 15 minutes. Remove from heat, add vinegar to combine, and allow to cool before using. Once cool, pour it into a container, and use it instead of traditional shampoo, making sure it's evenly distributed on the scalp and the length of the hair.

Apply gelatin preparation
Plain gelatin is a good protein source for hair. It coats the hair strands, and moisturizes them, leaving the hair silky and shiny.
1. Mix a spoonful of gelatin with one cup of warm water.
2. Leave for 5 minutes to partially set the agar.
3. Add 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and 6 drops of an essential oil, such as jasmine, lavender, clary sage, or rosemary to the preparation and stir.
4. Apply this mixture on clean hair.
5. Finally, leave the preparation on the hair for 10 minutes and rinse it off with warm water.

Massage with butter
Try this home remedy: Treat dry, brittle hair with a little butter, for a lustrous shine. Massage it into your dry hair, then cover it with a shower cap for about half an hour. Wash as usual, and rinse off all the butter.

Rinse off with tea
You may know tea as a sore throat remedy, but you can also use it to give a natural shine to your dry hair.
Use a pint of hot, unsweetened tea (freshly brewed or instant) as a final rinse after your regular wash. Tea can enhance hair color, so make sure to use tea that matches your hair color. Blondes should use chamomile tea; Black tea can make your hair dark. Brunettes should use black tea to enhance their shine, and enrich their color.

Sleep on Silk
Your hair will thank you for sleeping on a silk pillowcase, as the soft fabric won't catch or snag strands on your hair. Keep static at bay, and avoid wrinkles by swapping out cotton sheets for soft silk.

Condition with Olive Oil
Restore the moisture to your dry hair by heating half a cup of olive oil (don't boil it), then rub it on your hair.
Cover your hair with a plastic bag, then wrap it all in a towel.
Let this home remedy work for 45 minutes, then wash it off and rinse it clean.

Use a banana mask
Bananas are rich in potassium, and have a high water content, which makes them perfect for treating dry hair.
Due to its benefits, bananas can prevent split ends, soften hair, and increase elasticity.
To use it, mash one banana and apply it thoroughly on your hair, from roots to ends. Leave it on your hair for 1 hour, and rinse it off with warm water.

Make a shampoo Omelet
Mix one egg with a small amount of shampoo, then apply it to your damaged hair for five minutes, and rinse thoroughly. This treatment helps increase protein in your hair.

Apple cider vinegar mask
Here is how to fix damaged hair with apple cider vinegar. Revive split ends or damage to your hair with these great home remedies:
Mix 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar with 2 tablespoons of olive oil and 3 egg whites and then rub the mixture into your dry hair.
Keep your hair covered for about half an hour, using plastic wrap or a shower cap, then wash and rinse.

Limit Hair Treatments Using Chemicals and Ditch Tools
Limiting your use of hot styling tools and chemical treatments can work wonders for your hair's health, and are a simple way to fix dry hair.
While hair extensions do offer an alternative way to add length, style, and color to your look, there are plenty of unheated hairstyles that can help too.
There are many ways to freshen up your look, and style the way you like without heat and chemicals.

My Hair is a Middle Split End. Does that mean I have to Cut it All Out?

The answer is yes. The only way to get rid of split ends is this: get them off your head. The split ends will keep on splitting. Those split ends will only continue to grow and destroy healthy hair. Hair should be cut every 3 to 6 months. People with finer, straighter hair textures may wish to do this every two months.

Worry not: when it comes to dry hair, with the right tips, you can save your hair. Sometimes, using too many hair products, or the wrong type of makeup, is the cause of dry hair.

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

How to Make Your Hair Healthy and Shiny

How to Build Healthy Hair Naturally

     Want to Know How to Get Shiny Hair?
Daily exposure to pollution, styling products and heating devices can damage the health of your hair, and thus make it shine. The natural texture and color of our hair can have an impact on how shiny our hair is, and for every hair type, there are styling and grooming products that can take your strands to the next megawatt level.

If you've always craved for ideal hair, stay away from all those expensive fashion fixes that cost more money than caring for your strands. Instead, get into some healthy habits every day, which will actually nourish your hair.

In an age of iron bars, extreme painting and perming, it's not a matter of whether your hair is damaged, but how bad things are. Before you start feeling hopeless, because you'll be selling your soul faster than letting go of your iron, consider that even damaged hair can be brought back to life, with a few sneaky little changes to your routine.

Making sure your hair is as healthy as possible is about more than the shampoo you use. Many different factors affect how shiny, silky and strong your hair is. Here are hair care tips and healthy habits that you should start from now on, for your healthy hair.

Tips to Make Your Hair Look Shiny and Healthy

Keeping your hair clean
Listen to your hair. As long as women use quality products, they can benefit more from shampooing more frequently. It reduces split ends, offers great moisture, and gives hair an overall clean and shiny appearance.
Wash daily if you live in a metropolis, with pollution or humidity, or exercise every day. Wash every few days, if you live in a rural environment away from pollution, or in a climate that is mostly dry. And if you have normal or combination hair, with dry ends and oily roots, you should wash it every other day.

Clean your hair with shampoo and conditioner
It's great for shampooing your hair, as it helps cleanse your scalp. ( When you shampoo, apply flowers to your scalp, not the ends of your hair. You also understand the right amount of shampoo to use, depending on the size of your hair.
This is because using too much shampoo can dry out hair, as it removes all the essential oils that are responsible for keeping your hair moisturized and giving it a natural shine. How often you need to wash your hair will vary based on its texture, but once or twice a week is best for most people.

Use a high-quality conditioner for your hair after shampooing, to revitalize each strand of your hair with moisture. Dry your wet hair with a clean towel, before applying conditioner. Apply conditioner with a special focus on the ends of the hair and not on the roots.

Dry Hair With a Microfiber Towel
Ordinary terry cloth towels can damage your hair, even if you don't scrub them. Use a microfiber towel on your hair, these are good absorbents, and may not cause a lot of friction. DIY concept to avoid chafing from terry cloth: dry your hair with a paper towel.

Gently brush hair
Diet, while important, will only give a boost to newly formed strands, not hair that has grown. Using the wrong brush is one of the most common causes of breakage, and it is advisable to use a brush with a round plastic fork. Combing the hair from the ends, and gently towards the top of the head also helps prevent the strands from breaking.

Give Your Hair A Cut
Your hair needs to be trimmed on a regular basis. Split ends prevent your hair from growing, so it's important to trim your hair.(1) Make sure to trim your hair as usual. Cut with a barber or professional stylist. Short hair should be cut every 4 to 8 weeks, while the recommended length of time for a medium to long haircut is 6 to 12 weeks. If going the professional route isn't your thing anymore, you can do it yourself at home with a little practice. All you need is a pair of scissors to start trimming at home.

Haircut helps the hair to grow. This might sound counterproductive, but it's very true. As regular hair cutting helps remove damaged hair, and split ends, it encourages further hair growth from the roots. Trimming your ends will make your hair softer, and more flexible, preventing breakage.

Use the Boar Bristle Brush
Using a boar bristle brush manages the hair, and improves its texture, as opposed to a plastic brush, which is much harder on the strands. They're not now made to remove tangles, so do that with your wide-toothed comb first. If you have very thick hair, a combination of a boar bristle brush and nylon will be more effective, while people with thin hair can use straight boar bristles. And remember, over-brushing can damage your hair.

Perform an apple cider vinegar rinse After washing your hair, mix vinegar, apple cider, and water together and apply it to your scalp. Let the solution sit for at least 1 to 2 minutes, but you can leave it on for up to 10 minutes before rinsing it off. It works by removing the cuticle of your hair which in turn, makes your hair look shinier. It also helps remove buildup on the scalp to help strengthen your roots, without drying your hair out.

Plus, its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties make it great for fighting everything from dandruff to fungus. If your hair is curly or textured, apple cider vinegar can also help enhance your natural definition, minimizing frizz and frizz while adding a layer of enviable shine.

Get enough protein
Hair is made of keratin, the protein. Not getting enough protein in your diet, can make hair dry, brittle strands, It is highly recommended to include chicken, turkey, fish, dairy products and eggs in your diet. Good sources for vegetarians and vegans are legumes, tofu, and quinoa. Iron and complex carbohydrates are important as well.

Air can dry your hair
Heated hair dryers and styling tools can make your hair brittle and lack shine. The heat can, in a sense, cook the hair. Think of it like a steak. It's high quality at first, and it's smooth, and flexible, but as you cook it, the texture of the steak will adjust, and it will get tough. Similarly, hair changes when exposed to heat from time to time. Allow hair to dry naturally, if possible, and if using a hairdryer, use a protective spray, or serum, and start on the lowest setting, before gradually increasing the heat.

Exfoliate Your Scalp
Cold climates can exacerbate dandruff. It is advisable to use a shampoo that contains zinc pyrithione or salicylic acid to get rid of dandruff. For a less expensive option: pour sea salt flakes in shampoo, and rub vigorously into your scalp before showering.

How to Get Healthy Hair Naturally for Women

Benefits of Drinking Water

     Another important step towards healthy hair, skin and nails, is to stay hydrated. One of the first signs you are dehydrated is dry skin. As dehydration progresses, it can lead to a loss of skin elasticity. When you're chronically dehydrated, your skin becomes dry and itchy, and that can also contribute to signs and symptoms of aging. A fantastic way to hydrate is to drink plenty of water, ideally filtered. Or for a bit of variety, try lemon juice, or a homemade concoction, and fruit-filled water. It tastes great, and you benefit from the nutrients found in the fruits and herbs you use for infusions.

Make regular pruning
It's very important to get rid of split ends early, out of danger they will rub off on top. Trim your hair every 6 to 8 weeks. While less noticeable than straight hair, afro hair often wants to be trimmed to ensure you have a higher definition of curls.

Managing stress
Stress can cause hair to fall out. Exercise, a healthy diet, meditation and prioritizing sleep, help relieve stress both physically and mentally.

Moisturizes gray hair
Gray hair is often finer and brittle, but it can appear coarser, because the oil glands produce less sebum as we age. Use a hydrating and moisturizing conditioner, as well as oils such as argan and jojoba, as part of a program to soften hair and fight dullness. The purple and blue products are also designed to lighten gray hair.

There are a number of methods to add extra shine and natural shine to your hair. Using basic home remedies, trying shine-boosting products, and nourishing your hair from the inside can also help. Avoiding too much heat, and avoiding chemical treatments can also be helpful. If you don't see an improvement in the shine or health of your hair, make an appointment with a hair stylist. They can help you determine the quality of healthy hair products and treatments that suit your hair.

Friday, February 1, 2019

10 Proven Tips to Prevent Hair Loss for Women

What Makes Your Hair Falling Out?

      Hair shedding is a phase of every day life, sure it clogs up your shower drain, and yes, it means you have to vacuum every day, or your carpet turns into a fluffy rug... But the fact is, hair loss is definitely normal.
Hair loss (alopecia) can affect just your scalp or your entire body, and it can be temporary or permanent.(mayoclinic)
Many woman with hair loss suffer in silence, altering their hairstyle to cover thinning or patches. But the faster you looking out for care, the better the chances of successfully treating it,
For some woman, there are not many things more disturbing than a recognizably sparser hairline or dreary locks that show up to have lost their volume.

10 Amazing Tips to Prevent Hair Loss in Women

There are many matters you can do to slow or stop hair loss. But what to do depends upon on the cause why you’re losing your hair.
Some situations, such as hair loss after pregnancy, may also go away on their own. And keep in that every body losing hair daily, which is perfectly normal.
While it is normal to lose hair someplace in the vary of 50 to a hundred strands of hair daily, past what that can exhibit an issue. The offender is generally innocuous and can be added about by using anything from hereditary traits to how you are styling your hair. Fortunately, diminishing hair is commonly all the greater a corrective difficulty as opposed to a stable one.

The Most Common Form of Female Hair Loss

Woman-pattern hair loss, which typically has a strong genetic factor that can be inherited from each the mother or father. Also known as androgenetic alopecia this type of hair loss can start as early as the late teens, and the earlier it starts, the more extreme the hair loss.

Most woman with pattern hair loss do not get a receding hairline or bald spot on top of the scalp as is frequent in men. Instead, there is clearly visible thinning over the crown. In men and women, hairs are miniaturized because of a shortened growth cycle where the hair stays on the head for a shorter size of time. These wispy hairs, which resemble forearm hairs, do not obtain their regular length.

Dramatic weight loss
A sharp drop in the scales can affect your hair, "6-12 weeks after dramatic weight loss, whether or no longer it be intentional or unintentional, hair usually comes out in excess. While our hair is as a substitute fundamental to us psychologically, physiologically it is non-essential; we ought to live on barring it with no detriment to our bodily health. This capability that any dietary deficiency many times first suggests up in our hair..

Is Your Hair Loss Normal?
Whether it is from combing or shampooing (or simply standing still, to be honest), every and each woman loses a bit of hair on a every day basis. On average, woman lose a hundred hairs per day; some people lose more and different less.

If a bit extra hair is coming out for a few months after a annoying event, for instance, a dying in the household or major surgery,  it is absolutely ordinary and generally corrects itself.  Also normal? Increased hair loss in the wintry weather (due to a dryer scalp) or hair loss due to scratching and an contaminated scalp.

So, at what factor does everyday hair loss flip into a reason for concern? If you are shedding greater than one hundred hairs per day or discovering bald patches on your scalp, you need to probable are searching for advice from your dermatologist.

As a rule, you have to constantly notify a scientific health practitioner if you consider some aspect is improper with your physique or your fitness in general. If you be aware bald patches the dimension of small coins, you ought to notify your fitness practitioner or dermatologist.

Best Hints to Prevent Hair Loss

Avoid hairstyles that draw the hairline
Tight ponytails, cornrows, braids, and anything else that pulls in the tiny hairs that make up your hairline can cause hair loss. The stress triggered by this tight hairstyle, pulls too hard on the fine hair at your hairline, and hair loss/thinning can occur. If you want to style your hair into a ponytail, use an elastic band that doesn't have steel, such as Goody's Ouchless hair product. This helps ensure your hair doesn't get tangled in the elastic, and pulls out your hair when removing your ponytail.

Be careful with chemical processing
Heat is very damaging to your hair, as are various chemical treatments offered through salons. Chemically straightening, bleaching, and brightening your hair can all cause damage to your hair shaft, weaken your hair, and lead to hair loss. Try to stick to your natural style and color as carefully as possible, if you experience hair loss, or thinning, or the problem will only get worse. If you frequently use chemical processes, make sure you treat your hair with a deep-conditioning treatment, at least once a week for optimal results.

Aloe vera
Aloe vera is packed with proteolytic enzymes. Can restore your dead pores, and skin cells on the scalp. It can support stimulate hair growth, from dormant hair follicles, growing hair volume. It also acts as an excellent conditioner, and leaves your hair clean and shiny. It not only promotes hair growth, but also prevents scalp itching, and reduces dandruff. Consumption of aloe vera juice can help keep skin pores smooth and glowing, and also promote hair growth.

Aloe Vera To Prevent Hair Loss.
Slice an aloe vera leaf with a knife, and extract about two teaspoons of aloe vera gel from the leaf.
Beat the gel until you get a smooth consistency.
Massage the gel into your scalp, with your fingertips.
Massage for about 5-7 minutes; leave for 15-20 minutes.
Rinse it with warm water.

Onion juice
People with alopecia areata may be able to see regrowth, after applying raw onion juice to their scalp, twice daily. While the search for this remedy has been limited, the juice did appear to drive growth in nearly 87% of contributors in a small 2014 study. How does it work? Scientists believe the magic lies in the sulfur content of onions.

Scalp massage
An easy way to incorporate scalp massage into your hair care routine is to operate it in the shower, after using shampoo or conditioner. Scalp massage has been found to increase circulation to the scalp, stimulating hair growth. By moving your fingertips in slow circular motions, all over your head, you will reduce stress, and promote hair regrowth at the same time.

Hair processing
Chemical treatments, such as perming or coloring hair, can also damage the hair and scalp. Ask your stylist about alternatives, such as natural hair dyes, and others that don't contain ammonia, peroxide, or para-phenylenediamine (PPD).

Natural hair mask
Hair masks are a combination of several ingredients that are good for your hair, but don't always have to be chemical-based! Make a hair mask at home using natural ingredients, such as banana, coconut oil, olive oil and honey, and treat hair loss to an excellent degree!

Make a honey olive oil hair pack for healthy and beauty hair. Combine two tablespoons of honey and equal amounts of olive oil, in a small bowl. Add a pinch of cinnamon powder. Blend it into an easy paste, and apply it to your hair.

Another way to prevent hair loss is, applying avocado hair packs. Take 2-3 avocados and peel them. After removing the seeds, put them in a bowl. Add a few drops of coconut oil to it, and do this pack on your hair. Avocados are an excellent food rich in various nutrients such as vitamins K, C, B5, B6, E, potassium and folate with small amounts of magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, vitamins A, B1 B2, and B3, copper, iron, zinc, proteins. Therefore, avocado is highly recommended for hair health.

Soft style
Avoid tight braids or ponytails, which can pull hair at the roots, and possibly cause unnatural loss. While you're at it, allow your hair to air dry, so as not to irritate your scalp. Heat styling, such as curling irons or hair straighteners, can also injure or damage the hair shaft.

Key Tips for Healthy Hair Care

Stress is one of the root causes of many fitness problems, including hair loss. It can also interfere with the hair growth process, and cause premature graying. Again, meditation and yoga on a daily basis can prove to be suitable stress relievers.

Regular Pruning
Hair tends to be most damaged near the ends, and a proper trim every 6 to 8 weeks can help with your problem. Damaged hair has a straw-like texture, and can be trimmed to promote growth, and remove split ends.

Combing wet hair
Our strands have never been more brittle, and are prone to breaking when wet. Therefore, it is important to use a wide-toothed comb, or let it dry first, before styling any style.

Avoid hot showers
As comfortable as a hot shower is, it dries the hair strands (like the skin), and strips the scalp of its natural oils, causing dry and brittle hair, which is more prone to breakage. Instead, opt for warm water and try to rinse your hair at the coldest temperature.

When to Seek Professional Hair Treatment

The previous tips listed above, can have an impact when treating and preventing mild hair loss symptoms. However, it is important to understand what to do if your hair loss is going to be very severe.
On average, most people lose about 50-100 strands of hair a day. It is completely regular and can be fought, and prevented with lifestyle changes, such as home care and proper nutrition. However, if you notice an abnormal amount of hair loss on a daily basis, we recommend that you see a dermatologist.

What Types of Medical Practitioner Treat Hair Loss?

A gynecologist can perform a basic health check. A dermatologist is a doctor who specializes in skin, hair, and nail problems and can provide a diagnosis, and further treatment, for thinning and hair loss. Sometimes a scalp biopsy may be needed. Although many medications list "hair loss" among their potential side effects, most tablets no longer cause hair loss. 

On the other hand, most cancer therapies (eg, chemotherapy or radiation therapy) and immunosuppressive drugs usually result in hair loss. Hair loss after chemotherapy usually grows back after 6 to 12 months.

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

10 Habit to Get Healthy Hair for Woman

Simple and Good Habits for Healthy Hair

      If your daily movements are causing your hair to break or thin, it's time to tackle the problem. Beautiful hair starts with the right hair care habits. Prevent your hair from getting dull, dry, and unhealthy by following these easy tips.

Lush, beautiful and healthy hair is the dream of every woman. But air pollution and the consistent use of styling tools and dyes can damage hair and make it weak, thin, and dry. It can also cause hair to break.
The way you wash your hair and the products you use can help keep your hair smooth, shiny, and healthy.
Getting a hair spa treatment might seem like the only way to rejuvenate your hair, but there are actually some easy tips that can help you take care of your hair regularly.
This is how you can make your hair healthy and shiny.

Protect Your Hair
Protect your hair from rain, wind and sunlight. Overexposure to the sun, heat, dirt, and pollution adds to your existing hair woes. This can lead to a buildup of dirt, dry out the hair and scalp and increase susceptibility to scalp infections.
Protect your hair with an umbrella or a cap.

Woman do Her Habit to Get Healthy Hair

Your toiletries.
When you wash your hair, add pre-shampoo to your regular care. It works like a sealant, smoothing the hair cuticle before it receives moisture, so it's less breakage. It also protects from abrasions from massaging with shampoo. When your hair rubs against each other, the ends fray.

Take good care of your scalp, because hair grows from it. 
A healthy scalp is very important for the growth of your hair.
If you're dealing with dandruff, talk to your dermatologist about an approach to treating your itchy, flaky scalp.
Wash your hair every day with an ingredient containing zinc pyrithione. And use products containing salicylic acid to exfoliate the flakes.

Frequently wash your oily hair
How often you wash your hair really should be based on how much oil your scalp produces.
If you have an oily scalp, you may want to wash it as often as possible throughout the day.
If you have chemically treated hair, your hair may become drier, so you wash it less frequently.
As you get older, your scalp produces less oil, so you may not want to wash your hair as often. But if you see flakes in your hair, you're probably not washing your hair enough. This can cause dandruff and various scalp conditions.

Get damp hair much less frequently.
Water makes the hair swell from within, which forces the cuticles upwards. When it happens repeatedly, your hair gets tangled and breaks.
Don't wash your hair more than you need. Instead, use a dry shampoo that's completely core-oil- and absorbent.

Oil The Scalp Frequently
Oil your hair as often as possible, and use a mild shampoo to remove the oil. Oil the scalp in accordance with your hair type. But don't overdo it, because you'll end up using additional shampoo that strips more of the herbal oils from the scalp, no matter how little it is.

Oil rub down is the oldest treatment for finer, brighter hair. It is also a satisfying home remedy for healthy hair. You may use coconut, olive or almond oil. Warm the oil slightly and scrub your scalp thoroughly. Leave it on for one hour before washing your hair.

Change the way you assume about conditioner.
You all know they detangle easily and make your hair softer, shinier and healthier.
However, if you have a hairdryer or iron, you should also understand that conditioner is very necessary for heat protection. This is just as important as a heat protectant spray, as conditioner coats the hair better.

Healthy Eating
Your diet influences the health of your hair. The healthier you are, the more beautiful and stronger your hair will be. Certain nutrients, such as iron, vitamins and proteins, are essential for hair growth and health.
If you can't get enough of your diet, you may consider dietary supplements after consulting your doctor.
A diet that works for your hair will also increase your confidence in staying healthy and smart.
Your weight loss plan also affects the health of your hair. Therefore, it is important to consume lots of vegetables, fruits, and high-protein ingredients to naturally care for your hair.

Expedient Solution
This is the sealing part of the moisture left in your hair that keeps it healthy. In this case, start by removing the spout from your dryer, turning your head, and blowing through your hair, only to get a large amount of water out. Then let it dry while you do your makeup. When hair is 80% dry, you can start styling.
The exception: If your hair is very coarse, wavy, or dry, blow dry only 25% to 50%, to keep your hair from tangling.

Do not use hair care products too much
This might be your situation if your hair is dull, oily, limp, or just inactive. Or if you're at risk for "dandruff." it's a sign that you're using too many hair care products, and picking the wrong stuff.
You only need 4 things: cleanser, conditioner, style and coating. More than that, it will weigh your hair down, and minimize the result.

Perfect Solution for Healthy Hair

If you have overloaded items, remove the excess by adding a tablespoon of white vinegar to your cleaner. You can do this consistently. Then choose one item for each of your hair needs: for example, a cleanser, a shade protectant, a saturating conditioner, a root-lifting shower, and a silicone-based shine-boosting hair splash.
If you can't get the results you need with these four items, you probably have the wrong hairstyle.

Choose a shampoo and conditioner that is specifically formulated for your hair type.
For example, if you color your hair, use a shampoo that is designed for colored hair. If your hair is damaged or chemically treated, consider a "2-in-1" shampoo.
Regardless of price, many brands of shampoo and conditioner provide the same benefits.

Protects hair while swimming.
Protect your hair from chlorine's damaging effects by wetting and conditioning your hair before swimming. Wear a well-fitting swim cap and use the specially formulated swimmer's shampoo and deep conditioner after swimming, to replace lost moisture.

If you have any questions regarding hair care, you should make an appointment with your hair specialist. If your daily routine is causing your hair to break or thin out, then it's time to change things up. Good hair starts with the right hair care habits. Practice these easy tips to prevent strands of hair from getting dull, dry, and unhealthy.