Showing posts with label Health Care. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health Care. Show all posts

Sunday, December 19, 2021

Things to Know Before Getting Teeth Braces

Do Teeth Braces Really Work?

     Braces are a type of orthodontic treatment used by orthodontists to help teeth that are too crowded or crooked.
Braces can help fix an overbite. People who are about to get braces or are considering having them may wonder if getting braces is painful.
The American Dental Association states that an abnormal bite is seen between the ages of 6 and 12, when children get their adult teeth. Orthodontic treatment commonly begin the ages of 8 to 14 years. In some cases, adults may be able to consider getting braces.

Beauty Woman Wearing Teeth Braces

Teeth Braces Definition and Overview

Braces, or orthodontic braces, are dental appliances commonly used to straighten or correct the arrangement of your teeth. They may be recommended for people with crooked or full teeth, as well as underbites and overbites.
Braces enhance the appearance of your face and make good oral care simple and effective. Therefore, they can help you maintain good dental health in the long term.

Do Teeth Braces Really Work?

Braces work by pressing one side of the ligament against the tooth while simultaneously stretching the ligament on the other side of the tooth. As the ligaments become compressed, the bones on that side lose their blood support and become necrotic.
The body starts an inflammatory process to send out bone-eating cells known as osteoclasts to remove bone; This clears the path and allows the gears to move in that direction.

Inflammation is the cause of the pain and discomfort in your teeth; it is most intense in the first few days, then the teeth will start moving and the discomfort will be less.
On the other side of your teeth, where the ligaments were stretched, bone-forming cells known as osteoblasts emerge to add new bone around the teeth. This process is known as deposition, and it fixes the tooth into its new position.

This process will take longer to complete, so it's important to wear your retainer the entire time, throughout the process, to ensure your teeth don't shift.
This whole process deals with how teeth move through time. It's easy to see how a light but consistent force like thumb sucking can have a big impact on the bite in the long term.

Teeth Braces Types

There are five main types of braces currently available:
Metal Braces
Traditional or metal braces are the most common type of braces around the world, and have been around for more than 100 years now.
In the past, braces looked bulky. Thankfully, today's braces don't look like they did a century ago. Technological advancements and innovation have made braces smaller, stronger, more effective and comfortable.

Ceramic Braces
Ceramic braces are braces made of clear colored material like teeth. Ceramic braces work the same as metal braces, but are more discreet and less visible.
Ceramic braces are best known among people who don't find Invisalign or lingual braces for them but still want to align their teeth in a discreet and affordable method. These people are usually teenagers, and aesthetic-driven adults.

Self-ligating braces
Self-ligating braces work the same way as metal and ceramic braces, and come in metal or clear/ceramic.
They also rely on braces and wires to move teeth.
The difference between self-ligating braces and ceramic or metal braces is this: self-ligating braces use a door or clips to hold the wires in place, not elastic bands.

Lingual braces
Lingual braces behind your teeth are among the most specialized, and least common, orthodontic systems on the market.
This is because they require a different set of orthodontic skills, which take the orthodontist a little time to hone.
Lingual braces behind your teeth are not taught in all orthodontic courses, hence, it is up to the orthodontist to learn to be proficient with them.

Remove an aligner like Invisalign
Clear straighteners have experienced a notable surge in the last 10 years. They were popularized by Invisalign in the early 2000's, which slowly became the biggest aligner brand.
In a way, they are "Kleenex" for facial problems or "BandAid" for bandages.

There is a feeling of discomfort for the first weeks. You've probably never had something stuck in the front of the gear before, and now there are 2 rows of brackets attached to each chomper. It's going to be quite a set amount of getting used to the braces, but it will happen very quickly.
In a few weeks, you won't even remember what you looked like before you got braces.

Foods You can Eat the First Time You get Teeth Braces

Do braces hurt? Getting braces doesn't hurt, but your mouth may be sensitive on your next appointment days. Therefore, eating foods that are harder in texture can cause pain.
Because you also have to learn how to chew food differently, your dentist will likely advise you to only eat soft foods for the first few days.

Ideal foods to eat after braces include: yogurt, scrambled eggs, mashed potatoes, oatmeal, soft fruits, soups, soft cheeses, seeds, pasta, cooked or soft vegetables.
Basically, anything is easily chewed. The sensitivity after getting braces should improve after a few days or weeks. At that point, you will be able to continue with your typical diet.

Foods You Should Avoid After Getting Braces

In addition to understanding what foods can be eaten after braces, you also need to know what foods to avoid after braces.
There are many foods that are delicious to eat with braces. However, some "safe foods" may not be good after wearing braces, as they can irritate the mouth, causing too much pressure and sensitivity.
Foods to avoid after getting braces include: oranges, thicker cuts of meat, rolls or thick bread, ice cream, spicy foods
You will be able to eat these foods once your teeth have adjusted to your braces. (

How Long Do Braces Take for Kids and Adults?

Children often wear braces for shorter periods of time than adults do. But how long do the braces last? It all depends on the specific dental problem, including the position of the teeth and jaw, and the overall severity of the dental problem.
Since your child's jaws are still growing and developing, they tend to reposition more quickly than adult teeth. In fact, the average length of braces treatment for children is around 15-18 months.

Adults sometimes wear braces longer than children, due to the simple fact that major misalignments or problems with teeth that have existed since childhood can make treatment a little more intensive. But, adults are usually better at following dentist guidelines. The average length of time for adults to wear braces is 2-3 years.

Teeth Braces Average Cost

So, how much do teeth braces cost?
The teeth braces average cost range can vary greatly for each type:
Metal braces (traditional braces): $3,000 - 7,000
Ceramic braces: $4,000 - 8,000
Lingual braces: $8,000 - 10,000
Invisalign: $4,000 - 7,400
Teeth braces price depend on where or what state you live in – dentists in rural areas may be cheaper than in large cities – and may be at the dentist's discretion.

Sunday, December 12, 2021

Can Your Yellow Teeth Become White?

Yellow Teeth How to Make Them White

       It is normal for your teeth to lose their white sparkle as you age. The teeth’s enamel is slowly broken down by time, allowing the dentin underneath to show through. Dentin is a major component of your teeth and is discover just below the enamel. It is a very hard tissue that keeps the structure of the teeth and maintains the inner pulp cavity safe and healthy. Dentin is authentically yellow. As enamel is worn down, the yellow dentin below starts to show. So, it is very common for older human to have yellow appearing teeth.

Can Yellow Teeth Become White?

Yellowing can be common, but severe yellowing may make your teeth to look unhealthy, and for your smile to become dull. There are many aspects that could trigger the early yellowing of teeth. The main factor is diet. Highly acidic meals and beverages like soda, coffee, tea, or tomatoes can fastly stain your teeth. This is also true for meals with deep colors like red wine or berries . Smoking and medications may also contaminate your teeth. Darkening and yellowing teeth often look unhealthy and awful.

Why Do Your Teeth Turn Yellow?

Teeth turn yellow for a plenty variety of reasons. The teeth probably became yellow for one of these reasons. But, no matter the cause of the yellow teeth, you can rest assured that the teeth whitening dentist has a solution. It does not occur overnight. But one day, you suddenly aware they are yellow, and want to hide the smile until you can resolve how to make the teeth look good.

The most general causes of yellowing include:
- Genetics, yellow teeth occur in the family
- Thinned enamel and dentin showing through
- Smoking or chewing tobacco
- Antibiotic medications, blood pressure medications, antihistamines, and antipsychotic medications
- Trauma and grinding the teeth
- Stains from foods and drinks
- Too much fluoride

Remedies For Your Yellow Teeth

Here are several natural choices for getting rid of yellow teeth.
It may be best to select a few treatments and rotate them during the week. Some of the guidelines below do not have study to support them, but have been proven to be effective by anecdotal reports.
Experiment to discover a solution that works for you.

Whitening Tooth Paste
Using whitening toothpaste is one of the most famous methods to eliminate stains from the teeth. This way uses abrasive ingredients to clean stains. But because these types of toothpaste can only reach the surface, it’s great for eliminating extrinsic stains.

You should know the ingredients in whitening toothpaste. Bleach may help the discoloration, but bleach can have negative impacts on sensitive teeth.
Many kinds of whitening toothpaste vary in the results they can offer. Two-step systems provide both teeth deep cleaning and a whitening step. Charcoal and baking soda are 2 ingredients that can help improve the impacts of whitening.

For those with sensitive teeth, there are also teeth whitening choices. These types of toothpaste generally have low-abrasion and gently restore the teeth to a natural white. These types of toothpaste also work to strengthen the enamel and forestall new stains.
Overall, whitening toothpaste can lighten the teeth a little. But if you have deeper stains, then you may require another treatment choice.

Teeth Whitening Using Coconut Oil
Coconut oil seems to be good for everything! Don’t just use it for your skin care and cooking, because its amazing teeth whitening device, make it ideal for instant teeth whitening as well.
Oil pulling has to be done regularly, so you can gain the best results posibilities.
Just put a spoonful of coconut oil in your mouth, and swish it entirely between the teeth for up to 20 minutes. Afterwards, spit the oil and clear your mouth.
If this tip is too time-consuming for you, apply coconut oil to the toothpaste as with  regular toothpaste and brush it on.

Baking soda and hydrogen peroxide
Use a paste made of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide is said to get rid of plaque buildup and bacteria clear of stains.
Mix a  tablespoon of baking soda with two tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide to create a paste. Wash the mouth entirely with water after teeth brushing with this paste. You can use the same ratio of material to make a mouthwash. Or, you can make experiment with baking soda and water.

You can purchase baking soda and hydrogen peroxide online. 2012 study discover that person who used a toothpaste containing baking soda and peroxide got rid of tooth stains and whitened their teeth. They showed significant corrective after 6 weeks.
A 2017 review of the research on toothpastes with baking soda also concluded that they’re effective and safe for removing tooth stains and whitening teeth, and can be used daily. (healthline)

Professional teeth whitening is done at the dentist’s clinic and includes the application of a teeth bleaching agent straight to the teeth. Special lights mixed with bleach, may also be used to increase the whitening. Relying on the initial level of color of the stained teeth, you may have one or some treatments that range from approximately half an hour to two hours.

How to Keep Whitened Teeth

After you have struggle  to whiten the teeth, you’ll want to maintain the smile bright and white by developing a whitening routine. Focus on keeping great oral hygiene practices such as brushing, flossing, and rinsing daily.

Having captivating white teeth can be very simple– thanks to the teeth whitening at home remedy choices. However, there are precautions that must you taken.
It’s very necessary to consult the teeth doctor or the teeth whitening professionals before doing anything. The dentist will implement a detailed examination to check if the gums are healthy, or if the teeth contain any cavities.

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Treatment Options for Your Insomnia

Best Insomnia Treatment Options

      Insomnia is a sleep disorder that can make it hard to fall asleep, hard to stay asleep, or wake you up too early and can't get back to sleep.
You may still feel tired even if you just woke up in the morning. Insomnia can sabotage not only your energy levels and mood, but also your health, performance and quality of life. How much sleep is enough for each person? In general, adults need 7 to 8 hours each night. (

A woman who is suffering from insomnia

At some point, many adults experience short-term (acute) insomnia, lasting days or weeks. These are usually the result of stress or a traumatic moment. But some people have long-term (chronic) insomnia that lasts a month or longer. Insomnia may be a big problem, or it may be related to another medical condition or treatment.
You don't have to fight sleepless nights. Simple changes in daily habits can sometimes help.

Diagnosing Insomnia

Getting the right insomnia treatment begins with seeing your doctor to find out what is keeping you up at night.
Your doctor will perform tests to rule out other possible causes of insomnia, such as thyroid disorders or pain. You may be required to stay at a sleep center.
A sleep study can help your doctor find out if you have insomnia or another sleep disorder such as restless leg syndrome (RLS) or sleep apnea.

What Is The Treatment for Insomnia?

Treatment for your insomnia will likely involve non-medical therapies, such as developing better sleeping habits or psychotherapy and medication.
If medical conditions such as diabetes or menopause are causing insomnia, treating those conditions may help.
If the insomnia occurs as a side effect of a medication, changing medications or lowering the dose may help.
Always talk to your doctor before making changes to any insomnia medication you take.

Short-term insomnia, often caused by travel or stress, usually improves once the stress is relieved, or once the body adjusts to a new sleep schedule.
Short-term use of over-the-counter sleeping pills may help.
For chronic insomnia that disturbs your sleep for a long time, it may require a thorough physical examination.
Lifestyle changes, medical treatment, and possibly psychotherapy to find hidden causes of insomnia are important, for treating any issues causing signs and symptoms of insomnia.
Treating insomnia without getting to the root cause will not help.

Cognitive Therapy

Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) is a type of treatment specifically used for insomnia.
This can help improve your sleep patterns, so that you can get better quality sleep.
Part of CBT-I is learning how to have good sleep hygiene, including dealing with distractions in the room, and maintaining a consistent sleep schedule. You also focus on targets such as:
- Changing the thoughts and habits that interfere with a good night's sleep.
- Establish a gradual sleep schedule to help you sleep longer over time.
- You can work with a specialist who can help you identify and change your thoughts and habits that are preventing you from sleeping well.

Chronic Insomnia Treatment Options

Treating chronic insomnia has two main goals: Improving sleep quality and duration, and reducing subsequent daytime disturbances.
Chronic insomnia treatment regimens usually include at least one behavioral intervention, which is often cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-i).
If insomnia medications and other behavioral interventions aren't effective, your doctor may suggest some form of sleeping pills.

Medical Treatment Plans

The first step in an insomnia treatment plan is to have a goal of changing your sleeping habits, and addressing any issues that may be triggering the sleep problem or condition.
Working frequently to relieve stress, dealing with medical conditions, or switching from any medication that makes it hard to sleep can restore healthy sleep patterns.
If these steps don't work, discuss with your doctor next steps for recommended medical sleep disorder treatment.

Lifestyle Changes Alone Can Help With Insomnia

For mild cases of insomnia that last only a few days or weeks, a specialist may recommend making some lifestyle changes to improve sleep quality.
It is recommended that you start by making changes to your sleep hygiene, daily habits, and routines that can affect sleep.

Good Sleep Hygiene

Practices that encourage healthy sleep, include:
- Turn off your electronics at least an hour before your bed time.
- Keep anything that might interfere with your ability to fall asleep away. Substances such as caffeine and tobacco, for example, can remain in the system for up to 8 hours. And don't depend on a night cap either. Maybe some of you think that alcohol can help you sleep, but in fact it actually destroys your sleep.
- Sticking to a bedtime schedule means going to bed and getting up at the same time, no matter Monday or Saturday.
- Limit your afternoon naps to no more than half an hour.
- Creates a quiet, dark and cool sleep environment
- Set the bed only for sleeping.

Saturday, December 4, 2021

Tips to Get Rid of Stress Rash Naturally

How to Treat Stress Rashes

      Most humans feel a degree of stress as part of their daily life. The growth of stress rash on your face and your skin is a general physical symptom of stress that can happen to you all.
In isolation, the light shape of stress has little effect on your body. But, frequent or chronic exposure to stress can cause adverse side effects.

Woman Suffer From Stress Rash

Stress Rash Description

A stress rash is only a rash or problem with the skin caused by stress and anxiety.
A typical stress rash reaction is breaking out in hives, called urticaria. These are raised, itchy bumps that show up on the infected area and can appear anywhere on your body. Along with hives, those with existing skin conditions, like rosacea and eczema, can experience more often flare-ups. Stress rashes are widespread, affecting many people in the United States annually.
How does it work? When cortisol levels rise in response to stress, the body's histamine response kicks in, manifesting as puffy skin, inflammation, and overall increased oil production. This oil, for example, can trigger severe acne outbreaks.

Stress Rash Causes

Stress rash frequently impacts humans who have underlying skin conditions, such as eczema, rosacea, or allergies triggered by environmental triggers, such as pollen, animal dander, or some foods. Some humans even build rashes from sunlight or weather changes. Even without an underlying condition, you can still suffer from stress rash.
When you’re feeling stressed, the body releases chemicals that can build inflammation and make the skin even more sensitive. This can cause a flare-up.
Stress rashes frequently appear as raised red bumps known as hives. They can impact any part of your body, but frequently a stress rash is on the face, neck, chest, or arms. Hives may range from tiny dots to large welts and may shape into clusters. They may be itchy or make you feel a burning or tingling sensation.

How Long Do Stress Rashes last?

Stress rash duration, in the form of hives, generally lasts up to six weeks. A single hive may last up to about a few hours but you may see the constant development of others for up to six weeks. If it does not decrease after that, you can discuss the dermatologist as the cause of these may be something else.

How Can You Treat A Stress Rash

Commonly, stress rash comes and goes. You can select to treat them with over-the-counter medication or with natural stress rash home remedies. You can even see the dermatologist if you don’t see an improvement, even after attempting home remedies.

Apple-cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is great for relieving skin inflammation and itching. But, it has to be diluted in water before you apply it to the skin, as it is strong and may irritate the skin.
How To Use :
Dilute a few of the apple cider vinegar in water.
Use to the skin while gently rubbing it onto the affected area.
You may also use a cotton ball to dab on the same.
Repeat it at night.

Oatmeal bath
Oats or Avena sativa has been used for centuries to treat many skin conditions, from burns to eczema. The United States Food and Drug Administration approved the use of oatmeal in suspension (colloidal oatmeal) as a skin protectant in 2003. Now, there are many over-the-counter skin products containing oatmeal.
Colloidal oatmeal soluble in a bath can alleviate itchiness. Commercial brand oatmeal baths, such as Aveeno, are available in ready-to-use packages, measured for one bath. Or you can very finely grind regular oatmeal in a meal processor or blender and add one cup to the bathwater. (

Stress Relief Techniques
Going forward, it's important to recognize the triggers regarding outbreaks.
Was it because you're overworked? Experience the prolonged impacts of the pandemic in all its forms? Acquiring and practicing new, healthy methods may help people reduce flare-ups and relieve stress rashes.

Practicing the distinction between mindfulness and stress relief methods can make a considerable difference in a life. These may not come with a prescription pad, but they can go a long way in improving the quality of life.
For example, lowering excess screen time, going on usual walks, and focusing on breathing can be priceless stress management methods.
These methods take time and practice, so stress and anxiety aren't likely to go overnight. But, they help fight and exterminate stress-related skin problems and your comfort level. They’re also effective methods to boost your overall health.

When to Seek Help

Hives may cover your whole body and treatment should be sought to reduce the irritation.
Stress rashes may be considered critical if they clear up in less than 6 weeks. If they stick out for longer, they are deemed to be chronic.
Typically, rashes will disappear after a few days and it is not crucial to seek stress rash treatment. Help should be sought if the rash is taking longer than usual to heal.
Experiencing an outbreak of hives can be agonizing regardless of when it clears up. In these cases, a human should seek treatment to reduce the irritation caused by hives.

Similarly, most stress rashes are fairly mild, but taking action to control an outbreak is suggested to lessen its impact.
specifically, a rash may cause feelings of unhappiness. This may amplify a person’s stress, and cause stress rash to get worse.
Hives may sometimes cover your whole body or be accompanied by fever, skin peeling or blisters, and pain. If so, it could indicate a more serious condition or allergy, and a specialist should be consulted immediately.

Last Words
Stress can be hard to deal with, but feeling itchy, uncomfortable hives can frequently make what you are feeling seem even worse. Anxiety hives are commonly manageable with some self-treatment.
If you are prone to stress rashes, a good way to control them is to get the anxiety under control. Discuss with the doctor some of the methods you can cope with, which may include medication, psychotherapy, or a combination of the two.

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Causes of Pain in the Back of Your Head

Is Pain in Back of the Head Serious?

       Headaches in the back of the head can have many causes; it may just be a minor injury or it could be a secondary sign of another problem in your body. The type and location of the pain can play an important role in diagnosing the cause of the headache. Headaches that are severe and recur frequently require medical attention from your doctor.

What Causes Headache in Back of Head

Headache in The Back of The Head Causes

If you have a headache from the back of your head to your neck to the back of your head, you may be experiencing a cervicogenic headache. A cervicogenic headache is a secondary headache, which means it is triggered by another physical problem. You may find that the headache gets worse with some neck movement, or when pressure is applied to certain points on the neck.

If you feel pain from the base of your skull that radiates upward, it could be due to a rare type of chronic headache known as occipital neuralgia. Occipital neuralgia can be caused rapidly, lasting from a few seconds to several minutes.
If you have pain at the back of your head, you may find some relief. To look for a long-term fix, you need to find the root cause. From bad posture to certain types of headaches, the back of your head may hurt from any of these triggers.

Poor posture
If you tend to bend over when sitting or standing, it can strain the muscles in the back of your head, upper back, neck and jaw. It can also put pressure on the nerves in those spots. As a result, poor posture can lead to tension headaches and pain at the back of your head.
Standing or sitting up straight can help relieve headaches from your poor posture. Over-the-counter pain relievers may also be helpful. In some cases, you may require physical therapy.

Migraines tend to be less painful than tension headaches. While you may feel primarily on one side of your head, it can affect both sides of your head, the back of your head and your neck as well.
Sometimes you may get signs other than a headache, including a hot flush or feeling and pain.

What trigger migraines is not thoroughly understood. Some doctors believe it may be due to changes in brain cell activity that make your blood vessels to contract, create pressure in this area — resulting in a migraine.
It's not clear what makes these changes, but it's possible genetic (predisposition) -- or genes can make this activity more likely, especially when you're exposed to a potential trigger.
In women, migraines can strike around the time of menstruation, when hormone levels change. They can run in families too.

If you are prone to migraines, you need to find methods to treat them at home to help reduce pain and discomfort. You need to stay hydrated, and get plenty of rest. For some people, lying in a dark room and taking pain medication can help.
If you need to take painkillers, discuss with your doctor for help on how to get these drugs and use them.

Tension headache
Tension-type (TTH) headaches usually cause forehead pain, but they are also the most common cause of pain in the back of your head. They can last up to seven days, but they can also be brief, only lasting half an hour.

Signs of a tension type headache are:
- Mild to moderate pain occurs but can also be severe
- a feeling of tension in the back or front of the head
- not nausea and vomiting
- Headache does not get worse with exercise

Arthritis headaches are triggered by inflammation and swelling in your neck region. They usually cause headaches behind the head and neck. Movement usually causes more pain. Your headaches can be caused by any kind of arthritis. The most common ones are rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. (

How to Diagnose And Treat Your Headaches

There are multiple factors that cause headaches and location is only part of the puzzle. To get the right treatment for headaches, you need the right diagnosis. And it begins with making an appointment with the doctor.
It is always good to discuss with a doctor if your headaches start interfering with your daily life, if the headaches you experience suddenly differ or if they seem to progress in severity or frequency.

The doctor will diagnose the quality of the pain, how often the headaches occur, how long they last, their severity, the pattern of occurrence, and whether the pain gets worse with changes in body position. It is also useful to determine whether the headache pain is related to other symptoms, such as sensitivity to sound and light, dizziness, visual changes, weakness and numbness.

When to See The doctor

You should see a doctor if your headaches are severe or keep coming back. Also pay attention to other signs and symptoms, such as numbness of the limbs.
If your scalp is sore and tender, your jaw hurts, or you have blurred vision, you should seek medical help immediately.
You should also seek medical attention quickly if you experience headaches and:
- you have high temperature (fever)
- you lost your vision
- You find it hard to remember something
- you find it hard to speak
- the whites of the eyes turn red

Last Words
Headaches are common. They can impact a person's quality of life, and their ability to perform everyday tasks.
Some headaches go away without treatment, but some have a more serious reason. Anyone who is concerned about pain in the back of the head should seek medical advice. If there's an underlying cause that requires treatment, it's best to do it as soon as possible.

Monday, November 29, 2021

Surprising Green Tea Benefits for Your Health

Does Green Tea Really have Health Benefits?

      Green tea is consumed widely throughout the world, and is believed to have several health-promoting qualities.
Elements of green tea are derived from Camellia Sinensis, and contain high phenolic compounds, most of which consist of catechin derivatives, in addition to low proportions of other compounds such as flavanols and phenolic acids.

Beauty Woman Drink Green Tea for Health Benefit

History About Green Tea

Tea is one of the most preferred drinks by most people.
Tea from the Camellia sinensis plant, is consumed in many parts of the world as black, green or oolong tea. Among all these, the most significant impact on the health of humans consuming green tea has been observed. India was the first country to export green tea to Japan back in the 17th century

It is estimated that around 2.5 million tons of tea leaves are produced annually worldwide, 20% of which is produced as green tea, which is mostly consumed in Asia, parts of North Africa, the United States, and Europe.
The relationship between human health and the consumption of tea, especially green tea, has long been appreciated.

The manufacture of green tea and black tea are processed differently. To produce green tea, freshly harvested tea leaves are steamed directly for forest fermentation, resulting in a dry and stable product. This steaming process destroys the enzymes responsible for breaking down the color pigments in the leaves, and allows the tea to maintain its green color during the subsequent rolling and drying processes.

This process retains naturally occurring polyphenols, due to their health promoting properties. When green tea is fermented into oolong, and then into black tea, the polyphenolic compounds (catechins) in green tea dimerize to form various theaflavins, so these teas may have different biological activities.

The Green Tea Benefits

Why is green tea healthy? Green tea contains bioactive compounds that can make you healthy.
It's more than just a hydrating drink. The green tea plant consists of various healthful compounds which make it the best drink.
Tea is rich in polyphenols, which are natural compounds that are beneficial to health, such as reducing inflammation and helping to get rid of cancer.

Green tea has a catechin called epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG). Catechins are natural antioxidants that help prevent cell damage and offer other benefits.
These substances can reduce the formation of free radicals in your body, protect cells and molecules from damage. Free radicals play a role in aging and various diseases

One of the strongest compounds in green tea is EGCG. Studies have tested its ability to help cure a variety of ailments. It seems to be one of the main compounds that gives green tea its medicinal properties.

Green tea also has small amounts of minerals that may benefit health.
Choose a higher quality green tea brand, as some lower quality brands may contain excessive amounts of fluoride.
However, even if you pick up a lower quality brand, the benefits still outweigh the risks (

Green tea is high in antioxidant polyphenols
Green tea has more health benefits than black tea, it is related to less processing.
Green tea is higher in protective polyphenols. The main polyphenols in green tea are flavonoids, the most active of which are catechins and epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), which act as powerful antioxidants.

Antioxidants are known to guard the human body against disease, and are an important part of a healthy diet. Antioxidants can be found in many fruits, vegetables and other raw foods.
As part of a balanced diet, green tea is the best source of antioxidants.

Cancer prevention
In countries where consumption of green tea is high, the number of cancer sufferers tends to be lower. However, human studies have not shown consistent evidence to prove that drinking green tea lowers the overall risk of cancer.
A 2020 database review of human epidemiological and experimental studies yielded inconsistent results and limited evidence of the benefits of consuming green tea for lowering cancer risk.

However, the topical application of green tea polyphenolic extracts may have a role in protecting the skin from UVB radiation. A 2018 review of in vitro, in vivo, and human studies points to the potential benefits of tea polyphenols in the chemoprevention of UVB-induced skin cancer.

Animal and test-tube studies have suggested positive effects in the following types of cancer: skin, breast, ovarian, esophagus (throat), lung, stomach, and prostate.
The overall findings from several human studies have yielded inconsistent results and limited evidence of the benefits of drinking green tea on cancer risk.

How Much Green Tea Should You Drink Daily For Health?

Green tea consumption in a day? Research is not sure how much green tea to drink a day to get optimal benefits. It depends a lot on the individual and your personal health.
A different amount of green tea each day will benefit you in several ways.

For example, in controlled studies, humans who drank 1 to 3 cups of green tea each day had a lower risk of stroke, and heart disease, compared to subjects who drank less than one cup. And stomach cancer is less likely to develop in women who drink more than 5 cups each day.
However, you have to look at it like this – how much you eat depends on how much you can tolerate. Nobody likes to drink five glasses in 24 hours.
Adding green tea to your diet has its benefits, as long as you're drinking a cup or more a day, it's great!

Green Tea is not the Miracle Weight-Loss Solution You’re Searching for

Is green tea good for losing weight? Here's the facts:
Although the green tea drink is a common ingredient in weight loss products, it's not a miracle cure. In several studies, scientists concluded that the benefits of green tea for weight loss are minimal.

Is there any caffeine in green tea?
Green tea is full of caffeine, which can boost your energy level, and possibly keep you moving.
Replace your sugary, high-calorie soda with a cup of green tea.
Eliminating excess sugar from your diet, along with increasing physical activity, and eating heart-healthy foods, can help you lose weight.

Saturday, November 27, 2021

Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits for Your Health

Can Apple Cider Vinegar Help You Lose Weight?

      Since ancient times, apple cider vinegar has been used by humans to treat various health problems. It's also a famous disinfectant and natural preservative. Today, apple cider vinegar may be known as a weight loss healp and a way to manage your blood sugar.
Apple cider vinegar is a famous home remedy. Humans have used it for centuries for cooking and medicine.

Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits For Your Health

Lots of people claim ACV can relieve a variation of health complaints, but you may be repeatedly ask what the research says. Apple cider vinegar has lots of healthy efficacy, including antioxidant effects and antimicrobial.

What's An Apple Cider Vinegar?

Apple cider vinegar is mostly apple juice, but there is added yeast that converts the sugar in the juice into alcohol. This is a process known as fermentation. Bacteria convert alcohol to acetic acid. That's what gives vinegar its pretty strong smell and sour taste.

Apple cider vinegar has a long history as a natural remedy, and is used to treat things like sore throats and varicose veins. Not much science backs up that claim. But in recently some researchers have been taking a closer look at apple cider vinegar and its possible health benefits.

Some say the "mom" of the yeast cloud, and bacteria you might notice, in a bottle of apple cider vinegar, is what makes it healthful.. These things are probiotic, meaning they might give the digestive system a boost, but there isn’t enough study to back up the other claims.

Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

Some researches recommend this ACV could improve the health. But most of these research are small and need further study to substantiate their claims. A few of apple cider vinegar's possible benefits include:

Weight Loss
There is currently no specific proof to support the efficacy of the ACV diet, however, there are some interesting researches assessing the potential dietary impacts of vinegar. However, it should be remember that some of these findings are based on animal studies only.

That said, some human researches have reported a positive effect of ACV on feelings of fullness and helping decrease calorie intake.. This combined with balancing blood sugar and lowering insulin levels may explain its perceived impacts on weight. 

For example, a study examining the effects of adding vinegar to a diet based on white bread found that humans in the study experienced better satiety, and reduced blood glucose, and insulin responses.
A further research that involved the consumption of 2 tbsp of ACV combined with a 250kcal energy deficit appeared to reduce weight, BMI and hip circumference. 

However, the proofs supporting ACV as an effective weight loss tool remains low, and it may be argued that it’s simply too early to draw any valid conclusions.

Lowering Blood Sugar
One of the biggest health benefit claims for apple cider vinegar is associated to diabetes and blood sugar control. A few small researches discover that consuming apple cider vinegar after a meal could decrease the blood glucose (sugar). This could be helpful for person with Type 2 diabetes or prediabetes.
But don’t expect vinegar alone to maintain your blood sugar levels in check. Apple cider vinegar might decrease your glucose a little, but not enough. To forestal or control diabetes, follow a healthy diet and exercise plan.

Can Help Remove Harmful Bacteria
Vinegar can help eliminates pathogens, including bacteria. Humans have traditionally used vinegar to clean and disinfect warts, lice, treat nail fungus, and ear infections.
Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, used vinegar to clean this wounds more than two thousand years ago.
Vinegar can also be a food preservative. Researches indicates that it inhibits bacteria like E. coli from developing and spoiling the meal.

If you’re searching for a natural method to preserve the food, apple cider vinegar could help.
Anecdotal reports also recommend that diluted apple cider vinegar could help with acne when applied to your skin, but there doesn’t seem to be any strong study to confirm this.
The primary substance in vinegar — acetic acid — can kill harmful bacteria or forestal them from multiplying. This vinegar has a history of use as a natural disinfectant and preservative. (healthline)

Reduce Cholesterol
Apple cider vinegar has been "display" to decrease total cholesterol, LDL (bad) cholesterol and triglyceride levels in small research involving animals and humans. Again, research is inconclusive as to why and how this happens, but it may have to do with AMPK pathway activation, decreased lipogenesis, increased satiety and energy expenditure.

Hair Dandruff
To deal with dandruff, some human spritz an apple cider vinegar, and water solution onto the scalp. It is believed to overcome flakes, itchiness, and irritation. The acetic acid of vinegar can change the pH of your scalp, making it harder for yeast to thrive. Yeast have contributes to dandruff.

It is also used to handle an itchy, scaly skin condition called seborrheic dermatitis. A 2017 research published in the Galen Medical Journal states applying the flowering herb Althaea officinalis along with vinegar resolved the condition in a 32-year-old woman.

Some person use it as a hair rinse to eliminate shampoo build-up and clarify dull hair. If you perform this, make sure to mix the vinegar with lots of water, so it doesn't sting the eyes. This Vinegar doesn't deal with head lice.

Can Apple Cider Vinegar Go Bad?

Apple cider vinegar has the side effects, including:
- Acidic foods may worsen acid reflux.
- Apple cider vinegar can erode the enamel of your teeth.
- In people with chronic kidney disease, the kidneys may not be able to process the acid that accompanies ACV ..

Monday, November 22, 2021

How to Treat Your Lupus Rash

Does Lupus Cause Rashes on The Body?

     If you have a rash that appears suddenly, or sometimes reappears, you may not be sure what caused it. Rashes are associated with a variety of things from scabies to allergic reactions to lupus. A lupus rash, like all types of rash, requires special care.

Lupus Rash and How To Treat It

The rash, which is generally categorized as an irregularity in skin color, texture, or appearance, can also be itchy. The lupus rash will mainly appear on the cheeks and nose in the shape of a butterfly. A lupus rash can also be a discoid rash, which is enlarged and scaly, and leaves a scar. A third common type of lupus rash, known as subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus rash, usually appears on sun-exposed skin, and may form ring-like lesions, or look like psoriasis. The lupus rash may worsen with sun exposure.

Lupus Rash Description

Lupus is a disease that affects the immune system of the human body. The immune cells attack the body's own healthy tissue, causing inflammation and tissue damage. Signs and symptoms may be confined to your skin, but more often lupus also triggers internal problems like joint pain. In many cases, it can harm the heart, kidneys and several vital organs. While there is no cure for lupus, there are some treatments that can reduce the damage.

Is It Really Lupus?

Initially, lupus, which attacks the joints, can resemble rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis can also leave you feeling exhausted. Lupus skin rashes, however, are not seen in people with rheumatoid arthritis. There are also special laboratory tests that can help distinguish lupus.

It may be difficult for a lupus doctor to diagnose this disease. It can mimic other illnesses, and its initial presentation varies from person to person. It is not uncommon to have minor signs and symptoms for years before a diagnosis of lupus. There isn't a single test for lupus. There are specific abnormal antibodies that can provide clues to a diagnosis, including antinuclear antibodies (ANA), deoxyribonucleic acid (anti-DNA) antibodies, and anti-Smith antibodies. The white and red blood counts may be low as well as the platelet count. Sometimes a tissue biopsy is essential for a lupus diagnosis.

How Does Lupus Affect The Skin?

People with lupus can have a wide variety of skin problems.
Cutaneous lupus, a skin disease experienced only by people with lupus is called cutaneous lupus. There are three main types:

Subacute cutaneous lupus triggers red scaly rashes or red ring-shaped sores. Usually occurs on the skin that gets hot sun, such as the arms and neck.

Chronic cutaneous lupus (also known as discoid lupus) causes round, disc-shaped sores, generally on the face and scalp. Wounds can leave scars or skin discoloration.

Acute cutaneous lupus causes a butterfly-shaped rash on the nose and cheeks that looks like sunburn (known as malar rash). Sometimes it affects other body parts, such as the arms and legs.

Does Lupus Cause Skin Problems?

Skin symptoms are common in humans with lupus. They affect 70% to 80% of the people who have the condition. Skin problems are the first sign in 20% of lupus patients.

Lupus Butterfly Rash
Considered a sign and symptom of lupus, it is a red -- raised or flat -- butterfly-shaped rash on the nose and cheeks. Usually, there are no signs and symptoms, but some people describe it as a little sore or itchy.

Discoid lupus rash
Discoid lupus is a thick coin-shaped rash that can be dark or red. The hair follicles become clogged with thick skin and scar tissue appears on the sun-exposed areas. Some humans experience mild itching or soreness with this rash.

Sun-sensitive lupus rash on face, arms, chest, and legs
People with lupus develop a rash on areas of the skin exposed to the sun, such as the arms or chest. The rash may be scaly and red, or form a ring in shape. It can be delayed from a few days to several weeks after sun exposure. For some, the rash is itchy.

Treatment of Lupus Rash

The Lupus Foundation of America declare that 66% of human with lupus will develop some form of skin disease. Medicines can help treat a lupus rash, but the treatment option rely on the types and the lupus symptoms. The medication may be a topical, such as a steroid gel or a lupus rash cream. Antimalarial, such as hydroxychloroquine or quinacrine, prednisone, methotrexate, azathioprine, mycophenolate mofetil, and others, may also be used to treat the lupus rash.

Staying in the shade, using sunscreen, and avoiding exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays to protect the skin can also help prevent lupus rashes. The Lupus Foundation of America notes that 40% to 70% of people with lupus find that exposure to UV light makes skin worse.

Skin rashes and other signs of lupus are sometimes triggered by medications, so it's a good idea to tell your doctor about any medications you're currently taking. Your doctor may also recommend skin care products to help you avoid skin damage from a lupus rash.

Early diagnosis and treatment of lupus won't cure the disease, but it will help you control your signs and lower the chance of permanent tissue damage.

Dermatologist for Lupus Rash Treatment on The Skin

To treat skin lupus, a dermatologist will:
- Informs how to protect skin from the hot sun
- Recommending other lifestyle changes
Give medicine, if needed
- Corticosteroids you apply to the skin or you take as pills: These help reduce inflammation and clear the skin.

Medications that have been prescribed by a dermatologist to treat the lupus of your skin include:
Corticosteroids injected by your dermatologist: These can help clear up thick patches on your skin or areas of hair loss.
Steroid-sparing medications you use for skin: These work like corticosteroids to minimize inflammation and clear your skin.
Antimalarial drugs: Developed to treat and prevent malaria, these drugs are also effective at treating lupus on your skin.
Drugs that act on your immune system: These drugs consist of methotrexate, cyclosporine, and mycophenolate mofetil. They can soothe the immune system.

Your lupus treatment plan might include more than one medication. This can improve how well a lupus rash treatment plan works. Its purpose is to cleanse the skin. (

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Food Intolerance Causes, Types, and Symptoms

Sudden Food Intolerance in Adults

      People who have food intolerances have trouble digesting certain foods. It's worth noting that a food intolerance is different from a food allergy. Food intolerances are common.
According to some estimates, they may impact 15-20% of the population.

Woman Experience Food intolerance

Food intolerances are more common in those with digestive disorders, such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
According to the IBS Network, most people with IBS have a food intolerance. While a food allergy is the result of a reaction by the immune system to a particular food, a food intolerance usually involves the digestive system, not the immune system.. (

Food Intolerance Definition

A food intolerance means that your digestive system has trouble digesting (breaking down) food. Food intolerance is also known as food sensitivity.
A food intolerance occurs when your gut is sensitive to a certain food and cannot tolerate it.
When you eat these foods, you may experience uncomfortable signs and symptoms such as bloating, diarrhea and stomach pain.

What are The Three Most Common Food Intolerances?

Typical food sensitivities include:
People who are lactose intolerant do not make enough of the enzyme lactase to break down lactose, (the sugar found in milk and milk products). These food intolerances are the most common.
Lactose intolerance is an example of an enzyme deficiency, which occurs when a person is born, or develops with insufficient lactase enzyme to digest lactose in cow's milk and other dairy products.

This can cause gas/flatulence, upset stomach and diarrhea, after consuming dairy products.
This condition causes physical discomfort, but is harmless, and does not cause rashes or anaphylaxis. The way of diagnosis is by temporary removal of lactose and reintroduction.

Gluten is a protein in barley, oats and rye. Gluten sensitivity is not the same thing as celiac disease, an autoimmune disease. When you have celiac disease, gluten harms the small intestine. If you have non-celiac gluten sensitivity, your body will have a harder time digesting gluten.

Gluten is the name given to the protein that is found in rye, wheat, barley and triticale.
Many conditions are associated with gluten, including celiac disease, non-celiac gluten sensitivity and wheat allergies.
Celiac disease involves an immune response, which is why the disease is classified as an autoimmune disease.
When individuals with celiac disease are exposed to gluten, the immune system attacks the small intestine, which can cause serious damage to the digestive system.

Wheat allergy is often confused with celiac disease, due to similar signs and symptoms.
They differ in that a wheat allergy produces allergy-producing antibodies to the proteins in wheat, while celiac disease is triggered by an abnormal immune reaction to gluten in particular.

However, many people experience unpleasant symptoms, even when they test negative for celiac disease or wheat allergies.
This is called non-celiac gluten sensitivity, a milder form of gluten intolerance, which is thought to affect 0.5 to 13% of the population.

Histamine is a naturally occurring chemical in foods such as bananas, cheese, pineapples, avocados and chocolate. Red grapes and some white wines also contain histamine.
Individuals who are intolerant to histamine do not make enough of the enzyme diamine oxidase to break down these chemicals.

Histamine is a chemical substance in the body that acts on the digestive, immune and nervous systems.
It helps prevent infection by developing a direct inflammatory response to the allergen. This triggers itching, sneezing, and watery eyes that could potentially repel dangerous intruders.

In persons without intolerance, histamine is readily metabolized and excreted.
However, many people are not able to break down histamine properly, so it builds up in the body.
The most common reason for histamine intolerance is a malfunction of the enzymes responsible for histamine breakdown - diamine oxidase and N-methyltransferase.

Food Intolerance Symptoms

- Migraines - Bloating - Colds - Coughs - Headaches - Stomachaches - Itching
Despite all these, irritable bowel syndrome is also one of the most common symptoms of food intolerance. In the opinion of medical experts, the presence of these symptoms should not be ignored, because it can lead them to serious physical disorders.
Contact a genuine and trusted pathologist, or a certified specialist for more information.

Food Intolerance Treatment at Home

There is no treatment for food intolerances, but signs and symptoms of discomfort can be avoided by removing the food that is causing the problem from you, or your child's diet.
This requires careful preparation of food, careful reading of labels, and persistence in asking how food is prepared when eating out.

Some of the discomfort symptoms can be treated if you, or your child, eat problem foods.
Antacids, for example, can be taken by mouth for heartburn and acid reflux. Over-the-counter preparations of the lactase enzyme may relieve discomfort from swallowing dairy products for people with lactose intolerance.
Be sure to read the medication label, or consult a food intolerance doctor, for the proper dosage and frequency.

Management of Food Intolerance Involve Elimination Diets

Once the diagnosis is made, the clinical history can help determine the role of diet, or other aspects of worsening symptoms.
The only reliable method of determining if diet plays a role is with people on a temporary elimination diet, under the supervision of a medical practitioner.
If removing foods from the diet helps, this is followed by a challenge under controlled conditions to identify food triggers to avoid in the future.

Elimination diets should be temporary, so they should only be used for short probationary periods, under close medical supervision, as a diagnostic tool.
Prolonged restricted diets can cause problems with adequate nutrition, especially in children.
It is important to remember that a low-salicylate, low-amine diet should not be used for an investigation of food intolerance, until other potential causes are investigated.

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

How Can You Overcome Sleep Apnea?

How to Get Rid of Sleep Apnea

      Do you ever feel tired when you wake up in the morning? Maybe there's something wrong while you're sleeping, and you don't realize it, namely: obstructive sleep apnea.

Woman Suffer from Sleep Apnea

What is Sleep Apnea Definition?

Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder condition that causes you to stop breathing momentarily while you sleep.
People suffering from sleep apnea are not breathing in enough oxygen. This makes them gasp for air, and wake up frequently.
Sometimes, people don't realize they have stopped breathing, and know that their sleep cycle is normal. Sleep apnea sometimes sounds like snoring.

Sleep apnea can trigger several health complications besides making you more tired when you wake up in the morning. If left untreated, this sleep condition can:
- trigger mental health problems
- increases the risk of heart failure
- Leads to poor immune function
- Contributing to memory loss
Treatment for sleep apnea includes medication, breathing apparatus, and sleep apnea surgery. However, some lifestyle changes and home treatments can also improve the quality of your life and sleep.

Sleep Apnea Causes

Obstructive sleep apnea is caused by an obstruction in the airway, especially when the soft tissues at the back of the throat collapse while you sleep.
Central sleep apnea is commonly observed in patients with dysfunction of the central nervous system, such as after a stroke, or in patients with neuromuscular diseases such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS, Lou Gehrig's disease).
This is also common in patients with heart failure, and other forms of kidney or lung disease. (

Types of Sleep Apnea

1. Central sleep apnea
It is a less common type of sleep apnea, involving the central nervous system. This happens when your brain temporarily stops sending signals to the muscles that control breathing, and is often triggered by an underlying health condition.
People with central sleep apnea snore less often.

2. Obstructive sleep apnea
It's the most general kind of sleep apnea. This happens when the muscles that support the soft tissues in your upper airway relax while you sleep, and block the normal flow of air in and out of your nose and mouth. Obstructive sleep apnea usually causes loud snoring and shortness of breath.

3. Complex or mixed sleep apnea
This is a rare combination of central and obstructive sleep apnea.

Sleep Apnea Home Remedies

Sometimes, self-care can be a way for you to manage obstructive sleep apnea, and possibly central sleep apnea as well. Try these tips for preventing sleep apnea

- Lose excess body weight
Even a little weight loss can help relieve constriction of your throat. Sometimes, sleep apnea goes away when you return to a healthy weight, but it can come back when you put the weight back on.

- Avoid sleeping on your back, preferably on your side or stomach
Sleeping on your back can allow the tongue and soft palate to stick to the back of the throat, blocking the airway.
To avoid rolling on your back while you sleep, try stuffing a tennis ball into the back of your pajama top. There are also commercial devices that vibrate when you roll over while you are sleeping.

- Playing Didgeridoo
While this sleep apnea treatment may seem unusual, there is some data to support it. A small study found that participants who played the didgeridoo had fewer daytime sleepiness and apneic episodes, compared with humans who didn't play.

It's worth noting, however, that this study only had 25 participants.
Didgeridoo is an Australian woodwind instrument. Playing the didgeridoo requires special breathing techniques that can strengthen the muscles in the upper respiratory tract. So, practicing an instrument may reduce sleep apnea episodes.

- Workout. 
Regular exercise can help you reduce sleep apnea symptoms, even without losing weight.
Try doing half an hour of moderate activity, like brisk walking, most days of the week.

- Lift your head from the bed
Sleeping with the head of the bed at an angle of about 60 degrees can help reduce the number of apnoea episodes. This solution may be effective for those of you with sleep apnea who are worse when they lie on their backs, but have trouble sleeping on their side.
People will be able to get into this position by sleeping in a bed, or chair that has an adjustable top. Or, they can use a pillow or buy a wedge for their body to keep their head high.

- Stay away from alcohol
Avoid alcohol and certain drugs, such as sedatives and sleeping pills. It relaxes the muscles in the back of your throat, and interferes with breathing.

Nasal Patch
If you breathe through your nose at night, there is a good chance you are a candidate for a nasal mask. Here's how it works: The device has 2 patches that fit over each nostril, and a valve that fits inside the nose. The valves create pressure when you exhale, and help keep your nostrils open while you sleep.

Devices require a prescription, and while some policies will cover it, others may not. In this case, the cost will be around $60 to $80 per month.
Nose patches can still be useful, as studies have shown that they work well.

Last Word
Sleep apnea is a common problem in which people stop breathing during sleep. This can cause tiredness and difficulty focusing, and these may be symptoms of an underlying health condition.
Sleep apnea is a condition marked by abnormal breathing while you sleep. People with sleep apnea have several long pauses in their breaths while they sleep.

This temporary breathing diminishes the quality of sleep, and impacts the body's oxygen supply, with potentially serious health consequences.
People who experience daytime drowsiness should consult a doctor, who can support them in finding out the causes and steps for treatment.

Monday, November 15, 2021

Does Cosmetic Dentistry Expensive?

How Much Does Cosmetic Dentistry Cost?

    Are your teeth broken, stained, discolored, chipped, misaligned, or have gaps between them? Modern dentistry can provide a solution. Cosmetic dentistry can improve the appearance of your smile with one or more of these treatments:

Beauty Woman doing Cosmetic Dentistry

You can seek advice from a working cosmetic dentist to develop a treatment plan.
Below you will find useful information that may help you learn more about the different types of cosmetic dentistry procedures available.

Cosmetic Dentistry Definition

Nowadays, many people in the world have a desire to beautify their appearance so that they look attractive, because physical appearance is considered to play an important role in self-esteem.
Cosmetic dentistry is a cosmetic trend that has developed into a multifaceted profession in its approach to building not only a beautiful smile, but also to achieving a neat dental appearance, and facial aesthetics.

Choosing the right and best cosmetic dentist requires many considerations. Nowadays more and more cosmetic dentists are providing treatments, therefore, it is very important to consider all the cosmetic dentistry options available to you.

Types and Cost For Cosmetic Dentistry

Teeth Whitening Treatment
Teeth whitening or also known as bleaching is one of the most common, simplest and affordable methods to improve your smile. (
The easiest and cheapest way to improve the appearance of your smile is through a teeth whitening program. Having a dentist work on your teeth whitening in the clinic will cost you an average of $650.

Meanwhile, you can buy special teeth whitening products like gels and molds from your dentist, so you can whiten your own teeth at home, it will cost you around $250 - $400.
If you are looking for over-the-counter (OTC) products such as mouthwash and toothpaste, whitening gum, whitening strips, and whitening gel polish, the estimated cost will be around $3 to $100.

Teeth bonding
Tooth decay, loss and cracks can be repaired by bonding teeth. This type of treatment involves applying tooth-colored resin to your teeth.
The cosmetic dentist will then bind the material to your tooth using a laser or ultraviolet light. Once the resin has solidified and fully adhered, the cosmetic dentist will trim, shape, and polish it to achieve the desired result. Teeth bonding costs from $150 to $400 per tooth.

Cosmetic Patches
Cosmetic Fillings also called tooth colored fillings, cosmetic fillings are made of composite resin, which comes at an extra cost, and look better than your traditional amalgam fillings. Cosmetic fillings expense around $135 to $240 per tooth.

Indirect fillings
Indirect patches are known as on lays and inlays. It is usually made of gold, porcelain, or a composite material. Similar to crowns and bonding, indirect fillings also fill decaying or damaged teeth.

It is formed into place during the dental visit. On lays and inlays are developed in dental laboratories. These fillings are known as "inlays" when the material used is placed in the center of the tooth.
In fact, it is known as on lay when a filling is applied to one or more tooth points. The price of indirect fillings ranges from $650-$1,200 per tooth.

Dental Implants Cost
Dental implants allow those with missing or severely damaged teeth to have completely new, stunning-looking permanent teeth. Dental implants are small, screw-shaped posts that are surgically inserted into the jaw bone.
It is usually made of titanium. The post will then be closed with a crown, once it is fully fused to the bone, and the patient will have a new, fully functional tooth.
Dental implants have revolutionized modern dentistry, and cost around $2,500 per implant, although factors such as the need for bone grafts, or other methods, to facilitate implantation can drive costs higher.

Dental Crowns Cost
You have 4 options for crowns or caps, designed for decayed teeth, or restoring decayed teeth. After a thorough examination of the tooth that needs restoration, the dentist will recommend the type of crown that is most appropriate for your case.
Crowns are typically made of metal, resin, metal-fused porcelain, or porcelain. Each costs between $1,500 & $2,000.

Full mouth reconstruction
There are many reasons why some people may choose to have full mouth reconstruction. They may need it to rehab from severe periodontitis. They can also be involved in an accident and injure their teeth and gums. Some oral and dental problems can also prompt a person to undergo full oral reconstruction.

Given that it may involve many dentists and mouth surgeons and multiple procedures, full mouth reconstruction can be very expensive. The cost of this type of cosmetic dental surgery can be more than $45,000

Ask Your Dentist About the Cost of Cosmetic Dentistry
If you want cosmetic dentistry to do things the way you want, talk to your dentist about whether this procedure is right for you, and ask about the costs.

Does Insurance Cover Cosmetic Dentistry Services?
Most treatments aren’t covered by insurance because they are often elective. But, if the procedures are medically necessary, insurance companies will cover them.
Teeth Whitening — treatment not covered by insurance
Clear Aligners — services may be partially covered by insurance, relying on age and insurance plan
Teeth Braces — treatment may be partially covered by insurance, relying on age and insurance plan
Veneers — this is not covered by insurance
Gum Contouring — maybe some of the cost of cosmetic dentistry treatment can be covered by insurance if the method is needed for oral health reasons

Last Words
Many people suffer from various types of oral problems, particularly with teeth. Sometimes teeth are broken, missing, uneven, crooked, chipped, teeth with yellow stains, etc. But don't worry, most cosmetic dentistry centers provide a wide range of cosmetic dentistry services.

Friday, November 5, 2021

Best Insomnia Remedies During Your Pregnancy

Do You Experience Insomnia While Pregnant?

      Do you find it hard to sleep in early pregnancy? Insomnia during early pregnancy is generally caused by factors like hormonal changes. Many women experience insomnia at some point during their pregnancy. Relaxation methods, improved sleep hygiene, and cognitive behavioral therapy can help.

Pregnant Woman Suffering from Insomnia

According to a 2018 study of 486 pregnancies, 44.2% of pregnant women experience insomnia during their first trimester. The study concluded that insomnia is more likely to occur in women who frequently had trouble sleeping before becoming pregnant. However, all women can experience sleep disorders while pregnant.
Insomnia may tend to worsen during pregnancy, but it can occur at any stage. In the first trimester, the most likely cause is hormonal changes. (

Pregnancy Insomnia Meaning

Insomnia is characterized by having trouble falling asleep or staying asleep but waking up too early and feeling restless.
It's perfectly normal to experience insomnia once in a while, or even more frequently when something major event is happening in your life.
Pregnancy insomnia is defined as a lack of sleep during early pregnancy, and is usually caused by factors such as hormonal changes. If you're having trouble sleeping frequently (at least three nights a week for three months or more), it could be chronic insomnia.

Causes of Insomnia in Early Pregnancy

Can pregnancy lead to insomnia?
Feeling scared, anxious, worried, or overly excited about your new baby can make it hard to sleep. It is normal to have trouble falling asleep and staying asleep, even if you are really tired.
Additionally, you may also feel physically uncomfortable, and experience back pain or tender breasts. Or it could be babies are very active at night.
You may also have very lucid dreams, and wake up with a start, and often wake up to use the toilet.

When does Pregnancy Insomnia Usually Begin?

It's normal to have trouble sleeping at any time during pregnancy, but many pregnant women experience insomnia from their second to third trimesters, as other signs of pregnancy increase, and a growing belly makes it more difficult for mothers-to-be to get enough sleep. hands on it. and feel comfortable in bed.

Pregnancy Insomnia Natural Remedies

How to deal with insomnia during pregnancy? Here are some tips to help women with pregnancy insomnia.

Aromatherapy has been around for a number of centuries. This involves inhaling, or applying essential oils to the skin for restorative health and wellness purposes. When inhaled, the scent molecules in essential oils travel from the nerves in your nose, directly to the amygdala (the part of the brain that controls emotions).

But before you get to any essential oils, check with your doctor to find out which ones you might find useful as a mother-to-be, and which ones to avoid during pregnancy.
Aromatherapy is possibly safe during pregnancy, but it is important to understand that it is somewhat controversial, as studies on treating insomnia in pregnancy have not been conducted. It's best to discuss essential oils with your gynecologist before using them.

Herbal Teas
Certain herbs have calming and relaxing properties, which are proven to be effective in calming nerves, and improving sleep quality. The herbs you can try are Valerian, St. John's wort. John's wort, and kava. They are available at most health food stores online or offline.

You can prepare herbal tea by adding 1 tablespoon of dry herb to a cup of boiled water. Leave the spices to soak in the water for an hour. Strain and reheat your tea before drinking.
Herbal teas are good for health and are taken in the following way: 1 cup in the morning, 1 cup during the day, and 1 cup at night.
Be careful with valerian tea, as it has a sedative effect, and should not be taken during the day.

Massage Therapy
Improving mood, sleeping better, reducing back pain, reducing anxiety, and reducing stress levels can be achieved with massage and relaxation therapy.
Always speak with your doctor before trying natural and alternative medicines.

Some form of insomnia during pregnancy is common and normal. Mums-to-be adapt to sleep deprivation, which is an instructive way to help new moms adjust to sleep deprivation, after the baby is born. If your insomnia seems to be getting worse, or if it's causing you anxiety and getting out of hand, see your doctor.

Manage Your Liquids
When you're pregnant, you'll find that you spend a lot of time going to the bathroom.
To reduce the number of visits to the toilet during the night, which interfere with your sleep, try going to the toilet before going to bed, and avoid having too many drinks before bed.

Best Sleeping Position During Pregnancy
Sleeping on your left side with slightly arched legs is considered a good sleeping position during pregnancy. This position allows your blood to flow to your heart, kidneys, and uterus, and increases the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to your baby. Although not as optimal as the left side, sleeping on your right side during pregnancy is also acceptable.

It might be helpful to use a few more pillows for side sleeping, especially if you're not used to this sleeping position. Try tucking in wedge pillows to support your stomach, or adding a thin pillow between your knees to help relieve pressure on your lower back.

Some women find it beneficial to hug a body pillow, or place a pillow under the lower back.
As the uterus grows larger, sleeping on your back during pregnancy can trigger backaches, and put pressure on the vena cava.

The vena cava is one of the main blood vessels of the body, so it can interfere with blood flow. and causing dizziness. While sleeping on your stomach is fine for a short time, it is best to avoid it. Most pregnant women find it uncomfortable to sleep on their stomach as soon as the baby bump reaches a certain size.

For many women, the insomnia during the first trimester will pass. If you're struggling, try taking a nap. But skip all sleep-inducing supplements, medications, or herbs, until you talk to your doctor about them.
If your insomnia is interfering with your ability to function normally, your doctor may be able to prescribe a sedative that is safe to use during pregnancy.

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Benefits and Side Effects of Milk Thistle

Milk Thistle Benefits for Your Health

       Milk thistle is a plant so named, because of the white veins on its large, spiny leaves.
One of the active ingredients in milk thistle known as silymarin is extracted from the seeds of the plant. Silymarin is trusted and known to have antioxidant properties. This natural remedy is sold as an oral tablet: milk thistle capsule, and liquid extract. People particularly use it as the milk thistle supplement to treat liver conditions.

Benefits and Side Effects of Milk Thistle

What Is Milk Thistle?

Milk thistle is native plant to Europe, and was brought to North America by a colonizer. It is now found throughout the eastern USA, California, and South America. A milk thistle plant grows up to two meters high and has large and bright purple flowers.

Milk thistle flower, or Silybum marianum, is a perennial herb that some people believe has medicinal properties. Milk thistle is also famous as the names Saint Mary's thistle, Scotch thistle, and variegated thistle, The seeds contain silymarin, a group of compounds said to have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. Milk thistle is commonly used as a medicine to treat liver problems, often under the assumption that it will "detoxify" the liver.

Medicinal Properties of Milk Thistle

Dried fruit from milk thistle is consist of flavonoid complex referred to as silymarin. Basically, silymarin consists of three main components known as silidianin, silibinin, and silicristin.. Out of these 3 components, silibinin is the most active, and provides the majority of  advantages delivered by milk thistle.

What Are the Benefits of Milk Thistle?

Various clinical researches have been done which have highlighted the benefits of milk thistle for various health conditions.

Milk Thistle Benefits for Skin Health
Milk thistle oil can be used topically to improve the health of your skin. Milk thistle may support to promote healthy skin. A 2015 study found that milk thistle could help to improve inflamed skin conditions when applied to the skin of mice.

Milk thistle was also found to have antioxidant, and anti-aging effects on human skin cells in a laboratory environment in another study.
Further studies in humans are needed, to identify what benefits can be expected in humans, from applying milk thistle to their skin.

Is Milk Thistle Good for Your Liver?
Does milk thistle really work? There’s conflicting research on the advantages of milk thistle liver detox for health. It may have protective impacts on the liver, preventing damage. There is some proof that milk thistle can heal cirrhosis, and chronic hepatitis, which can be triggered by alcohol, viruses, or autoimmune disease. But specialists say that the evidence isn’t conclusive.

Several studies have also shown that milk thistle can help humans, whose livers have been damaged by industrial toxins, such as toluene and xylene.
There is not enough scientific data to state whether or not milk thistle can help liver issues.(

Helps Balance Blood Sugar
Studies show that taking milk thistle alongside conventional medication can support human with diabetes, reduce blood sugar, and protecting towards insulin resistance.
A 2016 review in the Journal of Diabetes Research, discover giving patients silymarin reduced fasting blood glucose levels. It has also been exposed to lowering 'bad' cholesterol in those with diabetes. Talk to your doctor before trying milk thistle, if you have diabetes.

Preventing Age-Related Decline in Brain Function.
Milk thistle has been used as a natural home remedy for neurological conditions like Parkinson’s disease and  Alzheimer’s for over two thousand years.
Its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties mean that, it may be neuroprotective, and may help prevent the decline in brain function you experience, as you age.
In test-tube and animal studies, silymarin has been shown to prevent oxidative damage to brain cells, which may help prevent mental decline.

This study also shows that, milk thistle might reduce the amount of amyloid plaques, in the brains of animals, with Alzheimer's disease.
Amyloid plaques are sticky clusters of amyloid proteins, that can construct between nerve cells as you age.
They are observable in very high numbers in the brains of people with Alzheimer’s disease, meaning that milk thistle could potentially be used to help heal this difficult condition.

However, there are currently no human studies, studying the effects of milk thistle in humans with Alzheimer's, or other neurological conditions, such as Parkinson's and dementia.
In particular, it is not clear whether milk thistle is well absorbed in humans, to allow sufficient amounts, to pass through the blood flow barrier to the brain. It’s also unknown what doses would need to be determined for it to have a beneficial effect.

An anti-inflammatory
Taking milk thistle may help lowering flare-ups in the body. In a 2015 American study, the herb was display to suppress inflammation in cells, and T-cells (a kind of white blood cell). A separate study in the journal PLOSOne in 2017 discover that silymarin triggers anti-inflammatory activity, in white blood cells.

Risks and Considerations of Milk Thistle
Milk thistle is generally considered safe for most humans. though it does have the potential to create gastrointestinal problems , headaches, and itchiness.
It could possibly cause an allergic reaction, too, especially if you have an allergy to related plants, like marigold, daisies, ragweed,  or chrysanthemums.

Because milk thistle is a supplement, the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) doesn't regulate it in the same way they regulate drugs. Therefore, you need to buy milk thistle from a reputable retailer.
As with natural remedies, humans should talk to a doctor, if they want to use milk thistle,.
Milk thistle may interact with several medications. This is a special attention if an individual is already receiving treatment for liver conditions.

Milk thistle has a range of potential health advantages due to its active ingredient, silymarin, which is known as a antioxidant.
More studies need to be done, before a definitive list of milk thistle benefits can be confirmed.

That said, it is a healthful supplement that may be worth trying alongside conventional treatments.
It is always a great idea to discuss to a healthcare professional, before start out to use milk thistle or other supplements, as it may interact with other medications or conditions. Milk thistle supplements are available for purchase in health food stores, offline and online.